• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 8,560 Views, 405 Comments

WOLVERINES! - The Producer

The tale of a Juggernaut from the MW trilogy gets into shenanigans in equesria

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Chapter Five

Reaper tried to get up, but he under-estimated the damage that the three encounters left upon his body, and immediately slumped into the bed, earning another creak from the little, over-strained frame. Really, he thought, what can I do to get this insane pony from bucking me? Reaper sighed, and turned his head to address the two ponies that were overseeing him. Judging from the expressions of their faces, it was time for a full explanation of what just happened. Great.

“Well, Twilight, care to tell me what the hell just happened to you and being set on fire?”

Twilight looked away guiltily for a second, before swinging her head back to face Reaper.

“I can’t really explain what happened. From what I got from what I remember from before I switched, and what I got from AJ is that I went into my raw magical form, and tried to absorb your power. Remember being overpowered by the sheer amount that you had, and then my mind goes blank. Next thing I know is that you’re holding onto my horn, siphoning my power into you, and you’re unconscious.”

Reaper remembers what happened to Trixie and what he did with the gem she had… and his hand was still clenched closed. He opens his hand, and sees a red, teardrop-shaped gem. Twilight looks at it, and gasps. She says,

“That is exactly the same power that you were saturated with when I snapped! I wonder what type of gem this is, and why a human, who lives in a world without magic, can absorb it. I need to research all of this! So little time!”

Twilight abruptly left Reaper and Applejack, perhaps by design, alone with just each other. Reaper saw this to help clear up some things with the mare in front of him. He would probably have to do this with all the other ponies that he initially met. Except that crazy pink one. She didn’t seem to be too terribly upset. That and he didn’t want to see her in a dark alley with nothing but a butcher’s knife and a tray of cupcakes.

“What is your problem with me? All you do is call me a monster, kick me, and try to degrade me in any way possible. I would apologize, if you wanted it, but all of my attempts at talking to you seem to end with getting bucked in the face, or getting knocked out.”

Applejack looked peeved for a moment, until she did go through al of her past interactions with him, and it did end up with a bucking, or him falling to the floor like a bushel of apples.

“Ahm sorry, but ah still don’t trust you. Ah would take an apology, and I think that you should go, explain the situation, and ahpologize to them, too.”

Reaper shook his head, and put his hand up to his faceplate, a sign of resignation, and thankfulness that it didn’t turn into a blood feud over his first few hours of a new world. However, there was a problem with Applejack’s reasoning- his inability to move.

“Alright, I apologize for going ape-shit on you and your friends, and I didn’t really mean it, I was confused. I would also do this for your friends, but according to all of my bruises, I can’t really move.”

AJ simply laughed, and said,

“Don’t think I didn’t bring thaht to thought, Ah’ll gather the group together tomorrow when you feel better. No gett’in outta this one, buddy.”

Reaper just shrugged as best as he could, and settled down to sleep, waving AJ off.
--- --- ---

He was seeing his guardian again, something must be coming up, something even Reaper himself couldn’t handle without a small amount of psychological preparation. His guardian was always like that, there for him when something groundbreaking would happen to him, and skew his complete take upon reality. If being thrown through a multi-dimensional rift, attacking a power-hungry unicorn, and pacifying a primal unicorn hell-bent on absorbing his life-energy wasn’t life-changing, he didn’t know what was. Reaper turned to the bright, amorphous blob, and asked;

“Why am I here, guardian?”

The guardian and Reaper were standing in front of a picture of him and his family, standing together. It gave him a mental nudge towards the picture. Reaper looked at it, struggling to remember what they were doing. He recalled the background, and remembered that it was on his fourth birthday, they went to an amusement park to ride some of his first rides. He turned to the guardian, and said,

“Why are you showing me this, guardian?”

The only response he got was a wave of sadness, and a tinge of regret. A door materialized behind Reaper, and drew him in. Reaper realized something; he didn’t recognize his parents anymore.
--- --- ---

Reaper woke to a farm pony prodding his faceplate, quite rudely, if he could say so himself.


Came a full-bodied yell from Applejack. God, Reaper thought that he would leave breathing in someone’s morning-breath at boot camp. The air rebreather would filter out poisonous gasses, but no amount of filters would ever stop that smell from reaching his olfactory nerves.

“Good, yer up. Yew sleep harder than Big Mac’ after a long day’s work.”

Reaper tried to move today. He was still sore and stiff, but not to the point of being almost immobile. He had actually made it onto his rear, and put his feet on the floor before slumping down in exhaustion. Being covered in bruises were very draining, and the nanobots administering a small amount of morphine weren’t helping. All that did was make him sleepy, but the failsafe within the nanobots did not allow him to shut that particular function.

“What time is it, Applejack? I can’t function without sleep, and this painkiller is doing nothing to keep me awake.”

Applejack looks at Reaper, and says,

“Wah, it’s four ‘oh clock in the morning, and if’n we are going to make everything up to everypony, we’d better make the rounds now!”

Reaper looks at her, feeling incredulous. Four o’ clock in the morning? This is insane to even war zone standards. Also, they are going to go see everyone- or everypony-at their houses? He can barely get on his feet. Whatever. Time to wake-up Twilight to tell her about the gem and stall for more time to gain more strength. Genious!

“I think that I need to talk to Twilight first about the gem before we go out to meet everybody else.”

Applejack looked at Reaper with a scrutinizing consideration, but ended up relenting. Twilight DID say that she needed to talk to him once he had recovered enough.

“Alrigh’ we can talk to Twi’, let me go wake her up.”

Applejack turned, and walked out of the room. There was a short pause, and then there was a thump, crackle, and a short chuckle from AJ. She returned with a bedraggled Twilight, with a small grimace from being up so early.

“Hey, you wanted to talk to me about the gem I crushed?”

Twilight brightened up at this statement, and before she could start asking questions, Reaper decided that to start talking about the darned thing before she could start asking things like ‘what was its approximate diameter?’ or ‘how many giga-watts of unicorn power did it generate when it was used? At rest?’ or similar questions of lunacy that would be expected of one with her nature. He held up a hand to stem the tide of oncoming questions, and said,

“It was a my-fist sized gem, with many imperfections. It was a light-red, almost like a ruby, but with almost one-hundred sides to it. It orbited around Trixie’s horn, and when she cast a spell, a glow traveled up her horn to the gem, and bounced back o the base of her horn before it got cast. Alright, Lets go Applejack.”

Twilight had put that all on a scroll, and what Reaper thought, was probably writing down book names that she could refer to for finding what the gem could be. He and AJ walked down the staircase, and out of the building. Amazingly, the front door was fixed, and they walked deeper into ponyville. They came into the town square without encountering any ponies, and, based off of Reaper’s reasoning’s, they were very smart ponies. They came up to a building created by what seemed to be gingerbread, and Reaper asked AJ who lived in the building. She replied with a devious smile,

“You’ll see yerself soon enough.”

They opened the front door, and the next thing he knew, Reaper was hit in the face by a ridiculously fast pink blur.


Man, this 2000 word cap is inane to break. I have respect for the people who can produce five-thousand words a chapter.