• Published 26th Jul 2016
  • 520 Views, 171 Comments

The Pony Who Embraced The Darkness - Zurvan

After the Griffin attack things are going back to normal in Equestria, or are they?

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Chapter 16: Jailbreak

Chapter 16: Jailbreak


Rainbow Dash stands at the top of Bastions palace, the number of griffons in the air has increased to the point that there is no way that anything was getting in or out without them wanting it. With a heavy sigh Rainbow heads down to the lowest level of the palace. Once at the bottom floor she sees a roughly pony sized hole in the very corner of the building leading to what appears to be a tunnel of some sort. She enters the tunnel, walks for a little and then sees ponies working on expanding the tunnel. She sees Iron Horn moves a beam into place with his magic and then a few ponies work on making sure it won’t move. Once the tunnel is braced the ponies work on digging some more. “Iron Horn!” Rainbow Dash calls out as she comes into the dig site.

“Captain Dash!” Iron Horn says as he salutes, then walks towards Dash. “How can I help you ma’am?”

“How’s the progress on the escape tunnel?”

“We’re about a hoofball field’s length out.”

Dash sighs. ‘I was really hoping that we were farther out.”


“As you know the griffons have stopped letting anything in.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard the grumbling from the other soldiers, you’ve cut everypony but the unicorns to half rations.”

“I can’t exactly risk the shield being dropped, can I?”

Iron Horn sighs. “No, I suppose not.”

“Even at that rations are running low.”

“I was afraid you were going to say that.” Iron Horn says. “What are we looking at?”

“A week tops, then we’ll be out of food all together.”

Iron Horn nods. “We’re not going to make that much of a difference in a week, and then we’d be out of time to go with other options.”

“I know, but I’m not sure what to do.”

“Might I suggest a crazy option?”

“As long as it’s not handing Bastion over I’m all ears.”

Iron Horn laughs. “Had a few ponies suggest that already, huh?”

“More that a few.” Dash answers. “If it was up to them we’d already have handed him over.”

“We both know that wouldn’t help anything at this point.”

“I know. So what’s your plan?”

“Get that food out and feed everypony good tonight and tomorrow. Tomorrow night we’ll make out break for it, at least we’ll be at full strength.”

Dash nods. “That’s a really good plan. I’ll get right on it.”

Iron Horn nods. “We’ll get this shored up and start working our way up so that we’re ready to go for tomorrow night.”

=====The next night=====

Iron Hord marches up to the top of Bastion’s palace. “I’m ready to take the shield.”

Rune Skirt and Rune Vest both nod and they transfer the control of the shield to him. “Thank you sir!” Rune Skirt says.

“I know you two want to rest, but I’m afraid we don’t have time for that.”

“Is it time to move then?” Rune Skirt asks.

“Yes, I believe that they have some food made to help you recharge. We leave in an hour, I’m going to tie the shield off right before I go.”

“What are you going to tie it to?” Rune Vest asks.

Iron Horn pulls a glowing gem out of his saddlebags. “This mana gem should hold the shield for about an hour. Hopefully we’ll be able to get far away before then.”

“Then we’d better go eat and head downstairs with the rest.” Rune Skirt says and the two head downstairs.

Iron Horn looks up at the griffons in the sky, there’s so many of them he can’t see the sky. Every once in awhile on hits the shield with something, testing it.

“Will the shield hold if they keep hitting it?” Rainbow Dash asks.

“The more they hit it the quicker the gem will lose it’s charge.”

“You’re going to have to wait until the very last minute to tie the shield to the gem, aren’t you?”

“I am, but I can hold the shield without seeing it, I can tie the shield to the gem right before I go into the tunnel. I’m a little worried how long it will hold though.”

“We just need it to hold long enough to get us through the tunnel, there’s only 16 of us, counting Bastion. We’re only talking a hoofball length, and most of us should be able to be by the exit before you even tie the gem off.”

“You can’t have too many ponies in there at once, just because we shored it up doesn’t mean it won’t collapse when the surface is breached.”

“How were you planning on dealing with that?”

“I was planning on reinforcing the tunnel with magic, something very similar to the shield spell, but I need the tunnel to be empty to do that.”

Dash nods. “We’ll figure it out, let’s go.”

Iron Horn nods and follows Dash downstairs where everypony is gathered outside the tunnel. “Cold Steel,are you ready?”

Cold Steel, an earth pony nods. “Yes, sir.”

“You may begin.” Iron Horn says then Cold Steel walks into the tunnel. Iron Horn pulls the energized crystal from his saddlebags and a stream magic goes from his horn to the gem until the gem is glowing brightly. He places the gem down and his horn lights up again, a shield reinforces the tunnel.

Cold Steel quickly digs to the surface and climbs out, he pokes his head back into the hole and yells. “Let’s move it ponies!”

“You heard him!” Rainbow Dash says. “Rune Skirt; Rune Vest advance and secure the exit!”

“Yes Ma’am!” They salute unanimously and quickly run down the tunnel.

“Bastion, you’re next!” Rainbow yells at the griffon prince. ‘The rest of you follow single file. I’ll bring up the rear, followed only by Iron Horn, is that clear?”

“Yes, ma’am!” Everypony responds.

Bastion glares at Rainbow Dash. “You’re giving me orders now?”

Dash flies up so that she’s eye level with Bastion. “I’ve been letting you act like you’ve been in charge long enough! Now get your feathered ass in that tunnel so we can get out of here!”

Bastion’s eye widen. “I got it, I got it!” He says as he walks into the tunnel followed by the rest of the ponies except Rainbow Dash and Iron Horn.

“Let’s go Iron Horn.” Dash says then only for the sound of shattering glass to draw their attention.

“The gem!” Iron Horn says as he looks to see the shattered remains of the gem on the floor. He quickly changes his shield to protect the room.

Rainbow looks over at the tunnel. “It’s collapsing, let’s go!”

Iron Horn shakes his head. “Go on without me, I’ll collapse the tunnel behind you.”

“I can’t just leave you here.”

“For the sake of everypony you need to leave, and you need to leave now. You’re one of the Elements of Harmony, Equestria needs you to survive.”

“But what about..” Dash starts to ask only for Iron Horn to stop her.

“There’s no time to argue, go now!” Iron Horn yells as he physically pushes Rainbow Dash.

“Iron Horn, stop! That’s an order!” Dash yells as she’s pushed into the tunnel.

“That’s one order I can’t obey!” Iron Horn says as he drops the shield spell then uses his magic to hold Rainbow Dash back. “It’s been an honor serving under you.” With that he uses his magic to collapse the tunnel entrance.

Rainbow Dash climbs out of the tunnel only to have one of the pegasus guards greet her. “Is Iron Horn coming?”

Rainbow Dash looks at the guard and sees that it’s Iron Wing and she hangs her head. “I’m sorry, the crystal failed.”

“What do you mean?”

“Iron Horn forced me into the tunnel and then collapsed the entrance afterwards. He gave his life to save mine.”

The pegasus, Iron Wing sniffles a few times. “That sounds like my brother.”

“Are you going to be alright?” Rainbow asks.

Iron Wing nods. “I’ll manage until we’re through this. I’ll break down when I’m back home.”

“I respect that, let’s get moving!”