• Published 7th Feb 2017
  • 5,036 Views, 281 Comments

Balance - BioQuillFiction

2012, the year the world was going to end. I really didn't think much of it, to me the world would be the same no matter what happens. Earth is violent and lacking real heroees. Maybe in my sleep I'll dream of a better world if this one does die.

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The Frienemy Huxley... Ever Angery, Never Happy: Part 2

Huxley ran into his room to look through his box looking for... “There it is.” Huxley said pulling out a piece of Keyblade armor and placed it on his wrist before walking out.

“Huxley what are you wearing?” Twilight asked “Come say hello to Zeke and one of his wives”

“Its... wait one of his wives I was joking when I called you a mary sue.” Huxley said

“Still not entirely getting it…” Zeke said. “So, where did you get Keyblade armor?”

“Is that what that is?” Twilight asked. “Spike showed it to me and I had to explain to him what adult toys where” she said as Huxley got flustered

Zeke and Unum burst into laughter as Twilight said that. “Twi, you could not have been more off!” Zeke said, laughing.

“Let's talk outside...” Huxley said as they got off the seat Twilight stopped Unum from getting up

“Let the boys play.” she said sarcastically.

As Zeke and Huxley walked outside, they kept going til they were near the outskirts of town. “So… I was told by Twilight you had a bad day.” Zeke said.

“Well It could only get worse if your uncle came but yes I did... Why do you care?” Huxley said aggressively

Zeke sighed. “Damn Josh… listen Huxley. I am not with him or Core. My uncle branded me for death, literally!” Zeke lowed the collar of his shirt, showing his branding to Huxley. “If that wasn’t all, he shot me when I first ran into him here…” Zeke lifted his shirt, showing the scar from the bullet wound. “I may have been born into that family, but I’m nothing like them…”

“Okay but you still screwed with the rules of the world by telling Twilight about the outside world's” Huxley said

“Only because those rules apply only to the games. This is our reality now Huxley. They are all living, breathing, thinking people who deserve to know how to defend from what’s out there. Lack of knowledge is just as dangerous as having the knowledge. We just gotta make sure they keep on the path of light.”

“Yes, but Every world is defined by its particular boundaries within which some understanding of realities emirge as truth, Two truths cannot coexist and so from the introductions of foreign bodies is conflict and chaos spawned.”

“And yet here are you and I, each living on our own worlds. If I didn’t stop what was happening on my Equestria, everyone would have died! And from what I heard, you fought in the battle for the Empire. Two foreign bodies fighting for the worlds to protect them. Chaos is always a part of what Keyblade wielders try to stop, yet it will always arise, worlds will always meet, fight, and it’s our job to keep peace Huxley. The very nature of our beings and weapons, powers, defy all the logic and ‘reality’ of the individual worlds. All the worlds were once one, and that time has long since been forgotten, but we can still act as one.”

Huxley didn’t know what to say. He was trying to absorb all that in when a scream was heard from Town “Screw this debate.” Huxley said as he ran head first into danger slamming the armour on his shoulder turning into a red and black armour that was too big for him.

Zeke followed close by, bothe summoning their Keyblades. “Uhh... “ Zeke said. “That might need a readjustment…”

“Shut up, don’t ca-” he said as he tripped over himself before picking himself up.

“Maybe no armor is the best for this fight?”

“I said shut it.” Huxley said running towards the scream as he got there he saw Heartless. “Okay explain yourself why is there heartless around the same time you come? HMM?” Huxley said

Zeke looked around for a bit. “A, my Heartless don’t actually attack people do to the light in my heart giving them some free will, and intelligence, and B…” Zeke pointed at the rooftop across from them… where another Zeke stood. “That… I have no idea…”

“Wait if it's not you, and Sombra was destroyed it Must be CHRYSALIS!” Huxley shouted as he threw his keyblade at the fake Zeke.

“This is gonna be awkward for me then…” Zeke said. As a Darkside blocked the attack and the fake Zeke disappeared

“Okay If you want to prove that you're actually a good guy find that faker while I deal with the Heartless”

“Duh.” Zeke deadpanned. “No splitting up though, no dumb movie cliches.”

“No deal You go find that faker.”

“Fine, codeword then?”

“Fine its sixteen.”

“Oh I’ll remember that…”

“Okay, break.” Huxley said as he jumped on the arm of the darkside attacking the head.

Zeke ran off. Crap, if this is a changeling then it’s not gonna be… X, can you sense the heart?

Yeah, they’re near by.

Good. Zeke followed X’s directions, soon finding the fake him in front of Sugarcube Corner. “Nowhere to run faker!” Zeke yelled.

“Hum, good Tracking skills Ventral If only I had attacked a day sooner I may have gotten the two of you to fight but, Oh well” He said turning back into Queen Sombra “I am Queen Sombra and you are surrounded.” she said getting the strangest case of Deja vue

Zeke looked around, seeing the heartless all around him. His only act was placing his hand over his heart. “Sisters, brothers… help in my time of need.” Zeke’s body was engulfed in a blue aura as Countless Keyblades appeared around him. They soon flew out towards the Heartless, striking all of them down in a few blows.

Sombra look at the scene afraid that this Zeke was too powerful for her but as she took a step back she heard a call from one of the keyblade she looked at Zeke who was distracted buy something to see her grab the keyblade before Unsummoning it as to surprise Zeke with it.

“You can go now drag queen.” Zeke froze as the voice of his uncle came from behind Queen Sombra. “I’ll handle nephew.”

“Well bye.” Sombra said as she sprinted far far away before taking to the air.

Josh jumped down and walked halfway to Zeke. “Sup Nephew? I heard you’re doing well.”

“Can it Josh.” As Zeke spoke, the Keyblade still around him pointed at Josh. “You have a lot to answer for.”

“I beat the Darksides whats going.. Oh crap” Huxley said as he saw Josh. “Great where's Drake?”

“So, the puppet and the nephew together when we didn’t want them. I told Core not all plans make it in the field.” Josh said.

“What did you mean by Puppet?”

“Kid, cause of this, I can tell you. Everything you’ve done has been pre-planned by Core. The whole thing with Sombra, and that old city coming back. Core broke the hex on it so you could get that shadowy cross dresser to work with us, every fight you had thinking it wa Zeke, the stuff on Traverse Town. We even killed off that sci-fi world just to make you feel like shit. We were playing you like a puppet, trying to get you and nephew to fight against each other.”

“Well it would have probably worked IF YOU PLAYED ZEKE AS WELL!” Huxley shouted

“We can barely set foot on his world Kid, his world’s Crystal Heart keeps all Heartless, dark hearted mofo’s like me, and even DTD’s from properly working. Only reason Unversed can set foot there is cause they’re emotions with bodies.” Huxley wasn’t paying attention he was wondering how he was going to explain that Zeke wasn’t a bad guy to Bartz and his gang and how to make it up to the Foretellers. “You were gonna make a good allie when your darkness tool hold kid. Core liked how there was so little light in your heart as is, it’s the whole reason he took interest in you.”

“Huxley?” Zeke asked.

“Yeah?” huxley asked

“Take your armor off for a second. Just trust me, alright?”

“Okay?” He said hitting the piece that removes the armour.

In that instance, Zeke stabbed the X-blade into Huxley’s heart. “You’ll thank me later! Reject Darkness!” A rush of light flooded into Huxley’s heart. When Zeke disbanded the X-blade, Huxley was twitching as his heart was adjusting to the sudden increase in light.

“YOU SON OF A- hey I feel better.” Huxley said as he put his armour back on

“Reject Darkness. The X-blades special ability to flood light into even the darkest of hearts. Expect a sudden gain of guilt and consciousness.” Zeke summoned Discord, and pointed it at Josh. “We can deal with him now.”

Huxley stood for a good minute before saying. “I don’t feel any different?”

“Give it time. Usually this ability knocked people out cold.”

“So it's magic nightquil” he said as he fell to the ground asleep

Zeke chuckled. “Yea- crap…”

”Well, well then, time to-” A DTD opened behind Josh as Core walked out. “Oh, hey boss. Plan failed.”

“I noticed.” Core said, even more cold than usual. “And you told them everything…”

“I didn’t see the point- Gah!” Core shoved his hand into Josh’s chest, and ripped out his largely dark heart. “What?!”

“You’ve proven a good asset Josh, but you’re lacking discipline.” Core said as Josh's heart was reshaped into the Keyblade he first showed Zeke, and then Huxley on their last meeting. “I’ll be using this as a replacement for the one I lost, you;ll be just like me now.”

Josh was startled at first… but then smiled. “Never needed the damn thing anyway.” The two walked into the DTD, leaving Zeke standing next to Huxley’s unconscious body.

“... Did that just happen?” Zeke questioned.

“What happened?” Huxley asked as he looked around “Did we win?”

“They left, and something tells me a lot of things are going to happen.”

“Great... so when is this great flood of guilt supposed to come?”

It should have already hit you.” X spoke through Zeke.

“Wait I didn’t know you were a ventriloquist?”

Zeke just looked at Huxley. “It’s the X-blade… I’m kinda a human Keyblade now… long story.”

“I smell bushit” huxley said as he got up “no seriously you're standing in shit”

Zeke looked down, and saw Huxley was right. “Well… shit. Anyway, I’m guessing from the things Twi told me about you… you don’t do well with roommates?”

“Eh we do fine together it's just she has some bouts of bitchiness”

“Well, if you want I can give you a gummi ship to use as, well, as a ship and a house. They come equipped with a lot of useful things actually.”

“Are the controls Kingdom hearts one or two?”

“Well… all I can say it that the ‘controls’ look an awful lot like play station controls.”

“Neat.” Huxley said as Zeke was wondering what was going on in his mind

Zeke opened a DTL, and shot a beam of light through it. “It’s just a message for a standard ship. Here it comes now.” Zeke and Huxley backed up as a Highwind lv six floated out and parked itself some feet from Twilight’s place. “Not your roommate, but a neighbor seems alright. Should be fully stocked, food, water crystals, and self charging powercore, three bedroom, the works.”

“Nice.” Huxley said going inside the ship. “where am I going to park it?” He asked as Zeke sparta kicked him in the ship.

“Wherever you don’t get a ticket. And GET LAID!”

Zeke walked back into the Library, grabbed Unum, and left Huxley to his own devices til next time.

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