• Published 26th Jul 2016
  • 520 Views, 171 Comments

The Pony Who Embraced The Darkness - Zurvan

After the Griffin attack things are going back to normal in Equestria, or are they?

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Chapter 14: Alibis

Chapter 14: Alibis

=====Ponyville; Same day as the wedding=====

Trixie walks into the throne room and starts going through the requests. “Trixie still isn’t sure about this.” She says to nopony at all.

A jeweled earring in her right ear glows. “You’re Twilight’s apprentice aren’t you?” Celestia says through the jewel.

“Yeah, but Trixie is not a princess. These are petitions to the princess.”

“I’m a princess, and I’m asking you to answer these petitions for Twilight.”

Trixie sighs. “If you insist, Trixie will look them over and do what Trixie can.”

“That’s all that I can ask for.”

“Any change with Twilight?”

“I’m afraid not.”

“Oh well, Trixie better get to work.” Trixie grabs the first petition in her magic and starts reading it.

Some time later Trixie stretches after she finishes reading a petition, then goes to grab another petition when she hears a noise in the castle. “Is somepony there?” Trixie asks as she gets up and starts to look around. Not hearing anypony she begins to wonder if she was just imaging things when she sees a shadow and charges up her magic. “Come out from there!”

A turquoise dragon a little taller than Spike comes out of the shadows. “Hello” she says.

Trixie looks at the dragon. “Trixie hasn’t seen a dragon other than Spike. What’s your name?”

The dragon touches the collar Trixie just now realizes she’s wearing, and tag reading SW - 8. “Master calls me SW - 8.”


“He sent us to get you.” A gruff voice to her left says. She turns and sees what looks like a cross between a diamond dog and a pony, a creature having the upper body of a diamond dog, but equine legs somehow standing on his back hooves, wearing a jacket and a collar that reads SD - 5.

‘Your master has a thing for collaring his pets Trixie sees.” Trixie says as she powers up her horn and activates the gem in her ear. “Princess, Trixie needs help!”

The diamond dog / pony pulls out a ring. “You’re coming with us.”

“Trixie is not going anyway with you!” Trixie says and fires her magic at the diamond dog / pony only to get hit by the dragon.

“Yes, you are.” the dragon says as she puts her claws against Trixie’s neck.

“Please,don’t hurt Trixie. Trixie is pregnant.”

The diamond dog / pony holds out the ring. “Pewter, I make them myself.”

Trixie nods. “Trixie will go with you, just don’t hurt Trixie’s foal.”

“Our master will decide what to do with you.” the dragon says. “But I doubt even he’ll hurt an unborn foal.”

Trixie nods as the diamond dog / pony ties her up just hard enough to restrict her movement, places the ring on her horn and gags her and then picks her up and carries her out.

=====Cloudsdale; during the ceremony=====

“Aren’t you going to see the ceremony Miss Rarity?” Coco asks as she cleans up from her last minute alterations.

“Not if Discord’s doing it.” Rarity answers.

“Why not?”

“I just prefer the traditional ceremony, so I’m sure I wouldn't enjoy whatever Discord cooks up. Besides it’s nice to rest, between my sister’s wedding, this wedding, planning Apple Bloom’s wedding, and everything else I MAY have bitten off more than I can chew.”

“What else do you have going on, maybe I could help?”

“Oh Darling, that’s so sweet of you.” Rarity replies. “As you know I opened a second boutique in Canterlot a couple months ago, I believe I sent you an invitation.”

Coco nods. “You did indeed, regretfully I couldn’t come. I was traveling with the performing group you’d set me up with, just in case their costumes needed any last minute alterations.”

“Why, that sounds interesting, I bet you got to see all of Equestria that way.”

“A good portion of it.” Coco admits. “I’d just gotten back here when I received your letter asking for help with the weddings.”

“After myself you’re the best designer I know, who else would I trust to make a dress to pair with mine?”

Coco blushes slightly at the comment. “I had to leave the performing group to do these you know.”

“Oh heavens, why didn’t you say so?” Rarity asks. “I surely could have found somepony else.”

Coco shakes her head. “It’s fine, I’d found a young mare much like myself and taught her what she needed to know, it’s a great start for her.”

“What are you going to do? Are you going to open your own boutique?”

“I don't want to compete with you, I was hoping that we might work out some sort of partnership.”

“What kind of partnership are you thinking?”

Coco comes over to Rarity. “This kind.” Then she kisses her. Rarity looks at her completely shocked. “Did I mess up?”

“No, you just shocked me.”

“I’ve got something to shock both of you.” A pony that looks and sounds like Rarity says as she walks up.

Rarity gasps. “A changeling!”

“More than one!” A changeling in the shape of Coco steps out of the shadows.

“Miss Rarity, what's going on?” The real Coco asks as she presses herself against her. “Why do they look like us?”

“They're shape changers.” Rarity answers. “They’re the ones that attacked Canterlot a few years back “

“What are they doing here?”

“I'd guess that they're going to abduct us and take our places.”

Coco’s eyes get really big as she goes into shock and passes out.

“If you give yourself up we won't hurt you.” Pseudo-Rarity says.

“You think I believe you for a minute?” Rarity asks as she grabs a pair of scissors in her magic. “Where's Chrysalis? Tell her to come herself, she may be dishonest, but at least I know her.”

“Who is this Chrysalis?” Pseudo-Coco asks.

“Nopony I’ve ever heard of.” Pseudo-Rarity says then looks to the actual Rarity. “You should tell our master about this Chrysalis.”

“You’re master?” Rarity asks.

“The great Lord Umbra, he is our master and our father.” Pseudo-Coco answers.

“SC-12!” Pseudo-Rarity says.

Pseudo-Coco, SC-12 hangs her head, “Sorry.”

“Now, it’s time for these two to go with the others.” Pseudo-Rarity says and turns to a window where a few pegasi fly in, all wearing collars with tags on them. “Now will you go with them willingly, or are we going to have to force you?”

Rarity looks at the pegasi, and then at Coco unconscious. “Not really much of a choice.”

“I assume that means you’ll cooperate?”

“I don’t really see another option.”

“Very good.” Pseudo-Rarity says then looks to the pegasi. “SP-15, you’re in charge of these prisoners. Master wants them unharmed.”

The lead pegasi salutes Pseudo-Rarity. “Or course, SC - 9.” SP-15 responds, and then waves the rest of her team in to grab the two unicorns and fly them away.

After the pegasi leave Pseudo-Coco looks to Pseudo-Rarity. “SP-9, how should we play this, we saw them kiss?”

“We need to refer to each other by their names, Coco.” Pseudo-Rarity says.

“Of course, Rarity. But you didn’t answer my question.”

“Tell me do you find this form attractive?”

Pseudo-Coco nods. “Of course.”

Pseudo-Rarity kisses Pseudo-Coco. “Then we roll with it.”

“This could be a lot of fun.” Pseudo-Coco says then kisses Pseudo-Rarity again.