• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 8,560 Views, 405 Comments

WOLVERINES! - The Producer

The tale of a Juggernaut from the MW trilogy gets into shenanigans in equesria

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Chapter Sixteen

Author's note: We ALL know what this chapter is going to be about; it's that time again, that racy chapter that almost everypony has. I have not been wanting to write this ever since my brain beat me upside the head with this idea. I give you MOLESTIAAAAAAAA (Consider this your first and ONLY warning.)

On a related note, ADRIAN BRODY. It is undoubtedly Molestia's theme song.

I also challenge you to get me a TV tropes page for this. I can't even find all the stuff I put in here.

Supernova crashed into the bars of a cell as he stumbled about in the below-ground dungeons, Reaper was losing the battle, Nightmare was gaining the upper hand. With a bellow of pain, Supernova brought rents through the solid stone with his razor-sharp claws, ripping apart the metal bars of the cell he just crashed into. Another wave of pain wracked through Supernova as the same powerful voice spoke again,


Supernova's head bucked to the side, and he mumbled out,


The large blade dropped from the sky, and Reaper began to regain lost ground. The right half of his body began clawing it's way towards Celestia's cage, but was tripped by the left half. Supernova rolled around on the floor before the right began to crawl towards the prison cell again. When he arrived there, his crazed eyes frightened Celestia, and somewhere deep down inside, made her turned on. The red eye on the left slowly shut, and the right side grabbed Chaoseater, propping himself up with it. He opened the prison door, and grabbed at the shackles confining the exited princess mare. He heaved himself up to full height, and said,

"Will you follow my commands?"

The heavy panting of Supernova seemed to have an impression on Celestia, as, if in a trance, she mumbled,


Supernova nodded, and said,

"Good," He began to remove the shackles, one-by-one, as he talked,"I need you to get to ponyville, and somehow get them under our thrall. Is that clear?"

As Supernova got the positive answer, he undid the last clasp. Next thing he knew was that he was pinned onto a wall, and that there was something moaning and stuffing it's moist appendage inside of his mouth. He then deduced that he was getting frenched. By his mother. Even Nightmare was creeped out by this, and tried to escape from the demented pony's grasp. After a long while, Celestia detached from Supernova, and looked at him with a sexy little smirk. He wiped off his mouth, and changed Celestia's appearance to a unicorn mare not much bigger than Twilight. He said,

"Alright, if you can use a bit self control, I have changed your appearance so that you aren't spotted and swamped. And please, for the love of you, stay discreet."

As Celestia turned to leave the cell, he couldn't help himself from giving her a hearty slap on the flank. He said as she left the room,

"Do it well, and I might reward you."

Supernova once again melded with the darkness to arrive in Celestia's personal quarters.

--- --- ---

Celestia was having a hard time trying to figure out an identity for herself, her mind couldn't keep itself from plots. Twilight's, specifically. It wasn't until Supernova had mentally contacted her by saying,

Gather them all, and lead them out someplace, like the old temple where I had them meet the last time. Once you secure them in an area, contact me.

Celestia had a revelation- she turned her horn to her flank, making her cutie mark a compass. Her name would be Cardinal Compass. Celestia's horn glowed for just a second before she vanished in a small burst of light. A few nanoseconds later, a similar flash appeared at the edge of the Everfree forest.

--- --- ---

It was morning, and nobody noticed the arrival of a new pony... except Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie was getting up earlier than the sun, as she normally would, until she felt it. It was a certain itchiness on the sole of the hoof that she got on the day when twilight arrived, and she was the first to talk to her. It was time to take a day off of work today and prowl the streets. End of the world or not, this pony still had a job to do, and a party to throw! She headed out into the streets once the sun shone out in the sky, and after an hour of her twitches lead her about the streets, she saw her, the new pony. Pinkie followed her around just a bit, until she got a perfect image ingrained into her mind, a compass pointing north, brown coat, red mane, and a unicorn. Pinkie bounced off to go find where this unicorn in question is staying.

--- --- ---

Celestia had a easier time gathering the elements that she had first thought, she just took out a room in the one hotel in the entire town, and waited. She was eventually approached by Twilight, who told her to come over to her library a bit past one. Undoubtedly, the rest of the elements would be there, seeing that it was a blaring Pinkie Pie party. After an hour of so of wandering around, figuring out a fitting reason for venturing into the old temple, she arrived at the Library. As she entered, lights switched on, and the ponies stuffed in the library all screamed out,


Celestia feigned surprise, eyes darting back and forth in what the party ponies would register as shock, but in reality, she was scanning the room for possible victims, she was getting bored. Celestia did a quick one-through of the library until her eyes rested for a moment over a purplish earth pony making love to an extra large bottle of whiskey. The town drunk would be perfect, ponies would expect it to be drunken ramblings. Pinkie Pie spoke up again as the last notes from the joint exclamation vanished from the air,

"HI, My name is Pinkie Pie, and I threw this party JUST for you! Is there ANYTHING MORE EXITING than a new PONY party? Anyway, what's your name?"

Celestia smiled, years of governing allowing her to mask her true desires, and said,

"Hello, Pinkie, my name is Cardinal Compass."

Pinkie's smile seemed to get unnaturally larger as she shook Celestia's hoof with vigor. After a good few minuets of shaking, Pinkie said,

"Well, nice to meetcha, Cardinal! Wow, that's a funny word, almost like cherrychonga!"

Pinkie bounced off into the crowd, repeating the same word over and over again. Celestia allowed her compexion to relax a bit, giving her a promiscuous, self-assured look. She wandered about the party until she came into contact with Twilight again. Twilight was nursing a cup of punch, and started off their conversation, saying,

"Hey there, Cardinal! How is the party for you?"

Celestia smiled; this was the pony that she was looking for. She said,

"The party is great! Say, Twilight, you haven't been in the everfree forest, have you?"

Twilight just laughed a bit before she responded, saying,

"Too many times to count, why do you ask?"

Celestia was getting Twilight, and through her, the elements; Hook, line, and sinker. She calmly responded, saying,

"I am an explorer, and a map-maker, so I just want to be able to chart out the insides of the forest. I have even heard about an old temple dedicated to the two sisters that is hidden somewhere near here!"

Twilight had been surprised that not many ponies had actually heard the tale of Nightmare moon's second coming, and even then, most other ponies pushed the whole Discord fiasco out of their minds, so not many of them had actually heard that the elements had actually found their bearers. She stated, with more than just a hint of pride,

"Well, I'll have it for you to know that me and my friends are actually the bearers of Harmony, and we actually discovered them at that very same temple!"

Celestiua feigned slight shock as she said,

"Oh really? I heard that the elements were used as the way to defeat Discord and Nightmare Moon, but I had no idea who actually used them. In that case, could you and the rest of your friends bring me to the temple?"

Gotya Twilight just responded with,

"Why not? I think that the Everfree needs a few more maps, seeing how many ponies get lost in there every year."

Celestia let out another grin as Twilight excused herself to go talk to her friends, and she started to stalk off towards the drunkard pony sitting by the punch. As she slid through the crowd, Celestia saw her reflection in a mirror, taking some time to admire herself. She swayed side to side, admiring her supple flanks, her long voluminous mane that had thick curls, and her eyes. Little burnt orange discs flashed from under Celestia's bangs. After a few minuets of checking up on herself, Celestia went back to finding her prey.

--- --- ---

No matter what they were doing, or what they were trying to think about, the six bearers of harmony all had one thing that dominated their minds; Cardinal Compass. For some reason, they all had an attraction towards the mare. Whether it was her own presence that permeated the air, the alluring way that she talked, or just the fact that her body was just attractive in it's own right, but that new mare would not be erased from their minds. They all knew that, in some way, they would have to bring themselves in the spotlight for Cardinal.

*** *** ***

Supernova had once again vanquished Reaper's uprising, and had managed to suppress him for a time. Once he lowered the sun and raised the moon, he contacted Celestia via the mind-link that he had attached to her. It not only sent brainwaves, but Supernova could hear what was going on around Celestia. As he initiated first contact, the signal was fuzzy, and all he could hear was what he thought a type of heavy panting. Supernova reached out with his mind, almost not wanting to know what she was doing.

Celestia? What are you doing?

When she replied, Celestia seemed a bit flustered and distracted as she responded with,

"What's up, boss?"

No, it was actually panting. Heaving. Thumping. Supernova didn't want to know, but he was inadvertently going to learn about it, some way, some how. As he gathered the strength to start talking, he was interrupted by Celestia in both her mind, and the audio stimulation. She said,


Supernova blinked. Once. Twice. Began to say something in his mind. Stopped. Considered suicide, but decided to veto the idea. He finally said,

What. Did. You. Just. Say. I told you to keep a low profile!

Celestia seemed meek and sheepish, and said,

"I am. It's just the town drunk! No one will notice if she's gone for a few hours, and I doubt that she will think that this is real. Anyways, I got the elements to follow me into the old temple, we are going to go there tomorrow."

Supernova sighed. He was probably have less-than-pleasant nightmares tonight. He shut down communications when he heard the high-pitched squeals. He had enough insomnia-fuel to keep him sleep-free for a good few days.

--- --- ---

Celestia had gotten away Scott-free, changing around the drunkard's memory so that she believed it was a drunken dream. Now, she was going to go over to Twilight's library to get ready for the excursion into the forest. When she got there, she opened the door, and the mane six were already there. She felt something, whether her natural Alicorn instincts, or her current attachment to sexuality, but she could sense something strange about them. Once she took a few steps into the library, she was confronted by Twilight. She said,

"There you are, Cardinal! How are you? After I told you to come here, you just disappeared from the party. What happened?"

Celestia was sure of it, Twilight didn't use this type of tone unless she was almost infatuated with it. A good length of time with the filly let her pick up on the subtleties of Twilight's speech. She was definitely attracted to her in this form. This will be fun. Just after a pause that allowed her to think some more, she said,

"I just wandered the party for a while before I went home for the night. I really was tired, I came from a little past Appaloosa all the way here on foot."

Twilight nodded in understanding, and she said,

"I get that. However, you are here now, and we can leave. Lets go."

And they did exactly that. After about a half of an hour, Celestia noticed that the elements were acting differently. As she walked, Rarity took up position in front of her, and seemed to take an extra bounce in her step, jiggling her plot in almost an un-ladylike manner. Rainbow Dash was in the air, showering Celestia with a plethora of tricks that even the Wonderbolts would shed a tear at. As they got closer to the temple, they got to the bridge again, but it seemed that it had fallen completely off, a few hundred feet down into the gorge. Applejack trotted up to the side of the cavern, saying,

"Ah got this, don't worry!"

In a flash, a lasso was skillfully thrown, and it caught on the bridge lying in the canyon. She hauled it up in a flash, and fastened one side of the bridge to the securing posts. Rainbow flew over to the other side and fastened that. Once the entire party made it to the other side, Applejack's lasso cracked out again, snatching a nearby apple. Applejack handed that apple to Celestia, saying,

"Here ya go, sugarcube."

Celestia sniffed at the wild apple, and it was almost as good as the ones she would grow in her garden. Che took a crunching bite of it, juices dripping down her jawline. Feeling Applejack's eyes upon her, Celestia slowly licked herself clean, just to tease her. It was definite, all of the ponies had attractions to her. When they got back to the road, Fluttershy took up the position to Celestia's right, pointing out all of the flora and fauna, while pinkie pie was trying to tempt her with a varying amount of baked goods. What Celestia was wondering was when Twilight would break out her own move to be put in the limelight. When they arrived at the temple, Twilight began to talk, and Celestia recognized it, her move. Twilight said,

"This, as you have probably heard, Is the old temple where me and my friends had found our elements, and where we banished Nightmare Moon from our Princess Luna. Here, not only did we find the elements, but in this very temple, the two celestial sisters walked the halls hundreds of years ago."

The move to get her in high graces was not as obvious as her compatriot's were, but it was smart, just like Twilight. If the time for molesting the little fillies were not too close, Celestia might actually felt a bit of pride in her student. She took the path that wouldn't be initially noticed by the quarry, but would stay in their minds until Twilight would bring it up, somehow. Twilight continued to talk, as they walked deeper into the temple. Twilight seemed to walk closer, and she said,

"Just think about it, you'd be the first pony ever to make a map to this place! Isn't it exciting?"

Celestia sent a quick message to Supernova as they got into a chamber that had only one door, and it was thick. As they all passed through, Celestia stayed behind to hold open the door. As they all got in, she swiftly closed the door with almost no sound, and she made the lock close with an inaudible click. As she approached Twilight, she allowed her own voice to peal out, saying,

"Oh, but my faithful student... NOTHING is more exciting than what I am about to do to you, my little ponies..."

Twilight was confused; Cardinal's voice suddenly changed to Celestia's voice, but Celestia was somewhere, under Supernova's whim. She turned her head, and saw her, she saw Celestia, but something was different, her eyes had dilated to the size of pinheads, giving her mentor a fearsome appearance. Twilight stammered out,

"Buh...Whu...Where is Cardinal?"

Celestia's grin grew in intensity, and she said,

"Cardinal? Well, I am cardinal!"

This took Twilight for a loop. To mess with her, Celestia reverted back to Cardinal's dorm, and stalked in little circles around the group of ponies, saying,

"Oh... Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, were you expecting me to be just a regular that you thought you could seduce?" Celestia chuckled at the confused faces that graced the mane six. She continued, "You don't think I would notice? All of your 'hidden' advances were glaringly out in the open. Twilight was the only one to try and build my appreciation for her by explaining things with a certain... twist."

Celestia went back to her original form, those maddened eyes flashing out again. She chuckled almost vilely as she said,

"Now, let's see how you like my own form of advances... I like to call it my ASSVANCEMENT!"

She immediately took control over her hair, and Celestia snared the elements within her grasp. Celestia floated twilight over to her, sitting at her feet, looking into the wall directly in front of her. Celestia began licking Twilight in long strokes of her tongue, sensually grooming her. As Celestia began to bring her strokes downward, Twilight somehow found her voice, saying,

"Celestia! This isn't you, you would never do this! What has gotten into you?"

Celestia brought the lick from Twilight's flank up to her ear. As she nibbled on the fleshy extremity, she huskily whispered,

"My dear student, it's not what got into me, but what is going into you."

After hearing this, Twilight's mind went into overdrive, trying to figure out a way to dissuade Celestia from raping her. Twilight finally figured out something that would hopefully snap Celestia out of whatever kind of trance she was in. As Celestia's skillful tongue swiveled around her cutie mark, Twilight yelled out,

"Remember Discord, Celestia! Remember your SISTER!"

Twilight's voice had gone up an octave as Celestia's tongue had started to go downwards, getting to the lower belly. Celestia suddenly stopped, and the mane six were all dropped from the air. Twilight was released, and she turned to look at Celestia. Celestia's face had gone slack, and her eyes dilated back to regular size. She glanced around with a look of worry, and her eyes landed on Twilight, who's hair had more than a few Celestia-given cowlicks. Celestia's eyes took on a look of sorrow. She said,

"My little ponies... What have I done to you?"

--- --- ---

Supernova's mood had gone downhill again, Reaper was fighting with him for body dominance again. THUMP...THUMP...THUMP... A regular thumping cadence enveloped Supernova's mind, blasting every other though away from him as he sat there, trying to suppress Reaper. Supernova suddenly got an idea, the sword was giving Reaper the power to fight against him, so if he somehow absorbed that power, he wouldn't have to deal with this incessant pounding going on in his head. He grabbed the massive blade, and forced his being inside of it. Supernova felt another, ancient being residing inside of the blade, but he easily overpowered it. Ge collected all of the energy that composed the blade, and sucked it into his own body. To the casual eye, it would look like reaper was slowly getting stabbed, but the other side of the sword didn't come out of Supernova's back. Once he got the entire thing done, the thumping reduced greatly, as if someone covered Supernova's head with a blanket of cold. Once Supernova had enough focus, he sent his attention towards Celestia. As he started to initiate contact, Celestia sent him a quick message that she had them subdued in an area. Supernova initiated the mind-link again, and listened to the scene through Celestia's ears. Suddenly, he heard Twilight scream,

"Remember Discord, Celestia! Remember your SISTER!"

His mind was shut off from hers, but from the brief last seconds of contact, he could tell that Celestia had miraculously attained control over her body. The thumping gradually came back as Supernova's rage slowly grew to an all-encompassing crescendo.

--- --- ---

The mane six were all sitting around Celestia, getting an impromptu 101 on nightmare magics and corruption. Celestia started to conclude her lecture with saying,

"No, you see, my little ponies, Reaper has been taken control by the remnants of Nightmare Moon, and made me do what I was doing by..."

Celestia's rant was cut short because Supernova decided to teleport in their midst with a small explosion. When Celestia got on her hooves, Supernova flung a ball of dark magic at her, hitting Celestia with such a force that it knocked her off her hooves and sent her flying into the air again. As they all got onto their feet again, The mane six all saw Supernova pointing a dangerously sharp claw at them, growling to Celestia,