• Published 1st Mar 2016
  • 5,574 Views, 242 Comments

Relationships are Evil - TheTimeSword

Twilight's pretty good at reforming villains, but is she good at dating them? Starlight seems to think so. Can Discord win the bet for Twilight's heart before another villain sweeps her off her hooves? Maybe it's better she just stays single.

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Chapter 24: Jealousy

The music filled the room with high spirits, but there was seldom few out on the dance floor. Everyone had gathered together for Tirek’s return: the Elements of Harmony, the reforming villains, and even Discord. Though, Discord mostly came to brag to Tirek about his date with Twilight – which he hadn’t been able to do just yet. It wasn’t for a lack of trying, but someone always dragged the centaur into another conversation. Everyone wanted to chat with the fully reformed Tirek.

It was surprising to Twilight how well he made conversation, mostly discussing the time he spent he in Canterlot. “Spending a few days solely by Celestia’s side was quite a learning experience,” he had told the room. She was even more surprised that it was pleasant conversation he was making. The anger and vitriol that had surrounded him the last time they spoke seemed to have vanished. She almost thought he was Chrysalis in disguise by how charming he had become – but the changeling stood idly by, chatting with Spike. Well, she had been until Applejack came and swept him away to dance.

Chrysalis smiled as she watched the purple dragon be dragged out onto the dance floor. She let her eyes wander for a moment, drifting among the other guests. Her expression fell sour as she spotted the dark unicorn. Sombra stood across the room, chatting with Rarity and Twilight who had trotted over for only a moment. A light touch from Rarity against his shoulder sent a bolt down Chrysalis’s spine, then another as Twilight laughed at something he said. Her whole body began to shake, her eyes filled with poison.

She had been so fixated on Sombra and the mares that she hadn’t noticed Starlight’s presence. A soft-spoken word knocked her from her brooding. “I’m sorry, what was that?” she asked, finally aware of the unicorn.

“I said, are you enjoying yourself?” Starlight asked, giving a dry smile. “You seem out of it, hugged over here against the wall. I’ve never seen you so stoic.”

The changeling smirked, unsure if it was a compliment or a complaint. She turned her gaze back to the black stallion across the room, still chummy with Rarity and now Applejack and Spike as well. “I’m not really a partier,” she told the mare. In truth, there was only one that she wanted to talk to, but he wanted nothing to do with her.

Starlight stared up at the changeling, her face had become as still as water in a windless lake. She finally took the hint of what Chrysalis was staring at. “He’s mighty handsome,” she blurted out, hoping for a rise.

“Don’t tell me you’re interested in him too,” Chrysalis replied with a slight hint of fury.

“You know-” Starlight placed a hoof on the changeling’s shoulder “if even a small compliment can make you jealous, then you should probably take a breather.” She then strolled back to the other guests, giving a wink as she walked away.

The strange suggestion sailed through Chrysalis’s mind like a slight breeze, in one ear and out the other. She took a moment and felt herself shaking, anger raging inside her. It was then she realized what the unicorn meant. She closed her eyes and sucked in air through her nostrils, releasing it with a sigh. When she opened them again she saw the returned centaur standing in front of her, causing a slight yelp to be trapped in her throat.

“I didn’t mean to startle you,” he said in a hushed tone. “I just noticed you were alone and we haven’t had a chance to chat. I figured you could use the company.”

“Oh, the guest of honor has decided to grace me with his presence. How cute.”

“Well, I can see why you’re alone over here. You need all the room you can get just to fit you and your ego.”

She grinned. “Glad to see your time with prissy, uptight nobles hasn’t caused you to lose your quick wit. You have no idea how lackluster the retorts are that this group gives. It’s been dreadfully boring.”

“You and I barely talked prior to my leave.”

“I know. Wonderful, wasn’t it?” she mocked.

Tirek couldn’t help but bellow with infectious laughter, earning a suppressed giggle from the changeling. He bowed to his wisecracking rival – she was far more entertaining with her jests than Discord. As he went to move on to other guests, he hadn’t gotten more than a few steps after leaving her company that he heard her scream at the top of her lungs. The word she yelled was something unintelligible, but caused his attention to shift back to her nonetheless. He saw her pointing across the room, a truly evil expression blanketed her face.

The whole room glanced at what she was pointing at, including the two that had been the cause. Rarity and Sombra stood still, startled by the sudden outburst, but still holding each other’s hoof. The queen growled with fury, her green eyes locked on the two. To her dismay, Rarity frowned and levitated a napkin over to their hooves, pressing it against the top of Sombra’s foreleg. Chrysalis realized her mistake as the napkin came up smeared, and all eyes had now been turned on her. She didn’t see the confusion on their faces, only focusing on the angry expression of Sombra and the surly glare of Rarity.

Embarrassment filled her as she realized that all eyes were now on her. With a burst of speed, the changeling became a black blur, disappearing from the room and out into the hall. The guests stood around, unsure as to what they should do. Sombra rolled his eyes to Rarity, hoping to be done with Chrysalis and continue the festivities. Instead, Rarity stood frowning at him with eyes as sad and wide as he had ever seen. He knew what she wanted but shook his head with resent, not willing to give in to her silent demand.

“So, no one’s going to go after her?” The silence of the room was finally broke by the purple dragon. He looked around at the crestfallen faces of the group. It was clear Sombra refused to go, but Twilight and Rarity hesitated for a moment, unsure if they should be the ones to comfort the embarrassed changeling. The other Elements and ex-villains stood around awkwardly staring at each other. He gave a sigh, knowing he would be the one that would have to do it – though it made the most sense as he was closer to her than any other.

He exited the room without a peep from the others, only their awkward stares as the door closed. It was true he had gotten to know her well, even anticipating where she had fled. It was the same place he had buried himself away after feeling his heartstrings snap and wither. He gave a knock on her bedroom door and announced himself, hoping she would be willing to see him. The door clicked and he slid the handle open, peering in before entering. Chrysalis sat slumped against the bed, a few miserable tears streaming down her cheeks. He rushed over and embraced her in a hug.

This was a surprise to the changeling, but not unwelcome. She wrapped a foreleg around his back, a few of his spines losing themselves in the holes of her hoof. “I’m sorry for causing a scene,” she blubbered. “I can only imagine the things they’re saying about me now.”

“Don’t worry about the rest of them. You can’t let what others think control you,” he replied. “Whoa. Almost sounded like Twilight there for a second.”

She snickered and cleared her eyes of tears. “How’d you know I needed a hug?”

Spike sat down with his legs crossed, staring up at the dreary changeling. “It’s what I needed. Y’know, when I found out about Rarity,” he hesitantly said. “Comfort in a friend is something everyone could use for a hurt heart.”

Her heart was hurting, she knew that much, but it wasn’t envy or jealousy she was feeling anymore. It was loneliness, a feeling she knew all too well. Twilight had proved she barely knew anything about her changelings, and Sombra no longer showed an interest in her. Yet here was another that must have known how she felt, she believed that, and for a moment she dropped all her plans for invasion and betrayal. It was a fleeting moment though, her paranoia and distrust inched forward back into the forethought of her mind.

“Friendship just brings about the hurt heart though. Without it, you wouldn’t need more friends, right?” Her tone was harsh, but she spoke with purpose. “Being alone isn’t a bad thing. You don’t get hurt, you don’t feel like a failure.” The serious look she had as her eyes focused on nothing was dropped as she heard the laughter of the purple dragon.

“Without friends, you wouldn’t know if you were hurting because you wouldn’t have happiness to compare it to.”

Her mouth fell agape and her eyes widened. The memory of the changelings who she had been close to and lost drifted back into her mind’s eye, glancing over the images of those she knew. Just as those who came before, she worried that Spike would become one of those brief friends. The changeling queen brushed her hoof against his cheek, feeling for him the same care she had for her kind.

With a slow, gentle touch she leaned down and kissed the dragon on the forehead. “You’re very sweet, Spike,” she whispered, “and a wonderful friend.”

He smiled up at her, slightly blushing from the interaction. “Aww, it was nothin’,” he replied. With a slowness in his movement, he rose up and walked over to the door. “If you want to stay in here I’m not going to stop you, but you’re more than welcome to join the party again. I know there are several there who’d enjoy partying with you, myself included.”

“I’ll stay here for just a minute, you run along ahead.”

After he left, closing the door behind him, her smile faded from her face. She felt herself be alone once more, soaking in the sentiment. Conquering this place seemed so easy, she thought. How can I do that if I’m busily crying over a stupid stallion and a wonderful dragon. The sides of her mouth crinkled as tears once again ran down her muzzle. She felt the seed of hope, the desire to become friends, and nothing frightened her more. Her body shook, not with fear, but with anticipation. The anticipation of where she would go, what she would do, and what mistakes she would make.

A long, drawn-out sigh left the changeling as she rose to her hooves. She had stayed for longer than a minute, and so she decided to exit her room. She wandered the hall back to the second floor and down a different hall. The glitter and streamers covered the walls as she walked, eventually reaching the room that held the party. No sound seemed to come from inside. She pressed her ear against the frame and could hear the stomping of hooves, but it was barely audible. With a twist of the knob, the door slowly creaked open.

Any movement that had been happening ceased. Spike stood in the middle of the room, some others were standing around him with alarmed expressions. Tirek and Discord winced at the sight of her, while Sombra shrouded himself in a corner with Rarity. Twilight had her back to the door, but had turned to the creaking noise. Chrysalis examined all of their faces, demeanors, and expressions. She had not prepared herself for the stares, leaving her speechless.

“We didn’t expect to see you back so soon,” Twilight said as she wandered over to the changeling. “We’re glad you did though. We couldn’t celebrate the second party without you.”

Chrysalis raised her eyebrow, her mouth left ajar. She was still speechless, but didn’t get a chance to compose herself before Starlight brought a scroll over. Several others followed behind, even Rarity and Sombra. They all crowded behind Twilight, waiting for the surprise to be sprung. Had the door not remained open, Chrysalis surely would have discovered she was claustrophobic.

With a quick roll, the paper unraveled in front of Chrysalis’s face. “Surprise!” the group yelled in unison. She was startled for a moment, expecting to be pranked or humiliated in some fashion. Her eyes rattled, eventually turning her focus to the paper itself. The mumbled mush of words and lines confused her at first, but then she noticed the structure was oddly familiar.

“Is this what I think it is?” she asked, to no one in particular.

“Yep. I’ve gotten approval from Celestia, it’ll be built near Sweet Apple Acres. Though, this isn’t the final design, just the first of many,” Twilight explained.

Pinkie blew into a party blower, sending a sharp, high-pitched, horn noise sailing past Twilight’s ear. “You get a new home!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Chrysalis could barely believe it. “You’re going to build me and my kind a new home? So close to you ponies? I-I haven’t even reformed yet, why are you doing this?” She stared up at all the smiling faces, not realizing tears had begun to stream down her cheeks.

“Even if you’re a terrible miscreant, the other changelings aren’t. No sense in punishing them,” Discord replied with his own two bits.

“The great Discord feels pity for a race that isn’t his own?” Tirek jibed. “How unlike you.”

Discord crossed his arms, unwilling to play into the centaur’s hand. “The changelings are quite tolerable, unlike a certain breed I know of.”

“I have to agree with Discord.” Twilight rolled the paper back into a scroll. “Well, sort of,” she clarified. “I think that even if you aren’t necessarily reformed, that doesn’t mean the other changelings should have to suffer the consequences. They’re all quite nice, and for an exchange they can also benefit the world around them.”

“This is all too much.” Chrysalis fell on her rump as she tried to back away, her vision clouded by the tears pouring in excess. “I’ve never received so much kindness.”

Spike stepped forward and took one of the changeling’s front hooves in his claws. “You’re a friend to all of us, Chrysalis.” He then pushed against her, hugging his small body against her chest. The others piled in around the two, except for Sombra.

The embrace filled the changeling with true happiness, more so than any love draining ever could. She smiled, and then noticed the lone stallion who was looking off in any direction he could, hoping to go unnoticed. Using her magic, she levitated him over, dragging him into the hug as well and pressing his body against Starlight, Spike, and Discord. He tried to struggle, but only made the others laugh. “Sorry about earlier,” she whispered, knowing full well she could still be heard by everyone. “Friends?”

His muzzle scrunched and he could suddenly feel that all eyes were on him. The sides of his mouth curved almost unwillingly into a smile. “F-Friends,” he managed to stutter out. “As long as you don’t scream at me again.”

Another bout of laughter came from the hugged pile, including the changeling. “Deal.” She then looked down at Spike who winked at her slyly, and she knew what friendship truly was. With a smile, she soaked in the happiness for a moment, only to finally discover her claustrophobia.