• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 8,560 Views, 405 Comments

WOLVERINES! - The Producer

The tale of a Juggernaut from the MW trilogy gets into shenanigans in equesria

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BONUS: Drunk Chapter One

So, I cuss like a sailor when I'm drunk, and I also get...Frisky for a better word. Also, THIS IS A DRUNK CHAPTER AND HAS NO CONNECTION WITH THE STORY. I like to think that they are little nuggets of bonus that you'll get.

Alright, so there was this BIG BADASS Reaperqw, or something like that, and he wllalked over to talk to Twilight and he was like,


But Twilight was dead, or something…yeah, we’ll go with that


Oh god am I soooo drunk. So Reaper walks over to the next bar and shoots EVERYTHING and drinks a beer. How? Magic. That’s how, fucker. He then gets high as FUCK and starts seeing bird peropl. Yeah, lets go eth thalt. Then he was like


Yeah, no quoted, what are you going to. And Reaper was like


And big mac wass al up in Reapors grill and like,

“I’m mena cuz im secretly in nlesbians with you”

Yeah, their both girls…wth the dangly bits still attached somehow. And Reaper was all like

“EWWWW get away for me yiw big gay red thing!”

And then cllorophornm. Gallons of it crashe d over his head. When he came out f his drunken stup… stughp..l. ss fuck it sleep he woke to see himlelf chined to a tree deep inside a foresed and was all like shit cus there was Bic Mac and Trixie sne they did unspeakable things to him that scarred him fot the rest of his lifeee.

6(More poltt assvncement, asshole.)9

So Reaper wnet to see princess cellestia because he was RAPED wth a corncob and he was a lllllllllllllllllll like

“HEY celestia I got al high and walked outside and then I got repds the enmd.).

AND THEN CELETIA was al like reaperg I am your father, because I am asexual an al ruling! Repae r sprouted wings on hid dangly bit and passed out.ll.

Alright, next is on a piece of paper that I brought with me to the bar, writing up chapter seven. After the first few sentences, I got challenged to a drink off. I won, but not after slamming back about ten shots of vodka. Needless to say, I was smashed.

Big Mac was sitting on Reaper’s chest, waiting for him to wake up. Suddenly, in his dreams, Reaper grabbed Big Mac by the neck, and forced him into a teddy-bear hug. He mumbled something about the Russian brown bear before squeezing Big Mac. And there they were, Reaper lying on his back, with Macintosh spread-eagled across his chest. And then marvin the robot wandered up and was all like

Im a bitch and no one cares about me in the seires.

And then reaper woke up, and beheaded marvin going

Yeah that’s right bitch *Impercieveable scotch stain*

And Reaper took Marvins head and ran aocoross the world screaming that he was a lumberjaclk and wore womens clothing. After he ran for ten hours ahe was like *Oh god I hope this is vodka for a couple small paragraphs*

AND THEN EVERYONE WAS SMASHED, VYNLYL SCRATCHED PUT ON CARAMELLDANSEN AND EVERYONE CARAMELLDANCED. Reaper sung along with the chorus, singing the dirty English version. After a good TENN hours if dancinghn, Reaper activated the rude bgoldberg amaschene that switched the song to TUNAK TUNAK TUN for the next ten hours. Reaper hit replay like fifty times. Celestia and luna where thered ltooo, so the night lasted for a gfrtu days cuz tey lgot their frelak on like o one elddse. *I’m going to say that this is either blood, or red wine*
…ND and celklesltia wlantered over to reaper, who was sitting in the corner for a timeout for kilinght llsomePONy, bitahcres, and was pissed. Celestlia wahgd s al like GLUGHHT and threw up on reaper, who caught of fire. *Um… there’s scribblings about sacrificing vinyl acratch to the elder race and things like that.*


And once Celestia was sone wirth reapwer, they switched to ten hours of U.S. owen was her. The end