• Published 1st Mar 2016
  • 5,574 Views, 242 Comments

Relationships are Evil - TheTimeSword

Twilight's pretty good at reforming villains, but is she good at dating them? Starlight seems to think so. Can Discord win the bet for Twilight's heart before another villain sweeps her off her hooves? Maybe it's better she just stays single.

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Chapter 31: Moving Day

It had been a tiresome process but the day had finally come. Though the structure looked reminiscent of a beehive, the hundreds of stout windows told a different story. It was as if the first ever hotel had been made for Ponyville, only instead of guests, it would be housing permanent residents. The outside had been finished for a while, but the inside had just been completed the day before. Now, the entire town of Ponyville stood at its doorstep, giddy with delight, waiting for the Princess of Friendship to speak.

The Elements and reformed villains stood behind her, waiting for her to finish so that they could head for the train station. The changelings would soon be living in this new hive. It was a time Sombra dreaded. He barely remembered any of the names he was told during his stay in their hive, let alone their faces. It would be awkward, he knew, but it was made easier by being by Rarity’s side. His eyes wandered to the white mare who stood with the other Elements. All he wanted to do was be by her side, kissing at her cheek or smelling her fragrance. Of course, he couldn’t do that out in the open where they’d be seen, so instead he stared at the back of Twilight’s head.

As the Princess of Friendship recited her speech, he noticed that her head bobbed slightly. It happened whenever she moved onto a new paragraph. Her hair would go up and then down along her neck at each pause. It was a useless detail that he noticed, and wondered if the rest of the day would be filled with useless details. His eyes wandered from side to side as he pondered if Tirek and Discord noticed the same thing. The roaring cheer of the crowd snapped him back from his scatter-brained stupor only for the alicorn’s speech to drag on.

Once her speech had finished the changeling queen stepped up to give hers. Sombra could barely pay attention to Twilight’s and Chrysalis’s was no different, though this time he purposefully zoned out. White birds flying high in the sky caught his attention as they soared far overhead. He watched them flap into the distance, wondering where they were going and why they were doing it. He then wondered why he was there and what he was even doing, but he didn’t have to wonder for long. His eyes drifted back to the white mare, but this time she caught his stare and gave him a smile in return.

He smiled back at the same time the crowd riled up another cheer, startling him more so than the last. His eyes turned and looked out over the sea of ponies as the ribbon in front of the podium was cut in two by the changeling and the alicorn. The ceremony was finally over.

He gave a sigh of relief and stepped out from the line, trotting over to the white unicorn. As he passed, Applejack gave a snort and whipped her head to remove him from her sight. Her expression had caught him off guard. He couldn’t help but look back and wondered what was wrong, only to slam headfirst into the white mare. Rarity fell off-kilter and bumped into Fluttershy who in turn slammed into Pinkie Pie and finally knocking over Rainbow Dash.

“Hey! What’s the big idea!?” yelled the blue pegasus from beneath the party pony.

Though the crowd had begun to dissipate, many saw the commotion from Sombra’s bumbling. His muzzle reddened as he caught a glimpse of the many staring eyes, Twilight and Chrysalis included. He looked back to see Applejack’s reaction but she had already stepped away. “Sorry, Rarity. I became distracted and wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.” He helped her to her hooves.

“What about me? Don’t I get an apology?” Rainbow Dash flew close and shoved her face against his.

“Uh, of course. My apologies,” he replied before stepping around her.

Rainbow looked over her shoulder and he could feel her eyes on him like daggers cutting into his neck. He watched as Rarity looked past him, speaking with her apologetic eyes to the pony behind him. The blue pegasus let out a groan and stomped off. A smile danced on his lips once Rarity’s eyes shifted back to meet his.

With the ceremony over and the crowd diminished, Sombra and Rarity made their way down to the train station with the other Elements and ex-villains. They boarded and waited for the packing supplies to be loaded onto the train. Cardboard boxes and tape had been ordered along with every seat on the locomotive. Sombra had been one of the few privy to the exchange of money that came from Canterlot for this little venture. It was still a mystery to Sombra as to why the royal sisters would sink so much effort into helping the changelings. Perhaps it was the same reason they wanted to see the ex-villains reformed – one less enemy for them to deal with.

Nevertheless, it didn’t matter to Sombra why or what they were plotting. His goals had changed, he had changed. He wasn’t here to help Chrysalis or the changelings, he was here to be by Rarity’s side and to help her with whatever she required of him. His eyes drifted back to Tirek and Discord, wondering again if they were thinking the same things he was. They were like him, here for another, here for Twilight. Of course, I’ve already got Rarity while they have nothing. As the thought crossed his mind a smug smile unconsciously made its way to his face.

“And just what are you so happy about?”

His eyes darted back to Rarity and his smile vanished. “Oh, I was just thinking of…” he paused. His smile returned as he stared into her seductive, blue eyes. “You.”

“Darling, that is so romantic of you.” She moved closer to him, pressing against his side. “Are you finally okay with being affectionate in public?” she whispered.

He had completely forgotten where they were and what they had been doing. His brows raised as his eyes widened, darting around the train car to see who might have seen or heard their discussion. No one batted an eye in their direction. Relief bathed his face. “I-I, well, not yet,” he answered, staring at the floor. “But soon, hopefully.”

“It’s quite alright. Whenever you’re ready.”

Sombra was more than ready, he’d been wanting to shout it from the castle rooftops for days. One morning he had trotted up to the roof to do so but chickened out, whispering to the early morning sun instead. His fear of how Twilight would react, how Applejack would react, and more so, how Chrysalis would react, all burdened his mind. He hadn’t even gotten the chance to ask Rarity what she thought of how they’d react. She had been too busy helping plan the move.

“Okay everyone,” Twilight called out as she boarded the train. “We’re going to be heading off in a moment but I’d like to remind you all about winter. The weather ponies from Cloudsdale are going to bring in the winter clouds today and start laying the snow tomorrow. That means by the time we return with the changelings the snow should already be laid out. Does everyone have their warm clothes packed? Everyone got everything they’ll need for the overnight?”

Warm clothes? Luggage? I didn’t pack anything, Sombra thought. He turned his worried face to Rarity.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got something you can wear. Or… you could just snuggle with me,” she whispered. Blush crossed his muzzle and he nodded, leaving a vague answer for her.

The train doors closed and the sound of the train’s whistle rang out. As they started to move, Sombra leaned underneath Rarity and stared out the window. He watched the ground go by faster and faster and felt the breeze of air from the window’s slight opening. The smell of smoke coming from the engine was faint enough for him to enjoy. As he stared out, Rarity rested her chin on the back of his neck. He enjoyed the closeness, regardless if it attracted attention or not.

It was a long trip. Sombra could feel his bones stiffen as he tried to stand up. He rolled his shoulders and stretched his body out. Cocking his head back, he could see the white mare thrust out her chest and straighten her back. A few limp furs stuck out from her chest where she had leaned against him on the trip. As he stared at her he caught her looking back at him with a frown. The frown turned to a puzzled look before he finally heard a voice.


He shot his head around to see the angry-looking alicorn glaring down at him. “Uh, yes?” he groveled.

“Do you have rocks in your ears? I’ve been calling your name for the last minute!”

He shifted his weight and slammed his rump back down onto the seat. “Sorry. What did you need?”

Twilight groaned and rolled her eyes. “You’re on luggage duty with Tirek and Spike. There aren’t enough carts to carry both them and the packing supplies in the same trip, so I’m having you three do it.”

“Oh, okay.” He rose up and stepped past her, taking a moment to look over his shoulder at Rarity who gave a smile, almost as if to reassure him. He walked out into the sunlight and was hit with the dusty, sandy smell of the desert town. The ground is so yellow, and these buildings are so strange. I’ve never seen anything like this. It was nothing like Ponyville and the complete opposite of The Crystal Empire. Heat pounded down from above as if winter wasn’t even a thing for Dodge City.

His eye caught the red and black centaur and he quickly trotted over, waiting for all the luggage to be pulled out of the train. “This journey is going to be incredibly taxing,” Tirek stated.

Spike carried several of the luggage pieces from inside and set them on the platform. “You’re telling me. And then it’s going to be cold once we return to Ponyv-” Spike hesitated upon seeing the black stallion. His eyes squinted, giving a stink eye before he returned to the train car.

Tirek looked to his side, wondering what the young dragon had seen, and noticed Sombra. “How about you? Ready to work your hide off for little recognition and even less reward?”

“I’ll just be happy to have Chrysalis out of the castle,” Sombra replied. “Though I can only imagine what kind of trouble she’ll manage to cook up once she’s on her own.”

“Yeah, it’s really surprising what some of us do with our spare time.” Spike sat down the last of the luggage.

Sombra’s eyebrows pulled together. “Everything okay, Spike?”

“Just dandy,” he retorted before walking away.

“That was a bit odd. Wonder what’s gotten into him. Maybe it’s the weather?” Tirek asked.

“I… I’m not sure.” This was the second time Sombra had noticed another’s contempt. It was unlike anything he had seen outside his foal days in The Crystal Empire. Had he done something wrong? He needed to find out, but he’d have to wait.

The rest of the Elements and ex-villains had already exited the train and stood around on the platform, waiting for the wooden carts to be loaded. The cardboard boxes had filled two of the train cars and they’d most likely fill three or four once they were full. When they were loaded, the filled wagons were attached to Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash while Starlight levitated the leftovers. “Alright everyone, if you’ll follow me we can make it to the hive before nightfall. Make sure to keep the carts in an orderly fashion,” Twilight yelled from the front.

After Tirek and Spike grabbed as much of the luggage as they could hold Sombra levitated the rest into the air. They trotted behind the carts and into the town. Tumbleweeds passed the carts faster than a tortoise passing a snail. It would be a long walk to the hive, Sombra knew, as he remembered the day he had left. A cloak in the night, he managed to board the midnight train before it took off. Now, he smiled and waved to some of the citizens as they passed by, gaining a couple swoons from a few mares.

Spike spat out his tongue in disgust, hiding it from Sombra’s view, but the stallion had caught a glimpse. He didn’t question it, though. He wondered what he had done to make Spike so spiteful. It would be a discussion he’d have to have at a later point, and perhaps it would lead to a chance to push him towards Applejack. Wait a moment, he remembered. Applejack also seemed a tad angered. Something is going on, something I don’t know about. He kept watching the purple dragon, trying to discern what it could be. As he became lost in thought he slammed face first into the back of a cart, dropping all of the luggage he carried onto himself.

His head popped up from the pile of baggage. He looked around the side of the cart, catching a glimpse of Discord snapping his fingers and a path opening between trees. “I’m not walking through a jungle twice,” he heard the draconequus say. The carts began to move again and he quickly levitated the luggage once more.

“Is everything okay?” Spike condescendingly asked as he passed the stallion, giving a snide smirk as well.

Sombra rubbed the edge of his muzzle and replied, “Just dandy…”

They continued on into the parted forest as the sun had begun to hang low in the sky. The blue was vanishing and the orange radiance began to take over. It was becoming more of a crawl than a walk with the slow moving carts, but the smoothed road had made it easier to traverse. The surrounding swamp soon gave way to a nauseating smell, and Sombra immediately remembered why he hated this place. The toxic fumes caused many of the mares to moan and holler in disgust. Once they reached the center of the swampy forest the smell became even stronger, burning into their nostrils. Luckily, the road Discord had snapped into existence was still flat along the path to the hive. Pools of water surrounded their path, raising hot steam up into the air and the occasional bubble.

The walkway filtered to the foot of the largest, white pillar within the revolting landscape. The caravan had stopped. Sombra watched Spike walk past the carts and up to the front of the line. He could hear voices talking but the gurgling of the water made the words illegible. A moment later and a moving platform slid up the pillar, heading for the first available opening. He could see Spike, Rarity, and a few others on it as well as the first cart. The line moved forward and the platform came back down to greet the next cart. “I hope it doesn’t smell inside,” Tirek murmured.

“It doesn’t, thankfully.” The line moved forward again and the last cart stepped onto the platform. The last cart went up while Tirek and Sombra were forced to wait. “Of course, it is dark and damp.”

Once the platform came back to them, they stepped on and road it up. The smell lessened its overwhelming presence as they reached the gaping hole and stepped inside. The ponies that pulled the carts had already unhooked and followed the cave down into the hive. Spike had set the luggage down against a wall and so Sombra followed suit, taking Tirek’s and arranging them in an orderly fashion. He quickly caught up to Tirek who had wandered down into the darkness. “Oh goodie. Another Tartarus,” he heard the centaur say.

The group had already started down one of the many ramps that led into the circular structure of the hive, leaving Tirek and Sombra behind. “Perhaps we should just create a cave in now and be done with it,” Sombra muttered as he stared down at the massive amount of changelings.

“Hey, hey. That’s real villain talk,” replied the centaur. “I like the way you think.”

“Yes, well, you know how it is. First sign of trouble and those six will come running,” Sombra recalled. “It’s as if they have a knack for getting in our way. Definitely a deterrent from trying anything evil. That and the whole being reformed thing, I suppose.”

“Being reformed doesn’t mean we can do some evil things. Discord still creates a little chaos every now and then.” Tirek began to make the trek down, talking as he walked. “Surely you could do a little something with all the gemstones lining this place, a few accurately placed crystals here and there. An easy cave in. Or have you grown spineless?”

Sombra glanced over the pale blue gems that lined the walls and ceiling, noting how they stood out in contrast to the dark brown mudded walls. “Who would have foreseen that you’d hold a grudge, Tirek?”

A laugh bellowed from the centaur. “You and I are here because we’re friends with these ponies. Tartarus be, we’re probably the only ones who don’t want to be here right now.” His head swiveled around to look at the unicorn. “May as well bust your chops since everyone else is being so serious.”

That might be where you’re wrong, Tirek. I want to be wherever Rarity is, and if that means I have to be here, then so be it. Sombra followed Tirek down to the bottom of the hive and into the queen’s room. He knew it was the queen’s room, he had been in it so many times before. The dirty walls and floors, cluttered trash that she called treasure, and the silken bed. It remained the same as ever. It was all for a changeling who never changed.

“Alright, so we’ll be setting this up as our sleeping area for the night. In the morning we’ll load the carts up with all the packed boxes and make several trips to and from the train. The luggage should contain our extra cots and so… where’s the luggage?” Twilight looked to the two stallions coming into the room. “Sombra, Tirek, where’s the luggage?”

“Oh, well,” Sombra sputtered. “Spike set his down at the top so I just took Tirek’s and set them all up there as well.”

“Well go get them. This is where we’ll be staying,” Twilight bossed. “Tirek, Discord, help me move some of this stuff around so we can all get set up in here.”

Sombra chewed the inside of his cheek as he looked around the room, noticing a smug grin on the changeling queen’s face as well as the purple dragon’s. He turned around and began his way back up to the top. His glower seemed to frighten the changelings as they dispersed from his path at a quick pace. The brutal climb up was made even worse as he realized he had forgotten which tunnel they had taken. The first he took was wrong, the second was also wrong, and by the time he got to the third he realized he had another level to go up.

Eventually, the stallion found the carts and used his magic to carry the luggage back down the tunnel. The weight was almost more than he could bear. Once he reached the rim of the main chamber he wondered if he should just toss the luggage down the center like an irrational foal. He knew some of it was Rarity’s, however, and decided he best not. His head hung low as he ambled down the path towards the bottom, struggling with the weight with each step.

Some of the other Elements had passed him on his way down. They weren’t his Element, though. They weren’t the one who he wanted to see the most. No, she stood with Twilight and Starlight within the queen’s room, chatting with them about something he could only wonder.

“Ah, good, Sombra.” Twilight walked over as he dropped the sizeable amount of luggage. “We’re splitting off into pairs to help the changelings pack. Go find a partner from whosever left and get started.”

His eyes gleamed and his strength was reinvigorated by the sight of the white mare. He rushed over to her, eagerly. “Pairs, huh? May as well get started, right?”

Rarity turned and smiled at him, but it quickly faded. “Oh, sorry dear, but Spike already asked me to be his partner.” The purple dragon stepped out from behind the unicorn with a mischievous smile across his face. “But I believe Tirek is still available.”

Sombra stared down at the dragon, a twitch in his eye. Without answering, Sombra lifted Spike into the air with his magic and plopped him down next to the centaur. “Well would you look at that, you’re now my partner.” His voice was deep and commanding like a royal guard.

Rarity’s features sharpened, her eyebrows slanted forward. “Sombra! That was very rude of you! Why would you do that?” she scolded. His blank, lifeless expression gave her all the answers she needed. With a groan, she conceded, “Alright, fine.” She then trotted over to the dragon. “Sorry my little Spikey-wikey. Looks like I’ve got to go with Mr. Stubborn over there.”

“Don’t worry, Spike. I’ll save you from the horrid centaur,” Chrysalis said, stepping into their conversation. “You and I can pair up.”

“Which means it’ll be you and me, Tirek,” Twilight added.

Rarity gave a sigh of relief and turned her head back to the black stallion. “It’s a shame some of us forget our manners from time to time.” She made a noise of displeasure and stepped out the door.

All eyes were on Sombra, and he was certainly feeling it. He hurried after her, wanting to be rid of the awkward air that strangled the room. It took less than a moment for him to catch up and trot alongside the brooding mare. She didn’t look at him, for if she had then she would have noticed his lips had drawn back into a snarl and his brows had pressed together. They made their way up to the carts, passing the other pairs of ponies and ex-villains. Once they reached the top, they levitated out some of the flat cardboard boxes, leaving plenty still within the cart. With a turn, she saw the disdain on his face.

“Sombra…” she hovered on his name. Her features softened as she drew close to the stallion. “What’s going on?”

He groaned and let his head fall. “It’s nothing, I think,” he answered.

“Well it sure doesn’t seem like nothing. You practically snapped at Spike! You shouldn’t bottle up your emotions, you need to let it out. It’s not good to keep that stuff inside where it can tear you up.” She tapped her lips. “You’ve been off all day, too. Bumping into me, forgetting the luggage, and just now with Spike… I’m worried about you.”

His eyes lifted up and matched hers. Before she could say another word his horn lit up and a wall of crystals shot up within the tunnel, blocking anyone from coming to the carts. “I’m not entirely sure what’s going on. Something is off and it feels like you’re the only one I can trust right now. Spike and Applejack, I’m not sure if I did something to them or not. And Chrysalis is always so… so… ugh.”

“Perhaps they know something about us, maybe they can just sense it. Applejack and Spike have been nothing but cheery to me, though. Not that I’d mind if they asked about us, but they haven’t.”

“Why are you so okay with telling everyone that we’re together? Doesn’t it frighten you what they’ll think? Or worry you that they’ll get upset? What if some of them already know and now they’re upset that we didn’t tell them sooner? What if-”

Before he could continue his string of questions, Rarity placed a hoof onto his lips. “Darling, please. I’m not ashamed of being with you nor would I be if the others found it appalling. Let them think what they want to think. I still believe Twilight dating Tirek or Discord is horrifying and she could absolutely do better, but I’m not going to go out of my way to dissuade her from dating them. She enjoys their company as much as I enjoy yours.” She then removed her hoof, exchanging it for her lips. Purple lipstick remained on his lips which she quickly rubbed off. “Now, stop worrying about the others and let’s get to work helping these changelings. I already don’t like the idea of sleeping in a hole in the ground and would rather not spend more than need be.”

“Rarity… I…” he stammered, his face reddened. I can’t believe how wonderful you are. A lopsided grin grew on his face as the crystals vanished. “R-Right. Let’s get started.”

It didn’t take them long to find their first changeling and start packing. It was an easy task for the mare who had an eye for detail. Soon they moved on to the next changeling. The hive began to fill with noise as everyone did their part. Even as they completed another changeling’s room, Sombra noticed how many rooms were still left at the lower parts of the cavern. After completing yet another room, he and Rarity made their way down a few levels where none of the others had been.

As they passed by a crack in the wall they heard a voice, followed by the Lord of Chaos stumbling out from inside. He looked at them and gave a shrug before turning and heading down the walkway. The voice sounded off again and Sombra leaned against the crevice, listening to what it was saying. After setting down the cardboard boxes, Sombra pulled Rarity into the gap. Light guided them towards a room that was hidden away from the rest of the hive. The voice became louder and they eventually found the pink tail of the yellow pegasus.

“Fluttershy, is this a room? Do you need any help?” Rarity called out once she recognized the voice.

Sombra pushed into the small opening, startling the young pegasus. “N-No! Don’t come in!” Fluttershy started to say but it was already too late. He had seen the reason why she had sent the draconequus away. A room full of posters, pictures, and drawings of scantily clad mares and obscene positions. Some of the drawings were in the same style of another he had seen.

Nudging herself in, Rarity stepped to the side of the stallion, standing in-between him and the pegasus. “Oh my, what is this room?” she asked as her mouth dropped open, glancing at all the images. “Well now I see why Discord was kicked out. The amount of jokes he could have made from seeing this plethora of pictures would have driven us to lock him into stone again.”

A lone changeling stood at the other end of the small room, unmoving and silent. “Rarity, you’ve got to help me pull these down and pack them as quickly as possible! The others shouldn’t see this!” Fluttershy pleaded, grabbing onto the unicorn’s shoulder and tugging.

“What’s wrong, Fluttershy? Worried the others will see your art?” Sombra peered past the white mare, a grin firmly on his face.

Fluttershy covered her mouth with her hooves. “Y-You know!?”

“Dear, Flutter S really isn’t a very good cover name,” Rarity remarked.

“You’re Flutter S!?” the changeling roared, the scream echoing within the tiny room. “The Flutter S!?” he yelled again. She hadn’t even had time to blush before he zipped across the room, shaking her hoof in-between his. “I can’t believe it! I’ve got copies of all your work!” He then zipped across the room again, grabbing one of the drawings, and then handing it over to Fluttershy. “Can I have your autograph!? I love your work!”

“Oh, um, o-okay,” she answered, taking his pen in her mouth and doodling a few words on the drawing. “I’ve never met a fan before, or even knew I had fans.”

Sombra grinned as he heard her, still glancing over the indecent mares of the room. “Fluttershy, I believe I am now a fan of your work as well.” His eyes shifted back to the white unicorn. “Do you think you could make one of Rarity?”

“Why would you want one of Rarity?” the pegasus responded as she finished her signature.

He realized his mistake immediately. His ears fell flat and his mouth dropped open. His eyes strained to keep steady. “Yes, Sombra, why would you want one of me?” Rarity asked, a terrible smirk strung across her face.

Another voice called out from outside the crevice. “Hello? Is everyone okay in there? I heard screaming.”

Oh thank goodness, saved by the centaur. Sombra turned his head to see Tirek brush his torso in, pushing aside the two mares to make more room.

“What in all of Equestria is this?” Tirek exclaimed, stunned by the provocative posed mares.

Before any of them could respond, another voice came shouting in. The draconequus slithered in around Tirek’s body, worming his head in past the opening. “If this halfling gets to come in then so do I. I don’t care what you say Fluttershy, I wanna see what-” he paused as the sights of the room sunk in. “Holy mother of cheese. Now I know why I was kicked out.”

“I can’t believe it! My queen is friends with one of the greatest artists of all time! Does this mean I get to become friends with the Flutter S, too!?” the changeling shouted. “This is the happiest day of my life!”

Tirek and Discord turned to the pegasus who had already covered her face with her hair and tail. “You draw these!?” they chorused.

“These are pretty good, though, the one of Twilight is still probably the best,” Sombra mumbled as he stared at another drawing that held the Flutter S signature.

Tirek and Discord snapped their necks around faster than a fly’s life cycle. “One of Twilight!?” they chorused, again.

Sombra slapped his hoof against his mouth, realizing what he had said. As he stared at the two eager stallions, Fluttershy floated up from her cowardly spot on the ground. Her eyes as wide as wagon wheels. “I want everyone out, now,” she calmly stated. “If you don’t, I’ll have to use the stare.”

“The stare? I’m not dealing with that twice in one trip…” The draconequus slithered back out of the hole as fast as he could. Tirek gave a curious eye to the yellow pegasus before shrugging and backing out of the crevice.

“Come on Sombra, you really don’t want to see the stare,” Rarity said and motioned for the stallion to follow.

He rolled his eyes. “I don’t know what this stare is, but I’m not leaving. There’s finally a room I’d enjoy packing. After helping a changeling who collects rocks, one who collects keys, and another who collects glass bottles, I’d say this is a fine reward. If there’s a changeling who collects crystals, let me know. That’d be the only thing I’d care about more than this.”

Rarity watched in frightened anticipation as Fluttershy moved closer to the stallion. The pegasus’s eyes seemed to pop out of her head as she stared at him. Rarity quickly adverted her eyes from the sight, only to look back a moment later. Sombra stared back into Fluttershy’s gaze, unmoved and unimpressed by her patented stare. “W-Why isn’t this working?” Fluttershy asked as she struggled to maintain eye contact.

“I’ve seen things that would haunt your sleep every night. A simple stare isn’t going to scare me,” he demurred. “But since you seem to want to do this on your own I shall respect your wishes.” He then turned and stepped towards Rarity, his face blank from any emotion. They removed themselves from the crevice and made their way back up the path. A silence fell between the two, but only for a moment. “I’ve never seen anything so frightening,” he eventually spoke up. She turned back to him and saw the terror that had overcome his features. He trembled and shook whilst standing still.

“I did warn you, darling,” she said, wrapping him in a hug.

After hours of packing, most of the changelings had their things in boxes and were prepared for tomorrow’s trek. The other Elements and ex-villains had already gathered in the queen’s room as Sombra and Rarity entered. All of the cots had been placed out and many of them were already blanketed. An open cot between Tirek and Discord had been left open on the right side of the room while the left side held the Elements and Starlight. The queen’s things had already been neatly wrapped in boxes and placed in a corner.

Sombra tilted his head, noticing Spike had his cot near Twilight. Discord seemed to be out like a light along with Tirek. He assumed the empty cot was his, most likely placed there by the purple dragon. Using his magic to levitate the cot, Sombra brought it over to the the left side of the room. He placed his down next to the other empty cot with only a few inches separating them. He then looked to the white unicorn for approval. Her eyes met his with a tender gaze and smile, but he could feel the eyes of the room were upon them. Let them stare.

Once she finished covering her cot in purple sheets and plush blankets, Rarity began fixing up Sombra’s. He quickly went to work helping her, straightening out the sheet and placing their pillows. When he wasn’t looking, she sent a pillow flying into his face. He levitated his up to strike back only for him to finally notice the alicorn standing next to them. Twilight seemed confused by the sight of the stallion but said nothing, instead, she continued down the line to check in with the other mares.

The lights shut off and the room glowed with a feint light from the crystals that protruded from the walls and ceiling. The room swiftly grew quiet except for the snores coming from Rainbow Dash. In the darkness, Rarity passed a set of ear plugs and a face mask to the stallion. He could barely make out her silhouette, whispering a thank you as he placed the mask on. Before she covered her eyes with her own mask, Sombra tapped her foreleg. A quick, silent kiss was all he wanted before it was off to dreamland, and she happily obliged.

Sleep came quick for the stallion as did a strange dream. He found himself in front of a bare mannequin standing in the woods with gnarled tree roots at the base. He took a step towards it and felt the earth shake, only to cause him to jolt up from the cot. The entire ground shook around him. He removed the mask from his eyes, fearful of what was happening. The others had already awoken and had begun disassembling their cots. He turned, hoping to see the mare sleeping next to him, but she had already started folding her own blanket. When she noticed he had awoken, she gave a groggy smile. Her hair was already in pristine condition and her makeup had already been applied.

“Good morning Mr. Bedhead,” greeted Rarity. “It’s time to get up.”

He wasn’t sure what she had said but assumed it was something pleasant. Everything she did was pleasant. He quickly removed the earplugs and stood up from the cot. That didn’t feel like a long rest, he reflected. The smell of wet earth and vinegar clogged his nose once he took a deep breath. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and yawned, his hair was a tangled mess. He could feel the mane pulling in every direction. He levitated a hair tie from one of Rarity’s bags and began pulling the unkempt mane back. Once it was tied, he cleared his cot and kept Rarity’s things together. She waited for him at the door, giggling at the mop that was his mane. As they walked up the path she redid his hair, pulling it all out and straightening it into a better ponytail.

“We’re almost done here, right? I’m eager to be home,” Sombra asked.

“Well, we’ve got to load the train with the changelings’ things and then load the changelings themselves. We should make it back to Ponyville today,” she replied as she fitted the ponytail through the hair tie.

“I’m assuming the others have already started?”

She nodded. “I think everyone is a bit eager to get going.”

Rarity had been right. They made their way up to the carts where the others were sending the carts back down to the path. Everyone moved as quickly as they could to send the carts to the train, unload, and then return. Even with their speedy pace, the early morning soon gave way to the noon hour. With the sun high in the sky, they loaded the final cart and sent it off for the train station. The changelings gathered around the tunnel, awaiting their turn to leave. The whole hive was buzzing with the echoes of their excitement. Before they could head off, Twilight addressed them, detailing how everything was going to go once they reached Ponyville.

The changelings didn’t seem to care about the words she was saying, they were more interested in leaving. Sombra couldn’t blame them, that’s all he wanted to do as well. He finally got his wish as they set off for the station. When the lines were established, he and most of the others headed for Dodge City with the changelings in tow. Most of the Elements and reformed villains were in the front except for Chrysalis, Twilight, and Starlight who hung in the back. They were making sure none of the changelings had been left behind. Sombra was more than happy to have Chrysalis in the back and out of his sight, her smug grin from the night before was still heavy in his mind.

The whole journey had been taxing from the very start for Sombra, but now it was the home stretch. He hoped to see the smiling faces of the townsfolk as they made their way to the station. He didn’t get his wish. Many of Dodge City’s citizens had boarded up their windows and hid while others stood on the sidelines and watched, wary of the convoy of changelings. The heat has at least lessened, he thought, noting the clouds that blotted parts of the sun. I suppose this is as wintery as this little town will ever get. His eyes wandered to the changeling crowd behind him, then to the orange mare in front of him. She must have felt the eyes on her because she glared back at him, gritting her teeth as well. He quickly adverted his eyes. I’ve got to talk to her alone, there shouldn’t be any reason for her to be angry with me. He then noticed that Spike had been steering clear of her as well. Was it connected?

Once they reached the station, Sombra helped Rarity direct where the changelings sat, filling each of the passenger cars to their maximum capacity. With each car filled, Sombra worried about the amount of space they had. The line seemed like it was everlasting. If each car was filled it would offer no room for him to talk to Applejack, his curiosity would have to wait.

With barely enough room, the Elements and the ex-villains crowded in with the changelings at the front of the train. The cars boomed with voices as Sombra waited with Rarity for the train to move. Applejack was nowhere to be seen within their car, nor Spike. He listened to some of the interactions, hoping to hear the earth pony’s voice. He recognized a few of the changelings from his time at their hive, though their names were still a mystery. One of the changelings had sat with Fluttershy while two others seemed like lost pups following Twilight. Sombra could barely make out any of the other ponies as they were lost in the sea of black. Without a warning, the train whistle blew and the doors of the cars shut tight.

The train ride back seemed a lot shorter to Sombra. When the sandy desert transformed into grasslands, and then to a winter tundra, his heart sprung from his chest. Winter had come to Ponyville. “Winter’s my favourite season, you know,” he mentioned to the white mare.

“That’s not surprising. Though I wonder if it will remain that way after I’m done using you for my winter stallion line.” Rarity grinned.

He returned a smile and leaned into her ear, whispering, “Is that the only way you’ll be using me this winter?”

Her face blushed and she whacked him in the shoulder. “You’ve been a little racy thing since we got up this morning. Did you sleep well?”

A grumble left his throat as he remembered the cot. His spine still ached from the rough edges of the humble bed. “Not really,” he replied and turned his head to see if anyone was listening. “Though I didn’t mind it since I was next to you.”

“Such a lecherous little thing,” she said and patted his head. “I’m eager for my own bed as well, and to see Sweetie Belle. Hopefully, with the changelings moving their own boxes we’ll be able to get this over quickly.” Her eyes flickered as she remembered something else. “Since we are so close to Ponyville, we should probably get our coats on. I can’t have you catching a cold!”

She disappeared into the sea of changelings, eventually returning with two matching jackets. Sombra took his and wrapped himself up tight. It was a bit stiff around his neck, but any gift from Rarity went without complaint. “Thank you, Rarity.”

The train began to slow as it reached the station, kicking snow off the tracks as it skidded to a stop. Shouts and squeals echoed within the cabin as the changelings crowded around one side’s windows, staring out at the white wonderland that had coated Ponyville. The doors pulled open and the changelings flowed from the train cars, creating a flood of hoofprints on the snowy platform. Twilight made quick work of getting them in order and handing off their boxes of personal items. They each took their items and followed the line led by Starlight and Chrysalis.

Rarity rushed ahead to prepare for the changeling’s arrival. Sombra followed behind slowly but a change of heart caused him to stop. The cold air nipped at his nose and brushed against his face, almost causing him to tear up as he waited. He could see the black line of changelings getting closer and closer but he wasn’t waiting for them. Finally, the orange earth pony showed up ahead of the changelings, Rainbow Dash by her side. He smiled at her as they came closer, but she did not return his delight.

“Applejack, can I talk to you?” he called out as they neared.

Her face sharped, a frown drew across it. She looked to the blue pegasus and gave a nod. The pegasus took the hint and flew off, heading for the Ponyville Hive. Applejack then stepped closer to the stallion and asked, “Yeah, what is it?”

“Are you okay? You and Spike, well, to put bluntly, you both seem to have something against me. I’m not sure what I did but I’d like to fix it, if possible.”

“Spike? Not saying you don’t deserve it, but that little heartbreaker ain’t the one who should be mad. He’s the one that messed up, even more then you. Playing with a mare’s heart…”

“Did something happen between you two? Why am I involved? What happened?”

Her nostrils flared as she tipped her head to the sky. “You and Rarity, that’s what happened.”

His heart clenched in his chest, wrapping him harder than if he was wearing seventy jackets. “H-How did you know? Did she tell you? I didn’t mean…”

“I keep my business out of who Rarity dates, but when she kicks off Spike and then you start dating her? Well, that’s mighty fishy. Of course, I’m more worried about what you’re plannin’,” she huffed. “You’ve spent an awful lot of time with Rarity. Did you get rid of Spike just so you wouldn’t have any competition? I bet he’s thinkin’ the same thing, which is why he’s riled up at you.”

Sombra shook his head. “No. No! I didn’t even realize I liked Rarity until after our last visit to the Crystal Empire. You have to believe me!”

“Well,” she sighed. “I am mad at you for not telling me about it when it happened, though I suppose that’d mean I’d have to be mad at Rarity too. And I ain’t. I’m more mad at Spike anyways, which you did technically cause, buster.”

“I-I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you’re talking about. What happened?”

“I don’t want to talk about it right now, Sombra.” She looked back and saw the convoy of changelings nearing them. “We’re still friends, but, leave me alone for a few days, alright? I need some time to gather myself.”

He gave a simple nod and a smile. He had feared that she hated him, but it seemed that wasn’t the case. The purple dragon was a different story, though. He had thought to wait for Spike, looking for his purple scales in the sea of black carapaces. When he could not find spine nor scale, he headed for the Ponyville Hive.

“Room seven, thirteen, and fifteen.” Rarity recited the room numbers for each changeling that came in using a list Twilight had prepared. “Eighteen, thirty-seven, and twenty-two.”

“Rarity!” he yelled as he pushed through the door. His shout was in vain as she riled off more numbers. Changelings piled into the large foyer, some wanting their room number while others were returning from upstairs.

Sombra pushed by to get closer to Rarity just as Twilight reached her as well. “So, how’s it going?”

His lips went tight. Applejack and Spike already knew of his relationship with Rarity, but he couldn’t let it slip until he dealt with the purple dragon. “So far, so good. We’ll have these darlings set up in no time. Sixty-eight, fifty-three,” Rarity answered.

“King Sombra!” One of the changelings popped out from the line, rushing to the side of the princess. “Are you going to be staying with us again? Like old times?”

His eyes met the smaller changeling. It was one of the weaker changelings who had been forced to stay within the confines of the hive. He remembered the face but not the name. “Oh, well, no I-”

“Is it ‘cause you’re with this new mare?” he asked.

The question rung an alarm through the nervous system of the stallion. New mare? That’s Rarity. But there’s no way anyone could have known much less a random changeling, he surmised. Did Spike tell someone? Sweat began to drench his face. “New mare? What do you mean, little one?”

“The pretty white one!” the changeling replied and pointed to Rarity. “She’s really nice!”

Sombra stared down at the blue eyes of the changeling, a puddle had begun to form beneath his head. He refused to turn his eyes to Twilight, knowing a scolding or lecture would accompany whatever angry expression she held. He could hear Rarity’s tone change from an arduous drone to giddy lilt as she rattled off more names. Blanket – that was your name. I’m going to make sure one of your boxes gets lost. Working up the nerve, he finally lifted his eyes to match the alicorn’s gaze.

Her face wasn’t as bad as he had thought it would be. A half smile and raised eyebrow with no fire burning within her pupils. “I thought something was up with you two. I have to say, I approve, though one of you should have told me about it soon.”

“I-I wanted to keep it a secret. I wasn’t sure how you’d react, or Applejack.” He turned his head to Rarity whose smile danced with every room number she gave out. “Speaking of which-“

“Does this mean you aren’t going to rule over the ponies with our queen?” Blanket interrupted, shouting his question.

“Sorry, little one. Queen Chrysalis will not be ruling over anyone,” Twilight answered for Sombra. “And soon, you all will find your own, brand new paths. Isn’t that going to be so exciting?”

Blanket gave a nod. “Are you with anyone, Princess Twilight?”

A blush came over the alicorn, catching the eye of Sombra. “Well at least it’s no longer awkward for just me,” he jibed.

“Are you and the queen going to get together!?” Blanket’s blue eyes lit up as he stared up at the alicorn. “Our queen and King Sombra liked to do kissing and walk together,” he described. “Sometimes they went into the queen’s bedroom. Are you going to go into the queen’s bedroom?”

“Great. I spoke too soon,” Sombra murmured.

“Oh, darling. It only gets more awkward from here,” Rarity said. She had passed off the list of room numbers to Starlight. “So, the queen’s bedroom, hmm?”

Before he could throw off any accusations, another voice spoke up. The grating, high-pitched voice burned into Sombra’s eardrum like fire spreading in a dry wheat field. “Oh yes, the bedroom. Many of our battle plans were discussed there.” Chrysalis towered over the three ponies and the changeling whelp. “Our attempt to conquer Equestria through getting with Twilight, our overview of the problems we’d face, and of course the backup plan of getting with one of the other Elements of Harmony. I personally thought the evil schemes were over but it seems Sombra had other ideas.”

Twilight and Rarity turned their focus to the stallion, eagerly awaiting his rebuttal. “We never had a plan to get with any of the other Elements! At least, none you informed me of. You were the one with the big schemes and the backup plans. I just wanted The Crystal Empire.”

“Are you certain?” Chrysalis asked. “I distinctly remember that you were meant to buddy up with Rarity and Applejack in case you failed to win the bet. Perhaps you just forgot. It was a fairly long time ago.” A grin appeared on her wicked face as if it was branded on.

“Sombra, that’s not true, is it?” Rarity asked, staring at his deep red eyes.

All four stared at him. He could feel himself shrinking under their judging eyes. “Of course not, it’s Chrysalis,” he replied, his voice rising higher and higher. With a grunt and a roll of his eyes, he turned to the door. “And I refuse to deal with lies from someone who isn’t even reformed.” He pointed his nose to the ceiling and trotted outside, passing the onslaught of changelings.

The snow was cold on his hooves but he refused to suffer from it, knowing that returning to the hive would only bring more ridicule. He reached the end of the line of the changelings and stepped into the town. Before he could take another step, a voice caused him to turn around. In his angered leave he had forgotten the most important pony. “Sombra, are you okay?” Rarity asked as she huffed, trying to catch her breath.

“It’s all lies, every last one of them. There was only one plan and it was for Twilight,” he snarled. “She never mentioned any of your names except Twilight’s. I didn’t even know Pinkie Pie’s until I came to this town. Chrysalis is a liar.”

Rarity listened to every word he said but had not come closer. She stood with a gap between them and held an uncertain expression. “I believe you, Sombra, I do. But you not wanting to tell the others that we’re together is slightly suspicious. I’d hate to say it but perhaps this explains why Applejack and Spike have it out for you, perhaps they found out of this plan. Even if that’s not it, you have to see it from my point of view.”

“Applejack isn’t- I don’t- I-I can’t believe this! You’re siding with her? Do you really think that I’d stoop so low as to date you just so I could one day betray you? Is that who I am to you? An ambiguous stallion with unknown intentions?”

“No. No, Sombra. I trust you but I have to hear it from you to know it’s the truth. It is the truth, right?”

“If you really trusted me then you wouldn’t need to hear it, now would you?”

Her lips went still for a moment as she contemplated his words. “Alright,” she finally spoke up. “Head back to my place, would you? I’d like to talk more about this later when we’re both calmer.” She turned back to the way she came and headed for the Ponyville Hive.

He did as he was told, trudging through the icy chill and wet snow to the Carousel Boutique, muttering vulgar words to himself along the way. Snow had covered the spare key, hiding it from the unicorn. He dug through the mush, searching and becoming angrier as he failed to find it. Finally, the door opened just as he found it. Sweetie Belle stared up at him with a slanted head. “Sombra?”

She closed the door behind him, allowing him a moment to shake of the snow and wipe his hooves. “Your sister asked me to come over and stay while they finish the changeling move. Apparently, I’m a liar and untrustworthy,” he grumbled as he removed the dark purple jacket and placed it on the coatrack.

“Do you wanna talk about it?”

Sombra looked down to the filly, giving a smile. “I’d rather not but that doesn’t mean we can’t talk about something else. Want me to make us some tea? It’s rare that it’s just you and me.”

“Hey, that rhymed!”

“I supposed it did,” he chuckled and made his way to the kitchen. Using his magic, he turned on the stove and filled a kettle with water. “So, why weren’t you and your friends there to help the changelings move? I was surprised when I heard you had stayed home.”

Sweetie climbed up into a chair at the table, waiting for him to sit as well. “Scootaloo got sick and Apple Bloom helped take care of her. I wanted to go but Rarity told me to stay since they weren’t able to come too. Did you get to meet a lot of changelings?”

“Oh yes. They are quite a hoofful. Maybe once they’re all moved in Rarity will take you over to meet some of them. There’s a few your size actually. You might get along well,” he told her. “It’s a shame their queen is such a monster.”

“Chrysalis? I thought she was good – or working on being good.”

“She enjoys telling lies. One of her lies landed me in hot water with your sister. Unfortunately, I think your sister saw truth in it when there was none. Which is why I’m here and she’s not, I suppose.” He sat forward, placing a hoof against his cheek to lean against.

“Are you and Rarity together?” Just as she asked the question the kettle whistled louder and louder.

Sombra levitated the kettle from the stove and poured the water into their cups. The teabags floated for a moment before they sunk to the bottom. Sombra stirred his cup and took a sip, thinking heavily about her question. “I suppose the cat is already out of the bag,” he said. “Yes, Sweetie, she and I are together. Though for how long that lasts depends on her.”

The filly let out a squeal. She clapped her hooves together and said, “I knew it was going to happen! She’ll talk about you none stop whenever you’re not around. Sometimes, when I’m telling her about my day, she’ll interrupt me to talk about you.”

“Oh, well, I’m sorry for that.”

“It’s fine, I like you too. Are you guys gonna get married?”

A spray of tea flew into the air, landing all over the kitchen floor. “Married!?” Sombra yelled as saliva dripped from his lips. “T-That’s a long, long way off, Sweetie Belle.”

“Aww.” She sulked in her chair. “But it’d be so cool to call you Uncle Sombra!”

“I’m sure one day that may be a possibility,” he replied as he took a towel to the floor. “Of course, if you were to mention it to her a few times then she might get the idea stuck in her head.” He turned his head back to face her. “Who knows, maybe she’ll ask me. That’d be an interesting turn around for everything that’s happened in my life.”

“There’s no way she’d ask you! My sister is way too into the fairy tales for that to happen. She would read me the story about the princess who waited for her knight to come save her every night before bed. I have the words practically memorized. It was awful.”

Sombra set the towel in the sink and sat back down, taking a quick sip of his cooling tea. “Well, she’s already lost part of her fairy tale dreams. I’m no prince nor king, and I’m certainly no knight. I’m not sure what I am other than a fool.”

Sweetie Belle sat there, staring at him as he became lost in his thoughts. Her eyes crawled across his features and studied him, wondering what he meant. Then it hit her and she let out a gasp, slamming her hooves on the table. “You don’t have a cutie mark!”

He looked down at his flank and then back to her. “You’re just now noticing?”

Bolting from the table, Sweetie rushed off up the stairs only to return a minute later carrying paper and crayons. “Once Scootaloo gets better we can help you find your special talent! Maybe it’s being a prince!” She took the yellow crayon and drew a crown. “See? Then you can really be Rarity’s prince!”

“A cutie mark… I’m not sure villains can have those, can they? Even if I am reformed.”

“Starlight has hers,” she replied with a lisp as she held a crayon in her teeth. “You just haven’t found your special talent yet, that’s all.” She spat the crayon out and raised up another drawing of the three fillies and Sombra. “Luckily for you, you’re dating my sister! And I’m part of the Cutie Mark Crusaders! We’ll help you discover your special talent in no time. That’s what our cutie mark is all about!”

“Well, I suppose that would give my life some meaning. I’ve never really thought about having a cutie mark before. None of the other kids in the orphanage had theirs while I lived there. Perhaps it is time to find my destiny.”

“That’s the spirit! I’m going to draw up some ideas and see if Apple Bloom and Scootaloo can add a few too.”

He gave a nod. “Alright. While you’re doing that I may as well set up for when Rarity gets here.”

Hours passed before Rarity did return. It had already grown dark and the sun had long since set. The cold had sunken into her bones as she made her way through the city, the street lamps lighting her way. Her home and store was lit up like a beacon within the darkness. She gave a knock and could hear the squeal of a filly followed by the stomping of hooves. The door swung open and the filly rushed to embrace her. “Rarity!” Sweetie yelled.

“Hello Sweetie, I’ve missed you.” She wrapped her hoof around her sister before Sweetie rushed back inside and off to the kitchen. After closing the door behind her, she removed her coat and scarf, placing it on the coatrack next to Sombra’s. The smell of roasted vegetables filled the air and she could hear sizzling coming from the kitchen. “Sweetie dear,” she said aloud as she walked to the kitchen. “How many times have I told you to wait for me when – oh!” She stopped and stared at the stallion.

Sombra stood with his back to her, swirling the pan around and draining water from a bowl. When he noticed Rarity he set down the cookware and turned to face her. A pink apron was wrapped around his neck and chest. His smile beamed on his face as he walked towards her, giving a peck on the cheek to greet her. “Welcome home, dear.”

A pink hue stretched across her nose as she turned her focus to Sweetie Belle who sat at the table, smiling. “Well, I guess you’re not keeping it a secret anymore.”

“I don’t see the need to,” he replied as he walked back to the stove. “How’d the rest of the move go?”

Rarity trotted over to her little sister and examined the drawings sprawled out across the table. “It went well enough. They all seemed to like their rooms. There was one changeling who would not stop swooning whenever one of us would walk by. It was rather distracting but I believe Twilight took care of it. I’m sure they’re going to love it here.” She then lifted a few of the drawings up and asked, “What are all these for, Sweetie Belle?”

“I’m going to be helping Sombra get his cutie mark! I’m going to go over tomorrow to get Apple Bloom and Scootaloo too!” she replied as she finished another drawing. “Look at this one!” She raised up a picture of Sombra and Rarity kissing.

“Aww, how cute. This one is going on the fridge for sure!” Rarity levitated the drawing over to the fridge and stuck two magnets on the upper corners. She then looked to Sombra who eyed the picture and smiled. “Sweetie, why don’t you take these upstairs and go wash up for dinner?”

The filly nodded and got up from her chair, dragging the load of papers and crayons with her. Sombra levitated plates down from a cabinet and began filling each with cooked spaghetti. As he did, Rarity rubbed against his side, carefully watching his movements. “Can we just skip talking about Chrysalis and her lies?” she asked, lacking the tact she usually kept.

“Lies, huh?” he replied.

She gently stroked the back of his neck, playing with his ponytail. “Yes, lies. They are lies, correct?”

“Mhm,” was all he answered.

“Good. You’re not upset, are you?”

“I was, but I’m not anymore.”

“Really? Why’s that?”

He lifted the pot of sauce into the air and walked over to the table, setting it down in the center. He then removed his apron and tossed it onto the counter before walking back to the mare. “Because I love you.” After he spoke, he pressed his mouth against her.

She felt the plumpness of his lips and tasted the tomato on his tongue. Her knees felt like water as they wobbled beneath her. They had kissed many times, but for Rarity, nothing had felt quite like this. “Hey! It’s just like my picture!” the voice of the filly said, forcing her to part from her beloved stallion. She quickly sat down, her face redder than the tomato sauce.

Sweetie jumped into her seat next to her older sister and waited for the sauce to be poured. Sombra chuckled to himself and levitated the ladle out of the pot, pouring the tomato sauce on each of their plates. After they finished eating, Sweetie Belle headed up the stairs to get ready for bed, leaving the two lovers alone. “This was all very sweet of you, Sombra.”

“Was it? I had no idea,” he sarcastically said.

“Now I have to do something sweet for you,” she replied. He watched as she got up and crawled into his lap, sitting face to face with her forelegs around his neck. “I’ll have to think up what it will be, but I can assure you this, it’ll be something worthy of a prince.”

His pupils flared as he stared into her eyes. She really does have a thing for fairy tales. Wrapping his forelegs around her hips, he leaned in and kissed at her neck. “Worthy of a prince, huh? Does this mean you’ll become a princess? If you do, I wouldn’t mind flying high into the sky.”

“You’re really getting on my nerves with how sweet you are. The more you talk with those charming words, the more I’m going to have to return the favor.”

“Perhaps you should keep me from talking, then. I know of a good remedy.”

Just as he leaned in for another kiss, a voice yelled, “Oh come on! Can’t you guys wait till I go to bed at least?” Rarity threw herself off the stallion and stumbled into her chair, her muzzle flush red. “Seriously, this is why mom and dad don’t like me living with them. I don’t want to be kicked out of here too.”

Rarity rose from her seat and drew close to the filly, still flush with embarrassment. “No one will kick you out, Sweetie Belle. Now come on, let’s get you ready for bed.” As she walked with her sister to the steps, a knock came to the door. “Well who could that be at this hour?” she wondered. “Could you get that, Sombra dear?”

Anything for you, he thought before opening the door. His brows fell together as he eyed the purple alicorn. She was slowly becoming snow covered, and had no coat or jacket to protect from the freezing cold. Her body seemed to tremble and shake as if miniature earthquakes were happening within her body. “Oh, uh, Twilight Sparkle. What are you doing here?”

Her eyes rose from behind her bangs and displayed the fire that warmed her body. She wasn’t trembling from the cold. “You told Tirek and Discord about the drawing of me!?” she yelled and then tackled him, slamming him to the ground. “I will destroy you!”