• Published 7th Feb 2017
  • 5,036 Views, 281 Comments

Balance - BioQuillFiction

2012, the year the world was going to end. I really didn't think much of it, to me the world would be the same no matter what happens. Earth is violent and lacking real heroees. Maybe in my sleep I'll dream of a better world if this one does die.

  • ...

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Mega: Part 1

Terra returned to Huxley and Elzin having found a chariot that they could attach a keyblade Glider too. “Sweet, what other supplies we find?” Huxley asked as Elzin pulled out a ton of salt.

“I found a ton of salt from that bar other there.” Elzin said.

“Why was there that much salt in a bar?” Terra asked.

“Spike the food to make them drink more?” Huxley suggested.

“Okay so what should we do with all of it?” Elzin asked.

“Leave it, we don’t need that much salt.” Huxley said as he pulled out the wagon of food. “Here’s what I’ve got.” Huxley said as Terra and Elzin looked at the food.

“Makes sense there would be this many apples, this was an off shoot of the Apple family.” Elzin said

“What did you find Terra other then the chariot?” Huxley asked.

“A ton of bones… and apple pies.” He replied.

“Well from what I’ve seen of Appleloosa that was probably their last stand weapons.” Elzin said.

“Then explain this.” Terra said, lifting up a shotgun.

“I have no clue.” Elzin said as Huxley looked at it.

“Take it, we might need it.” Huxley said.

The three got everything hooked up and rode off. For Elzin, this was a rather bumpy ride as the wagon kept running over the dry rocky dirt, hitting every rock and hole. After a few hours, the group made it out of the dry lands and into a lush green pasture. “Let’s wait for a bit, I think Elzin needs a break.” Terra said, motioning to Elzin who was looking rather nauseous.

“Blehh.” Elzin said hanging off the side of chariot.

“Yeah I think it’s getting dark we may need to camp out for the night.” Huxley said looking at the sun setting.

They stopped and made camp fast. The group just sat around the campfire, talking.”So anybody got any stories.” Huxley asked

“Well there the story of Destiny where a machine call a ghost resurrects somebody...”

“And you’ve lost me.” Huxley said

“I went to this one world that was rather creepy.” Terra said.

“Let me guess... I give up.” Huxley said.

“Is it a Bendy and the Ink Machine world.” Elzin asked.

“One, what is that and two, how do you know what that is?” Huxley asked.

“It’s a disney inspired horror game and I’m from 2017” Elzin explained.

“Well, whatever it was, it was clearly a place of great darkness. Fought some kinda big rat or something when I was there.” Terra said.

“Yeah from what I’ve seen it’s pretty dark.” Elzin said

“Anyway I have a story.” Huxley said pulling out Key to Avalon. “It's about this Keyblade or rather what it’s based on.” Huxley said as he started the story.


After the story the group was ready to go to sleep. “We should have somebody stay up and guard us for a short while, who wants first watch?” Huxley asked.

“I’ll start, not that tired anyway.” Terra said.

“Okay so let's decide who get second and third shift.” Huxley said as Elzin and Huxley looked at each other.

“1,2,3 Not it.” They both said as they repeated the same line for five more times before agreeing to rock, paper, scissors”

“You two are… what’s that?” Terra said, pointing at the lights in the distant sky.

“Lets mount up and check.” Huxley said as Terra pulled out his Glider and hooked it up to chariot.

“Let’s not forget the stuff out of the chariot” Elzin said

As they were ready to move, the lights quickly moved over them, and they were surrounded by four people on gliders. “Attention off worlders.” One of them spoke, speaking through a megaphone. “What are you doing this far out of the reconstruction zones?”

“We arrived in Appleloosa, sue us.” Huxley said as they surrounded them.

“Please make your way north towards Ponyville.” He said before they flew off.

“Well at least Ponyville isn’t far.” Elzin said as he shrugged.

The trio finished packing and continued making their way north. After several short minutes they found the half rebuilt town of Ponyville, people of all races and species working on rebuilding the much more modern version of the town Huxley and Elzin knew.

“So this is Ponyville huh? It looks better then I had thought it would.” Huxley said.

“Really you thought it would look bad?” Elzin asked.

“Well seeing Appleloosa made me think of the worst.” Huxley said.

“Yeah, let’s find someone here who knows how to get to Daybreak.” Terra said. As the trio entered into the town. They were greeted with friendly expressions, and they asked around for directions towards Daybreak.

“You can take a train, or follow the train tracks north by glider to get there.” A woman they asked said.

“Thank you mam.” Terra said.

“I wonder when the next train is?” Huxley said.

“Random thing Me and Mom went on a train to Montreal last year.” Elzin said before looking at the ground as he remembered he may never see mom again.

“Look don't sweat about Mom I know you miss her.” Huxley said as Elzin looked at him.

“The train leaves in five minutes.” Terra said, holding a schedule the woman gave him.

“Well what are you waiting for, let’s go.” Huxley said as the trio rushed to the train station.

The three paid for the tickets, and took seats. “Schedule says we’ll be at Daybreak in three hours.” Terra said, looking out the window.

“Well since we're all awake let me tell you the story of The One Punch Man.” Elzin said.

(Foreteller’s Reflection: The Mansion)



The five Foretellers were training together in the courtyard of their mansion. It was a free for all since they were training in the scenario where there are multiple strong enemies around them.

Over the last month and a half since they had last visited Daybreak, they had not only been training their Unions but training themselves to pass the limit of their abilities. Most of their training had been against the simulations with Code Keeper. They were able to hold their own with the max level of Sephiroth individually, but if they were to go against someone like Zeke and Unum they would have to fight them together if they wanted to stand a chance.

“Alright everyone. Let’s take five.” Lan said to his comrades.

They all relaxed, leaving the simulation and went to get their waters.


“I got it.” Alex said as he rushed through the house.

As Alex opened the door, a man dressed in green and red Keyblade armor was there. “Greetings.” He said.

“Hey. Are you a keybearer from Daybreak?”

“Courier actually.” He reached into his backpack, and pulled out a yellow envelope. “This document if for Ira’s eyes only.”

“Alright.” Alex took the letter and closed the door. “Lan! You got a letter!”

After a moment Lan and the others entered. “Who’s it from?”

“It’s from a Courier from Daybreak. Must be pretty important if they delivered it here directly.”

Lan took the letter from him and started to read the contents.

Dear Ira/Lan

Your speech for your council seat is beginning within three hours, by the time you received this we hope you have your speech and proper documents in order.

Failure to arrive on time or deliver an acceptable speech will result in your seat position opportunity being made null and void, and you will be replaced with another candidate. Please arrive on time, dressed properly, with your paperwork in check.

Sincerely, Council Member Leon.

“Ah! So it’s finally time. I was wondering when I would get a summons for my seat.” Lan said after reading the letter out loud. “I should go take a shower! You four too, since you are all probably coming with me… Right?” He said nervously.

“Of course we will.” Jenny said. “We wouldn’t want to miss this.”

“Yeah Bro. You’ve been working hard on that speech so we will be there for support!” Kira said, Dan and Alex nodded in agreement.

“Thanks guys. Now, to the showers!”

Zeke sat in the infirmary of Daybreak castle. Eclipse had been brought in with a heart that was breaking in two, something that, according to X, had not happened since his third wielder. “So, how do you think this happened?” Justin asked, leaned against a wall across from Zeke.

“From what you told me… and what you said you saw afterwards… it was the Killing Mood…” Zeke said grimly.

“Killing Mood?”

“A sort of genetic trigger, or switch that goes off when a Ventral first kills… no matter who it was, the switch gets flipped, and they go into a murderous frenzy. Eclipse is like me, but since his heart isn’t balanced, when his Killing Mood hit, his dark half tried to take over while his light resisted. The result seems to be his heart trying to break in two.”

“How did this whole ‘Killing Mood’ thing start in your family anyway?”

“From what I was told one of my ancestors was a witch that made it, personally I think it’s the mutated product of generations of killers breeding.”

“Or both?”

“Heh, maybe… makes me scared thinking about it…”

“How so? You think this might happen to you?”

“Not me… my kids…”

As silence took over the room, Cid entered the room. “Hey Zeke, the council is meeting up again, today’s that Lan kid’s speech.” He said, his tone cautious about the scene.

“Thank’s Cid, I’ll be there in a bit.” Zeke said as Cid left. Zeke sighed. “Work never stops no matter what’s going on.”

Zeke got up and began making his way down the halls. It was a fair distance to the council room, but he felt he needed the time to think. “HEY ZEKE!” A voice called out.

“Huh?” Zeke turned around, and his eyes widened in shock at seeing Huxley, Terra, and… a red haired Huxley? “Um… what are you doing here, and why are there two of you?” Zeke asked as he looked between the two Huxley’s.

“Oh right, meet my clone, Elzin.” Huxley said as Zeke tilted his head.

“Um… what did your Twilight do?” Zeke asked.

“It was god you idiot, didn’t he tell you that everybody that got sent off earth got a clone to replace them?” Huxley asked.

“No, and frankly I don’t think it matters to me… my clone is likely dead.”

“We’ll anyway, can you take us to my reflections realm of darkness?”

“Uh… maybe?”

“What do you mean maybe?” Terra asked.

“I’m assuming you’re not the Terra I know, but I can’t open a DTD like Huxley can, but I might be able to either know a possible way, or I’ll need someone else's help.”

“I can’t open DTD’s anymore.” Huxley said.

“Oh… odd. How did you get here then?”

“A DTL via my book.” Huxley said.

“How did you learn that?”

“God.” Huxley said flatly.

“Figures… well look, I’ll help with… whatever it is you’re doing, but right now I got a meeting with the council about a new member.”

“Okay well we’re going to be around come find us when you're...” Huxley started before someone shouted at Zeke.

“Zeke!” They turned and saw the Foreteller’s wearing their robes walk up to the group.

“Oh, you’re already here. Good.” Zeke said. “This is Huxley, a reflection Terra, and… Elzin…” Zeke motioned to them.

“It’s good to see you again Huxley. And it’s nice to meet you Terra and Elzin.” Ira said.

“So I’m guessing you already know that Zeke isn’t evil.” Huxley said brushing the back of his head.

“Yeah we kind of figured that when he helped us with a situation back in our reflection.” Aced said.

“Well, in any case, come on Lan, er, Ira. you're scheduled for your meeting today. Got everything ready?”

“Yes. I have prepare my speech and all that.” Ira said. “So is there going to be an audience or is it just fellow council members?”

“If these guys come along that will be all, aside from the rest of the council. Come on, the meeting is this way.” The group followed Zeke and Ira to the council room. They all took seats, Ira in the stand center of the round room, and Zeke atop the chair center of it. “This meeting has now begun. Our first order of business, the speech, memory check, and questioning of Ira for a seat among the council.”

“We will begin with the questioning.” Lord Death spoke. “So, Ira. Are you from the homeworld of Zeke?”

“Yes, as well as the other Foretellers. We are all survivors of Earth.”

“Would you consider yourself experienced in terms of mass population leadership?” Leon asked.

“No. The Unions we have gathered in our world are small at the moment. At best it’s an average leadership role.”

“Have you and your… ‘Unions’ contributed any information outside your world or local area regarding Keyblades, space travel, or magic?” Cid asked.

“Mostly in our general city. Anywhere outside would only have what is on the internet to go by. About Keyblades, space travel and magic. But we do have a plan for the future.”

“How many have you and the other Foretellers given Keyblades to?” Shining Armor asks.

“Roughly around 200 per Union, plus the about of those in the local police force. That would make around 1,175.”

“Have you and your companions faced any off world threat, other than the Unversed in your world?” Lord Death asked.

“During the events of the Fall Formal in our world Core himself had appeared along with Zeke, Unum, and Twilight.”

“What was done about the situation?”

“The situation, a student named Sunset Shimmer was infected-”

“We know that already, what we want to know is, what was done to this Sunset Shimmer as proper punishment?”

“After her darkness was purged by Zeke, we have her serving under our Unions.”

“So in other words.” Leon started. “You have an unstable individual going around, unaided, unwatched, and without any restraints, who can also access confidential information of your Unions?”

“Sunset is just someone looking for a purpose now that her darkness is gone. We took her under our wing to not only teach her self control but also try and steer her into the right direction. She showed great promise as a Keybearer and is one of our best students to this day. She regrets what she has done in the past and only wants to make up for it. We gave her that chance to redeem herself.”

“Was there anyone else?”

“There was an old friend of ours, Crow. But he is on Core’s side now. But in an earlier event, we discovered that Core had gone to Earth and had ripped Crow’s heart in half. One half of light, and the other of darkness. That’s how he can summon the Unversed. But he had sealed his light half somewhere unknown.

“And what are your motives towards the dark half of Crow?”

“We want to keep him from doing whatever his objective is, and track down his light half so we can make him whole again. He may be a potential ally, only if we can get his light half back.”

“But, did you know once split, a light and dark halves of a heart can live without each other, even when one no longer exists after both have become equal in strength? If this is the case, then if you manage to save this, ‘light’ Crow, will you still wish for the two to reunite, or will you dispose of the dark half?” Lord Death’s question surprised the Foretellers.

“We haven’t known that one half can exist without the other. But, we are still determined to reunite them. This is a personal matter. The light half contradicts the dark half thinking about my group. We want Crow to be whole again, so we can patch up the bad blood between us, and be a family again. Even if there is a chance of him still hating us after both his sides reunite, this is something that WE have to do.”

“Good answer.” Zeke said. “You pass the question portion, now for the… background check.” Zeke waved his hand up, and the floor turned white. “This ground now imitates the building, Castle Oblivion. Your most dark and cherished memories are now in card form. Place them on the ground and your memories will tell us exactly the type of person you are.”

Ira was surprised, and noticed five cards were in his hand. He was hesitant at first, but picked one of the cards and threw it on the ground.

The area around them started to warp around them, and it settled onto a scene where the Foretellers were fending of another hoard of Unversed. It was one of the moments where Ira showed how proficient he could act a leadership role.

The next card changed the scene into the scene where Crow had broken off from their group. Where he abandoned them and went to join the Ventrals, and how Lan tried to get him back.

Next was the scene where Lan was called to juvie from Crow. The two had talked and Lan had hope that he would finally get his brother back. But then when Crow had shown to not have changed, Lan left him there in an angry huff.

After that, it showed how Lan hunted down the Ventral he blamed for Crow’s corruption. How he found him and in a blaze of fury almost killed him on the spot. If it wasn’t for Jenny intervening, he would have followed through.

The final scene, was his Mark of Mastery Exam. Where he found a new hope, and the resolve to get his brother back. Therefore passing him, and him becoming a Keyblade Master.

“Well then.” Zeke said after the scenes faded. “We can say without a doubt you are well rounded, been through many hardships, and joy. Lastly is your speech.”

“Well, that went well.” Zeke said as he and Ira walked the dirt trail towards Castle Oblivion.

“I’m glad my speech went over well. I had trouble with it for a while, until settling on it.” Ira sighed.

“Yeah. Well, now that you’re a council member, expect paperwork… often.”

Ira’s shoulders slumped as he hung his head in despair. “I expected as much.”

“Well, anyway, now that you are a council member, you’re about to learn some of the few hidden projects we work on.”

“Hidden projects? Like what?”

“You played 358/2 days?”


“This is our version of the Replica Project.”

Ira’s eyes widened in surprise. “And you’re going to keep that secret from everyone?”

“Only til we know the results work. While Organization XIII used it to make copies of people, we’re trying to make replica’s of Keyblades, Items, and rare things from memories. If it works, Castle Oblivion can be used to generate unlimited resources.”

“And I can’t talk about this to anyone outside the council?”

“Only during our meetings.”

“Alright. I don’t like keeping things from the other Foretellers, but I understand. This is my new position after all.”

“Yeah. If memories can become reality, this also gives us a clue.”

“A clue of what?”

“How God pulled us out of his head into reality.”


The two soon came across the castle, and entered. Zeke informed the scientists about Ira, and they didn’t question it. The two walked over to a table, three items were on it. A potion, a sword, and a bar of sea salt ice cream. “These are the only thing’s we’ve been able to bring out of the cards and into reality. They exist fine outside the castle, and work fine… save for the defect.”

“Defect? They look fine to me.”

Zeke picked up the sword, and an aura of what looked like code floated around it. “It’s the memory of the person they came from. The software doesn’t fully suppress the fact that, it’s still a card made from memory. Too much use, and they revert to card form. Items at least vanish after use, and food… tastes okay, but try and eat it.”

Ira reached for the sea salt ice cream and took a bite of it. It was okay, but as he continued to eat it, it never changed shape from that one bit he took. It also didn’t show signs of melting either.

“So… unlimited ice cream. Cool.”

“Least until it gives you brain freeze. We’ve made the first rule, no replicating people, or the dead from memories. Second is that any attempts to replicate lost worlds will result in imprisonment.”

“Sounds plausible enough.”

“Well, that’s about it here. Let’s head back and see what Huxley wanted. I take it you tried to fight him first time you saw him?” Zeke asked as the two walked off.

“Yeah, it was Him Vs. me. But that was a while ago, and we were both on equal ground.”

“Heh, least when you first met him he didn’t freeze you in time and accuse you of being a sith lord on a Star Wars world.”

“Wow, sounds like you two hit if off pretty well.” Ira said sarcastically.

“He kept calling me a Mary Sue… whatever that is.”

“Well, a Mary Sue is a character that is pretty much perfect in every way and overpowered.”

“The complete opposite of Huxley then?”

“Hahaha. Now, now, let’s not talk about a comrade like that. Even if he is kind of an ass.”

“Yeah. Let’s go then.” Once outside the castle, Zeke opened a DTL and the two walked through it, meeting back up with Huxley and them. “So, you wanted a way into the realm of Darkness?” He asked Huxley.

“Yeah, we need to save Aqua.” Huxley said.

“So, what were you saying about the Unversed?” Terra asked.

“Ask the Foretellers.” Zeke said as he shoved Ira in front of the rather confused looking Terra.

“Well, our Unversed were created from someone else. The one known as Core split my brother’s heart in two and that’s why the Unversed are around now.” Ira explained.

“Oh. Alright then.”

Zeke opened a DTL and as the group walked though, they were met with a larger version of Twilight’s Library.

“Who in the fuck gave you permission to enter my house?” A voice asks the group, a man clad in a white Organization XIII robe looking at them with a slightly crooked silver crown on his head. “Also, hi Zeke.” Ben says with a little wave to his follow survivor..

“Hey Ben, I wanted to ask a question before trying anything.” Zeke says, then motioned to the others. “The people in the robes are the Foretellers, the one in the Organization XIII robe is Huxley, the redhead is his clone Elzin, a reflection Terra, and am I missing anyone?”

Huxley counted the heads before speaking. “Nope, that's everybody.”

Ben looked at Huxley for a moment. “Yo.” He says to Huxley simply.

“Hello” Huxley replied.

“Hey kid!” Everyone turned to the doorway, to their surprise, Braig was there. “You got any… who are these guys?”

“BRAIG!” Terra yelled as he charged at him. The sound of glass shattering could be heard before Ben appeared in front of the charging Terra and stopping him with Vexen’s shield.

“Listen, how about you not attack Captain One eye here for no reason and listen to what I have to say. Cause things on my end are...really fucking complicated.” Ben explains with a frown.

Terra looked at Ben and Braig for a moment. “You have a minute.”

“So you see, Braig here is going to be my teacher believe it or not.” Ben starts before disbanding Vexen’s shield to bring out Sharpshooters immediately after. “Cause while I can point and shoot at things with these there’s a lot more to them then just something anyone with half a brain cell can do.” Ben explains. “Hey Luxu! I think you got some special visitors to meet.”

“Coming!” Luxu yelled as he somehow appeared behind Ben. “So what… why are there the ghost’s of my friends here?” He asked, pointing at the Foretellers.

“Fucked if I know.” Ben shrugs.

“No way…” Gula said.

“You, you’re the real Luxu?!” Ava said.

“Yeah, and why are you three dressed in those robes?”

“A bit of a story.” Ira said.

“Does it involve having someone scream at you ‘No, I am the Unicorn Wizard.’?” Ben asks curiously.

“What? No! We asked God what that Kingdom Hearts X was gonna be about, then we saw the movie and asked to be the new Foretellers.” Ira says, not entirely sure what Ben was going on about.

Luxu merely stared at them. “... I’m gonna kill grandpa when I see him…”

“Okay first up no.” Ben starts, glaring at Luxu. “Second of all….the fuck are you all talking about? What mystical mumbo jumbo is Kingdom Hearts being convoluted about again?” He asks with a frown, finding this rather weird.

“Basically it’s a phone game that got adapted into a movie for 2.8.” Elzin said as they looked at him “What? I’m from 2017 I got future knowledge.” He said looking at the ground. “You don’t want to know what happens in 2016.” He said as everyone wondered what happen in 2016.

“I have five girlfriends and a new happy life with kick ass powers, I don’t give a damn.” Ben says bluntly as humanly possible. “So someone else ask because I’d rather be happy not knowing how the world fell apart.” Ben says, having a good feeling that some major stupid shit happened.

“Any way apart from what my clone said we need a way into my reflection’s realm of darkness.” Huxley said.

“Why do you need a specific reflection?” Ben asks curiously. “Also...I thought you were with Aqua…” Ben says to Terra, having a bad feeling that something weird is going to happen.

“Basicly this is My reflection's Terra and we need to save my reflections Aqua to get to My reflections Ven so we can the the three musketeers back together.” Huxley said as Terra wondered what he meant by Musketeers.

“Did someone say my…” Ben’s reflection Ventus said as he come halfway down the stairs, seeing the other Terra. “Ummm. Aqua! Terra!” Ventus calls out worriedly.

Soon Ben’s Aqua and Terra came down the steps, and just stared at the other Terra. “Ummm.” Ben’s Terra said. “Why does that me have a shotgun?” Was all he could say.

“Because we found it scavenging a ruin town looking for supplies to get up to the Daybreak Empire.” Huxley said as they all looked at him. “What? We landed in Appleloosa?” Huxley said.

“Anyway…” Zeke cut in. “Two things, Ben, do you know any way of getting to the realm of Darkness, and Two, why is your Aqua pink faced?”

Ben looked over at Aqua curiously, only to see her fanning herself as steam billowed out of her head. “Of for the love of christ Aqua.” Ben groans, rubbing his temple gently. “You’re really thinking of that right now?” He asks, looking between his reflections Terra and the Terra with a shotgun. “Both Terra’s, take a wild guess as to what I’m talking about.”

Huxley’s Terra was confused for a moment. “What is she thinking?”

Ben has a thoughtful look about how to make it seem less blunt before throwing his hands in the air. “Ya know what? Fuck it. My reflections Aqua is dating Terra, and since there’s two of you now…” He says, hoping Huxley’s Terra will fill in the missing gap.

“OH...Oh... oh nope! Nope! get these thoughts out of my head she’s like a sister to me, get out of my head.” Huxley’s Terra said.

“I treated her as a sister too...but after a while…” Ben’s Terra trails off with a warm smile. “Well I’m just glad I finally made a decision to show her how much I love her for once.”

“I’m glad for you, but still no.” Huxley’s Terra said.

“Well I’m sorry, but Aqua is currently thinking of two scenario’s that I don’t want to imagine.” Ben says simply. “Anyways, besides Aqua needing a new pair of panties…why do you want to go to the realm of darkness?” Ben asks curiously.

“We need to get my Aqua out of there...” Huxley started.

“Yes I know that, but do you want my Terra to start fantasizing?” Ben asks with a frown.

“We need to save our friend Crow.” Ira said.

“Zeke? What’s your reasoning?” Ben asks.

“Just helping Huxley and maybe see exactly what Core is up to there.” Zeke replied.

“And why do I have a feeling you want me to tag along?” Ben asks. “I mean I suppose it would be good to show that I can be friendly to Huxley and the Foretellers…” Ben explains, having a good point with that. “Maybe I can figure out about the void there...maybe that’ll help calm that prick down for once.” Ben frowns. “Oh also, the fuck are you doing in this pendant?” He says suddenly, bringing up a pendant for Zeke.

Zeke took the pendant, and upon opening it and seeing the pictures… sighed. “It’s me, my brothers, my cousin, and my parents are in the other photo.” He explains.

“Did your mother or father happen to have a katana?” Ben asks.

“My brother, Kevin. He loved those things.”

“Well…” Ben says before bringing out the katana in question. “Nancy’s glad to be in hell with her dead daughter.”

Zeke shakily took the katana. “This… this was his…”

“A women I met on Knowhere, who happened to be a Ventral, was a slaver for Core. Killed her with a little help, but still…” Ben explains. “She said her name was Nancy or something...but oh well, she made her decision to be a demon so I just killed her like the demon she was.” Ben says, Zeke clearly noting the small shake in his tone even if he was trying to keep it hidden from the rest.

Zeke was fighting back tears, and everyone could tell. “You know… my aunt Nancy used to say that, if she wasn’t born a Ventral, she’d likely be an accountant or something with how smart she was. Everytime my parents dragged me across oceans she was there at the boats or plane…”

“I saw the sadness when I saw her looking at those pictures...she still loved her family even if she was a monster...hell...I bet what made her be a slaver was...because of her dead daughter…” Ben says.

“She was always a slaver, even back on earth… but she only cared about her family, and nothing else. That’s how the Ventrals have survived all these years as criminals.”

“Christ dude…” Ben says sadly. “I...I was trying...to keep myself calm because she kept on telling me ‘I’m a human demon’...but this is just fucking sad even if the Ventrals are…” He trails off sadly.

Zeke sighed. “Only the ones with nothing left to lose go after that goal...“

“I don’t mean to interrupt, but this is getting a little to depressing... Can we head to the Realm of Darkness now please?” Huxley asked as the rest of the group agreed with him

“Okay...just hold on.” Ben says before heading outside real quick. “Yo Discord! Get your mismatched ass down here!” Ben calls out, hoping the old bastard heard him.

In a flash of light, and confetti, Discord showed up. “What’s up? I was at a party with the gods up in the Olympus Coliseum.”

“Well right now I need help. I have a few people you need to meet.” Ben says before turning around and heading inside, showing off all the new people here. “Discord, this is Zeke, the Foretellers, and Huxley.” He says. “And we’re going to need a ride to the Realm of Darkness.”

“My reflection’s Realm of Darkness.” Huxley said.

“Yes, his Realm of Darkness, whatever. How that’s not just one giant fucking place is still a little beyond me.” Ben says with a shrug.

“Can do, as for coming back that… you’ll either have to somehow hitch a ride with a heartless on their way to the Realm of Light, or find The Dark Margin. That’s the border between the realm of light and darkness.” Discord explained as a DTD opened up.

“And why can’t I just create a DTL out of there?” Huxley asked

“Because DTL’s don’t work anywhere in the realm of darkness other than at the Dark Margin.”

“What about a DTN? A ‘Door to Nothingness’?” Ben asks curiously.

“Not even I can pull that off, but you can try if you wish.” Discord said as he popped like a balloon and disappeared.

“Well looks like I have a last ditch plan just in case. I don’t know if I can do it but I think I could try if I’m lucky.” Ben says honestly. “But just so the rest of you know, my powers revolve around Nobodies, and Organization XIII, and sure while I have a heart I have to hear the bastards rant about ‘where’s my heart’ all the time…” Ben explains, wanting to at least give them that little bit of his explanations.

“Then let’s go.” Zeke says as he walks into the DTD, followed by the others.

“Ah the Realm of Darkness, it’s as dark as I remember it.” Ben says while walking out of the portal and seeing the realm.

“You’ve been here?” Zeke asks.

“How did you expect me to find Luxu and Aqua? In some crystal coffin or something?” Ben asks.

“Fair point. So, where should we go?”

“I think we should follow the trail.” Invi said. There was the sudden sound of gunfire in the distance. “Or follow that.”

The group followed the noise to see Aqua beeing chased by some sort man with a machine gun for an arm. “Come back my pretty little Brain.” The man called as Aqua got hit in the leg with a starry bullet.

“AQUA!” Terra shouted as he and Huxley ran towards her.

“Terra?” she asked as she cast Cure on her leg. “How can I be sure that...” she was cut off by Huxley slapping her.

“No time to explain, we need to run!”

“Did you just slap me?!” Aqua shouts.

“Yeah why did you slap her?” Terra asked.

“Man with machine gun Terra, fire your shotgun.”

“His what?” Aqua asked as Terra took the pump action shotgun and fired at the man.

“GAH!” The man said as he got shot in his chest.

“Okay now we can talk.”

“Huxley, don’t run off-oh you found Aqua.” Zeke said as he and the others caught up. He looked over to see the man on the ground. “Who is…?”

“Would somebody explain to me whats going on!” Aqua said

“There’s no time to explain, we need to get out of here.” Ben frowns, summoning his Keyblade and Shield at the ready just in case Hole in Chest got up.

“Now that’s a familiar voice.” The man on the ground said as he got up, looking completely unharmed. “Been a long time young Ventral.”

“... Doc?” Zeke said. “Oh… OH CRAP!” Zeke shouted as he pulled out the X-blade and Master Keeper. “This isn’t good…”

“Is that the X-Blade?” Aqua asked.

“FYI, not evil.” Zeke said. “I’m guessing you came with the rest of the Ventrals when Core showed up, right?” Zeke asked the man.

“You are correct. I got so many upgrades, so much knowledge, and while Core takes the hearts of his experiments, I get the brains.”

“Zeke who the fuck is this man?”

“Was my…family doctor.” He replied.

“You’re family has some fucked up taste’s in doctors.” Ben points out.

“You should have met the ‘priest’.”

“I don’t want to know about child rape!” Ben says.

“Can we get back to Dr. Zombie?”

“ZOMBAY!” Dr. Zombay shouted. “Yes, I like that.” He said as he raised his machine gun arm up to them.

“DEFEND!” Huxley shouted, casting reflect and blocking the bullets. “Somebody get this asshole.”

Zeke snapped his fingers, four Darksides appeared and began to repeatedly punch the doctor into the ground. “Let’s go.”

“OH by the way Terra those are Heartless.” Huxley said as they all ran in the opposite direction.

“Fuck this shit I’m out!” Ben shouts before bolting with the others.

The group ran though many area’s, dodging naturally spawning heartless in the area. After a while, they came across a large square building. Using his Keyblade, Ira opened the door and then entered. They were greeted with a concrete interior, chains, blood and a few bones were on the ground.

“Well...isn’t this all sunshine and rainbows…” Ben frowns while looking at the place.

“This must either be a torture chamber, or a prison.” Zeke said.

“This is just one place, who knows how many others like this or worse that Core has here.” Gula said.

“Maybe there is a way out of the Realm of darkness from here?” Elzin said.

“Can somebody please explain what’s going on first, I’m chased by that crazy doctor then Terra and the man in the Cloak come and slaps me then Terra has a gun and I don’t know I just want answers!” Aqua said.

“Look we’ll give you answers when we get back to the realm of light okay?” Elzin said changing into Morning Star armor. “This should light up the way.” Elzin said as he started to glow.

“Shiny.” Ben comments. “But sorry Aqua, but there’s no time to explain, just another day right?”

“Anyway I don’t think we should split up.” Huxley said as everybody looked at him. “What?”

“This isn’t a cliche, poorly funded horror movie.” Ben deadpans.

“Fair point, I was just making it clear just incase somebody suggested it.” Huxley said “But anyway we really should keep moving I don’t want my brain to be harvested.”

“Yeah I’ve played Wolfenstein the New Order that shit hurts.” Elzin said

“Okay when this is done you need to tell me more things I did on earth” Huxley said.

While the others were bickering, Zeke noticed the one chain hanging on the wall. Unlike the rest of the room, it was rather clean. He walked over, and pulled it. The floor disappeared from under them all and they began a long descent into deeper darkness. Except for Huxley and Ben who were floating above the trap.

“Well...that sucks.” Ben says worriedly, holding Sharpshooters to keep himself floating.

The others kept falling until they landed in a splash of liquid. They quickly surfaced for air. “Everyone alright?” Zeke asked.

“I’m fi...wait is this” Elzin smacked his lips. “Blood?” he asked tasting it.

Everyone began panicking, save for Zeke, who only had a single thought. ”Great, this is like when my brother had me help recreate the Carry movie in real life…” He thought to himself. He swam until he felt a wall, and moved around it till he felt steps. “Guys, stares are here.” He called out as everyone quickly got up.

“That was nasty!” Ava cried.

“I hope I didn’t get a disease.” Elzin said

Huxley and Ben soon floated down to the others. “What happened to you guys?” Huxley asked

“The fuck are you swimming in?” Ben asks worriedly, starting to feel green.

Elzin’s only response was grabbing the two and throwing them into the pool of blood.

Ben quickly surfaced and knew it was blood they were bathing in. “Oh...Oh god…” Ben starts, his face turning green.

“ELZIN YOU BASTARD...what we’re technically bastards?” Huxley said

“Can we get out of here quickly? I feel like...I’m gonna throw up…” Ben says, trying to not throw up from how uneasy he is from the blood pool.

“Stare to your right, we got nowhere else to look.” Zeke said as Ben and Huxley quickly got out of the blood pool and the group walked along the steps. They walked for what seemed like hours until there was a sudden crash in the wall, whatever it was hitting Zeke. “Ouch!”

“Zeke you idiot!” Unum’s voice ringing out.

“Unum?! Oh wait… OH CRAP!”

“Who?” Ben asks curiously. “Um...Yellow?” Ben asks, wondering if the voice was right.

Unum looked over at Ben. “Oh… hey guy… um, sorry about that whole… everything…”

“Well...from what I heard is that you are better...you're welcome.” Ben says honestly.

“Thanks, and Zeke, you know we can’t be more than a mile from each other! When you went to another dimension that hurt you know!” She yelled as she shook Zeke.

“How did you even get here?!” Zeke replied as she stopped shaking him.

“I’m not evil or with Core, but luckily the Purified Purebloods can still open DTD’s, then I just ran around til I found you.” She explained, getting up.

“Wait purified Heartless?” Huxley asked.

“Yeah.” Zeke said, getting up and dustin off the dirt from his clothes. “Turns out, Reject Darkness, when used on a Pureblood Heartless doesn’t kill them, but makes a strange little intelligent life form.”

“There is so much shit I’m missing here it’s not even funny.” Ben says bluntly. “Listen, how about later when we’re not in danger we can catch up alright? Cause as far as I know we’re always in danger in this damned Realm.”

“We’d be happy to Ben.” Unum said, then she glared at Zeke. “And as for you, you owe me big for forgetting that we can’t stray too far apart.”

“Y-yes dear.” Zeke stuttered.

“Dear?” Ben asks curiously. “Should I even ask?”

“Unum, my sixteenth wife.” Zeke says.

“I have five girlfriends, you have sixteen wives…” Ben takes a deep breath. “How do you walk?”

Unum grabbed Zeke by the ear. “When we get back to Daybreak I’ll make sure he can’t walk… neither will I after I say he’s done.” She stated, pulling Zeke down the hall by the ear.

“And I thought Luna was needy…” Ben mutters before following along with Unum and Zeke.

“She dumped me on my world.” Huxley said to himself.

The group kept on, finally they entered a massive room, every inch held computer screens, keyboards, and other such devices. “Oh, this is a record room.” Unum said.

“I wonder if Core is just using this room to play Doom?” Elzin said.

“I feel like there was a remake in the future…” Ben comments, not entirely sure but knowing the old Doom was fun.

“There was and it was awesome.” Elzin said.

Invi and Zeke ran up to the consoles. “This will likely have a lot of Core’s plans and research… despite how sadistic it is, it will help against him.” Zeke said.

Elzin looked around before he grabbed his head in pain. “GAH!” as Huxley went to check what was up with is clone.

“Elzin what’s wrong?” Huxley asked.

“I remember this place.” Elzin said as Terra wondered something.

“How does he remember this place if we only just come here?”

“I forgot to mention this, but Elzin was taken off our world by a deal with Core I was easily able to convince him to join me when he realised he was basically trying to kill himself.” Huxley said.

“So he worked for Core?” Ben asks.

“Well ... he has no knowledge of after they took him off world so... we don’t know what Core did.” Huxley said defending Elzin

“Seems weird how he got a dose of ‘Convenience Amnesia’ after he stopped working for Core don’t you think?” Ben frowns.

“Unum worked for Core and you aren't giving her shit about that.” Huxley said.

“I’m still confused on how that happened, mind explaining Zeke?” Ben asks.

“Unum is the only living reflection of his wife, and them coming from a time when there were no reflections, he wanted her. He invaded her village, killed her husband and the whole village, then ‘helped’ her and had her think she was his reflection, not his wife's.” Zeke explained.

“I remember this place.54\\\\ppppppppppppppppppp;\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipElzin said. “This is here they fused me with that Erza Scarlet.” Elzin said.

“What?” Huxley said.

“My powers they took a woman named Erza Scarlet then they fused her with me turning my hair red and my left eye able to see through illusions.” He said.

“That sounds painful.” Terra said.

“I’m guessing they put her weakened heart into yours and this trauma cause the memory loss.” Huxley theoriesed.

“Well...that’s one way to do it.” Ben says worriedly.

As they were discussing one thing or another, Invi kept going through the files on the computer. Most of the information was pretty useless to them, until he stumbled on a certain video log.

“Everyone. I think I found something.” he said getting their attention. He pulled up the file and played the video.

“Are you sure that this woman is powerful? Kevin and I took care of her pretty easily.” Crow said as he was seen dragging a scarlet haired woman by the hair.

“Yes this was the one ______ requested tho I don’t know why he just wouldn’t take a Keyblade and Heartless I don’t know?” Core said. “Set her over there.”

Crow walked over and threw the woman next to some unconscious male.

“Is that me?” Elzin asked as he saw Erza being placed on a machine.

“I think it is.” Huxley said as everybody looked at the two.

“I don’t understand Master. Why don’t you just infect him with a Heartless so you can control him?”

“Because Crow I actually plan on keeping my end of the bargain and letting him wander the universe while we take over.” Core said.

“So he’s only a one use tool. Sounds legit.” Crow said dismissively. “Anyways, I’ll take my leave Master. There’s a certain punk prisoner that I wanted to visit.” He said walking off.

“Good leave, now back to things.” Core said, pulling out his keyblade and stabbing Erza in the heart, removing it and placing it in a jar before snapping his fingers calling lesser heartless to drag the heartless body of Erza away before looking at ________ “now for your powers.” He said placing the heart into the machine and pushing a few buttons and pulling random leavers.

As the video cuts out Elzin asked a question. “Why record that?”

“After all that….” Ben takes a deep breath. “That’s your fucking question?”

“Well, I don’t have that many. It explains what happened to me how, I got my armors, and what happened to cause me to get amnesia.” Elzin said.

After the video had ended, Invi started scouring through the rest of the files. ‘Where did you go Crow? Who is this prisoner?’ He thought to himself before he caught a glimpse of another video that was labeled the same time as the first one. But it was an image of Crow. He pulled up the video and saw that Crow was standing in front of a specific prison cell in the same building.

“So, how’s it going punk?” he asked. Then the camera angle shifted to see into the cell. Who was in the cell, was a blonde Crow. He was bound in chains so he couldn’t go anywhere.

“What do you want?” Light Crow said weakly, not even looking up to his dark half.

“Just here to make sure you’re still in check.” Dark Crow said in a taunting voice. “Oh, and I meet up with our old “Friends.” There were just as weak and pathetic as we last saw them.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Just to mess with you. You are my weakness after all, so why not make you feel like the piece of shit you already are?”

“Why can’t you just see that they never betrayed us!?” Light Crow yelled. “They were the ones to give us a place to belong. And we threw it away all because we got petty.”

“You can keep telling yourself that.” Dark Crow seethed, “But we both know that they abandoned us. Go ahead and rot away in here, while I make them suffer.” With that, Dark Crow left and the video ended.

“Crow’s light half is here!?” Gula said.

“That seems to convenient.” Huxley said

“Well it’s not like we have any other leads.” Aced said. “We got to find him.”

“I’m pretty sure that the prisoner block was that way.” Unum said.

“Or it’s a trap.” Elzin said

“We’ve been here for...god know’s how long…” Ben starts. “Even though that we all pretty much jinxed it it’s probably a trap.” He frowns. “I hope it’s not but it probably is.”

“Guys quit screwing around. We’re already ahead of you.” Gula said to the two as he and the others were already down the hall.

“Fine then.” Ben sighs out before following along, having his keyblade and shield out at the ready just in case.

“Coming.” Elzin said chasing after the group.

As they got to the prisoner block they found it unguarded “Okay ether we’re really powerful or this is a...”

“Trap.” Crow said coming from behind them with Dr Zombay.

“Terra quick your shotgun.” Huxley said as Terra fired his empty shotgun at Dr. Zombay.

“Perhaps you should check your ammo before you fire a gun.” Crow said.

“We still outnumber you” Huxley said as they we’re surrounded by Heartless and Unversed. “Oh.”

“This is why you don’t fucking say that.” Ben frowns, readying himself as thorns started circling around Reunion.

“Where’s the real Crow?” Ira said as he and the others summoned their keyblades while Elzin pulled out two swords.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Crow taunted as he summoned his own Keyblade, which surprised the Foretellers. “Like it? I didn’t have him the last time we met, so I’ve been itching to try it out.”

“Sorry but I think someone’s gonna sue…” Ben comments at seeing the Keyblade. “Anyways how do you want to do this? You forfeit and tell us where the real Crow is? Or does bad things have to happen?” He asks Dark Crow, shuffling forward towards Crow ready to strike.

“Pull the Lever Crow!” Dr. Zombay said as Crow pulled the lever, everybody was hoping it was the wrong lever...and thankfully it was and instead of Zeke’s group falling down it was Crow and Dr. Zombay who fell down through the floor. “WROOOONG LEVVVVERRRRRR!” The doctor screamed as his echo’s slowly dimmed.

“Thank you Emporers New Groove.” Ben smiles before swinging at a Heartless, thorns suddenly dashing into three other Heartless and the four vanishing from the attack. “Come on, we still have baddies to kill.”

Before long the Heartless and Unversed were destroyed and the path was clear. “Let’s move.” Zeke said as they all ran towards the end of the hallway to find...

“A Gummi ship?” Everybody asked.

“Well random guess but I’d say this is our way out.” Elzin said as everybody got onto the ship.

“Does anyone know how to fly better than Luxu?” Ben asks. “Cause seriously that guy fucking sucks at driving.”

“Well I spent a month on a gummi ship I could..and it actually controls and not a PS2 controler. Great take it away Zeke” Huxley said taking a seat

“Sure thing.” Zeke said as he took the controls and started flying the ride was bumpy as Heartless began trying to take the ship with a fierce determination that only Core’s orders could give them. “Hang on to something, Huxley there are guns use them.” Zeke said.

“Ben, use them.” Huxley said.

“I hate you…” Ben grumbles before rushing to the gummi ship weapons. “Fucking hell how do you use these things…” He mutters before firing at the heartless suddenly and feeling slightly glad he just pressed a random button. “Yay for random buttons…” He mutters before continuing to fire at the heartless trying to get them off the ship.

As they flew off they came to the Dark Margin, Huxley opened his book and pressed on the Zeke’s world button and a Door to Light opened up arriving in Appleloosa in Zeke’s world, the door opened on the Gummi ship and Huxley threw out Terra’s shotgun “Hey” Terra said.

“Its empty and we’re not getting more bullets” Huxley said closing the door of the Gummi ship. An hour later they arrived in the Daybreak empire where Zeke landed the ship and take the separate people back to their own worlds “Well this was fun” Huxley said sarcastically.

“Could you quit it with your sarcastic attitude already!?” Aced yelled.

“Yes, can you stop? Cause that’s a quick way to have your heart start dying. I should know, half of my heart was already dead for at least a week or two.” Ben says bluntly.

“What I do?” Huxley asked confused.

“Enough.” Ben deadpans.

“No, seriously, what did I do If it wasn’t for me you wouldn't know where Crow’s light half was because you wouldn’t have thought to look in the realm of darkness... seriously did I eat your puppy?” Huxley asked annoyed.

“Enough enough.” Zeke says, stepping in to stop this. “It’s been a long day alright? How about we all just relax for a moment and calm down.”

“Fine.” Ben sighs out, disbanding his weapons.

“Zeke’s right.” Ava said taking of her mask, as well as the other Foretellers. “Let’s just calm down for now.”

“Tsk. Fine. I guess we’re all a bit on edge right now.” Jenny said.

“Okay and for what it's worth I’m sorry you couldn't save your friend.” Huxley said as he stretched his arms. “So I’m going to stay here for an extra day Elzin take Terra and Aqua back to our world.” Huxley said as a DTL opened up behind him and The trio walked into the portal.

“I also wanted to say sorry.” Zeke said. “We almost had him.”

“That’s alright. At least we did find a clue.” Dan said. “They wouldn’t needlessly move a prisoner out of confinement. So we can only assume that he’s in a different reflection of the Realm of Darkness.”

“And I felt like I amounted to jack nothing and just tagged along.” Ben points out, thinking about how literally everyone had a reason to go there except him. “But whatever, I met seven good people that I’ll have more weird adventures with.”

* * *

"You're gonna tear my ear off Unum!" I cry out as she's practically dragging me down the hallway. Everyone is in their guest rooms and once everyone was gone she dragged my by my ear down the hall.

"You owe me Zeke. And as such, I expect full payment~" Unum said. For some reason, her saying it sexually scares me more.

"W-What are you gonna have me do?"

"Everything in Rune's fetish/porn book."


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