• Published 7th Feb 2017
  • 5,036 Views, 281 Comments

Balance - BioQuillFiction

2012, the year the world was going to end. I really didn't think much of it, to me the world would be the same no matter what happens. Earth is violent and lacking real heroees. Maybe in my sleep I'll dream of a better world if this one does die.

  • ...

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Being home never felt so… odd. After Rainbow and I got home The girls have been rather clingy, especially Hearts Care. Other than that everything went as normal, Rune was practicing, and losing, against Luna, Shining Armor was teaching the kids some advanced combat that worked well with the Keyblades, and Twilight was testing out all the spells that could be applied with the Keyblades. All in all everything over the last few days went pretty well.

“I wanna go to another world.” Hearts Care stated. I was just sitting in the park alone when she appeared out of nowhere and said that.


“Rainbow got to go, plus I wanna buy Button something nice. The others too. It’s close to his birthday.”

She looked nervous. “I guess.”

“Great! What world should we go to?”

“I think I know a place with some shops.” I got up and summoned the X-blade, thinking of Traverse Town, First District. The portal opened and once my glider was in front of me Hearts Care jumped on it. “Uhh?”

“What? It’ll be fun.”

I didn’t argue, I just got on behind her and we headed off. Thankfully when we arrived in First District there was no one around. Once off we walked up to the Accessory shop that Cid ran, only to see a different person there. ‘How can I help you today?” The man asked.

“Uh, sorry I was expecting someone else to be here.” I admitted.

“You new in town?”

“Just… visiting.”

“Oh, so your world’s okay?”

“Bearly. Is yours?”

“Gone for close to twelve years now. Found myself here somehow and made a life. Was all I could do.”

“Sorry to hear… So this town is full of refugees?”

“Mostly. Locals let us stay, so long as we contribute.”

“Does anyone here sell toys? Game systems in particular?” Hearts Care asked. So that’s cannon… and she is technically… on earth anyway, a fan made character.

“I know a toy maker in second district, as for Video games you might wanna ask Cid, he’s got all kinds of gizmos. His place is out the main gates.

“He doesn’t live within the town walls?”

“Too many people. His group ain’t shy to battle though. Heartless that appear in those places are dealt with pretty quickly.”

“Thanks. Come on Care, let’s find him.”

Once we walked outside the shop, Hearts Care tugged on the back of my shirt. “You called me Care?”

“Hu?” I said, turning to look at her. SHe looked confused, and sad. “Oh, well, it’s a cute nickname, right?”

“Yes, it’s just… my late husband used to call me that.”

Late… He’s dead? I never even gave it thought… “How did he…?”

“Button was four, it was winter and a patch of ice wasn’t too thick… he went under and… They couldn’t find his body til Winter Wrap Up.”

“I, I’m so sorry.”

“It was not long after Button just played video games more than with other ponies. They kept the bad memories away and I focused solely on him. He’s my only child and all I had left of Wood Shield.”

I went up and hugged her tight. “Even in my family, one of us dies we mourn for a solid week before trying to move on.”

“Took me a year before I had put it behind me… hearing you call me that just brought up some bad memories.”

“Is Button… remembering those bad memories?”

“Not often. I heard him say his dad’s name in his sleep last night and I just got worried. He’s never been happier than when he and his new… brothers and sisters are training or racing on those gliders of thiers.”

“Is that why you wanted this herd marriage?”

“Yeah. After he got me out of that thing and I saw how happy he was with them, I just wanted it to last. Then I overheard Celestia and Luna talk about that law and, well, a herd is a major step up from being a single mom.”

“I can surely see how. To be honest, I’ve caught myself almost calling the kids son or sweety. Cheesy I know, but it happened more often than not.”

“So you consider them yours even though there isn’t any relation?”

“I consider you girls pretty damn sexy and we aren't even the same species, er half species? The point is I’ve learned to love those kids pretty quickly and I’m learning to love you girls. Frankly I’m just scared at this point.”

“Of what?” She asked, looking right at me now.

“The wedding, and Rune’s bedroom plans.”

She laughed. “Everyone is scared on their wedding day, bride and groom especially. As for Rune… to put it simply, we are ALL fucked there.”

Be both laughed, and I gave her a quick kiss over her lips. She looked surprised. “I’m only gonna say this to you, I’m looking forward to the day I can do that to you girls everyday.”

“Well you better do that everyday.”

We walked through the main gates of town, holding hands. It felt… nice, and for once in my fucked up life, I felt safe around other people, so long as Care, of one of the others was around I think I’ll be alright.

Cid’s shop wasn’t hard to miss. It was literally a massive gummi ship that was parked in the ruins of some other town. Is Traverse Town all that’s left on this world?

“Hold it.” Man said as he jumped down from a doorway somewhere higher up the ship and landed in front of us. He wore a black jacket and a large sword, with a revolver barrel and trigger at the grip. “State your business here in Gummi Town.”

“Gummi Town?” I asked.

“The big ship, it let a few hundred people escape our world when it was falling into darkness. Are you new and lost your world?”

“No, we’re just… shopping.”

“People only come here for gummi’s. You want to buy a ship?”

“Well, yeah, but my fiance here was wondering if you had any game consoles for sale.”

“My son just loves them.” Care said.

The man put his sword away. “We might have something. Munny is munny after all. Follow me.” We followed the man into the massive ship and soon found ourselves in a hanger, gummi ships of all shapes and sizes docked all around. “Cid, got some people here looking for some stull!”

Some loud clanging sounds came from around the other side of a gummi ship and soon a young looking Cid appeared. The game made him look older. “What ya folks looking for?” He asked.

“A game console.” The man said. I took a second look at his sword and realized it was Leon. Holy hell! Why does everyone look so much younger!?

“Think we got some of them? Probably in storage bay ten?”

“Hey, just out of curiosity, you ever hear of something called a Keyblade?”

They both looked at me. “Yeah, why do you ask?” Leon said. I summoned the X-blade. “You, you have it!” Care summoned hers. “Two?”

“There are more than one Keyblade in existence. Infact I know of a whole battleground littered with them.”

“Is that where you got yours?”

“I was… given mine, and I gave Care here hers. I can give people Keyblades, the ones that choose them. It bypasses lots of special training and a special oath that I don’t remember.”

“So you can set the worlds right?” Cid asked.

“Not exactly. I keep them in balance, that’s the job I got for accepting the X-blade. The job of saving the worlds… it goes to another.”


“That’s the only secret I’m takeing to my grave. I can assure you though, he will come, and he will succeed.”

“How can you be sure sure? How do you even know this?!” Leon asked.

“My world was good at.... Prophecies. Had a thing for them, it predicted its own end thousands of years before it happened. I wouldn’t be here if they were wrong.”

“Then… we just have to wait?”

“Or fight.” Care said. “Zeke here can give you all Keyblades, you can make a home on our world until yours is saved, and you can really stick it to the Heartless.”

“Which reminds me.” I spoke. “Fun fact, there are, if I’m including her, three people that can control Heartless. Maleficent, Core, and myself.”

Leon and Cid both looked at me. “But, you have a Keyblade, and fight darkness! Why do you control Heartless?”

“Consider me the lesser of three evils. Core is the reason worlds disappear, he’s the first born Emblem Heartless, and Maleficent is a witch that wants the Heartless for world conquest. Under my control, I’d keep Heartless appearing at a bare minimum, just enough to keep the words at balance with light and dark. I have a plan for Core, but Maleficent is another story.”

“You’d really let us all move onto your world?” Cid said.

“Well, everyone there already survived a near genocide of our people, it would be wrong to deny help to those that need it.” Care said.

“Plus, we can finally make some headway in rebuilding the rest of it, and finding those that were scattered and returning them home.” I added.

“I, I guess I’ll tell the others.” Leon said.

I stopped him before he left. When he turned I summoned the Keyblade that chose him, it wasn't a surprise, Sleeping Lion. I handed it to him, and he took it with a surprised look. “I promise, it will all work out.”

He held it in his hand for a while, disbanded and summoned it. “Alright. I trust you.” With Keyblade in hand, he left… I think I screwed up the timeline? Meh, it’ll work out.

“So, Cid, the game console?”

“Oh, right.” He said as we followed him. When we got to the storage bay Care and I helped him search the room for the consoles.

Damn, there’s so much random crap here. I opened another box, and found DS games? How in the heck? I searched through them for a while and my heart sank at what I was holding, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. Saddest game I’ve ever played, and one that should not exist here! I opened the game box, thankfully the game was there, and I took out the game, the game manual, and box cover art and shoved them into my pocket. I hid the now blank game box under the rest. “Uh, Hey! Found something!”

Cid and Care quickly came over. “Oh yeah,” Cid spoke. “Some strange looking fella dropped this box her off in exchange for a little Keychain I had been keeping for good luck. Never went through them, felt kinda ripped off actually.”

Thank god. “What did the person look like?”

“Well, his face was covered in a blank face mask and he wore some purple robes.” Core? “Said something about these things being from a world that was isolated from reality or something like that. Fella just seemed strange to me.”

How did Core get his hands on stuff from earth? “Was this all?”

“No, also gave me a piece of paper that had Graveyard written on it. Was glad he finally left, gave me the creeps.”

Graveyard? “Sounds like it was recent.”

“About a week ago. So you interested in them, the handheld dodad that goes with them is somewhere around here.”

“Y, yeah. We’ll take them.”

Didn’t take long for us to find the DSI that went with the games, and luckily a charger was with it. “So how much is all of this?” Care asked.

“You folks are letting us move in on to your world and given us all Keyblades to have a little payback at the Heartless and Maleficent, free of charge this time.”

“Hey.” Leon said as he entered the room. “So, Zeke, everyone is ready to go, Cid just needs to start the ship. What are the coordinates of your world?”

“I think only my X-blade can get us there. Just… follow me.”

I ran outside and opened a portal to my Equestria, and thankfully it was large enough to fit the ship. Things must get as big as they need to be. I hopped onto my glider and went through, the massive Gummi ship following close by. When we arrived I saw Celestia on the ground below and she was surprised to say the least. “Zeke, what is this?” She asked as I landed next to her.

“Remember that stuff about helping people without a world out, here’s about a hundred that need help.”

“Oh, well, I will go inform Cadence.”

Author's Note:

Next chapter will have head cannon about X-blade, and Core again,

(Dark portal opens behind me)


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