• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 8,554 Views, 405 Comments

WOLVERINES! - The Producer

The tale of a Juggernaut from the MW trilogy gets into shenanigans in equesria

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Chapter Three

Reaper was infuriated with this ‘Trixie’ pony. The gall that she showed, threatening the ponies that took him in, even though he threatened them himself. He had his LMG with him, and to find the front door was easy enough to find, one staircase into a main area housing it. The room was fairly dark, seeing that the day-glow was almost used-up. He headed for a darkened corner of the room, right next to the door.

--- --- ---
Trixie was absolutely giddy with excitement. She found the tear of Io, an old gem used by Celestia in the old Nightmare wars to supplement her own powers. She felt so powerful, untouchable, even. It took all of the time she had with the gem that was orbiting the tip of her horn to master the power, and even longer to activate the spells that were locked inside of it. The way that it increased all of her own powers was exhilarating, to say the least. She would find Twilight Sparkle and crush her for ruining her show! As she approached the library that Twilight lived in, she used a simple firework spell, and ripped the door off of it’s hinges. Announcing her presence with an amplified voice spell,


She waited for a response, and heard a faint *CHICK-CHICK* noise behind her, and the sound of something thudding towards her. As she turned, she saw a seven foot tall monster looming far above even Princess Celestia’s height. Normally, Trixie would be terrified, but the gem’s power had gotten to her. She cast a towering inferno spell that engulfed what she would think of as Twilight’s minion, and turned back to face into the tree-llibrary.

--- --- ---

If there would be no other word for the emotion that Reaper was feeling at that point, it would be completely pissed off. The raging inferno around him only served to fuel the rage that was burning within him. He was so worked up, that he emitted a faint glow. In fact, this glow could only be seen by a unicorn that was very skilled in magic, or detecting magic. This glow seemed to protect his body from the inferno, and he ripped through the destructive barrier, destroying the spell entirely. The self proclaimed ‘Trixie’ snapped her head back at Reaper, sensing the spell being interrupted, and she saw the faint glow around his body. Taking two strides, he came within arm’s reach, and picked the blue mare up by her jaw. The only sound she could make before the gem was crushed under Reaper’s powerful fingers was an amplified gulp. Trixie could see more red start to seep from his hand, and then get sucked back in. She raised her eyes to where Reaper’s eye-holes, and saw red pouring out of them, streaming up to the ceiling. Reaper then spoke, in not the fake-roar he used on Applejack, but the calm, menacing, dripping tone, laden with fury, and hate. It was terrifying to hear. Reaper growled out,

“ Now that your power factory has been taken away from you, you lose the tough-guy act, huh? I hate people when they so that, it makes me want to kill them. Luckily for you, though, I need to show Twilight that I am not just a mindless killer.”

He throws Trixie out of the doorway, and in the front of the house. He calmly walked outside, shaking his head at the groveling figure before him. Trixie got up finally, horn glowing. An explosion, based at Reaper’s feet, burst with an incandescent light instead of with sound, sending him flying up into the air about 100 feet. Reaper landed on his chest and sprang, on all fours, at Trixie and ensnaring her in a headlock. He stood on his feet, holding Trixie by her horn. The red smoke boiling from Reaper’s eye-slots increased to something akin to a smokestack, and he shook Trixie around like a rag-doll. He brought Trixie to his faceplate again and said,

“Now, you are going to walk out of this town, and not return until you decide to come to a peaceful resolution with Twilight. If I find you in this town without a sorry heart, and an apology on the tongue, I am going to rip that pretty little horn straight out of your head, and shove it up your ass so hard, you’ll choke on it.”

Again, he threw the showmare another 200 feet onto the road by Twilight’s house. Trixie was squirming on the floor, panting. When Reaper was holding her horn, he was slowly sapping her own magical power. She looked up at her assailant, and asked,

“What are you?”

Reaper looked down, and remembered the Juggernaut motto: The brotherhood of those who have nothing left, we were offered a mask, and we shaped it into the visage of death. He looked down, a red mist enveloping his vision, for only a moment. He said,

“They told me that I could become anything, so I became death. I am the reaper.”

Trixie got on her hooves, and she was frightened by what she saw, and heard. Reaper saw that she was in fit state again, and brought up his M240, and aimed it at the blue mare. He uttered out his ultimatum,

“You have ten seconds, run. I will kill you if you don’t.”

He started counting, and Trixie scrabbled to get a grip.


Trixie was half as far as he thought, but was making steady ground.


Trixie was still in shouting range, and, to give her a little ‘motivation’, he fired a bullet close enough to Trixie’s ear for her to hear, and feel the heat, and she skedaddled. Reaper laughed, and he suddenly felt the power that he had absorbed from both the gem, and Trixie. He felt fantastic! It was like the feeling of working out for a whole year, and figuring out how your limits were pushed ahead, and blowing them out of the water. Reaper felt stronger, lighter, and generally pain-free, even though the trans-dimensional warp, and the explosion had left almost every part of his body in bruises, and one of his ribs were affected with a hairline fracture, as the nano-bots told him. He was drunk off of the power, he didn’t care for the pain, or what he will be feeling. He felt so good, he even barely noticed a certain farmpony, who screamed,

“You, you monster!”
--- --- ---
Twilight stood, frozen with shock with what she just heard. She had sneaked off with Reaper’s device after a memory spell, and a little manipulation of the telekinesis magic, she figured out how to operate the gun. She had seen what it could do to a tree, not wanting to see what it could do to pony flesh. Twilight kept replaying the scene over and over again. Applejack had recovered faster, the only memories of the night before being the only thing to hinder her movement. AJ gallops down the two flights of stairs, and headed outside after seeing the carnage inside. She finally reached Reaper, and she screamed,

“You, you monster!”

Hearing this snapped Twilight out of her ponderings, and she ran to where AJ and Reaper were standing. There was something missing. Where was the blood? The gore? The various body parts cut from Trixie by the pointed metal? She started to shudder, feeling the immense power of the tear of Io, and at what Reaper was doing. His eye-slits seemed to be emitting a faint red mist. So faint, that she thought of it as a trick of the mind. That and he was laughing. This was no regular chuckle; it was a mixture of a laugh filled with mirth, and the sound created by a madman. It created a distorted sound, horrible to hear. He turned and looked. Reaper saw who was yelling at him, the laughing stopped, and he said,



Sorry about the small chapter, hopefully the action made up for it. I am finding this VERY enjoyable, so expect a chapter every day or so, depending on how much I feel like writing. Also 2000 word cap? Not happening anytime soon.