• Published 26th Jul 2016
  • 520 Views, 171 Comments

The Pony Who Embraced The Darkness - Zurvan

After the Griffin attack things are going back to normal in Equestria, or are they?

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Chapter 12: Volunteers

Chapter 12: Volunteers


Rainbow Dash stands on the roof of Prince Bastion’s palace. A pair of unicorn guards maintain a shieldi around the palace, rocks, spears and various other objects bounce off the shield. A few griffins fly near the shield wielding various weapons. “Captain Dash!” One of the the other guards, an earth pony on the roof yells. “To the East!”

Rainbow turns to the east and sees a chariot being pulled by two pegasi guards, a unicorn guard rides in the chariot creating a shield around them all, occasionally a spear or rock sails high enough to bounce off the shield. “Unicorns ready to make a hole! Pegasi ready to defend the whole, those griffons look ready to slip in!”

A third unicorn, a female steps forward. “Ready ma’am!”

Rainbow watches the chariot come closer. “Open it!”

The third unicorn uses her magic to create a hole in the shield big enough for the chariot to enter. As she opens the hole two pegasi, wielding lances, fly up from the roof to either side of the hole discouraging the griffons from rushing in. Once the chariot is inside the shield the hole closes up again. The unicorn in the chariot drops the shield. Rainbow walks up to the chariot. ‘I’m guessing you’re not the additional troops I asked Celestia for?”

“No ma’am, we’re not.” The unicorn, a stallion says. “Sending us in was a very interesting undertaking.”

Rainbow nods. “State your name and reason for being here then.”

“Iron Horn.” He salutes her. “I have news that should be told to you in private.”

Rainbow nods. “Keep an eye on the crowd, and keep that shield going.”

“Ma’am, we’re going to need a break soon.” One of the two unicorns holding the shield says.

Rainbow nods. “Rune Skirt!”

The female unicorn from earlier steps up. “Yes, ma’am!”

“Go get your sister and relieve these two.”

Rune Skirt nods and heads off.

“Come on.” Rainbow says to Iron Horn. “We’ll go down to Prince Bastion’s private quarters and we can talk there.”

“What about the pegasi that flew me in?”

“The other pegasi will make sure they’re tended to, but I’ll tell you right now you’re not getting out the same way you came in.”

Iron Horn sighs. “I’m part of your unit whether I like it or not, aren’t I?”

“Unfortunately. You saw those griffons out there. There’s absolutely no way we can protect a hole long enough for you to take off safely. Even if you do get off you’re likely to be attacked by the griffons before you get very far..”

“Are there any griffons left that support Prince Bastion?”

“If there are, they’re in hiding. I haven’t heard anything from any supporters in a long time.”

“What’s your plan?”

“I’d asked Celestia to send me an entire company of unicorns to make a portal to get Bastion out.”

“That’s a lot of unicorns.”

“This palace is literally surrounded by the griffon army. If it wasn’t for the unicorn’s making shields we’d all most likely be dead. So if you have a better plan I’d really like to hear it.”

Iron Horn sighs. “That doesn’t leave us many options, that’s for sure..”

“Now, you mind telling me why Celestia sent just you instead of the entire company I asked for?”

“I’m afraid that there’s no company coming for you.”

“I kinda figured that. Mind telling me why not?”

“Princess Twilight’s mission didn’t go well.”

“Are we at war with Saddle Arabia now?”

“Thankfully that’s not the problem.”

“Then what is the problem?”

“Somepony attacked Twilight during the talks.”

“WHAT?!” Rainbow exclaims. “Is she okay?”

“I’m afraid she’s comatose, and recovering from her injuries.”

“How badly was she injured?”

“I’m not privy to that information, but Celestia has all of her spare forces searching for her attackers, so I’m guessing it must not be very good.”

“Damn! She ordered me to protect Bastion, but I really should be there for her.”

“Not like you could leave if you wanted to any way.”

‘Are you kidding me? I’m Rainbow Dash; the fastest pegasus in Equestria; and the only pegasus to successfully pull off multiple Sonic Rainbooms.”

“Are you kidding me? You really did that? I thought that was an old mare’s tale. ”

“I’m not kidding you, and I certainly did all that. If anypony could fly out of here it’s me.”

“Then why don’t you just go?.”

“I can’t. I might have shirked my duties before, but since Twilight has made me the Captain of her Guard I’ve felt like I had better live up to the position she gave me. She asked me to protect Bastion, that’s what I’m going to do.”

“Then we’ll just have to find another way to get Bastion to safety.”

“You have a plan?”

“Not yet, but let me think on it. I’m good in a tight situation.”

“Let me know if you come up with anything. I’ll listen to anything at this point.”

“Do I have your permission to talk to all your troops? It’ll help if I know what skills I have to work with.”

“Of course, anything that’ll get us away from this revolt.”

“Thank you.”

“In the meantime I’m going to need you to be ready to relieve a one of the other’s maintaining the shield, they’re running 8 hour shifts. I have 2 maintaining the shield, and one ready to make holes for deliveries and such, but I only have 4 right now, so it gets complicated. There’s a cot on the roof so the one hole duty can nap for the most part.”

“How long have they been maintaining the shield?”

“A week.”

“Impressive, your troops must be very disciplined.”

“They are indeed.”

“Well, I can easily hold this shield for 4 hours by myself.”

“Thank Faust! Some good news!” Rainbow exclaims.

“When will my first shift be?”

“In 8 hours, since I just rotated guards.”

Iron Horn nods. “That’ll be fine. If you have me do 4 hours, then give me 8 hours I’ll be able to do another 4.”

“I think I can work with that, that give you time to work your escape plan out?”

“No problem, I’m used to sleeping in 4 hour shifts too.”

Rainbow Dash nods. “I’ll rework the other guard’s schedules.”