• Published 7th Feb 2017
  • 5,036 Views, 281 Comments

Balance - BioQuillFiction

2012, the year the world was going to end. I really didn't think much of it, to me the world would be the same no matter what happens. Earth is violent and lacking real heroees. Maybe in my sleep I'll dream of a better world if this one does die.

  • ...

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As we made it to New Home we ran into a… well, a T.V. show host killer robot… that’s literally what it was. Rather than fight it, I managed to keep it still long enough to use X on it to shut down it’s body, locking them away… as it turned out, all the robot was, was some kinda pink ghost monster with goals of stardom. I told him I’ll unlock his body so long as he swears he won’t attack us, and he agreed.

With that done we moved onward. We ran into Undyne’s love interest and that’s when Rune just took over. She dragged Undyne, and her lover-yet-to-be Alphes into what was a locked room, and they talked… to which Undyne tried to run away only to leave claw marks on the ground outside the door… twelve times as she was dragged back in. I didn’t dare ask Rune what she talked to them about, but the fact their faces were both hot pink gave me a pretty good idea. We debated giving the robot/ghost, Mettaton, a Keyblade, but decided against it. Mainly because he would likely hurt himself, and others, if he had one.

I may be trying to rebuild the Keyblade Wielders, and give all the Keyblades wielders, but I think some exceptions can be made.

After finally reaching the castle, we gave the others a call and waited in the Judgement hall… this place just gave me chills.

hey.” Sans said as he walked with his brother Papyrus. “Pap wanted to tag along. that alright?

“Sure.” I said.”You’re the first ones here somehow. Use a ‘shortcut’?”

you know me, always looking for ways to do less. so you managed to get Undyne on our side? that had to be hard.

“We just had a little fight, and Rune gave her and Alphes a talk… that left them both pink faced.”

“SHE MUST HAVE HAD THEM RUNNING WHILE THEY WERE TALKING.” Papyrus said, making me snicker. He’s way to innocent minded for his age.

“You all waited up?” Undyne said, holding hands with Alphes.

“Yeah, just gotta wait for Toriel and then head off.” I said. I looked at Frisk… who seemed fixated on one area in particular of the hall. “You alright kid?”

To my surprise, Frisk pulled out his Keyblade. “... Chara?”

We all nearly fell over. Frisk didn’t speak a word at all before… His lifted his Keyblade, and a portal opened… not like ones to other worlds though. Honestly it looked more like a tear more than a portal.

Something is coming through.

Good or bad?


“Something bad is coming through there.” I summoned X, Sans, Undyne, and Rune did the same.

“BROTHER?” Papyrus asked.

just keep back bro, for once in my life, i got this.

After a bit… a kid, dressed in a green and white sweater, similar to Frisk’s, wearing cloth shorts and boots walked out… with Core behind him.

“What are you doing here!” I demanded.

Even though I couldn’t see it, I could feel his smirk behind that mask. He kneeled down to the kid. “Test Subject one. Chara Dreemurr.”

“What did you do to that child!”

“... Get them.” The child attacked, very fast, and Core jumped back into the portal as it disappeared.

Chara only had a knife, but when his attach met my block. It sent a wave of dark energy that I’m sure the whole Underground felt. Chara began laughing. “FiNaLLy, soMEtHinG NeW!”

That voice… he’s talking like how my darkness did… before I made peace with it. X, PLEASE tell you you have something!

Just on, and it’s not gonna be fun.

I’m gonna hate myself for this. I pushed forward with our crossed blades, once they slid off each other, I spin kicked Chara. He was sent flying, but flipped midair and landed on his feet. And here I thought I was the only I could do that when I was ten. So what is it X?

Each Keyblade has their own ability, mine is called, Rejected Darkness.

Sounds nasty. Sans joined in, shooting magic bones and some kinda… dog skulls that shoot energy beams… okay that’s just plain cool.

Well, it works by the wielder stabbing me into the opponent's heart, and sending a wave of light directly into their heart. The extra light will either balance out the heart, or expel it completely.

So I just gotta get in close… Think I can manage.

Chara was attacking Sans with speed that I could barely see at, and Sans was dodging all of them. Some ‘lazy bones’. When Sans called out his blasters again, I hopped on one and used it to ride in close. Just take care of this X. As Chara was dodging, I jumped off from above him. I went in for a quick strike, but Chara just grabbed the tip of X. “Wha?!”

I saw his hand start to bleed… black. “DiD yOu knOW mY BloOd iS BlAcK?” Undyne went in for an attack, and sideswiped Chara, causing him to crash into one of the pillars.I ran in for another attack, this time, he was cornered and I managed to strike him.

A wave of light flowed from X into Chara, and Chara started screaming. After a bit, he collapsed. “He’ll be alright?”

His heart is balancing out. Majority of the darkness in int was already his own… For now, he will sleep til his heart readjusts to all the light.

“Dude, what happened to your voice?” Undyne asked.

The voice speaking is me, the X-blade. Zeke and I have a… unique connection.

“Don’t show off X.” I said, regaining control of my voice. “... Frisk, how did you know this kid? You said his name before that portal opened?”

Frisk walked up to Chara. “He’s… my friend. When I fell, I called out to someone for help… and he came. He helped me, he was watching us, but It seemed only I could hear and see him. When we got here, he disappeared, but I could feel him, only he seemed… scared. Then… well, you know the rest.”

“Sorry I’m late.” We all turned around and saw Toriel as she entered. “Did I miss… anything…” She walked over to Chara. “C… Chara… my child?” She was crying. “H… how?”

“Not completely sure… all I know, is that he’ll be fine when he wakes up.” I said, patting her as she held Chara. I looked at Chara’s hand, it was still bleeding, but his blood was red now. What was that… black blood? “I’ll go talk with Asgore. Lots of things haven’t made any sense, and I know he has answers.”

I walked into the throne room, where I saw Asgore, sitting on his throne surrounded by yellow flowers. “So, human, you made i-”

“Cut the crap Asgore, If you're any kind of king then hear me out.” He looked like he wanted to say something, but he let me continue. I summoned X. “Seven human mages imprisoned your people behind this barrier, now, two humans, four monsters, and one pony are going to free them. Will you be the fourth monster or will you resort to murder?”

Asgore sat there silent for a time. “In total, we already have six human souls… and each one gathered was a stain on my morals, and a regret in my heart… you are blunt, yet honest in your words. Becoming the seventh would be one step towards my own redemption.”

Asogre’s Keyblade appeared, and I tossed it to him. Unbound, redeem him.

We all made it to the barrier, and as I figured, all seven of us opened it. Well then… that was easy. As we made it to the surface, we were greeted by a sunset… and the soldiers I called. “Hey Zeke. Leon said as he walked up. “The Heartless have been dealt with. So, how was it in there?”

“The Heartless seem really hell bent on getting the the people that were trapped behind this barrier.” I looked over to Asgore. “Are you willing to stay and help fight them, or what?”

“I think it would be best if those unable or not strong enough were someplace safe.” He replied.

“Then we take them to Daybreak Empire and if they wish to fight, they will be given Keyblades and enrolled into the training programs. There’s still lots of room back home… so who’s coming?”

“I will, “ Toriel said. “Chara needs to be somewhere safe, and I don’t want Frisk to be in any danger.”

“I… have some things to tend to here first before I head with you guys.” Alphes said.

“I’m staying to fight.” Undyne said. “I wanna clean house here.”

“I’m coming to.” I looked down, and saw that talking flower at my feet.

“How long have you been there?” I ask, half tempted to stomp on him.

“I’ve been watching you since you got to the Underground. Then… Chara…”

“You know him?”

“He’s my brother!”

“... you… who were you before you became this?”

“... Asriel…”

“Oh, so those notes I found in Alphes secret lab were on you then. That explains it.”

“You wha?!” Alphes said.

“You should destroy things you don’t want people to find. Either way, if Flo… Asriel is a Nobody now, then his heart must be somewhere out there… question is, where did it go?”

“What is that anyway, a Nobody?” Asriel asked.

“A being without a heart. From what I figure, Monsters aren’t meant to live on after death, and since a Heartless wasn’t involved in what happened, or so I’m guessing, then his heart… or soul, you all call it, might be gone… Any ideas X?”

Well, we might be able to clone him a heart… though I’ve only ever seen that happen once.” Everyone gasped, even Asriel.

“How do we pull that off?”

Much like with how when a child is born, they are related to their parents, so is the heart related to the parents hearts. A heart can regrow itself when a small piece is removed, but only if one piece of light and darkness are removed, that’s how God was able to forge me and you didn’t go into a coma.

“That makes sense. How risky is it?”

Well, getting the parts from the parents hearts and mixing them together is the easy part, the hard part will be waiting to so if the new heart will reject the body.

“You did this before?”

Duh, back with my first wielder. I’ll need you to lend me full control of your body though.

“Alright, three hours tops, any more and I’ll knock your block off.”

That would hurt you to.

“Like I care. Well, let’s get this over with.”

I opened my eyes. I was in Daybreak Empire hospital… I was standing over a goat kid in the same clothes as Chara. Both the goat kid and Chara were on the bed. Any time over?

Had fifteen minutes to spare. Asgore and Toriel are resting. The new heart accepted the body, now we just wait for it to adjust and with the memories Flowy had, Asriel well be like how he was before this happened.

Good. Glad I now know this… hey X, can a heart grow from just a light and dark part of itself?

It would take years, but yes. Why?

Just… curious.

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