• Published 26th Jul 2016
  • 520 Views, 171 Comments

The Pony Who Embraced The Darkness - Zurvan

After the Griffin attack things are going back to normal in Equestria, or are they?

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Chapter 28: It's Time

Chapter 28: It’s Time

Twilight sits on a hospital bed as doctor’s examine here, she listens to Luna tell her everything she’s missed. “I’ve heard enough!” She yells as she uses her magic to push aside the doctors and then jumps off the hospital bed. She lands on her three hooves and quickly opens her wings to catch her balance.

“Princess!” One of the doctor’s call out. “We’re not through with your tests.”

“You are now.”


“I said you’re done!.” Twilight snaps

The doctor’s quickly back away. “Of course, your majesty.”

Twilight turns and looks at Luna. “I’m going after Discord, from what you said he needs my help.”

“I’m not sure that’s the best idea.” Luna says softly.

“NOT THE BEST IDEA!?” Twilight yells. “Do you have any idea what Discord is up against?”

“What do you mean?” Luna asks.

“He’s the one that attacked me, it was his followers that did this to me. Not him himself. Can you imagine what his force is like?”

“You make a valid point, but you’re in no shape to go after him.”

“What do you expect me to do? I can’t just sit here and do nothing!”

“Twilight, you need to take time and heal. You’’re magic isn’t at full strength while you are regenerating. We will not let you leave the castle for the time being.”

Twilight growls and stomps off without saying another word.


Sweetie leads the group to a clearing. From the clearing they see the river flows from a waterfall. “There.” She says. “That’s where the compass is pointing.”

“That’s Lord Umbra’s liar!” Nymeria says.

“Umbra ponynapped Rarity?” Ash asks.

“That’d certainly be convenient.” Winter says.

“I don’t see any lair anywhere.” Discord says. “I’m beginning to wonder about our information.”

“Use your magic to divert the waterfall, then you’ll see it.” Nymeria says.

Discord cracks his knuckles. “I guess it’s time for me to ‘Let it go’ then.” He says as he snaps his fingers and the water freezes.

Nymeria sighs. “Seriously?”

Discord snaps his fingers again and the frozen waterfall turns into snow around them. “Answer me something.” He says then sings.

“Do you want to build a snowman?”

Pinkie Pie suddenly pops up out of nowhere and puts her hoof to his mouth. “That’ll be enough of that, we don’t have the rights to that song.”

Just as suddenly as she appeared Pinkie vanishes. “Are you sure Pinkie’s not related to you somehow?” Winter asks.

“I’m really beginning to wonder that myself.” Discord answers.

“Can we get we get back to the matter at hoof?” Nymeria asks.

“Of course.” Discord says his face suddenly going very serious as he looks at the area that is exposed now that the waterfall has stopped. “It looks like a cave.”

“It’s a series a caves. His fortress is inside there.”

“I’m sure that the caves are full of all kinds of traps too.” Winter says.

“They would be if this was my fortress, and I’d have moved them recently since Nymeria has obviously changed sides.” Ash comments.

“That’s what I’m here for.” Discord says. “Why send forces through trapped tunnels when you can just get rid of the tunnels?” He snaps his fingers and the entire mountain turns black, but nothing else happens. “Why is nothing happening?”

The shadows around the cave start to move. “It’s him!” Nymeria calls out and moves behind Winter.

The shadows merge into the form of Lord Umbra. “Discord, I’m disappointed in you.”

“Excuse me?”

“You, using your magic to help ponies, where’s the chaos in that?”

“I’m the Spirit of Chaos. Who’s to say chaos has to be evil? Chaos is whatever I want it to be.”

“So you tried to rip my fortress apart?”

“Not much more chaotic than that, don’t you agree?”

“You could turn on your pony allies, that’d be pretty chaotic.”

“Tempting as that is, I’d never side with you. You tried to kill Fluttershy.”

“And that concerns you how?”

Discord growls. “She’s my mate!”


“I’m done talking to you!” Discord yells and claps his hands together before pulling them apart. The shadow magic covering the mountain along with the form of Lord Umbra shatters as Discord pulls the mountain apart exposing the fortress. He snaps his fingers so that the armor on every pony is glowing. “Now surrender and I’ll make this quick.”

Lord Umbra, the actual pony steps forward and laughs. “You have no idea what you and you’re measly forces are up against.” A legion of shadows form in front of him.

Discord grins as the area is suddenly lit up very brightly, dispelling the shadows. “Oh I’m sorry, is creating light where there is only darkness no chaotic enough for you?”

“Oh I don’t need my shadows.” .” Umbra says as he stomps his hooves and a bunch of zomponies start raising from the ground. From somewhere a war horn sounds. Following the sound ponies of every race, griffons, dragons, minotaurs and diamond dogs all fully armed step forward. The army easily dwarfs Discord’s force. “Now what are you going to do?”

“Uncle?” Winter asks. “You do have a plan, don’t you?”

“I have to admit that this isn’t exactly what I expected our forces to face.”

===== Fluttershy’s Cottage =====

“Fluttershy!” Spike yells as he bangs on her door.

Eris opens the door. “Oh Spike, you’re adorable here too.”

Spike blinks a few times. “Discord?”

“Yes and no.” Eris answers. “I’m Eris, I’m Discord's double from another dimension.”

“Oh, why didn’t you just say that in the first place?” Spike asks.

“I forgot you’re Twilight’s assistant.” Eris says. “Of course saying something like that would make sense to you.”

“Spike!” Fluttershy says as she sees the baby dragon. “What are you doing here?”

Spike holds a scroll in his claw. “News from Canterlot!”

“Princess Celestia sent you a letter? What’s it say?” Fluttershy asks. “Is it about Twilight?”

“Celestia didn’t send it.” Spike says with a grin. “Twilight did.”

“Twilight’s awake!” Fluttershy exclaims. “We need to get Pinkie and get to Canterlot!”

“I’m right here.” Pinkie says popping up seemingly out of nowhere. “Why do we need to get to Canterlot?”

“We need to be there for Twilight.” Fluttershy answers.

“I’m supposed to be protecting you.” Eris protests.

“You can protect me just fine in Canterlot.”

Eris sighs. “Fine, but I have a feeling I’m going to regret this.” She snaps her fingers and they vanish.