• Published 7th Feb 2017
  • 5,036 Views, 281 Comments

Balance - BioQuillFiction

2012, the year the world was going to end. I really didn't think much of it, to me the world would be the same no matter what happens. Earth is violent and lacking real heroees. Maybe in my sleep I'll dream of a better world if this one does die.

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Zeke: Kexez

At some point those two handcuffed me and locked me in their trunk. Practice, got out of the handcuffs. Damn, Pentagrams, a hollow underside to this trunk, likely filled with weapons, even these handcuffs felt like they had all kinds of magic carvings. Damn, either these two are nuts, or this world has some seriously fucked up creatures on it. It finally came to a stop and after a bit they opened the trunk, pointing shotguns at me.

“That handgun didn’t work, what makes you think those will?” I ask with a hint of sarcasm.

“Okay pipe down and get ou- Where are your handcuffs?” Dean, if memory serves, said.

“Here.” I said, tossing them at him and climbing out. “Damn, that’s a tight fit.”

“Okay, so what are you?” The taller one, Sam, I think I heard Dean call him, said.

“Yeah, what’s what with the big blue key?” Dean asked, pulling out my Starlight.

“That, is a Keyblade. Can I have it back?”

“Ha, yeah right.” I rolled my eyes, Starlight flashing out of Deans hand and into mine. “...Okay...That must come in handy.”

“Yeah.” I said, realizing I still had my Vanitas Helmet on. Taking it off, I felt a rather good breath of fresh air. “Wow, it’s stuffy in this thing. So, as for what I am… This is gonna be a LONG chat.

Seven Hours Later

“And, well, here I am now.” I finished up, at some point this conversations being moved to a library/meeting room in this bunker of theirs.

“Wow...that’s just...wow.” Sam said.

“I’d not believe it but, we’ve seen some shit in our time.” Dean said.

“Yeah, I bet. So, hows about this? You scratch my back, I scratch yours?”

The two looked at each other. “What are you talking about?”

“I’ll give you Keyblades, train you to use them properly, but, you have to help me with something.”

“Being?” Sam asked.

“I need to give a message to some allies… on another world.”

“Heh, and… How are we gonna get to other worlds?”

“With these.” I said, raising Starlight. “I may not be whole, but I should still be able to give you Keyblades.”

“Can they kill monsters?” Dean asked.

“Yeah. Just about anything evil they can kill.”

“I’m sold.” Dean said.

“I guess… They are useful, can’t lie.” Sam said “...Alright, I’m in.”

“Great, Dean, you first.” I said, holding out my hand. It was...harder, than usual. Must be my heart not being with me. Finally though, it appeared. Fenrir. I handed it to him. “It’s strong, and I myself have used it. It’s… it won't let you down.”

“Cool.” Dean said, looking it over. “Definitely, cool.”

“Now for you Sam.” I said, struggling a bit before finally, Rejection of Fate appeared. “Here you go, Rejection of Fate.”

Sam chuckled as he took it. “Wow, on the nose with me huh Dean?” Sam asked.

“Yeah, us both. So, what now?” Dean asked.

“Now...Some training...and, you don’t by chance have a sewing room, do you? Oh, and a smithery?”

“I wouldn’t be surprised, but why?” Dean asked.

“For one, I want badass clothes.” I say, grabbing my tattered clothing and feeling...nothing...damn, this is...not good… “And second, you both are Keyblade wielders now, time to look it.”

I spent the next month or so helping Dean and Sam in wielding their Keyblades. Sam was an excellent Student… Dean… I just… Wow… if he wasn’t a natural combatant, he’s be earning an F-. But, he’s holding onto a C-. Their world is...so much like my earth. It was… simple, save for the monsters. On a side note, Keyblades can kill Heartless, Unversed, Nobodies, Ghouls, Vampires, Werewolves, Ghosts, Demons, Angels, Leviathans, and Witches. What can’t they kill?

I made myself some nice clothes too. I took the Cloak of Organization XIII, and tailored it to be more in the back, no long ass zipper. Kept the boots. The main apparel under the cloak, that shows well, was something like how Terra’s clothing was, but rather than just an X over the chest, an image of Kingdom Hearts. Sam and Dean weren’t as into the idea of the costumes, but I made them some rather simple Organization XIII cloaks, The shade of blue Kingdom Hearts is though. The hoods zipping all the way up, Dean hif turning into a sorta Neoshadow head, and Sam’s was more like a Darksides.

Finally, I felt it was time to go the the Foretellers. I opened the DTL, and we walked in.

Sam and Dean were a mix of excited and saddened another world didn’t look as alien as movies showed, but, I promised them there were a lot of strange looking worlds out there. I had my Vanitas mask on, and they had their cloaks all zipped up. I don’t know why… I just don’t want the Foretellers to see me like...this. A Nobody. It’s the only thing I can feel at the moment...and it sucks.

“Hello?” I knocked on the door. Rang the Doorbell...nothing. “Must not be home… Wonder hos Code Keeper is doing…” I think, tapping Starlight on the door, the simple locks opening with a click from it’s magic. I entered and made my way to the Computer room. Man, a computer that can simulate a whole town, with people who have no idea they are fake. If it was done right it could simulate a...whole...universe…

“Sam, Dean, keep watch.” I said, taking a seat in the computer and began to think. What can hold all that much power… if I...yes… Alright then, time to start coding- Crap, Dan will know what went on, might even put two and two together… I reached into my pocket, surprised even through Purgatory a...special, computer virus I made was still with me on a simple three gigabyte flash drive.

“Hello User.” Code Keeper said.

“Hey Code… Been a long time.” I said, inserting the USB.


“Hah~!” Jenny sighed. “It’s been a while since our last adventure. Not that I’m asking for anymore life or death situations, but I’m starting to get bored.”

The five Foretellers were walking together back to their mansion.

“We can’t always be fighting.” Dan interrupted. “Plus with all that's happened lately I’m happy to have the time off. School and training our disciples are also important.”

Lan nodded in agreement. “That’s right. Also spending time with our significant others also takes precedence. We rarely have the time as it is.”

Alex chuckled, “The girls still on you about Adagio?” Lan grumbled in response.

Kira giggled before leaning to Alex’s ear. “Not really, they’re just trying to milk it. Just until he realizes they aren’t mad anymore.”

They all continue their small talk until they reach the mansion. Although, when they did, they saw the front door was open just a crack. They all put up their guard and cautiously opened the door.

When they opened it up, they saw two men walking around their main lobby, both wearing light blue versions of the Organization XIII cloaks, but their hoods were zipped all the way up. One’s hood looking like a Neoshadow, and the other looking like a Darkside. “So who do you think these Foretellers are? Sound like gypsies to me.” The one in the Neoshadow hood asked.

“Dunno, let’s just keep watch.” The one in the Darkside hook replied.

“Well you aren’t doing a good job at that buddy.” Alex called out. The two men turned towards the door to see the Foretellers with Keyblades in hand.

“Who are you? Why are you in our home?” Jenny demanded.

“Look, all I can say is a mutual friend wants a word with you.” The Neoshadow one spoke.

Alex snorted. “Yeah, we’ve heard that before. And where is this “mutual friend” of ours?”

“In that room under your library where all that high tec computer junk is.”

Kira smirked. “Good to know.” She pulled out a Dream Card, and gestured for her brother and Dan to go. “Now we know where to look. I Cast: Marble Ballroom!”

There was a blinding light, and when it settled only Jenny and Lan were left in the room.

“Let’s go.” Lan lead Jenny to the Simulation Room.

“Crap!” The two said, pulling out a Rejection of Fate and Fenrir Keyblade. The Neoshadow one with Fenrir, the Darkside with Rejection of Fate.

Jenny and Lan rush down to the Simulation Room, only to see someone sitting in front of the P.C. He wore something like Terra’s clothing, an Organization XIII cloak over that, and his mask was like Vanitas’s. He looked over to them, Jenny and Lan ready for a fight. “I take it you fought them or ran?” He asked, Lan feeling his voice...familiar, but his mask muffled him too much for him to be certain.

“No we trapped them and came for you after they gave away your location.” Jenny corrected. “So now that it’s just us, why don’t you tell us who you are and why you and you’re lacky’s are here?”

“I came deliver a message, then, realized just how much good this computer can do. So I became...side tracked.”

Jenny was about to attack him, but was stopped by Lan.

“Well if you wanted to attack you would have done it by now. So, who are you?” Lan asked.

“... “ He was silent, sighing as he looked down, looking at his own hands as if...he didn’t truly know. He then looked back to the computer screen. “Kexez. You can call me that.” He said, typing as speeds that rivaled Dan’s.

“What are you doing to Code Keeper?” Lan asked, preparing for a fight if necessary.

“I...can’t leave any trace.” He said, his typing stopping as he pressed a single key, the machine to send them into and out of the simulations whizzing to life as in a flash, the No Name Keyblade appeared there. Kexez standing up and picking it up. “Now, one last install…” He said, his arm shaking as a blue energy flowed out of him and into the Keyblade. A blinding blue light appeared, and when the Foretellers could see, the Keyblade changed, it now looking like, simply put, a Keyblade version of their computer. “Finally, that was easier than expected.”

“I hope you can understand us being skeptical of a mysterious figure doing what you did. So we can’t exactly let you leave without any answers.” Lan summoned Unicornis, and Jenny followed with Ursus.

“I’m...sorry in advance for this, by the way.” He said, pressing a key on the computer and all it’s screens flashed red, and he removed a USB from it.

”Warning, total system deletion commencing. All backups and primary files will be formatted.” The computer alarmed.

Lan and Jenny rush towards the P.C pushing Kexez out of the way, trying to stop it or at least try to save what they could. Suddenly, Kira, Alex, and Dan ran into the room.

“What’s going on?” Dan asked, Anguis in his hands. But when he saw the P.C he rushed pass Kexez and proceeded to stop the deleting process.

While they were distracted, Kexez tried to walk out of the room, but was stopped by Alex and Kira. Their Keyblades blocking his way.

“You’re not going anywhere.” Alex said.

“Let him go.” Lan ordered, not even turning around to see them.

Kira and Alex looked unsure for a moment, before dissipating their Keyblades and ran to join their siblings at the P.C. Before Kexez completely walked out the door, Lan’s voice called out.

“Don’t think I didn’t notice what you did with your name.” Lan said seriously. “I know who you are, but since you’re choosing to hide we’ll respect your decision. Just like what we told your family.”

Kexez stopped, signing. Something inside him...a feeling...anger, sadness. He lifted the newly made Keyblade, and in strings of ones and zeros, a Handgun appeared, Kexez not even looking as he pointed it behind him, and fired, the bullet flying fast...and hitting Lan in the arm. “Crow says he’s waiting.” He said with venom, leaving.

“Your posy is tied up in the living room.” Alex said.

The five of them continued stare at the P.C as Dan continued to type on it. The clink of a bullet shell covered in blood hitting the floor could be heard.

“You know, I never would have imagined I would reach a point in my life where a bullet in my are isn’t a big deal. Vampire healing is great.” Lan joked before thinking about what “Kexez” said. “So, Crow is waiting huh?”

Back at the Bunker, Zeke, or Kexez, and Sam and Dean were in the library, where Kexez placed the newly made Keyblade on the table. “So all that...for this?” Sam asked.

“I delivered the message...so, I heard you two got your asses handed to you.”

“Hey, that kid with the snake Keyblade was stronger than we expected!” Dean defended.

“So, what...is this?” Sam asked, looking at the strange Keyblade.

“I think I’ll call it...Datascape. It has all the functions of their PC, put into a Keyblade.”

“Why?” They both asked, confused.

“It’s a Keyblade able to create all new Realities, Reflections… It’s just what I need to bring them back.”

“...Bring who back?” Sam asked.

“Three heros who were killed in EVERY reflection by a very evil Nobody, heartless, demon thing… Even if it’s just the three I make in this Keyblade...they...they will be enough.” I said, taking Datascape and raising it, the screens that were it’s blade flashing, ones and zeros moving across them all as I could feel what it was doing. It’s scanning. Scanning EVERYTHING. Finally, after ten minutes, it stopped, the screens now showing simple things… the original world. “We’ll have to watch it carefully. They NEED to exist… Maybe some allies can come from this.”

“While this is...bizarre, we’re with you Zeke.” Sam said.

“Same...So...mind if we bring in some friends of ours?” Dean asked. “Been awhile since we talked with Cass.” Dean said.

“Sure. The more the better.” I said, taking off my helmet. Lan figured it out...should have done something better… Well, best get busy...there’s a lot to do now...lots.

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