• Published 1st Mar 2016
  • 5,574 Views, 242 Comments

Relationships are Evil - TheTimeSword

Twilight's pretty good at reforming villains, but is she good at dating them? Starlight seems to think so. Can Discord win the bet for Twilight's heart before another villain sweeps her off her hooves? Maybe it's better she just stays single.

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Chapter 15: A Change of Scenery

The purple dragon walked down the castle hall holding a comic that he planned to read whilst he ate breakfast. Before he could get to the early morning reading, he was tasked with one little job. He knocked on the bedroom door, attempting to wake the sleeping changeling. When no one answered, he knocked again, much louder than the first. With a groan, he began to knock again, only to have the door swing open.

“WHAT!?” Chrysalis yelled at him, bearing her fangs with an ill expression on her face.

Spike held the comic in front of him, shielding himself from her fury. “Geez, you really aren’t the morning type. Breakfast is ready, apparently you’re going to be spending the day with Twilight. I’m just here to make sure you get down stairs,” he explained with an irritated tone.

She rolled her eyes in defiance, then said, “Fine. I’ll be down in a little bi-“ She noticed the comic he held, recognizing the cover art. “Is that Power Ponies issue number forty-two!?” she exclaimed.

He raised an eyebrow, a bit surprised she even knew what a comic was. “Um, yeah?”

The changeling levitated the graphic novel out of his claw and then flipped through the pages. “I loved this one! The whole plot of Mane-iac killing the second Hum drum, and then it turns out that he lived, and he later comes back as the Magenta Cowl to force Masked Matter-Horn to kill him or he’ll kill Mane-iac. I squealed for weeks the first time I read it!” Chrysalis giddily explained the premise.

“I hadn’t finished reading that…” he begrudgingly said.

She closed the comic, levitating it back into his claws. “Oh, my bad.”

“So, you’re into comics?” he asked, intrigued as to what else she may have read.

“Of course. I have hobbies! Absorbing love isn’t all I do,” she replied, a disgruntled scowl crossed her face.

He shook his head, and then said, “I didn’t ask because you’re a changeling, I asked because I was surprised somepony else enjoyed reading comics. Most of my friends don’t care for them, they say they’re for kids or whatever.”

“Right. Sorry,” she replied, nervously chuckling. “It’s just, you’re the first one who has asked me about my hobbies. It’s usually just about love or shapeshifting.”

“Don’t worry about it. Those’ll fade over tim-“

As the purple dragon spoke, a familiar voice yelled to him, interrupting their conversation. “Spike! Breakfast!”

He had completely forgotten what his job had been. “Oh shoot! Well, there goes my morning reading,” he murmured. His eyes shifted back to the changeling. “Breakfast is ready, though I imagine you already know that now.”

Chrysalis laughed, her high-pitched voice rang throughout the hall. “Don’t keep her waiting. I’ll be down in a moment.”

Spike nodded and took his leave. It wasn’t long into breakfast that the queen eventually made her way down the stairs. Twilight and Spike were already halfway through eating each of their sets of waffles.

“Good morning!” Twilight greeted the changeling as she entered the dining room.

“What’s good about it?” Chrysalis irritatedly muttered.

Spike leaned to Twilight, whispering, “She’s not a morning person.”

“Oh, well that’s okay. I’ve got something to fix that up in a jiffy!” she replied, rising from her seat.

Chrysalis sat down in front of her plate of waffles, the whip cream had started to melt off the side and liquefy on the plate. Levitating a knife and fork over, she then cut into the waffles and forked the smallest bit. She stared at the crispy morsel that sat on her fork, and with hesitation, she stuck it in her mouth and began to chew. A few bites in and she was pleasantly surprised by the taste. As she took her third mouthful, a mug was levitated over in front of her. “What’s this?” she asked, food dribbling from her mouth.

“That would be coffee, something to wake you up. In my case, it’s something to keep me up at night,” Twilight replied as she took her seat.

Chrysalis took a quick whiff before sipping the strange, new drink. She smacked her lips after tasting it, trying to comprehend the flavor. “It’s bitter, but hot. I’d be so inclined to say it matches my personality. Add a little resentment and I’d say it’s a changeling in disguise,” she sarcastically described.

“From Starlight’s notes and my own observations, it’s clear you don’t get much pony food in your diet. You can ingest both love and cuisine, yet prefer love as it lasts longer, and it boosts your magical power,” Twilight reiterated as she looked over her notes. “So, besides the boost to your power, why don’t you just eat food?”

The changeling had been gobbling down the waffles like a pig fighting off others for the slop in a trough. Once she finally realized she had been asked a question, she quickly lowered the fork and knife, taking a moment to wipe her mouth. “Do you really believe any of my changelings would willingly learn to cook, let alone be good at it? Cookery like this is a rare and precious thing, something I have oh so missed.”

Twilight watched as Chrysalis returned to stuffing her face, a bit surprised by the easy explanation. She slumped over her notepad, marking and writing different things. “Makes sense I suppose,” she uttered, still watching the queen down her breakfast in a speedy fashion.

While the two had talked, Spike was busy reading his comic with one hand and shoving waffles into his mouth with the other. He finally slammed the pages onto the counter, and then yelled, “That was amazing! Mane-iac trying to blow up both her and Masked Matter-Horn, but Matter-Horn won’t let that happen! And then Matter-Horn staring at Hum Drum’s memorial case for Raisin Sod? That ending was perfect!”

“I know right!? I mean, the whole subplot with Dark Mane was a bit pointless, other than breaking Mane-iac out of prison, but it was still pretty awesome in the end,” Chrysalis slurred through mouthfuls of food, slamming her hooves down in excitement, causing coffee and cream to spill onto the table.

“What are you two talking about?” Twilight asked, looking up from her notepad.

Spike lifted the comic up. “Only the greatest thing ever! Turns out Chrysalis loves comics just as much as I do!” he enthusiastically answered.

“Really?” Twilight queried.

Chrysalis finished off the last of her waffles, whipped cream had encased itself on her upper lip. As she licked it off, she replied, “Well, I do enjoy some other fantasy things as well. It’s what made it so easy to influence your brother. Any stallion who is higher than level thirty in Ogres and Oubliettes is absolutely worthy of being manipulated by a changeling queen!”

Twilight raised an eyebrow, the changeling’s words went through one ear and out the other. “O-Okay,” she stuttered. “This has been enlightening, but it further proves my point. I don’t know much about you, Chrysalis, so today we’ll be spending some time together.”

“Yes, the scaly one mentioned that. It’s about time I get you all to myself,” she replied.

“Well, I’m glad you’re positive about it. Whether you’re interested more in the bet or just being reformed, I’d still like to get to know you better before we visit your home. Today will be a great bonding experience, and now that I know Spike and you have something in common, perhaps we three should spend the day together. What do you think?”

The changeling gave a big yawn, her tired eyes shifted from Twilight to the purple dragon. “Mhm, sure. That’s fine with m-“ she paused, taking a moment before snapping her eyes back to Twilight. “D-Did you say, visit my home?”

Feeling the tone of Chrysalis’s voice, Twilight quickly answered, “Yes. I’d like to see how you live. Not just to get to know you, but to learn more of your species and maybe even better it.”

Chrysalis hissed at the very idea. “The big, important pony wants to help the little changelings with all their problems, is that it?” she said with a condescending tone.

“Actually, if you want to phrase it like that, yes. Though I’m hoping today we can become closer, and instead of seeing it through your resentment of ponykind, you’ll see it as a friend trying to help a friend,” Twilight replied with a smile, trying her very best to not patronize the changeling.

“And what makes you think we changelings even need help?” the queen growled.

Spike interjected, “Oh! I get it! It’s like that time the Power Ponies tried to save the underwater city of Akhalantis when it started to crack. The Akhalantians wanted to take the surface by force, but their leader Water Colt knew they shouldn’t. Mistress Mare-velous negotiated with Water Colt, since she was from the mysterious island of Alfalfis, and they both helped find peace for the Akhalantians.”

“Didn’t Water Colt’s brother betray him, cutting off a hoof and killing his wife? I’m not Water Colt in this scenario, am I?” Chrysalis fearfully asked.

“Uhm, well… I believe so. But that’s more of a reason to accept Twilight’s help sooner rather than later!”

Twilight raised an eyebrow before scooching forward in her chair. “I have no idea what either of you are talking about, but it looks like Spike has already found something you’re passionate about. To strengthen our relationship, why don’t we head to a comic book store? Maybe then you can share your enthusiasm with me.”

Spike raised his arms into the air, a smile shined off his scales. “We never get to go comic book shopping!”

“They have an entire store just for comics?” Chrysalis inquired. “Why have none of my minions ever reported this to me?”

“That’s a good question, one that I might be able to solve, but only after I get to know you,” Twilight replied, jumping down from her seat at the table.

Chrysalis chugged her coffee, giving a gleeful sigh as she finished the brew. As she rose from the table and walked over to Twilight, she said, “I shall humor you, Twilight. You’ve enlightened me to coffee and comic book stores, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you were trying to win a bet for me.”

Giggling in response, Twilight levitated Spike’s comic over to them. “The only thing I’m trying to win is your friendship. And after today, I hope you’ll accept me as your friend.”

The changeling rolled her eyes, then pointed to her mouth and stuck out her tongue. “You’re going to choke me with your sentiments before you ever get the chance. Lead the way, princess,” she responded.

“Come along, Spike,” Twilight called out, levitating a saddle bag onto her back.

The three then headed off to the Ponyville comic book shop, the early morning sun glistened against the morning dew, livening up their short journey into town. Upon reaching the store, they noticed it had yet to open. As they planned to wait, Spike pointed out the open hours sign, showing the store would be closed for the entire day.

“Well, that’s a bit upsetting,” Twilight murmured as she examined the shop through the windows.

“Maybe we should go to Canterlot? They’ve got a way bigger store there!” Spike mentioned.

Chrysalis let out a grunt before responding, “I don’t think I’m allowed in Canterlot again until I’ve reformed.”

“Oh, right, the invasion,” he nervously said, letting out a soft chuckle as he spoke.

As they discussed on what to do next, a voice called out from behind them. “Sorry folks, stores closed for today.” The brown pony then noticed who exactly stood in front of him. “Oh! Twilight, my apologies. Did you need something from me?”

“Well, right now we’re out on a friendship lesson. Would you mind opening up for just a little bit for me and my friends? We won’t be long, I promise,” Twilight politely asked, graciously curtseying to the shopkeeper.

He jangled his keys, quickly unlocking the door. “Anything for you, and your, ahem, big friend,” he replied, holding the door open for the trio of varying species. “I just came to grab something I forgot.”

Spike immediately jogged over to the Power Ponies section, Chrysalis quickly following behind. Comics weren’t the only thing the store had been filled with. Board games, dice, and other collectibles lined the walls and shelves. Taking a glance at everything the shop had to offer, Twilight made her way around as if she was looking for something specific.

“If y’all don’t mind, I’ll be in the back. Take your time looking around, holler whenever you’re finished or ready to buy,” the shopkeeper shouted as he vanished behind a curtain.

The changeling let out a gasp, causing Twilight to waltz over, wishing to be in on the changeling’s discovery. “Found something you like?” she asked.

The queen levitated one of the comics to Twilight’s face. “They have issue number thirty-five! This was the first Power Ponies comic I ever read after confiscating it from one of my kin! The last two pages were ripped out so I never found out what happened!”

Twilight looked at the cover, one of the Power Ponies had their spine slammed against a brutish, muscular centaur’s leg. She winced, feeling the empathy for the superhero, and then looked back to Chrysalis’s smiling face. It was the happiest she had ever seen the changeling queen. She returned the smile, saying, “Well, what are you waiting for? Find out how it ends!”

Chrysalis smiled even harder, which Twilight had thought near impossible. She turned the comic around and flipped to the end, an intense expression blanketed her face as she began to read. Twilight wandered to the board games section, eventually hearing the gasp and squeal she had been expecting. A small, short giggle left her throat as she examined the table top games.

After a while, Spike rushed over to Twilight, pulling her tail to quietly get her attention. She turned around, looking down at the purple dragon. He then lifted a comic into her view before whispering, “Go ask her about this one. Trust me.”

She gave a nod and levitated the comic out of his claws. Chrysalis was staring at the wall of comics with mouth agape, unsure of which to pick up and look at. “Chrysalis, what’s this one about?” asked Twilight, levitating the comic over to the changeling.

“This is the newest release! Issue one hundred! It contains all the background characters saving the day! I’ve been waiting forever for it!” she excitedly exclaimed. As she went to grasp it, Twilight levitated it away, bringing the comic over to the counter. “Hey!” the changeling yelled.

“It’d be rude to stand around and read without paying for something. Perhaps when we get back to the castle you’d like to read it together?” offered Twilight, ringing the bell as she spoke.

Chrysalis exuded an endearing smile, giving an approving nod to the alicorn. “I’d like that,” she replied.

The shopkeeper waltzed out of the backroom and up to the counter. “Find everything to your liking?” he asked as a small box was placed on the counter next to the comic.

Twilight looked down to see Spike standing with her. She gave a questioning eyebrow to which he snarkily answered, “Hey, I helped today. I deserve a reward.” Twilight rolled her eyes, a smile still on her face. She lifted bits out of her saddle bag and paid the owner.

With their purchases in tow, the three returned to the castle. Twilight set her saddle bags down at the door, levitating the game and comic from the satchel. She then headed to her study room with Chrysalis following behind like a lost puppy.

“Do you want to do the voices or should I?” Twilight asked as she moved pillows around, creating a big enough cushion for the two mares.

“Voices?” Chrysalis questioned with furrowed brow.

Twilight patted the cushions, motioning for the changeling to sit down. “Yeah. Trust me, it’ll be better if we read it aloud. I read very quickly and I don’t think comics are about speed reading,” she replied.

Giving a nod, Chrysalis lied down, Twilight nestling in next to her. The changeling then opened the comic to the first page and said, “I’ll let you read it, but if there is any villains, then I get to do their voices. It’s only natural.” She gave a smug grin as she looked to the alicorn.

“That’s fair,” replied Twilight, a giggle in her voice as she spoke.

Time drew on, and as the two reached the end of the graphic novel, a knock came to the door. Starlight slowly opened it and peered in, noticing Twilight wasn’t alone. She gave a shy smile before apologizing, “Sorry, didn’t know you weren’t alone.”

“That’s okay,” Twilight replied. “Did you need something?”

Starlight shook her head. “No, no. Well, I did have something to tell you, but it’s not nearly as important as you two bonding,” she noted with a smile.

“We’re almost done, shouldn’t be more than a few minutes.”

“It’s not important enough for you to hurry. Whenever you’re ready, head over to Fluttershy’s cottage. Take your time!” Starlight then began to close the door, only to open it once more. “By the way, you two look adorable,” she teased, quickly closing the door as a pillow was thrown.

Twilight was blushing as she turned her head back to the comic. “Where were we?” she hammily asked.

“Final page,” replied the queen.

“You know something, girls? We are so lucky to live in this town. I love you all!” Twilight read the text in her Masked Matter-Horn voice, and then closed the comic shut. “That was actually really sweet. I love weddings,” she mentioned.

“I went to a wedding once. It was awful,” Chrysalis sarcastically joked.

With a hearty laugh, Twilight looked up at the changeling’s green eyes. “You know, if you do win the bet, your brother-in-law would be Shining Armor.”

“Oh? So you think I have a chance at winning?” she teased with a smug grin.

The alicorn immediately turned her head away from the queen’s sight, attempting to hide her blushing cheeks. She then said, “I mean, it is possible. Anything can happen.” It was then she felt a warm set of lips pressing against her cheek. Her head snapped back around with mouth agape.

Twilight stared at the sultry, green eyes of the changeling, locking themselves in each other’s gaze. “I’ve had a wonderful time today, Twilight. Think of that as a thank you gift.”

The slack-jawed expression faded to a smile as Twilight nodded, her cheeks still blushing from the sensual gift. “I really should go see what’s going on at Fluttershy’s cottage,” she said as she stood up. “Once I get back, would you like to play that board game with Spike?”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” replied Chrysalis, giving a wink to the alicorn. After Twilight had left, she began to look over the comic once more, still smiling as she glossed over the pages.

With her head in the clouds, Twilight left the castle, trotting her way to her friend’s home. She had completely forgotten to ask Starlight why she was going to the cottage in the first place, but her mind was in another place all together. Once she arrived, she noted the box and open door, causing her to snap out of her stupor. As she peered inside the open frame, she saw the draconequus dusting the headboards.

“Discord?” she called his name.

He spun around, striking a pose as he faced her. “Hello, Twilight! What brings you here?”

She noticed the chairs and tables had been moved around, and that her pegasus friend was nowhere to seen. “Starlight told me to visit Fluttershy. What are you doing here? Where is she?”

“Oh! Well, Fluttershy has been kind enough to allow me to temporarily move in with her. She mentioned how difficult it would be for you to get in touch with me if I stayed in my chaotic dimension, and how unfair it was that the other villains get to live with you. So, here I am! Sprucing up the place for her.” He then waved the duster at her, the handle shaped in the image of Discord.

“If you wanted to move into the castle, why didn’t you just say so? We’ve got plenty of room. It’s not like I’d deny you, you’re more than welcome,” she avowed.

“I think living here will give me an advantage in this bet. You won’t have to put up with me every day like you do them, and I’ll get to share ideas and plans with Fluttershy at any time! It’s perfect!” he explained as he waltzed over to Twilight and walked out the door. He then reached down and picked up the cardboard box, bringing it inside.

“Where is Fluttershy, anyways?” she asked, attempting to peer inside the box as he walked by.

He placed it down in a corner, hiding out of view from the rest of the living room. “I believe she is out gathering some groceries. She told me she wouldn’t be back for a while, and to not make her house too chaotic,” he replied. “However, I believed that the most chaotic thing I could do was clean, and so here I am!” he said with a chuckle.

“I see,” she said as she closed the door. “Well now I have to make a decision.”

Discord turned his head with curiosity, but was still able to clean without looking. “Decision?”

“Yep. I can either return to the castle, or continue to watch as you actually put effort into your work,” she said with sass exuding from her tone.

“Do you enjoy watching another work hard?” he asked as he snapped his fingers, dusters and rags appearing all over the room, wiping and cleaning every inch of space. “Or do you just like the quality of the job done well?”

She shook her head, smiling as she answered, “I don’t mean the cleaning. Just you, doing things to actually try and win me over. Though, that could just be my head talking, since it is still up in the clouds after that kiss.”

“Kiss!?” he said with surprise.

“It was just a little peck on the cheek, but it was definitely enjoyable. Though I’m sure they wouldn’t want me talking about it,” she replied, keeping who it was in the dark.

Discord teleported to her, sliding his body around her like a snake. “Perhaps if I’m falling behind, I can make up for it with a bit of passion,” he replied with a zealous smile.

“Sorry, but as I said, someone else has already claimed the passion for today,” she smugly demurred as she teleported from his grasp, hoping to see the fire in Discord’s eyes.

She got her wish as his jaw fell to the floor, an iron clang rang out as it hit the ground. He quickly picked it back up and shoved it into place, then asked, “Who was it!? You can’t leave me in suspense like this!”

“I’d love to ramble on about it, but I really must be getting back to them,” she said with a wink. “There’s always tomorrow.”

He then placed his hands onto her cheeks, pinching and pulling with a gentle strength. “You’re manipulative, shrewd, and absolutely annoying,” he said with an irritated tone. “You’re definitely the mare for me!” A smile popped up on his face as he let go, snapping her cheeks back into place.

“And you drive me crazy,” she replied as she rubbed her cheeks, giving Discord a firm, smug grin.

“Is that a compliment or an insult?” he inquired.

Opening the door with her magic, she trotted outside, taking a whiff of the fresh air before answering, “Both.” The door slowly shut as she looked back, giving the draconequus a sensual smile, to which he nervously smiled back.