• Published 7th Feb 2017
  • 5,036 Views, 281 Comments

Balance - BioQuillFiction

2012, the year the world was going to end. I really didn't think much of it, to me the world would be the same no matter what happens. Earth is violent and lacking real heroees. Maybe in my sleep I'll dream of a better world if this one does die.

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After The Wedding: A Talk With Wife Sixteen, Unum

It was a surprise to see Yellow walking down the aisle with the others… She said it was the girls idea, better that then… well, none of us wanted to talk about it.The second wedding was done with and we were all back in our home, we were all still in our wedding clothes. Everyone looked beautiful… especially Yellow. She wore a light blue dress, with a veil made of sunflower petals. You’d think blue and yellow would clash, but she made it work very well. “So… this was a day…” I say, sitting next to Yellow.

“I’ll admit, the whole wedding thing was a surprise, but I guess it’s better than just being a slave, or stuck in a prison…” She said.

“I can’t believe the X-blade did that…” Rainbow said. “How could it do that?”

“It was either that… or execution… Yellow has her heart back now, purified from any darkness, while many would have liked her… gone… he made it painful to deter and end that thought in their heads.” I said. “Though, I think X is hating himself too, he hasn’t spoken since yesterday.”

“So… what will I do now?” Yellow asked. “I already told those interrogators everything. Am I just… too be here?”

“Well, I hate the idea of you as a slave Yellow, a wife sounds nicer… even if you still… are…” Luna muttered. I could see why she of all people are giving her the most chance… similar pasts. “Could… you tell us about, the one you lost?”

She chuckled. “Well, oddly enough, he was like Zeke. Strong, kind, not wanting to give up… Well, there is a different truth to that… but I’m not sure how to say it.”

“How so?” I asked.

“Well, Core’s wife had the X-blade, then was killed by Heartless… my husband didn’t have it, none of the other reflections had it, just Core’s. There is only one X-blade, just as there is only one Kingdom Hearts. My husband was… also, killed by Heartless, but they attacked our village, mass swarms. When I woke up, I was just a Nobody, and Core was there, holding my corrupted heart. I’ve been with him since that day… until, well, recently…”

“What was your late husband's name?” Fluttershy asked.

“Rex, or King, whichever worked. He wasn’t a fighter either, he was a healer and very talented.”

“What about your name? Just because you’re one of Core’s reflections, did that mean his name really is the same as yours?” Celestia asked.

“No, my… true name, was Unum, or Unity. Core gave me the color yellow and told me from now on, I was Yellow Core. Like any Nobody, I received a new name, cause I was someone different, but still part of who I was.”

“How did Core know you were his reflection?”

“Even though my reflection universe was far away, to the point things were different, clearly, he knew because he said enough of our memories were the same.”

“Well, Unum sounds much better than Yellow.” Rarity said. “It’s pretty.”

“My husband thought so too… though… I remember hating my name for some reason… I don’t remember why.”

“Well, maybe it will come back to you.” I say, rubbing her shoulder. “It will all come back with time, til then though, I think it’s best we try and keep you safe and happy.”

Unum looked at me, confused. “Why keep me happy?”

“You’re a member of the family now. That means, we’re all looking out for you.”

“I guess… So… what does a married… herd? What do they do?”

“Like any newly seds really.” Twilight said. “Though, I think anything above a date will have to wait til everyone is comfortable.” Unum and I blushed at that. “So… maybe a family trip?”

“To where?” Flitter asks.

“I kinda wanna go to that island Zeke took us to that first week we dated.” Rune said. “Kids had fun, and we had fun.”

“Fair enough.” I say. “Twi, you learn how to drive this thing, or should we just ride on our gliders?”

“I can drive the house, Cid taught me about gummi controls not long after we both started working in the shop… Wait, why don’t we just go to a beach here on Equestria?”

There was a silence for a time. “Right… Let’s do that, because I don’t like the idea of taking the house to another worlds.”

“Alright, I know a beach somewhere nice, Twilight can drive and I’ll navigate.” Celestia said.

Everyone left to go do something, save for Flitter, Cloudchaser, Derpy, and Unum. “Um, something up?”

“We just wanted to say… thank you so much for keeping our kids safe, and letting us be here, with you, so they could be happy.” Darpy said.

“They’re good kids, hard headed at times, but what kid isn’t at times?”

Cloudchaser chuckled. “Yeah, I can imagine how Ruble was.”

“He’s a good son, just headstrong.” Flitter agreed.

“Yeah… ‘i'm honored to call them my kids, being a parent is scary, especially when the kids weren't yours, but I love those kids more than I knew I could.” Derpy walked up to me… and planted a sloppy one on my lips. “Mhhmm!”

She let go. “I love man who can care for kids, his or not.”

“Uhhh. Thanks.”

“So, quick question, what do you think of my eyes?”

“They are cute, I can see where Dinky gets it from.”

She practically pounced on me and squeezed me on the bed. “I love this man!”

Any tighter and my spin’s gonna need surgery! “Thanks… please, can I breath now?”

She finally let me go, and gently cuddled against me. “You really think my eyes are cute?”

“Adorable.” I reply softly, half from trying to be romantic, half from near suffocation. I saw Unum get close and wrap her arms around me from my back. “You… alright?”

“Yeah, it’s just… I’ve missed doing this, just being with another person…” She squeezed me a bit tighter, then fell asleep.

Cloudchaser and Flitter crawled onto me, I felt like the bottom of a dog pile with those two laying down on me. “Being twins, Flitter and I shared most everything, I think a husband can also be shared.” Cloudchaser said as the two soon fell asleep as well.

… Well, if you can’t beat them… I relaxed myself, finally enough to where sleep was taking me.

I jumped, looking around, I was in that white room where I first met God… speak of the not-the-devil, he was standing across from me. “So, you seem to be having a grand time.” He said.

I got up. “As you saw, things have gotten hectic, but I just hope it calms down soon enough.”

“I’m sure things will be fine in the end… So, that Yellow Core, she’s back to who she was?”

“Yeah, something called the Grandfather Light made her human again.”

God smiled. “Good, good, so Unum is back.”

“You knew her name?”

“I should, she was ___ ____…” It was like someone hit the mute button on God when he tried to speak.

“What? What happened?”

God sighed. “I’m, afraid, I can’t tell you everything, because even though I know it, Core has taken certain facts from Unum, and myself.”

“How, that… how?”

“Now, now brother.” I turned around, Core was there. “I don’t want this one finding out all the secrets yet.”

I summoned X. “How are you here?”

“Brothers guilt still runs heavily on his mind, I’ve been treating your world as a… recruiting station. This spot acts as a link he created between his mind, and his reality.”


“Core, why must you continue walking this path, the Grandfather Light has saved one of your reflections, so why can’t you realize you too can be saved.” God said, sadness and concern written across his face.

“I know all too well that it will either save or kill me, but frankly I just don’t care. I like darkness, the power and fear it gives, it’s all I could have hoped for and more.” Core stated. “Besides, Yellow let her guard down, a simple sympathy of loss let a sliver of light into her heart, she is a traitor.”

“She was saved, and will redeem herself of sins!” I shout, pointing the X-blade at Core. “And I will do the same for you, if the light won’t save you, then I’ll resort to killing you.”

“HA! Such a foolish and hopeless goal.”

“Core, this has gone on for eons, this will have to end eventually.” God said. “You lost your wife, but what you did to Unum and her family was too far! Don’t take out your loss on her!”

“SHUT UP!” Core snapped… he looked like it too… “She was my everything, my other half, my perfect match… then, that damn Heartless did her in… Her heart is gone and that won’t change! Now Unum has left and I won’t stop til everything is dead and back to the void, that’s the only place her heart can be!” The whole room went dark, only God, Core, and I were visible. “You both… the brother who cared more for research rather than family, and the man who stole Unum from me!”

“She left cause you were gonna kill her!” I snapped back. “You’re throwing a temper tantrum like a spoiled brat!”

SHUT UP!” Core had lost it, he flung his mask away, revealing black eyes with red pupils, and teeth like daggers. “YOU THINK YOU KNOW EVERYTHING BROTHER! WELL YOU DON’T KNOW LOSS!

I jumped straight up. Knocking over Flitter and Cloudchaser. “Hey, what gives?” Flitter asked, from the spot she rolled onto.

I barely managed to stop shaking. “Just… had a nightmare.”

“Must have been bad.” Unum said groggily. She was woken up by me. “What was it about?” She asked as she rubbed her eyes.

“Uh… rather not say.” That didn’t make sense… Core losing his cool, and that stuff about Unum? Is she really a reflection of Core?

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