• Published 26th Jul 2016
  • 520 Views, 171 Comments

The Pony Who Embraced The Darkness - Zurvan

After the Griffin attack things are going back to normal in Equestria, or are they?

  • ...

Chapter 11: Urgent

Chapter 11: Urgent

Trixie is reading in the library of Twilight's Castle when her amulet starts to glow. As calmly as she can muster she places a bookmark in the book and gets up with a smile. ”Twilight’s home, Twilight’s home!” Trixie says as she leaves the room and starts looking for Twilight. “Twilight? Where are you?” Trixie asks as she follows the glow of the amulet to track Twilight.

“Strange game of hide and seak you’re playing with Trixie.” She says as she continues to look for Twilight. She enters the thrones room and that’s where she finds her. “Twilight?” She runs up to her and sees her emaciated form. “Twilight? What happened to you?” Trixie sobs, then runs out the doors and yells. “SPIKE!”

Spike comes out of his room. “Trixie?”

“Twilight is hurt, we need help!”

“Yes, of course.” He goes to runoff.

“Wait! Trixie needs you to send a letter to Celestia, she needs to know about Twilight.”

Spike nods then runs and grabs a quill and scroll and quickly writes a letter, then breathes fire on it sending it to Celestia. “I’m going to get Doctor Staff, maybe he can help while we wait for Princess Celestia.”

“Trixie is going to stay with Twilight in case she wakes up.”

“Good idea.” Spike says then leaves.

Trixie goes back to the throne room and looks at Twilight still laying in the middle of the floor. A sudden flash of yellow light draws Trixie's attention from Twilight to the light. Princess Celestia now stands in the room. “Princess, come help.” Trixie says.

Celestia walks over to Trixie. “What happened?”

“Trixie’s amulet started glowing telling Trixie that Twilight was home. Trixie followed the glow of her amulet here and found Twilight like this.”

“This isn’t good.” Celestia says. “Somepony must have been using a great deal of magic to get close enough to injure her like this.”

“Trixie thought she was going to a peace conference, who would attack her there?”

“‘Nopony good.” Celestia answers as she looks her over. “We must get her to Canterlot where my private physicians can take care of her.”

“What are you waiting for?” Trixie asks.

“That.” Celestia says as she nods towards the door and Spike rushes in with Doctor Staff.

“Trixie, we’re here!” Spike says then stops when he sees Celestia. “Princess Celestia, you got here quickly.”

“I teleported here as soon as I could.” Celestia says. “Doctor Staff, we will not be needing your help today, I’ll be taking Twilight with me to Canterlot, and she will be seen by my private physicians.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Doctor Staff asks. “I can see she’s badly injured. I’m not sure she should be moved.”

Celestia sighs. “How much do you know about alicorn physiology?”

“Well, I’ve not really had much of a chance to study alicorns.”

“Exactly, my physicians have been treating me for years, and are well versed in alicorn physiology. They know exactly how to treat her.”

“I suppose if you think that’s the best thing for her then I won’t stand in your way.”

“Thank you Doctor.” Celestia says then teleports Twilight away. “Now I should be going as well. My doctors should already be examining her.”

“Can Trixie come too?”

“I fail to see why you should. As Twilight’s apprentice you’d be better off staying here and going over whatever course she laid out before she left.”

“Trixie has already finished all the books Twilight has left her. Trixie was hoping you could teach Trixie while Twilight was being healed.”

Celestia looks at Trixie suspiciously. “You’re hiding something, what is it?”

Trixie looks to the ground where she traces shapes with her fore hoof. “It’s personal.”

“Then you can stay here, I don’t need you getting in the way.”

“Fine.” Trixie sighs as she looks at Celestia and blushes heavily as she whispers. “Twilight is Trixie’s lover.”

Celestia blinks a few times.”Excuse me?”

“Did Trixie stutter?” Trixie asks in her normal voice. “Trixie hopes not. Trixie hasn’t done that since Trixie was little.”

“You didn’t stutter, I’m just afraid I didn’t quite catch what you said the first time.”

“Oh, um.” Trixie blushes again. “Twilight is Trixie’s lover.”

“Oh, that explains a lot.” Celestia says. “Since that’s the case, you may come. I trust you to do as instructed though.”

“Thank you Princess.” Trixie says as they are both enveloped in Celestia’s golden aura and teleported away.

Spike looks to Doctor Staff after they vanish. “Sorry about having you come over.”

“Having a Doctor come see Twilight was the right thing to do.”

"Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I guess you should be heading back.”

“Probably a good idea. I may still may be needed at the hospital.”

“Thank you for coming.” Spike says as Doctor Staff walks away.

“Don’t worry, you’re still getting a bill.”

“But..but…” Spike sighs. “Oh well, guess he’s got to make a living.”


Trixie looks around the room once they appear. “Where is Twilight?”

“You will see her in a little while.” Celestia says. “First we should have you seen.”

“Trixie is fine. Trixie wasn't in a battle.”

“You know what I’m talking about Trixie.” Celestia says. “I felt it when I teleported you.”

“Trixie has no clue what you’re talking about.”

Celestia sighs. “Your pregnant.”

“That’s impossible.”

“What do you mean that’s impossible?”

“Twilight has been Trixie’s only lover and Twilight said she needed to cast a special spell to get Trixie pregnant. Trixie would remember if Twilight had cast that spell. Trixie is not ready to be somepony’s mother.”

Celestia hangs her head and signs. “I knew there was something I forgot to tell Twilight.”

“Trixie doesn’t understand.”

“There’s a two-part spell for unicorn mares so that they can get other mares pregnant.” Celestia explains. “The first part gives them a stallions...equipment.”

“Trixie is very familiar with this part of the spell. Twilight used it and rutted Trixie like there was no tomorrow.” Trixie sighs happily. “Trixie loved it.”

Celestia nods. “The second part allows for the actual fertilization.”

“Twilight said as much. Twilight didn’t use the second part of spell.”

“She didn’t need to. As alicorn’s are created by magic, our bodies adjust to the magic around us. For instance when Twilight was given wings she was immediately able to fly regardless of the fact that she would not have had the time to develop the proper muscles in order to perform that action.”

“Oh.” Trixie says. ‘If Trixie had known Trixie wouldn’t have teleported. Trixie has heard that’s bad for developing foals.”

“It can be, but isn’t always.” Celestai says. “Hence the reason I want to have you checked out.”

Trixie nods. “Of course. Then Trixie can see Twilight?”

“Of course you can.”

“Okay.” Trixie looks at the floor. “Princess?”

“Yes Trixie?”

“Is Twilight going to die?”

“Not this time my little pony, and if I have anything to say about it not for a long time. She has a foal to help raise.”

“Thank you Princess.”