• Published 26th Jul 2016
  • 520 Views, 171 Comments

The Pony Who Embraced The Darkness - Zurvan

After the Griffin attack things are going back to normal in Equestria, or are they?

  • ...

Chapter 21: You Got Another Thing Comin'

Chapter 21: You Got Another Thing Comin’


Late in the day, near sunset Luna knocks on the door to Celestia’s chambers. “Sister, we have a problem.”

“Come in, Luna, please tell me what’s going on.”

Luna opens the door and enters Celestia’s room. “Spike sent us a letter.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Discord wants us to break the rules.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Sister, you know how we walk the dreams of ponies keeping nightmares away?”

“Of course, it’s a duty I’m glad you have taken back up. It let’s me rest easier knowing that you help others sleep well.”

“It’s my honor to do so.”

“I take it Discord wishes you to do something unsavory with this ability?”

Luna nods. “Mother had rules to dreamwalking; Discord asks us to break them.”

“What does he wish you to do?”

“He wishes for us to force ourselves into Twilight’s unconsciousness and attempt to wake her.”

“You forced yourself into young Ash’s unconsciousness, how is this any different?”

Luna nods. “Ash’s unconsciousness was open to us, like most ponies dreams are. It’s only those ponies whose dreams are open that we set hooves into. One of Mother’s rules was never to force yourself into somepony’s dreams.”

“Oh, I see.” Celestia says. “So you’ve attempted to enter Twilight’s dreams?”

“Every chance I get I test her dreams, but I short of forcing my way in I can’t get to her. That’s why we still don’t know exactly what happened to her.”

“I suppose I never thought of it that way. What are you going to do?”

“I don't know. I'm not sure what to tell Discord.”

“Why Luna.” Discord says as he appears. “I didn’t know you cared.”

“We just don’t wish to upset you.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m sorry Discord, but I just can’t do what you are asking me to do.”

“I don’t understand, you go into pony’s dream’s all the time, why not Twilight’s?”

“Somepony’s dream’s I can enter, some I can’t. I have been unable to enter Twilight’s dream state since she returned to us.”

“I see.” Discord says sounding rather disappointed.

“I promise I’ll keep trying.”

Discord nods. “Thank you, I really thought you’d be able to help.”

“Even if I was able to do as you ask and go into her dreams there’s no guarantee I could wake her, so surely you have a plan B”

Discord nods. “I was hoping if you couldn’t wake her that you could at least get information about who attacked her. I want to know if it was a pony calling himself Lord Umbra.”

Luna growls. “I’ve been hearing way too much about this Lord Umbra.”

“What do you mean?”

“As I’m sure you’re aware I adopted a colt a couple years ago.”

“Yes, of course. Winter, he had a hornfasting ceremony recently didn’t he?”

“I’m surprised you remember him so well.”

“Scootaloo mentioned it, and since she’s special to Fluttershy she’s special to me. Also he's the one I lent Fluttershy's wings to for the battle of Ponyville, I'd never forget something like that. Has a habit of calling me 'Uncle' now."

"Doesn't sound like you're trying to stop him."

"Never hurts to have royal family."

“Well the filly he’s bound to was raised by this Lord Umbra.”

“Where is this filly?”

“She insisted that since they were considered married that they take a honeymoon.”

“I can’t say as I blame her. I certainly don’t want to disturb her during her honeymoon so I’ll have to assume that the intel I have is correct.”


“On where this Lord Umbra is.”

“How do you have that kind of intel?”

Discord grins. “I can’t tell you that.”

Luna looks at him debating what to say. Celestia steps up to her and puts a wing on her back as she speaks. “I think this is one of the times we’re going to have to just let it go.”

“You sister know that we can’t just let it go.” Luna says. “There’s no telling how he got that information. He probably tortured some poor pony to get it.”

“You know is well as I do that he can’t actually hurt anypony with his powers, that wouldn’t be chaotic. I couldn’t imagine him doing it by traditional means either.”

“I suppose you have a point.” Luna says as she turns to Discord. “Please tell us of your information.”

“I have a location that may be the liar of this Lord Umbra.”

“WHAT?!” The royal sisters yell at the same time.

“I’d hoped that you’d be able to wake Twilight so that I could gather the Elements and blast him into a stone statue, or whatever it is that they plan to do to him when we found him.”

“That obviously isn’t going to work.” Celestia says.

“I knew there was a chance it wouldn’t, so I was wondering if you could lend me an army.”

“An army?” Celestia asks.

“He tried to ponynap Fluttershy.” Discord says. “I have no intention of letting that go.”

“We can’t..” Luna starts before being cut off by Celestia.

“Come back tomorrow, you’ll have your army.” Celestia says. “You’ll have to use your powers to make sure that the general population doesn’t know about this though.”

“That will be fine, it gives me time to take care of some last minute details.” Discord says before vanishing.

“Are you sure it’s a wise idea to give Discord control of an army?” Luna asks.

“No, but he came and asked for one.” Celestia answers. “He didn’t try and use his magic to trick us into giving it to him. That can only mean one thing.”

“He’s desperate.”

Celestia nods. “I’ll find him some soldiers we'll ask for volunteers, that way he only has those that are willing to serve under him.”

=====Ponyville; Fluttershy’s cottage====

Fluttershy and Applejack are sitting drinking tea, while SC - 9 lays on the floor. The room is lot up to remove any shadows. “You can have some tea you know.” Fluttershy says.

“Why are you even trying to be nice to me?” SC - 9 asks.

“I can’t help it.” Fluttershy says. “It’s just the way I am. I know that part of the reason that you are the way that you are is how you were raised.”

“So what? You feel sorry for me because of how I was raised?”

“I suppose, would that be all that bad?”

“I...I don’t know.”

“I’m not asking for anything from you except for you to enjoy some tea.”

SC - 9 sighs as her horn lights and she grabs the tea. She sips the tea. “This is very good tea.”

“Wait a minute.” Applejack says. “I thought Discord took your magic away.”

“My ability to shift into other forms, and to hurt anypony with my magic. It's all about intent.” SC - 9 answers as she sips the tea. “What’s in this anyway?”

Discord suddenly appears. “A special type of truth potion.”

Fluttershy looks at the teacup in her hooves aghast. “Discord! How dare you? You know potions could hurt an unborn foal.”

“I got the potion from Zecora, she promised me it was completely safe if you consumed it mixed into tea like it is.”

“Why in tarnation you need us to drink a truth potion?” Applejack asks.

“It’s not for you.” Discord says. “Our changeling friend here has information I need, now she'll have to tell me.”

SC - 9 grits her teeth as she feels the potion kick in. “What do you want to know?”

“I just want to know where I can find your Master. I wish to drop in and visit him; with a small army.”