• Published 7th Feb 2017
  • 5,036 Views, 281 Comments

Balance - BioQuillFiction

2012, the year the world was going to end. I really didn't think much of it, to me the world would be the same no matter what happens. Earth is violent and lacking real heroees. Maybe in my sleep I'll dream of a better world if this one does die.

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More Lost Knowledge Returned

I had traveled with the Terra, Aqua, and Ventus to their home, The Land of Beginnings, to learn and find some items they wanted me to see before any reconstruction began. “This way.” Aqua said as we followed her into what looked like a large locked room, which she opened with her Keyblade and behind the doors was a massive library. “Everything in here is information and history about Keyblades, magic, everything from after the Keyblade war to five-hundred years ago.”

“Wow.” I saw, stepping in and looking around. “Twilight would have a field day in here. So, is there something specific you wanted to find, or what?”

“There are three tombs in here with some information I figured would best help. One is an original copy of the legendary book of prophesies, I’ve never read it, but it’s said to still hold secrets about the future. The second, holds information regarding Keyblade armor. I figured it would help in making more, and improving them. Lastly is Master Eraqus's diary. The information in that now is more… sentimental.”

“What about this?” I hold up Master Keeper. When we landed, I picked it up and was going to give it to Aqua, but when I was going to hand it over to her, she just headed for the building. “This was his Keyblade.”

“Yes, it was, but I don’t think I’ll need it. There is a legend about five Keyblades that were the first to exist ever. The X-blade, the Master Keeper, Kingdom Key, Way to Dawn, and No Name. You have the X-blade, and your daughter Diamond Tiara has No Name. I think it would be best if you held onto Master Keeper.”

“Any books here about that?”

“Yes, we can find one then head out.”

As we split up and searched for the tombs, I was having a conversation with X mentally. So, you a set of five?

Something like that.

Anything special is all five are in the same room, or have the same wielder?

If all five wielders work together, they become guardians of creation, light, darkness, doesn’t matter. If all are wielded by a single wielder… power that suprasses the gods.

Keep the other three away from me then.

Even if you did have the other three, you’d still have to take the oath.

There’s an oath?

Yes, it opens up the true power of the original five to their wielders. IS someone has all five and takes it, then all that power is theirs.

Huh… how many Keyblade can someone technically wield? I have you, Discord, and now Master Keeper.

Did you not just say keep them away from you?

I know, but I got an idea. So, how many?

As long as the heart is strong enough, you can wield many Keyblades, why?

What if five wielders all hade the five legendary Keyblades, each taking the oath to become guardians, and god-like?

Well, that would work, but there can only be one me, remember?

I know that, but what about that new power Diamond Tiara has, what would happen if there was more than one of you?

I… I’m not sure, even so though, only those with a balanced heart can wield me.

Anyway other than what happened with Ventas that can happen?

You’d have to ask my maker for that.

Alright, then I think I might have an idea on how to beat Core once and for all.

“Found one!” Ven called out. I walked over to him and he handed it over to me. “It’s the one about Keyblade armor.”

“Thanks Ven.” I say as I take the tomb.

“Found the book of Prophecies!” Terra called as we went over to him, and he was holding it. “I skimmed it a bit… very vague on everything.”

He handed it over and I took it. “Alright, so all that’s left is Eraqus's diary. Any lock Aqua?” I ask.

“Not much, I know he hid it on a high up shelf, but that’s it.” Aqua called back in reply.

We all searched the high up shelves, finding lots of books, but not the diary. “I think I found it!” Ven called as we all met up with him. He was holding an old, leather bound book that clearly had seen better days. “It’s got his name in it.”

Aqua took the book, skimming through the pages. “Yeah, this is it.” She confirmed.

“Great, let’s get these back to Daybreak then, and try to make use of the one on Keyblade armor.”

Keyblade armor can be forged from three primary ingredients.

1x Dragon Scale (Must come from a fully mature Dragon)
5x Orichalcum
1x Thunder Shard

The Dragon Scale is what gives the armor a natural attraction for manna, allowing for self repair, and the generation of oxygen in deep space. The Orichalcum gives the armor it’s strength. More can be added while it’s being made or after to increase durability. Finally the Thunder Shard acts as a trigger for the spell matrix, activating and deactivating the armor at the push of a button. See page 45-53 for a complete diagram for the armor and spell matrixes.

“How did I not realize that was the perfect missing ingredient!?” Twilight said, reading over the book and criticizing herself over not thinking of Dragon Scales earlier. “That would be perfect for this, even when taken off or if the drak dies the scales still hold large amounts of mana and continue to take it in.”

“Relax Twilight,” I say, patting her on the back. “That’s what’s great about finding this lost knowledge, it helps us learn from our mistakes.”

“I know that, but still… Well, I might be able to either find an adult dragon’s scales in the Dragon Lands, or maybe Leon or cid know someone who can help so we can trade for them?”

“We can bring it up at the council meeting today. Speaking of, I gotta go. Later.”

“Later, and Zeke.”

“Yeah?” I replied, half out the door.

“Stop by my office here in the workshop when the meeting’s over. I’ll be in those glasses you like me wearing~”

You have never seen anything so cute or sexy at the same time til you see Twilight in glasses. “Yes mam.” I nodded, heading off.

So, what’s on today’s agenda?

You’ve been quiet lately, what’s up?

Been talking with the other Keyblades stored within you. Mostly it’s the same old war story, but a few talk about happier times.

Good, so, bored at all?

All the time Zeke, all the time.

Well,you can talk through me, can you enter dreams at all?

Tried, can’t. Even in my dreams I’m in this body, but at least I can do things by myself.

Magic and such?

Yeah, other than that, I’ve been bored and mellowed out. Not how I like myself to be.

There has to be a means of you being freed from this… and as much as I hate to admit it, Core likely has the answer.

You’d bargain with that Demon?

No, but if I can find out where he creates people into Keyblades, like what he did with Unum back when she was Yellow, I can either try and take it over, or look through it after he’s dead.

Both sound like suicide to me.

This whole war on Core is suicide, I’m just trying to make sure that when the trigger is pulled, Core goes down with us.

I took my seat in the council room. It was a large, round room, white, kinda like Castle Oblivion, and everyone was present. “With everyone present, this meeting can start.” I say.

“Today’s main issue is the education… good lord…” Cid said. “The parents from different worlds all feel that their children should focus more on studies, rather than combat.”

“We can all agree that while education is important, to truly both protect them, they must learn to protect themselves.” Lord Death added.

“Yeah, but that won’t stop the complaining.” Leon added.

“How can people who survived their own worlds falling into darkness not want their kids to know how to protect themselves from it?” King Mickey asked. “It makes no sense.”

“Perhaps the children themselves should decide.” I spoke, gaining all eyes on me… I hate when they do that. “They study the basics of books and combat til a certain grade, then they take special tests, one for combat, one for intelligence.”

“How does that solve the problem?” Cid asked.

“Their combined scores will be the same thing as the variety of college and university diplomas there are. Thus, they can choose what’s best fitted for them, or take the tests again later to try and improve their scores to gain the job or position they wish to have.”

“What if they don’t want to be a part of the fighting force? If they don’t want to research or fight against our enemy?” Mickey asked.

“They they still take the test, but search for regular civilian jobs. If they ever are needed, or decide to join, the test scores they had from before will be brought back up and help them decide where they can go if that type of situation arises.”

“Well, I suppose it does sound fair, but what will stop the parents complaining?”

“We remind them what Daybreak stands for. We were built, and rebuilding a world that was nearly lost, just about everyone here is from a lost world. The only issue I see with this is at what age or grade do we have them take the test?”

“Good question.” Lord Death said. “On most of the words I knew of before, and the my own teach until fourteen or fifteen.”

“If we go that route then lots of parents are gonna complain about lack of schooling.” Leon said. “If we do that, then an extra day of the week might have to be added, or an extra hour a day for schoolwork.”

“That seems fair. An extra hour, and at age fourteen they will be given the test to decide where they can go, of make their own life.”

“Then let’s wait til next year to initiate that.” I say. “Give the school board time to plan out and make the tests. Any opposed?” There was silence. “Motion carried then, next issue… the upcoming speech for our newest council member to be, Lan, aka Ira.”

“For one, he;s younger than you Zeke, don’t get me wrong, I can accept that he’s young, and from what you told us of him he seems like a fair leader, but grand decisions such as what we make off record might not sound right to him.”

“I’m well aware Lord Death, but I feel he can accept them in the end. I personally don’t like the secrecy either, but these magic artifacts of your world, added with the newfound knowledge we recovered might aid us in the fight with Core… We have something. Right Cid?”

“Yeah.” Cid said. “Finally work’n with folks as smart as I am is a nice change of pace, and they don’t OCD as much as your wife, no offence.”

“None taken. So how’s Project Replica going along?”

“Slow, them Castle Oblivion cards ain’t easy to work with. Rematerializing them from memory into a physical object is our most difficult area. Just glad no one seems to be suffering that amnesia stuff you warned about Zeke.”

Good, so that was just namine messing with Sora, and those close to him. But that can’t be the whole truth… I hope I’m wrong. “Just remember, keep the front doors open at all times. I have a feeling that is the reason nothing has happened to them.”

“Will do. Now, back to this Lan/Ira kid. Can we trust him?”

“I’ve spoken and fought with him personally. The secrecy he might not like,” Nor the source of the idea. “But I feel he can come to terms with them so long as no one is getting hurt. These projects are secret, not sadistic.”

“Agreed.” Lord Death said. “Also, our research on Project Rebirth is making surprising results.”

“Like what?”

“In regards to notes recovered from the witch Medusa, as well as our medical and magical knowledge on how weapons on my world live and shape shift, we’re making amazing progress… also, Zeke, in regards to your blood sample.”

“What was the result.”

“A perfect match to the gene in the humans of my world that can transform into weapons. We also utilized that gene along with samples from others to advance research.”

So… I can turn into a Keyblade… wonder how I’d look? “Alright then, and how’s the artificial injection process going?”

“That’s where we are having trouble. Ordinary objects changed into creatures with a mentality akin to dogs and such. Keyblades don’t take it at all.”

Damn, if all the unclaimed Keyblades could turn human, that would be more fighters. “Keep research on a steady pace. So, anything else?”

“Just the usual.” Leon said.

“Alright then, let’s get that out of the way then head home.”

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