• Published 26th Jul 2016
  • 520 Views, 171 Comments

The Pony Who Embraced The Darkness - Zurvan

After the Griffin attack things are going back to normal in Equestria, or are they?

  • ...

Chapter 2: Somepony to Love

Chapter 2: Somepony to Love

“Winter Spark get back here!” Nymeria yells as she chases the colt.

“Come on Nymeria.” Winter says as he teleports to an alcove. “You’re supposed to be practicing teleporting.

”Nymeria plops down on the ground. “I don’t want to practice anymore.”

Winter teleports to her side. “What’s the matter?”

“I’m just tired Winter.”

“Tired of what?”

“Princess Twilight’s classes.”

“Aren’t you learning magic?”

“She treats me as if I’m a child!” Nymeria says angrily. “Master always treated me like an adult.”

Winter puts a forehoof around Nymeria. “Tell me about him.”


Winter nods. “If you want to talk about him.”

Nymeria pushes herself against Winter. “Why don’t we talk about something else?"

“And what exactly is it you want to talk about?”


“What about us?”

“The same thing I always want to talk about.”

“Nymeria, I care for you deeply, you know that.”


“I’ve told you I am not going to...” Winter blushes heavily. “Sleep with you at this stage in our relationship.”

“I’m going to go into heat again soon.” Nymeria says. “Even with my magic, and moon tea I can only get so much relief. I'll drink enough tea to make sure I don't get pregnant, please?”

Winter sighs. “I’m sorry Nymeria, I really just don’t feel comfortable with that idea. I’d rather wait until I was married.”

“Then marry me.” Nymeria says as she presses as close to him as she can. “It’ll be great, we can make love every night. I’ll give you as many foals as I can once we're ready, it’ll be great.”

“Wait! Are you proposing to me?”\

Nymeria laughs. “It’s the modern era, you might have missed a few things in that thousand years. The mare can propose to the stallion now.”

“Last time I checked with just barely technically meet the criteria of being called those. To most we’re still a filly and colt.”

“You’ve had your cutie mark for years.” Nymeria says. “So what if I just got mine.” She looks to her mark, a zebrican design that nopony is quite sure what it means.

“So you really want to marry me?”

Nymeria nods. “I do.”

“This isn’t just because of… you know is it?”

“Is it really that hard for you to say sex? Or would you rather say intercourse?” Nymeria teases. “Or do you need another euphemism?”

Winter sighs. “Fine. This isn’t all about sex is it?”

“See?” Nymeria says “Was that so hard?”

“Will you answer my question?”

“That is certainly one reason.”

“Is it the only one?”

“I do care greatly for you, and the idea of spending the rest of my life with you isn’t the worst idea ever.”

Winter chuckles slightly at her phrasing. “Let me think about it.”

“Really?” Nymeria asks hopefully.

“Yeah, I need to decide what I want, so give me a day or two.”

“Then you’ll let me know your decision?”

“Of course.” Winter says then kisses her. “And if I say yes, I may consider bending my rule on some matters for you.” He pats her flank with a grin.

Nymeria blushes and grins broadly. “I like that idea!”

Winter nods. “But I expect you to learn what Princess Twilight wants you to learn.”

Nymeria sighs. “So teleportation practice?” Winter nods and teleports away from her.


Twilight lays in bed with her forelegs wrapped around Trixie. “You know I think I like our study sessions.”

“Trixie likes our sessions too.” She says. “Very educational.”

Twilight chuckles. “I think I’m learning more about the magic of friendship and progressing relationships than you are learning anything.”

“Trixie has learned lots. Just a bit ago you showed a new spell to Trixie.”

“The Starswirl the Bearded Wing does have some interesting spells.”

“Trixie has heard that. Where did you find that spell?”

“In a book of body modification spells.” Twilight answers. “It’s called the futanari spell.”

“Trixie finds it odd that Starswirl would need such a spell, he was a colt after all.”

Twilight shrugs. “Maybe he developed it for somepony else?”

Trixie nods. “Trixie agrees with this idea.”

‘“Speaking of other ponies we should check on Nymeria and Winter.”

“Does that mean Trixie has to get up?”

Twilight chuckles. “You don’t have to get up, but you do need to move so I can get my leg out from under you.”

Trixie moves and kisses Twilight. “Trixie loves you.”

“I love you too Trixie.” Twilight says as Trixie moves so Twilight can get up and gets out of bed, “I’ll come get you once I’ve checked on them. You can lay here until then.”

“Sounds good to Trixie.” She says as she curls up under the covers.

Twilight chuckles softly as she steps out into the hall. No sooner does she close the door behind her does she see Winter galloping towards her. “Winter, what are you doing?”

“Getting Nymeria to practice teleportation.” Winter answers with a grin. “We're playing tag.”

Nymeria appears in front of Winter and tackles him. “I win!” She announces before kissing Winter.

“Looks like you've gotten the hang of teleportation.” Twilight says startling the filly, causing her to jump off Winter.

“I didn’t see you there Princess.” Nymeria says as she blushes and climbs off Winter.

“You two don’t have to be so embarrassed about your relationship.” Twilight says. “Public displays of affection are natural.”

“That’s amusing coming from you Princess.” Nymeria says.

“I have to agree with her on this one.” Winter says as he pushes himself up onto his hooves. “How many ponies even know you’re even in a relationship?”

Twilight blushes heavily. “That’s not exactly the same, I’m a princess.”

“And what exactly am I?” Winter asks.

“I do suppose that even though you are aren’t technically a prince that you are in the public eye a lot.” Twilight admits. “Perhaps I owe you an apology.”

“In that case apology accepted.” Winter says.

Twilight nods. “Anything else I can help you with?”

Winter shakes his head. “We’re done with our training for the day. I need to head back to Canterlot and will be gone for a couple days.”

Twilight nods. “Alright, take care. See you then.” With that she goes back into her room to to give them some privacy.

]Nymeria looks at Winter. “You didn’t tell me you were going to be gone for a few days.”

“I told you I needed some time to think.” Winter says. “What were you expecting?”

“So that means you’ll have an answer for me when you come back?” Nymeria asks hopefully.

Winter nods. “Of course.”

Nymeria kisses him. “Hurry back then.”

Author's Note:

Fimfic imported this badly from GDOCS, please let me know if I missed correcting anything.