• Published 26th Jul 2016
  • 520 Views, 171 Comments

The Pony Who Embraced The Darkness - Zurvan

After the Griffin attack things are going back to normal in Equestria, or are they?

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Chapter 10: I Won't Back Down

Chapter 10: I Won’t Back Down

“Let us take a break.” Emperor Jinden says and all the leaders stretch their legs and walk in different directions.

Twilight sighs as she stretches her wings as she walks. “I can’t believe it’s been four bucking days!”

“And just think your universal translator spell has sped things up.” Greaves says as he walks with her.

“Thank Faust I thought ahead on that one.” Twilight says. “Five minutes into the first day! Five minutes before I realized that those other ponies were translators!”

“You can’t blame yourself Princess.”

“Haven’t I asked you to call me Twilight when we’re not in a formal setting?”

Greaves nods his head. “It’s one thing for me to so that around the castle. I just don’t feel comfortable doing that here on foreign soil.”

“I suppose that’s a good idea.” Twilight says. “Especially since we’re traveling together.”

“Exactly, don’t want anypony to misinterpret anything.”

“Very well, what do you think of what’s been said so far?”

“You want MY opinion?”

“I WANT this to be over.”

“I doubt that’ll happen anytime soon.”

“Be that as it may the more information I have the quicker we can end this thing.”

“Very well.” Greaves says. “My opinion is that they are stalling for some reason.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asks as she stops and faces Greaves.

“We’ve been here four days and the information they’ve given us is useless. Not one thing they’ve said has had anything to do with where the border in question is. It’s all been useless history.”

“I know, I can’t see why they think I need their entire history to be able to judge a simple border dispute.”

“That’s because they’re waiting for me.” A masculine voice says and Twilight and Greaves turn to see a pony shaped shadow with blood red eyes.

Twilight flares her wings and charges her magic as she steps toward the shadow. “Identify yourself!”

“Lord Umbra doesn't’ have to answer your questions peasant.” A weapon wielding unicorn says as he and several other armed ponies surround them.

“Princess, this doesn’t bode well.” Greaves says as he draws his weapon.

“Surrender princess, and I will spare the guard’s life.” The shadowform of Lord Umbra commands.

“Princess, don’t listen to him.” Greaves says.

“What do you want with me?” Twilight asks.

Umbra grins. “I’ve always wanted a princess for my experiments.”

Twilight gasps. “Allusio Possum! Nymeria told me about your experiments. I’ll not have anything to do with them.”

“Ah sweet Nymeria, has she married the prince yet?”

Twilight looks at Umbra in shock. “How do you even know about her relationship?”

“Because she told me”

Twilight gasps and charges her horn and trying to teleport out. “What is this?”

“I figured you’d be well acquainted with the anti-teleportation field princess.” Umbra answers , then when Twilight flaps her wings. “There’s also a negative pressure spell, so no flying out of here.”

Twilight starts shooting magical blasts at the approaching ponies, but the unicorn’s put up a shield that stop her attack. “They’re well trained.” she says.

“I’m almost sorry to do this.” Umbra sighs as he waves a shadowy forehoof. “Kill the guard, bring me the princess alive.” He grins showing sharp shadowy teeth. “Try not to damage her too much.” With that the shadow melts back into the shadow of a nearby rock.

“Princess it’s been an honor serving with you.” Greaves says.

“We’re not dead yet.”

“I fail to see many options here.”

“Can you rush at them and attack them with your sword? With luck they won't be expecting that and I'll be able to use the distraction to use my magic and take out at least one of the others.”

“Too bad you don’t have a more conventional weapon.”

“Yeah, if I make it out of here alive I’m going to make it an edict that all princesses must carry one at all times.”

“Are you trained to use one if I get you one?”

Twilight nods. “It’s a mandatory class in Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns.”

“They had a class on sword fighting?” Greaves asks incredulously. “You know what, let’s address that at another time.”

“You have a better plan?”

“Shield me, I’ll get you a weapon, then we can fight them together.”

Twilight nods. “We’ll go out fighting,”

“Something like that.” Greaves mumbles as he charges at the nearest pony using three hooves, keeping his sword held in the fourth. The pony strikes at him but the blow his deflected by a glimmering purple shield. In the moment of surprise Greaves strikes at the pony, and severs his head. “Princess!” Greaves yells as he tosses her his sword, then picks up the fallen pony’s sword and rushing to the left towards the next pony.

Twilight catches the sword in her magic and rushes towards the pony on the right of the one Greaves killed. “Got you!” Twilight calls out as she magically wields the sword catching the pony off guard and leaving him dead. As the rest of the ponies move her direction she starts shooting them with her magic, their shield blocking all her attacks. “Damn! Taking out three of them should’ve taken down one of the spells.”

“Even if each of them was only casting one of the spells?” Greaves asks as the next pony gives him a bit more of a fight.

“I figured it was some sort of group casting.” Twilight answers as the ponies start forcing her to backup towards Greaves. Twilight scans the group of ponies and gasps. “It’s an Elderich incantation!”

“What’s that in common terms?” Greaves ask as he starts to back up too.

“See those three ponies that aren’t advancing as much as the others?”

“Of course.”

“They’re the ones that are actually casting the spells, everypony else is just powering it.”

“What can we do?”

“We need to kill one of those three, no matter which one we’ll have an advantage.”

“I fail to see a way to do that.”

Twilight sighs. “Follow me if you can.” She folds her wings up against her barrel and using her magic tosses her sword in the air distracting the ponies come at her. She quickly charges at the ponies.

They regain their sense as she hits the line and one of them manages to hit her cutting out her left eye right before Greaves kills him. “Princess?”

“Have to keep going!” Twilight pants as she runs and uses her magic to stop herself from bleeding.

“You’re injured!” Greaves says as he runs behind her.

“I’ll live!” Twilight yells as she runs at the three ponies standing next to each other slightly to the rear. “How are you?”

“Not well, my armor is taking a beating.”

“Let’s hope I’m right then.” Twilight says as she runs at the pony on the right but quickly changes direction to the one on the on the left grabbing her sword out of the air with her magic she leaps at the pony and directing the sword with her magic.

The pony grabs his sword and swings it right at Twilight, Greaves sees this, drops his sword and comes up and pushes Twilight out of the way of the blade that would have surely gutted her. The blade still takes off her right foreleg and then continues down into the left shoulder of Greaves armor, breaking his armor and cutting into his shoulder. Greaves falls to the ground as Twilight brings her sword around and impales the pony, the pony falls dead.

The negative pressure lessens and Twilight snaps her wings open taking to the air and quickly stopping the bleeding from her missing foreleg. “Damn! Greaves!”

Greaves attempts to push himself up on three legs, gritting in pain he falls down. The other ponies quickly circle him. “Princess, leave me.”

“I can’t do that.”

“If you try to save me you’ll die too.” Greaves says. “And somepony needs to let the other Princesses know about Nymeria.”

Twilight charges her magic and shots at the ponies, but it bounces off their shield turning their attention towards her. “Greaves, you can’t leave Applejack like this.”

“Just tell her not to name the foal after me. Keep up her Apple family tradition. Can you do that?”

Twilight sniffles a tear rolling down from her remaining eye. “I will do that.”

“Then fly away!” Greaves yells as he gets up on his three good legs and charges at the nearest pony, drawing their attention back to him, and they charge him forgetting about Twilight.

Twilight flies away to the Peace Summit, and sees her tent ransacked. She uses her magic to rip the tent open and sees her saddlebags ripped open. To her relief she sees a book thrown to the side. She lifts the book with her magic and opens it, a jeweled bookmark falls out of it. She grabs the bookmark with her magic and touches it with her remaining forehoof. A radiant golden light flashes as she is immediately teleported to her castle in Ponyville.