• Published 1st Mar 2016
  • 5,574 Views, 242 Comments

Relationships are Evil - TheTimeSword

Twilight's pretty good at reforming villains, but is she good at dating them? Starlight seems to think so. Can Discord win the bet for Twilight's heart before another villain sweeps her off her hooves? Maybe it's better she just stays single.

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Chapter 7: Learning

“Well, I certainly hope today will be less exciting for you than yesterday,” said the white unicorn, levitating rolls of fabric off the shelves. “You don’t need any more marks on your record.”

Sombra stood on the raised platform, cloth levitating around him, constricting his body. He groaned in displeasure as Rarity measured his dimensions. “Standing here is far more acceptable than working in a field,” he replied.

“I completely agree. I don’t see how the Apples can stand the summer heat. Of course, Applejack and her family provide apples for all of Ponyville, so that is something to be very proud of.” Rarity began to sew stitching into the cloth, keeping it steady against Sombra with her magic. The reds and blues formed together creating a stylish pattern.

“It’s nice to meet a mare who appreciates the finer quality of life,” he replied. “You’re much more pleasant than that earth pony.”

“Mm, yes, well. Applejack did tell me of your chauvinistic attitude towards mares,” Rarity mentioned, tightening the grip of the cloth.

“Oh,” he replied, remembering one of the conditions Applejack made him swear. He began to struggle, still wrapped in fabric. Rarity forced him to remain idle, sewing the cloth together quickly enough.

She then finished with the tapering, removing the cloth from the dark unicorn. “I’ll ask that you watch what you say, I’d prefer not to deal with another Blueblood,” she replied, walking over to the sewing machine.

“Blueblood?” he asked as he stepped off the stand. He wandered around the room, staring at the ponnequins that held different clothing lines and those that were empty of decorative ware.

Rarity let out a moan of annoyance, furrowing her brow and squinting her eyes. “Even the very thought of that stallion still irks me. How a gentlecolt can be so offensive to a lady is beyond me,” she said, turning her head to look at Sombra. “No offense.”

“None taken,” he replied. “Is this all we are going to be doing today? Trying on clothes and chatting about ponies that have scorned you? Not that I mind, just curious.”

“Actually, I was supposed to be handling Tirek today. But after yesterday, they figured I would be more capable of handling you. So, think of today as a punishment. I certainly won’t, as it’s not often I get a stallion model. Especially not one so fit and young.”

He then mumbled to himself, “From royalty to dummy, how embarrassing.”

“I don’t think anypony who wants to reform could ever be considered a dummy,” Rarity noted. She walked over and placed a brick red cloak on his back, tying it around his neck. His eyes fixed on her, surprised that she had heard his words. “An excellent ear in a small room can hear many things,” she said with a wink.

Sombra looked back at the red cape, many sparkling sapphires were embroidered into the white satin. “What’s this?” he asked.

She gave him a smile. “You aren’t royalty, you no longer have your crown or cape, and you no longer call yourself king. Perhaps it’s also time to throw away that royal arrogance you have.”

“But, I…”

“You do look good in the regalia, though,” she said. She leaned in close to whisper, “It would be a shame if you didn’t get to show off your sophistication, being forced back to Tartarus.”

He twirled his body, getting a feel for the elegant mantle. “I see. Thank you, Rarity. I’m not sure what to say.”

“Having friends is a boon, Sombra. I hope you’ll come to realize that.” She waltzed back to the sewing machine, lifting up spools of thread and placing them onto the shelves. They were arranged by color and size, or by how often they were used.

“I came to win the bet for Twilight’s heart, redeeming myself was not something I wanted,” he explained, walking over behind Rarity. “Why would you want to be friends with somepony who has no desire to become good? What would be your boon for becoming my friend?”

Not even concerned with the stallion behind her, she continued to sort the thread. “You act as if redeeming yourself causes you to lose something. It doesn’t, darling. Reforming means you’ll gain six close friends who will be there for you through the thick and thin.”

“Oh yes, that’s what I want. To be friends with the apple pony,” he said with sarcasm exaggerated in his tone.

She let out a laugh before turning and facing the stallion. “Would you believe Applejack and I get into spats from time to time?”

Sombra gave a nod, and replied, “Of course, she seems like a hard pony to get along with.”

“Actually, it’s the fact that we come from two, very different backgrounds. I’d imagine I’m just as difficult to get along with by her standards,” she explained, “but that’s what also makes us close. We bounce ideas off each other, ask for advice, and trust one another’s opinions. Two peas in a pod, so to speak.”

“But these little issues, surely they build up over time, no?” he asked.

Rarity let out a short giggle. “If you’re trying to think of a way to break our friendship up, I must inform you that it won’t work. Discord already tried that, and look at how happy he is now. Well, actually by those standards perhaps you should try.”

His face changed from an inquisitive perspective to a nervous grin, surprised by how cunning the mare seemed to be.

“I do hope you’ll take redeeming yourself seriously. The prize at the end is far greater than anything that a cruel, evil existence could ever hope to promise you,” she said, winking her eye at him.

He stood in front of her, contemplating what she meant. “Are you… trying to befriend me?”

A content sigh left her lips. “Well, Sombra, it’s going to happen eventually. You may as well start calling me a friend now because I won’t take no for an answer.” She smiled at the unicorn, only to be interrupted by a loud stomping. “What in the stars above was that?”

The two ponies walked to the closest window, overlooking the front of Rarity’s store. “Tirek and Rainbow Dash appear to be talking. Rather aggressively might I add,” said Sombra. The vibrations from Tirek’s stomping could be felt by the two, the glass window shook with every stomp. Rattling of spools and ponnequins could be heard around the room as another stampede of stomping went on.

“Come along, Sombra. These two will most likely need our assistance, and I rather not have them destroy my abode,” she said, walking out of the room.

Shouting could be heard once they entered the first floor, and it became even worse once the door was opened. The two unicorns waltzed outside to view the screaming match between the centaur and the pegasus. “You’re insufferable! I’d rather bake with Pinkie Pie than spend another second listening to your shrill voice!” the centaur shouted.

“Me!? You’re the one complaining after just one lap around Ponyville! I could do that in my sleep!” the pegasus hollered.

Rarity immediately came between the two aggressors. “Rainbow Dash, Tirek, please. Stop your senseless bickering for a moment and explain what’s gotten you two so flustered.”

“He’s not willing to do a few more laps! It’s like he’s never exercised a day in his life!” Rainbow yelled, pointing her hoof at the centaur.

“She’s trying to kill me! First, she wants me to do pushups with my hands instead of my forelegs, and then she wants me to run three laps around the whole of Ponyville! I’m not the spry centaur from thousands of years ago, and I am certainly no athlete.”

“But you’re somehow able to battle Twilight one on one? Get real!” Rainbow mocked.

Tirek stomped his hooves into the ground, fuming and raging from her words. “I had all the magic from you ill-bred ponies strengthening my very being. If I had any of that magic right now, I would crush you like a grape!”

“Maybe instead of stealing magic, you should run laps!”

“I can’t take it anymore!” Sombra shouted, casting a dark, green and purple wave over the two. Rainbow Dash and Tirek stood still, no longer aggressive, their eyes blanking off as if they were daydreaming. Sombra let out a sigh, as Rarity inspected them both. "That's better."

“What did you do, Sombra?” she asked.

“They’re temporarily unconscious. Their shouting was getting on my nerves, and I can’t imagine it was pleasant on your eardrums,” he replied.

“They’re not, you know, in a nightmare. Are they?”

He rolled his eyes at the idea. “No, they’re not like Applejack. I’ve learned my lesson from yesterday. The lecture Twilight gave last night was more than enough to deter that,” he answered. Rarity trotted back to the dark unicorn, eyes like gems, glittering as she stared at the stallion. “Wh-What?” he asked.

“You don’t want to spend all day being my tailoring model, do you?”

“No, not really,” he replied.

She turned and pointed at the two idle arguers. “If you can get these two to stop fighting without the use of magic, then we will spend the day having fun around Ponyville.” She smiled at the dark unicorn. “Think you’re up for the task?”

Sombra looked in her eyes, curious as to why she would choose him for such an endeavor. The look she gave filled him with encouragement. “I’ll give it a try,” he responded, “but no promises.”

Dispelling the magic brought the two back to consciousness. Confused as to what had happened, they looked at the dark unicorn that stood near them, immediately coming to the same conclusion. Both were filled with fury, shouting at the stallion.

“Didn’t you learn your lesson from yesterday? Now Twilight will send you to Tartarus for sure!” said Tirek.

“Yeah! Uncool, Sombra. After what you did to Applejack, I should have known you wouldn’t reform,” added Rainbow Dash.

“Enough, both of you,” Sombra demanded. “You’re acting like foals.”

“I am not!” Rainbow retorted.

“Silence!” he yelled. “Instead of working Tirek to the bone, why don’t you give him a break? He’s already done some of your exercises, so spend some time relaxing with him and getting to know what he’s like.”

Tirek crossed his arms and smiled. “Anything is better than another lap.”

“As for you, Tirek." Sombra turned his attention to the centaur. “Try cooperating with Rainbow instead of just bickering and complaining the entire time. Her methods maybe strange, but that doesn’t mean you have to insult her at every opportunity. I've learned that lesson, and you should share it with me.”

“Hah! Score!” Rainbow cheered.

“Fine, whatever,” Tirek replied, his smile shifting into a pout.

“Come on, Tirek. We can cool off down at the lake,” Rainbow Dash said as she flapped her wings, taking off in a direction.

“Oh finally, some water! That actually sounds pleasant,” Tirek replied, following slowly behind.

Rarity stood next to Sombra, smiling with glee. He turned to look at the white unicorn. “Are you satisfied?”

She gave a gentle nod and said, “Let’s get some lunch, shall we? I believe you’ve earned it.”