• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 8,560 Views, 405 Comments

WOLVERINES! - The Producer

The tale of a Juggernaut from the MW trilogy gets into shenanigans in equesria

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Chapter Nine

Alright, I'ma go to the bar again, and get drunk off of my ass. I'll show you the next Drunk chapter if I don't eat it, or set it on fire first.

“Hello, Reaper.”

Trixie had a new gem, and a few new tattoos. She had a pentagram on her forehead, her horn being the center of the shape. Orbiting around her head was a new gem, shaped like Reaper’s, and it was red. In his pocket, Reaper’s gem started shaking, and slowly turned blue, unbeknownst to him. Reaper stated,

“I guess your not going to apologize, huh?”
Trixie smirked and shook her head, and started to say something before Reaper cut her off with a,

“Lets skip all the pleasantries and go straight to the part where I rip your horn off and shove it up your ass.”

He snapped his fingers, and a solid pillar of flames erupts from under the hooves of Trixie, catapulting her into the air. Trixie landed with a thud a few seconds later, and reaper called out,

“How was it with the birds? I have been in the air enough to know how fun I think it is.”

He walked over to the limp form, and prodded it. Trixie quickly got up, charged energy into her horn, and jumped into Reaper’s chest. His reflexes alone kept his outfit alone from being pierced. He caught Trixie by the horn, lapping up the energy like a thirsty dog, and took his fists to his chest. Bruising most definitely happening. He set Trixie’s horn on fire after throwing her through a tree, making it break over her. She got up and shot a grand bolt of lightning at Reaper. He summoned a shield of fire that covered his arm that deflected the bolt. From the tingling in his arm, Reaper came to the conclusion that if he was struck by it, his heart would have stopped. Her gem started to glow a bright red, and ten nearby trees dislodged themselves from the ground, and hurtled themselves at Reaper. He dodged the first nine, but was forced to catch the last one, a smaller tree. As Reaper and Trixie struggled against each other, magic against raw power, Reaper heard a shrill squeak that made him forget where he was for a little, until he got a tree to the face. As he was sent flying backwards, Reaper saw the telltale sign of Fluttershy’s tail disappearing from view. Trixie hadn’t shown any signs of noticing her, so he played dead. Trixie waltzed over to Reaper’s seemingly dead body saying,

“See? None can withstand the power of the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

As she reached Reaper, and started to gloat over his body until he kicked her in the face with flaming legs. As Reaper got up on his feet, he was fully ablaze with power sucked from the two magician ponies. He got up, and grabbed Trixie by the hoof. He threw her up into the air, and jumped after her, using two gouts of flame to propel himself with her. After they got to the apex of their jump, they started to trade flurries of blows. Trixie supplemented her attacks with magic blasts, Reaper trading her magic with sheer speed and strength. As they start to fall, Reaper grabs Trixie by the horn, and moves her face close to his. He starts screaming,


They land with a resounding *BOOM* and the crackle of arcane energy being unleashed in it’s raw form. Reaper staggers up, and says,

“It’s the sudden stop at the end.”
He lowers his head, and makes the sign of the crucifix. As he starts to navigate the dent in the earth that their decent made, Reaper got hit in the back by a rather large fireball. He turns around, infuriated. Reaper launches himself at Trixie, supplementing all of his muscles with the rest of his arcane energy stored into himself. He pins her down with his body, and yells at her, supplementing every shout with a resounding blow to the face.


He kept on cracking on Trixie’s muzzle until he felt no sign of life within her body, from involuntary to voluntary, no response came from her body. Reaper laughed with an insanity of someone long gone, for he was back in America, gunning down enemy soldiers. After a while of insanity-filled chuckling, Reaper crawled out of the ditch with Trixie’s body, and threw her with the last of his enhanced muscle power deep into the forest, cutting through any trees that got in the way. Once the last of the magical power diffused out of his body, he returned to his senses. Reaper found himself out of the ditch, and thought that he jus got carried away in day-dreaming to notice that he went topside. From what little Reaper could discern from Fluttershy’s direction, she seemed to go towards the center of town, so he headed off into that direction, thinking,

Fantastic, this’ll be bad, really bad.

As Reaper started to approach the center of town, he heard the good ol’ signs of people disgusted at his presence; doors slamming, windows barring, things being placed up against the glass windows, and then silence. The damned silence, judging, watching, talking notes silence that made Reaper want to scream, rip houses open, scream at ponies, and throw them through the ripped-apart house. Reaper almost hopes for Big Mac to come galloping down one of the cobbled streets for a fight. The Silence. As Reaper made his way into the center of town, he heard a quiet whimpering, if someone else was out with Reaper, he wouldn’t have been able to hear it. He arrived at the center of town, the whimpering became louder, only by a small amount, though. He peered into the fountain that dominated the middle of the circle and found a fearfull, quivering Fluttershy who said,

“Those poor, defenseless trees!”

Reaper was happy that Fluttershy was safe, but a little bewildered that she would chose to worry over something like a tree, for that matter. He picked-up Fluttershy, and softly murmured,

"Don't worry, Fluttershy, everything is alright, nothing is left to try and hurt you."

Fluttershy eventually calmed down a small bit, and stopped quivering at the sound of a friendly voice. She whispered,

"But, Mr.Reaper, those poor trees are going to die!"

Reaper calmly hushed the quaking Pegasus, saying,

"There, there, Fluttershy, the trees are already dead, they cant be helped. You saw what Trixie did to them, she ripped their roots clean off."

Fluttershy seemed to resign to the fact that it was out of her mortal power to help the majestic, peaceful beings that she dearly loved. Reaper set her down, and She stood shakily on her hooves, crashing after that brief surge of adrenaline. Reaper signaled for Fluttershy to follow him, and he struck off to go to Twilight's library tree. As they walked, Reaper tried to strike up a conversation with Fluttershy by saying,

"How has your bird chorus been doing?"

This only served to remind Fluttershy about trees, and upset her more. Needless to say, it was a long, uncomfortable trip that was ridiculously awkward.