• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 8,560 Views, 405 Comments

WOLVERINES! - The Producer

The tale of a Juggernaut from the MW trilogy gets into shenanigans in equesria

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Chapter Two (Hell yes, uploaded!)

For the second time in a row, The Juggernaut woke up from being knocked unconsciousness.

“Shit, ponies have hidden power. Not even I could guess that.”

He noticed his surroundings; he was situated on a much-too short bed in a room that looked to be carved out of a living tree. Juggernaut shifted to a sitting position on the bed, and it squealed aloud at the massive frame adding hundreds of pounds to the frame. He held his head with his hands and asked himself,

“What have I gotten myself into? I was in American city in one moment, and lose control at ponies! The ponies looked nice, and even that rainbow Pegasus was only assaulting me because I was being a complete dolt. I know I was just acting on how they told me in army! They live in cheerful, happy world without the pollution and corruption that my kind live with. On top of that, where in the hell am I? What the hell am I supposed to do here?”
--- --- ---

Twilight Sparkle was standing outside of the room that she had put the strange creature when she heard what it said, and she was still unsure of the entity’s motives about this world. She decides to give it some space before approaching it.

--- --- ---

The purple pony came inside of the room, sat down at more than an arm’s length, and stared at the Juggernaut. He took this as an opportunity to take the initiative to apologize. He may be a soldier, but being nice could be possible, it was not a war zone.

“I am sorry, pony, for threatening you and your friends, I couldn’t help it, I was… working when I was pulled into this world. As you can see, my choice of…profession… is not the most peaceful.”

The purple pony looked at him, and cocked its head to the side, while placing its hoof on its mouth. The Juggernaut could never handle ‘cute’ things, and he got slightly annoyed.

“Hello… I am truly sorry about this, but can you stop calling me and my friends ‘ponies’ we have names, you know. Mine is Twilight Sparkle, but you can just call me Twilight. As for what you did to me and my friends, I thought that you did it on purpose, but if you didn’t actually do it just because, I guess I can partially forgive you. You did show Rainbow Dash a large amount of lenience, seeing that you could have killed her, but you said something in a foreign language and let her go. Do you have a name? Or a gender to speak of?”

He looked down at his crotch plate, and saw the grim reaper that his squad mates had painted on in his sleep, and said,

“Reaper, reaper will do. As for me, I am a male, and by judging from your voice, Twilight, I would take a guess that you are a female, correct? But anyway, I can most definitely infer that this is not the same world that I used to reside in.”

Twilight just pulled put a small slightly upturned smile, and her horn glowed again. Reaper observed her carefully, and tensed up. However, she just brought out a large notepad, an ink well, and a quill. She then went to go on to say,

“I need to know about everything there is to know about you, your society, and everything else that you can remember about your world!”

Reaper just sat there for a moment, considering his words carefully before continuing on with his explanation. Things will be left out, due to things that should not be brought up in a place like this. Reaper continues on to tell all he knew about the worlds history, the different countries, their politics, and the different governments that the world had within it.

“I don’t want to really talk about my past..”

Twilight frowned at this, and Reaper picked up on it, and said,

“Be happy with what I actually offered you, because I could have clammed up, and went into Russian mode on you.”

After this, Reaper made a ‘humph’ sound and crossed his arms in mock contempt. After this surprisingly childish move, Twilights mood visibly improved. Reaper was relieved that he would not have to bring that up in front of the new race of pony that seemed to be very sensitive to things like violence. Twilight got a new sparkle of curiosity in her eyes as she asked,

“Why do you speak in almost perfect Equestrian now, reaper? When we first came into contact with you, you sounded like you had only become fluent with the language a year, now you sound like you’ve been speaking the language for half of your life.”

Reaper laughs, and says’

“In my world, Twilight, the language is called English, and I started to learn that language when I was four. It is just hard to switch from Russian to English very quickly, so…”

However, Reaper was interrupted by a tan pony bucking down the door to the extra room and screams,

“Git away from that monster, Twi’! It don’t give a buck and takes whutever it wants! Ahm guna teach this here THING a lesson it wo’nt ferget!”

Reaper fluidly rose to his feet to look down at the offending pony. He stared at the pony, deciding to show it with a show of his own frightening twist. As he glared at the pony, it scrabbled back two steps, before regaining its footing. It looked up defiantly at the giant figure that towered over it and all of its kind. The pony screamed out,

“Nothing yer go’in to do, or able to do to me will make me scared a you, ya big bully! Try some a’ this apple family brand flank-buckin!”

Twilight stepped forward, and tried to console the screaming pony by saying,

“Applejack! This thing is a real creature with a past, and he was just confused when he was…”

Reaper inhaled a large breath, and started to speak, going from a low growl to a full-bodied yell that made the walls shake with the power behind his voice.

“you think to threaten me? I am the juggernaut, a physical manifestation of untouchable power. I DO NOT TAKE KINDLY TO SILLY LITTLE PONIES WHO INTERRUPT ME SPEAKING WITH SOMEONE AND THEN THREATEN ME.”

At the end of Reaper’s little tirade, he knelt down to face Applejack, and said,

“But I do take to ponies that are brave enough to face me when they think that their friends might be in danger. Foolish, but brave. I respect those qualities in anyone, and that is why I spared your rainbow-colored friend.”

Applejack’s face went from mild fear, to shock, and extreme agitation. She said nothing, but glowered, and turned around. Reaper was confused until he was hit with something that has the impact of being hit by a shotgun point-blank. To the face. The buck caused his head to whip back, and the onboard nano-computers computed the PSI that his helmet encountered. Needless to say, it was enough to break a lesser man’s head clean off. For effect, he slowly lowered his head to make eye contact with the mare who just bucked him, and said,

“Nice shot, although you should not try to do that again without a proper reason.”

Twilight walked up to where Reaper was kneeling in front of Applejack, with a look of amazement on her face. She, and Applejack had the same look of awe on their faces. Reaper just looked, and answered curtly,

“What, Is something wrong with my face-plate?”

Applejack and Twilight both looked at Reaper, and said, almost incredulity,

“You just survived a trademark applejack buck full-on to the face…you should be dead, or close to it. And you just blow it off like it’s a butterfly kiss!”

Reaper just shrugs and Applejack turns her muzzle towards Twilight, saying

“Well, Twi’, I came here to tell you that Trixie has come back to Ponyville with some type of gem that amplifies her powers. She nearly set Sugarcube Corner on fire, and now she’s coming this way!”

The lavender unicorn gasped, and her pupils dilated. She scanned for Reaper, trying to keep him out of the fiasco, but he seemed to have an amazing amount of stealth for how heavy he seemed to carry with that suit of armor. Applejack looked around, bewildered. She asked

“Sugar-cube, where is that monster that you saved from the road?”

Twilight frowned at this, ready to begin a tirade that he was simply confused and followed protocol that was mandated of him, but they were interrupted by a large crash of the front door being broken open, Trixie declaring her presence, and a loud gulp. After a short time, there was the loud retort of the thing that Reaper threatened them with the night before.

Sorry about the delay, my pre-reader pointed out some major flaws with my character before he dropped me like a grenade. No hard feelings, though.