• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 8,560 Views, 405 Comments

WOLVERINES! - The Producer

The tale of a Juggernaut from the MW trilogy gets into shenanigans in equesria

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Chapter Eleven

So, updates after Christmas will probably be delayed by an unforeseen forecast.


Celestia and Luna both cringed at the volume of the voice that burst into the air. Luna mad a frantic hoof-gesture towards Reaper, and Celestia tried to calm down Reaper by saying,

“Reaper, calm down! I can understand that…”

But she was interrupted by Reaper again, deep within his eyes the color started to gain hairline fractures throughout the black orbs, gaining red highlights. He said,


Celestia came with a rebuttal,

“Then what would a mother do if her world would be destroyed, and she had the answers to saving the planet?”

Reaper lowered his head, seething. He said,

“I have no idea. But YOU are not my mother. MY mother held me and sang me to sleep after my ‘father’ was done beating me, and telling me that I was not his son.”

Celestia continued on with her explanation,

“I would also understand if you were confused by the race difference…”

She trailed off, allowing Reaper speak his mind. Reaper took this opportunity to try and rip down the wall of understanding that Celestia was hastily constructing.

“Yeah, I’m DAMN confused about how the HELL I can be YOUR son when I’m a bi-pedal human and you’re a quadruped EQUINE.”

Celestia flinched. She knew his past, and she didn’t expect a very good reception, but she expected results far better that what she received. She had expected more of an angry result. What she got was a veritable sea of rage, foaming, crashing, ripping, eddying, flowing, and destroying. She said,

“After you were born, I knew that you needed to be in a different world to learn how to kill Nightmare Moon’s last surviving piece of soul, so I magically morphed you into this form. Unfortunately, It is permanent, and has sealed away all of your magic. However, your Alicorn resilience, and your control over magic has not gone. Weren’t there times where even with your own pride of your stamina that you have surprised yourself?”

Reaper paused, and recollected that he oftentimes pulled through when others did not. One time, before he became a Juggernaut, his squad was jumped by terrorists, and over half of his team died, the other half was injured. Reaper lead from the front, and was peppered by Kalashnikov fire. He was hit multiple times in the extremities, and twice in the stomach. The doctors said he wouldn’t pull through, but within a week, he was on his feet, writing letters of condolences to all of the families of his platoon. But there was a hole, the books he read said that the last of the Alicorns died off long before Nightmare Moon. He said,

“Fine, then who’s the father?”

Celestia was expecting this one; Reaper was smart enough to figure out that her and her sister were the last Alicorns in existence. The answer was easy enough, but the explanation was the hard part.

“You don’t actually have a father. Once a Female Alicorn becomes of age, and they reach the height of their power, they bear a child. However, this also marks the time of their fertility, and they can put it off until they are ready. I came of that age when the end of The Nightmare war was beginning.”

Reaper was astounded. He was the creation of ridiculously powerful pony magic. But wait, does Luna have a child?

“What about Luna? Any cousins that I should know about?”

The atmosphere in the room dropped, even worse then it had been before. However, this was not due to anger, but of sadness and regret. This time, Celestia was the one to whisper something in Luna’s ear. Luna whispered something in response, and Celestia moved to talk to Reaper.

“Luna, while still in the thrall of Nightmare Moon… became of age about when I did. Nightmare was in desperate need of power, and she didn’t have the time to carry, birth, and raise a baby Alicorn, so she…killed it. She then absorbed the raw power that she obtained from the child to begin her last assault.”

Luna was crying very hard at the end of Celestia’s speech. Reaper knew what it was like to lose a child, his mother had a miscarriage when he was twelve, and it was devastating for everyone. He walked up to his supposed aunt, and crushed her in an overwhelming bear hug, almost engulfing her with his size. After a good few minuets of hugging, crying, and soft murmurs, Luna broke free. She said,

“Thank you, young one.”

Reaper responded with a bow and an elaborate wrist turn, and faced Celestia.

“We are not done just yet, you don’t have any type of material proof of my heritage, and unless you do, I’ll just call you a liar.”

Celestia had been hoping that pointing out the anomalies in his nature had been enough to prove to him that he WAS in fact an Alicorn. The way of proving it was to pump him full of magical energies, and that would have an unpredictable outcome. She said,

“This will require me to flush your body with raw magical power, are you alright with that? Will you control yourself?”

Reaper just waved his hands in a bring it on fashion, so the Princess stepped up in front of him, and placed her horn on his forehead. Magical lightning sparked from the base of the Alicorn’s horn, to the exposed skin on Reaper’s forehead. To Reaper, the experience was even more intense than the time when he absorbed the power of Bahamut’s will, he could actually feel the power leak from his head to his entire body. After a good thirty minuets of power being relentlessly pumped into his forehead, Celestia stepped away; a good deal shakier than when she first approached him. Reaper stood, his mouth open, forgotten in the flood of emotions and feelings that he possessed, like a dam overflowed. He felt something snap deep within him, and his head snapped back as the black of his eyes were destroyed, leaving two blood-red eyes, projecting their hellish light into the interior of the throne room, tinting everything in the color of blood. He rose into the air, and levitated there. Both Alicorn Princesses were staring at his back, and he looked back there two. He was greeted by the sight of two wings that seemed to be caught in an inferno. He saw that they appeared to be crafted out of pure flame, and were not actually connected to his body, stopping just centimeters away from connecting to his shoulder blades. He looked at the back of the throne room, where there was a mirror, and saw that he had a rather large horn that hovered in the front of his forehead. He splayed his wings out, and drifted towards the floor. As he alighted it, he said,

“Okay, now I’m convinced, Princess.”