• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 8,554 Views, 405 Comments

WOLVERINES! - The Producer

The tale of a Juggernaut from the MW trilogy gets into shenanigans in equesria

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Chapter ten

So, I'm sorry about the wait. I had to stitch together a couple Ideas to help make the chapters not a mess. Also, have made a Tumblr, so you can ask me questions there. Here is my battlesong that I listen to for writing the stories. Its pretty EPIC. I like to call it my own personal battle theme. Check it out.


As they made their way to Twilight’s house, reaper was uncomfortable, and was glad for arriving to it. They made it to her front door, and Reaper knocked. The door opened to a distressed-looking Twilight. Reaper was startled at her eyes, they looked like she had been crying for a long, hard time. Her eyes dilated fully, and said nothing as they stepped inside the house without a word, as if Twilight’s surprised silence was contagious. As they made their way into the sitting room, Twilight found her voice, somewhere in her throat.

“Reaper, remember what I was saying about Spike, and how he was off in Canterlot?”

Reaper could remember learning the names of different cities. Some names were original like Ponyville, or some had pony-fied versions of other cities, like fillydelphia.

“Yeah, I remember. What about him?”

Twilight shuffles on her hooves like she is afraid, or bashful about something.

“He came back from his trip; would you like to see him?”

Reaper just wanted to see whether he would be attacked again. If it didn’t hurt so badly all the time, it would be really funny. Huh, really funny.

“Sure, why not, lets see it he attacks me on sight or not.”

Twilight just rubs her leg with a hoof, and calls for spike. The little purple guy rounds the corner, and his eyes nearly pop out of his head as he rounds the corner. He just stands here for a moment, gawking. Reaper thought that gawking was an improvement, and he just let it continue. After a few minuets of looking, he seemed to snap back to the norm, but with a hint of attitude. He said,

“Too bad you made Rarity angry at you; I might’ve been your friend.”

He huffs, turns smartly on his heel, and he walks down the hallway. Great, Reaper knew the little purple squishy thing was infatuated with the big marshmallow, but he didn’t know that his attachments went that far. He just sighed and looked at Twilight with a shrug and a shake of the head. He headed upstairs into his room, and fetched his LMG. He stared at it for a long time, and started to automatically clean the gun, taking out its barrel, checking the bullet feed, polishing the metal. He heard a scrabbling sound of hooves over slightly-buffed hardwood flooring, and a burp followed by the sound of fire. Reaper just put it off as Twilight being Twilight, Beakers got like that sometimes when his OCD got the better of him. He put the finishing touches on his LMG, and made his way downstairs. He found Fluttershy sitting on a comfy-armchair with a distressed look upon her face. She looks at Reaper with pleading eyes. He says,

“Let whatever she’s got wrong with her pass for now, I think that its just a fit of OCD madness that has her in its grasp. Talk to me if you are feeling too stressed about it, and trust me, I know a thing or two about OCD.”

Reaper remembered that Beaker’s OCD got really bad whenever he was stressed by something, or he had a strong emotion flood his body that he couldn’t control. Perhaps that was it. Fluttershy nervously chewed on the tip of her hoof, and jumped a little when she heard some pots and pans clanging together in the kitchen. She turned to Reaper, and said,

“EEP! Oh…Alright. I mean, If you say so. Anyway, why don’t you take off those clothes of yours? I’ve come to see you, and al of the time, you haven’t taken off your suit of Kevlar armor.”

Reaper sighed, and wished that it wouldn’t come up. It was a touchy subject, and it was a little too graphic for poor Fluttershy, so a watered-down version was required. He gathered his scattered thoughts, and he said,

“Well Fluttershy, I was the first of my kind, and they did things to me that made the rest of my brethren possible to create. It was not as simple with us as just popping someone into a suit like this, and waltzing off into battle. My army needed to create a super soldier. I had risen in the ranks like a shooting star, and my endurance was some of legends. Even now, I am surprised at what I could do back then. They took me away to a scientific laboratory and conducted tests on me. They did things that should not be let out to the public, so when they gave me this suit, they told me if I ever took off my suit, special nanobots within my body would shut my heart down, and kill me.”

Fluttershy’s hooves flew up to her muzzle with a dainty gasp. However, it was a better reaction than expected; Reaper was pleased with her that she didn’t burst into tears. She dot over her surprise, and she said,

“How rude! How could they do something like that to a fellow being?”

Reaper sighed; this world was full of nothing but minimal strife and one-day emergencies. It would be hard to explain, but he had to try.

“Our world is different than yours; I’ve already told you that. We were made to prevent people from hurting us, and if they got a hold of how to make someone like me, they would end up hurting a lot of people in the end. So they had to protect their country, and I gave them my life to protect everyone.”

This seemed to appease Fluttershy until another burp of fire erupt into the air, and scrabbling of hooves resounded out, startling Fluttershy again. After a short amount of time, a very stressed looking Twilight emerged from the kitchen with an almost-manic smile plastered on her face. She started to try and talk about something before Reaper interrupted her.

“I fought Trixie again.”

Twilight looked aghast, a few strands of her hair sprung up, making her hair messy, but not having her set on fire type of messy. Reaper was very happy about that, and continued with,

“She had a new gem with her, looks like mine with strips of orange cris-crossing the face of the gem. She accosted me after you left. We fought, and I beat her, she was unconscious when I left to find Fluttershy, probably got up and walked off already.”

Twilight’s eyes widened and she struck a hoof to her face, pulling it downward in exasperation.

“Barely one day, and you’ve already gotten into a fight and hurt somepony, what am I going to do?”

Before she went onto full lecture mode, Spike ran into the room, clutching at his stomach. He tripped on a tome, and went sailing towards Reaper, letting loose a green gout of flame. Reaper’s reflexes helped him catch the flame, and condense it into a little marble of raging green fire, and threw it down onto the floor like a ninja smoke bomb. Surprisingly, it did create a small smokescreen, and gave him the time to stoop down to get the resulting scroll of paper. He un-rolled it, and read its contents.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

Bring him at once, I have sent a carriage, it will be there within the hour.


Princess Celestia

As the smoke cleared, it showed a very confused-sounding Reaper while Twilight was crying, and her horn glowed purple. All Reaper got out was a,

“What the FUUUUuuuuuuuuughug?”

Before he collapsed on the floor in front of the two ponies, and one dragon.

*** *** ***

Reaper was slow to regain his senses, but he found that he couldn’t move. His eyes flickered open under the lenses, and he saw that he was bound by a shit-ton of rope, perhaps a shit load, but he didn’t have the available time to determine the correct slang-term. The next thing he noticed were the two shining stallions, oh wait they weren’t shining, they just had on armor made out of gold. He decided to raise his head, but one of the guards leaned his head real close to his, snorted, and said,

“Stop right there, criminal scum! We are taking you to the castle to meet with Princess Celestia to be judged.”

Reaper just lolled his head to the side, and said,

“You know that once I get over this anesthetic spell, you two are going to become little canned meats?”

The other, bulkier-looking one turned and bucked him in the head.

“You know that that is going to just piss me off more? I can barely even feel those weakling little attempts at bucking. I could beat you both with just one arm and you both can attack me at the same time.”

One guard unfurled his wings, obviously getting riled-up, but the other, the older-looking one that poke to Reaper put his hoof up, and said,

“He’s right, son. Calm down. He could probably take a whole battalion of troops with just a chair and one arm, half drunk.”

The younger guard calmed down, and the older one turned to Reaper, and said,

“We have the better part of an hour left on our journey, go back to sleep.”

Reaper still felt tired from what had already happened, and he eventually fell asleep.

*** *** ***

This time, Reaper was moving, still bound by a ridiculous amount of rope. He appeared to be riding on a sea of golden meat-cans, and that assumption turned out to be not too far away from the truth. He was rushed down a hallway, down two flights of stairs, and another hallway to a chamber with two doors that went al the way to the ceiling, a good mile or so up. They push-open the well-oiled doors, and enter a chamber that was devoid of anything except two thrones, two alicorns, he remembers them from the book, and six other mares. He was quickly deposited onto the floor, and surrounded by a bristling sea of gold, white, and flanks. A melodious voice fills the air, breaking through the barrier that was created by the guardsponies.

“Please, leave our guest in peace, and I want every guardspony to their station right away.”

Somehow, the rope binding reaper had slipped away into the same dimension that socks go to when they go to their death at the hands of a washing machine, and Reaper found himself standing upright, sans guardsponies. He was still groggy from all the sleep. He manages to mumble out,


Before stumbling to meet the ground with his chest. He heard a large amount of laughing, so he puts up his hands to wave off the joviality. He struggles to get up on his knees, and shakily gets up onto his feet, jumping up and down a bit before feeing the circulation bound unbidden throughout his limbs. Reaper looks up to see an eerily familiar figure before him, the white alicorn with the rainbow hair floating aimlessly, not giving a care towards what gravity thinks. Where had Reaper seen her before? Both the alicorns had to be around six feet at the withers, because their heads barely come within eyelevel with Reaper.

“Hello, Reaper.”

Reaper blinked a few times under his mask, and he stretched some more. Then the finality hit him like a train going about one-hundred miles an hour. One of the leaders of the Diarchy that this country had just called him by his own name. Oh, and there was the rest of the five ponies he knew, along with Rarity. He walked over to the group of ponies, and kneeled to the two princesses. Celestia had a tiny smile, and Luna was sitting on her rump, awkward even with her own kind, not to mention a whole entire being from a distant world. Celestia commanded,

“Rise, Reaper. You are not of this world, and you should not have to kneel to me. I am not your ruler.”

Reaper got up on his feet, and assumed a relaxed, but still militarily presentable pose that made him stand up straight. Celestia continued, as Reaper wondered where he had seen this figure before, cogs and wheels clicking and whirring together.

“Now I bet why you were brought here like that, and I can explain. You did scare the citizens of Ponyville, and we did that to show the town that they were safe.”

Reaper scoffed in contempt at the statement, and the cogs and gears whirred faster, faster, faster, until everything clicked and the old grandfather clock in his head chimed. My Guardian. His posture went slack, and as if Celestia could read his thoughts, she slumped her face down into a shallow frown. She began,

“Now, Reaper…”

But that landed on deaf ears. Reaper had a boiling stew of rage, happiness, confusion, and hysteria. Rage and happiness were fighting to get in top, and confusion agreed with hysteria to be on high priority. Rage won out on top, but was tempered by happiness. His voice was laden with so many emotions, it was hard o decipher what he was trying to convey.


Celestia continued with her frown, and Luna looked from her sister, the mane six, and Reaper, trying to figure an escape route if things go south. Reaper continued on, this time, filled with malice,

“WHY ME, GUARDIAN? Why do you allow me to live my life in a godforsaken place such as my home while there is a world like this one? Why did you take me away from my home? WHY?”

The six were perplexed, and Luna was getting even more perturbed. Luna knew what he was, but that didn’t give him an excuse for yelling at her sister. However, her sister said not to intervene in any way, so she left well enough alone. Celestia’s voice turned into a soothing, motherly voice, and said,

“I brought you for a reason, Reaper. Calm down and I will tell you. But, would you like to take that heavy suit off? I do believe it’s been some time since you’ve felt the sun shine on your skin.”

Her horn took on a golden glow, and Reapers whole body started to faintly put off a bright aura. After she was done, Celestia said,

“I disabled the toxin-emitting capabilities and shut off the poisoning protocols in your nanobots. Please, I want to talk to you face to face.”

Reaper saw the expectant faces on his five friends, and he suppressed a shudder. His friends were waiting, and he had to take off his outfit. Great. He started to go through the motions of removing layers of clothing. It took about fifteen minuets until he got to the skeleton suit that lined his body. As Reaper took the final steps to take off that suit, leaving only his pants, all of the ponies in the room gasped. There were little metal discs that rose up, let out steam, and allowed Reaper to take off the skintight, it peeled away to show a large tattoo of the Kremlin on the entirety of his chest, stretching al the way to the groin. On his shoulder, he had a tattoo that looked like Reaper’s helmet with the word ‘Jugsy’ underneath. Across his whole body, the discs proved to be connected to his body, and sunk back in when he fully took off his suit. Reaper, however, refrained from taking off his helmet. Celestia said,

“Take the helmet off, please.”

Reaper sighed, turned around, and took off his helmet. He kept his head down to not face the ponies while he turned. He lifted his head up, and the ponies joined n on another gasp of shock. Reapers eyes and mouth were still closed, but his face was limp, lifeless, muscles twitching underneath the skin, trying to remember how to work after years of little to no use. Slowly, his eyes opened. They all wished he hadn’t. His eyes were a soul-stealing black. So dark-black, and coal-black that they seemed to suck away at the light, even in a room that was created specifically to showcase the brilliance of the sun. He opened his mouth to reveal sparkling-white rows of viciously sharpened teeth to talk, somehow seeping with sarcasm and malcontent even though his mouth showed no emotion.

“What’s wrong, Princess Celestia? You can’t handle what you have unearthed?”

A guardsman Pegasus came behind Reaper’s de-clothed torso, and placed his hoof on his shoulder.

“Don’t you dare talk to our…”

He stopped when Reaper turned his head with the most insane smile plastered onto his face. As he and his other door guard brethren fled the room with pale faces and quivering wings, Reaper yelled after them, his voice talking a more royal, full, tone.

“HaHAhahahAHAhA! Run! RUN you insignificant buffoons! Run while you still can from the Juggernaut, the devil from another world!”

As the last notes of Reaper’s majestic laughter faded away, they all came to their senses as if his de-robeing had put the ponies into a magical trance. Celestia spoke up first, saying,

“You will NOT do that again to one of my guards, am I clear?”

Reaper’s maddened expression slowly deflated as he replied an affirmative, and the ponies to a small iota of time to appraise Reaper’s body after they got done with the face shock. He had well-defined muscles, not too-terribly large, but deceiving, carrying three-hundred pounds daily will make even the smallest muscle ridiculously defined. His hair was cut relatively short, with a strange, line motif like RD’s, but starting at black, and moving up the chromatic scale to various shades of red, orange, and yellow. Celestia motioned with her hoof towards the group, and they gathered around her, all looking up with worried glances at Reaper’s eyes and teeth, now poking out from under his upper lip. She said,

“I need you here because of what I fear is going to happen soon. The tear of Io has been disturbed and destroyed, allowing the shard of Tiamat, and the will of Bahamut to materialize. These were the names of the actual gems created by the Nightmare wars, and I fused them together to reduce the chance of this happening, but unfortunately, it has. Nightmare Moon anchored a fraction of her soul onto the shard of Tiamat, and that part of her still lives. It will slowly corrupt the current owner of the gem into a new Nightmare, and when It eventually succeeds at this, it will go after the bearers of harmony, you six. She will enslave you, and will kill everyone on the face of the planet if she is not stopped. However, the will of Bahamut holds the answer to stopping Nightmare, it contains the only spell stronger than even the elements of harmony; The sun’s cleansing fury. Now Reaper, don’t you have something to show us?”

Reaper reached into he squareish container, and his hand came int contact with the gem that he had stored there. As he brought it up, he was shocked to see that the gem had turned blue, with little threads of platinum weaving about it’s surface. As he held it, it floated up to his forehead, cast a floating circlet of platinum around his head, and started circling about his head, projecting an aura of calm within Reaper’s drowning brain.

“This is the will of Bahamut, and by proving himself by crushing the gem, and by mastering its power, it has chosen Reaper as it’s new master.”

Reaper stood, his brain able to work overtime, coming to conclusions, welding them onto a whole line of events, coming to the conclusion of events, he shouted out, saying,

“Trixie has Tiamat’s shard. I’ve seen it.”

Twilight and Celestia swung their heads towards Reaper, with questioning looks, both warning him that it was a serious acquisition. Celestia came out with a,

“Was it red, with burnt orange highlights?”

Twilights was,


Reaper nodded, and Celestia had two emotions going on, one of relief of finding the gem, and one of stress due to the gem being found, in general. She turned to Luna, and got a re-assuring head-bob. She said,

“Twilight, could you take your friends on a tour through the great library for a while? I need to talk to Reaper alone for a while.”

Twilight wordlessly left with her five other friends in tow, leaving Reaper alone with the two goddesses. Celestia turned, and looked at Reaper with a pained expression, eyes darting to and fro. Luna walked up to the side of Celestia, and whispered something into her ear. The sun goddess looked at Luna, and nodded. She looked Reaper straight in the eyes, and said,

“Reaper, I have something important to tell you. I… I am actually your true mother.”