• Published 7th Feb 2017
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Balance - BioQuillFiction

2012, the year the world was going to end. I really didn't think much of it, to me the world would be the same no matter what happens. Earth is violent and lacking real heroees. Maybe in my sleep I'll dream of a better world if this one does die.

  • ...

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Zeke's Trials: 5/5

My Name Is Unum

“...Okay so… how are you here?” I asked, staring at Unum. THE Unum, not mine, oh god I hope not mine.

“I heard that.” She replied. “We seem to share thoughts as well as memories… so, you are married to a version of me, though unlike me she lacks a balanced heart, hers is all light.”

“Yup… This is gonna be weird.”

“Most likely.”

“So… how did Kexez get you?”

“After taking my remaining form from a special Island I ended up on. Though it was just my bones, my soul clinged to them. Kexez took me, and somehow, found my heart. He then used that Castle Oblivion monstrosity of his to mass produce me, his Keyblade that creates realities as the printing press. There were too many of us, and you/Trixie had X so, we were helpless when he fused us, made us like you, which is a very strange process, then. Well, here we are.”

“Huh… So, what was your X-blade form like? There was a lot o you there and I didn’t get a good look.”

“Mine was the one with two crossed Ultima Weapons.”

“Of course…”

“I know right! I'm Just like… why?”

“Heh, well at least you’re not all fight no personality.”

“Heh, that’s what Core loved about me.”

“Right… So what comes next in terms of this weirdness?”

“Well I guess you’ll speak to each of us one at a time. After that I guess we figure out how to… exist like this.”

“Sharing a body… this is gonna be different compared to how it was with Trixie.”

“I bet.”

“So… how strong were you with X?”

“While I never did anything like this mess I could use his power as an ultimate defence, allowing me to be pretty much invincible while it’s activated.”

“Oh, well that’s handy.”


“So how was your life?”

“Well I was given the X-blade at age nine, I was taken from my home a month later to train with abusive Keyblade masters til I was twenty, granted I learned to become as strong as I was because of them, but I hated them my whole life.”

“Seems fair.”

“Yeah, other than that it was good till an Embodiment tried to kill me.”

“And you managed to survive… to a degree.”


“Huh, guess we have that in common.”

“Seems so.”

“... This is kinda boring.”

“A little. One to the next person?”

“I guess. I’ll see/hear ya… man this is weird.”

“Yes. Yes it is.”

My Name Is Raga

She won’t stop crying… she’s just been crying non stop for the past fifteen minutes… Okay then… I can’t even say anything cause she cries louder…

My Name is Mors

“Hi Zeke!” Mors said.

“Hey Mors… I see you’re back to being human.” His look wasn’t too different. He still had on his mask, a black top hat, suit, white tie.

“Yes, it surprised me but at least I have legs and real hands again.”

“I can imagine it was tough when that first happened.”

“Oh yes it was. Since Kexez took me I managed to put Leon in charge of Daybreak just before I was taken, world and all. I hope Kid isn’t too worried.”

“Hay… wait a minute, your son and my daughter are still dating… does that mean we’re both their dads?”

“... I think it best not to think too much on the matter.”


My Name Is Core

“How in the nine levels of hell are you here?!” I shouted at Core, while he was human again, still!

“I know! One minute, I’m a heart just floating around Daybreaks Ruins, then Kexez takes me and now, bamn, I’m suddenly in a room with thousands or maybe even billions of parallels of me, then I’m a X-blade, and now this!”

“Well, are you still evil or…”

“Dude, Unum’s here. My Unum. I’m good.”

“... But, how’s that gonna work, I mean, you’re sharing a body?”


“...Don’t tell me…”

“There were… techniques similar, though temporary to this before…”

“... Well, that‘s a new one for Rune's book.”

“Oh god no!”

My Name Is Vincent

“So… You’re a past X-blade wielder?”

“Yes. I’m Vincent Karphos. The fifth Wielder of the X-blade. I understand you already spoke to Unum, Mors and Raga. The first, second and third wielders of the X-blade.” Vincent spoke proudly.

“Well, define talk, cause Raga just cried for the entire time.”

“Ah. I see. Well that makes sense. Her first task with the X-blade she failed, and the reproutions were dark.”

“What… what happened?” I only got a little info from that flashback I got when restoring X’s grandfather light.

“Simply put, it was stronger than she and anyone anticipated, she was tossed out of her world, and when she returned, it was too late, everyone was dead. This Darkside we later learned was a unique version. While there are no Physical differences they do possess vastly different movesets and power. It could even summon forth Demon tower and tides heartless swarms.”

“Shit, no wonder she lost.”

“Yes, sadly this loss was too much for her, friends, family, she lost not just that world but her whole family, and she came from a rather big one I hear.”

“... I guess I can understand her troubles.”

“As can I.”

“So, what are you like? Where did you come from and all that?”

“I came from a world where the ice is vast and never ending. It was called Snowfall, and, despite how harsh it was at times, I loved it. It was home, and all I knew. When I got the X-blade, I was only ten. Life was simple on my world. Heartless appeared but scarcely. My biggest threat were that of fallen Keyblade wielders. One such wielder I fought, his goal to freeze the world over. I stopped him, but died as a result. Then, suddenly, I’m back. Alive and breathing and being turned into a X-blade, then getting fused with you.”

“Huh, so no family or love interests?”

“I was never one for romance, as for family I had a little sister, but she’s been dead for years, I did live about several thousand years before you were even born young Zeke.”

“Heh, fai point.” I said, scratching my head. “So, now, modern world. What ya think of it?”

“Your grammar has become… rather different, lax if anything, but technology wise you’re all improving greatly, and that’s always improving. I’d say things are okay, though I am interested in these Video Games That I understand are games but.. On technology, correct?”

“Heh, Luna’s gonna want to teach you that stuff.”

My Name Is Grathon

“So, X’s fourth wielder, and the only one let of who held him before me.” I said, looking at Grathon.

“Yes. As you can imagine I hate core and even though he is part of usnow, I still hate him.”

“Well that seems fair, he did kill you.”

“Yes… painfully too…”

“...So, anything about you I should know?”

“I’m a typical hero. I fight for what’s good, kill or capture the bad guys, nothing much. Life was fairly normal even when I got the X-blade. I came from that kind of town that even if you’re a celebrity no one treats you any better or worse for it.”

“So… you had a normal childhood?”

“Yes, fairly.”

“Huh… Okay then.”

My Name Is Trixie

“Hey Trixie.” I said.

“Hey Zeke” She replied. “That sucked.”


My Name Is Miles Morales

“You’re… you’re rather young.”

“Hey! I’m only fourteen.” The kid said. “The name’s Miles. Miles Morales. And I am Spider Man.”

“Uh, yeah, that suit is a dead giveaway.”

“... Fair point.”

“So, let me guess, radioactive Spider, bad guys, you’re powers are much more than your normal Spiders abilities?”

“Yeah. Lot’s happened.”

“Figured. You do good in school?”

“Yeah. I’m smart but until recently, was kinda trying to fail.”

“Ah, missed your old life or something?”

“Yeah… But, Now I’m confident… though, this throws a major wrench in some of my plans.”


“Well, I’ll still get to be a hero, so not all bad at least.”

“I guess… You know it just occurred to me that I’ll likely have to help teach most of you all about Keyblades.”

“That would be helpful.”

My Name Is Alucard

“So Dracula?”


“The Dracula?”


“You… act diffrent than I imagined.”

“Well I’m from an abridged series so yeah…”

“Oh god another fourth wall breaker... “

“Oh you know it, and I gotta say, if she wasn’t loyal af to her husbands I’d ride your half snake woman cousin-”

“Hey-hey-hey! I don’t need that image in my head.”

“Awh, you’re no fun.”

“And you’re a perverted asshole.”

“Now you’re getting it!”

My Name Is Eren Yeager

“Hey, I know you. You’re one of the better new recruits in Daybreak.”

“Oh, so you know me then?” Eren asked.

“Yeah. Mors gave me your file. Eren Yeager. Keyblades Oblivion and Oathkeeper, rank two hundred and fifty nine-thousand, four hundred and sixteen. You have the ability to turn into one of what your world called a Titan, and using that as well as your Keyblades, which you managed to summon in that form, the two the needed size for that form, and exterminate them all, uncovered conspiracies and secrets your world had hidden for since those Titans appeared. I’m impressed.”

He got a big smile. “Ah, that’s amazing coming from you. I always wanted to talk with you… though like this was… not what I had in mind.”

“Same. At least someone from Daybreak is here.”

“Heh, yeah. Leon and Ulysses taught me. Though, with this power… do I need to learn anything?”

“Trust me, there’s always more to learn.”

“Oh. Alright then. I’ll do my best.”

My Name Is Leon S Kennedy

“I have no idea what's happening. But that’s usually nothing new.” Leon spoke. I had to hold back from freaking out, I LOVED RE4 and this looks like Leon from RE6.

“Long story.” I deadpanned.

“When is it not.” He grumbled.

“Used to such things?”

“All too well.”

“Well I guess it’s just one of those days.”

My Name Is Fumikage Tokoyami


“It’s alright.” Tokoyami said.

“No, I said I’d keep you safe… but I didn’t.”

“Hey, you tried. If you did attack when you did, then you’d have swung at my head and then that would have been much more unwanted. Besides, you gave me the choice and I chose to finish the competition rather than play it safe. I’m at fault as well for putting my own desired ahead of safety.”

“You’re real mature for your age, ya know that?”

“I’ve been told that. I guess I owe that to Dark Shadow. He’s been my friend, and brother since my quirk appeared, and even though there are times he is scary, and ruthless, learning he can’t help it when darkness is present just means he’s as human as any of us.”

“Heh. At least you two get along.”

“Yes. I owe a lot in my life to him. Though so far, it seems I actually in many of those alternate reflections of me that are now all me, seem to have different quirks, or even just none at all. I’ve so far discovered along with dark shadow, I have seemingly every Querk, so learning them all will be a challenge, so many alternate realities, possibilities.”

“Seems so.”

“Yes, but I know this will end up benefiting a lot of people who will need the help.”


“Of course, a hero uses his or her powers for good, and if we have literally all the powers, well then, imagine the good to come out of it.”

“Heh. Little ball of sunshine aren't you.”

“Heh. I guess I just prefer to look at the positives.”

My Name Is Starlight Glimmer

“So let me get this straight. You lost you best friend, because he got his cutie mark, grew up learning magic to remove cutie marks and store them in jars like bugs, then founded a town where nobody had a cutie mark and anyone who wanted to stay had to have it removed, then when Twilight and her friends came in, amd revealed all but you did in fact give up their cutie marks, you went mad, almost stole their marks, then came back to time travel back in time to stop Rainbow Dash’s first sonic rainboom thus preventing the events that brought them together in present day, creating multiple alternate futures that each were worse than the last.”

“.... yeah…”

“... you’re an idiot.”


My Name Is Simon

“So, spiral energy is like… willpower or something?”

“That’s the basic bare bones of it, yeah.” Simon spoke. I liked this guy. Confidant, smart, and never gives up a fight… Eclipse could learn something from him. “I wonder is piloting Gurren Lagann with all this extra power will make him even stronger?”

“More than likely, question is can he even handle it?”

“I’m sure he can, Lagann may be small, but when combined with Gurren, well, the two are unstoppable.”

“Well if and when we nab them we’ll have to see how well it can manage all the extra power you’re packing now.”

“Hm. Right. So… how long you’ve been leader of this Daybreak I’ve been hearing about? The others talk and such since we all can see your memories.”

“About a year before shit went south.”



“Well, you did a lot of good in that time.”

“I guess.”

“Hey, nothing can last forever, but you can damn well fight to make it last as long as possible. After all, fighting to survive it the most basic human thing to do.”


My Name Is Raven

“Bad parents?” I asked.

“Bad father. You?” Raven replied. Teen Titans Raven.

“Brother, grandfather, parents were okay but it was a family of criminals so…”

“Ah. Mom was human, dad was a demon overlord. He had me solely to open a portal to my world and take it over and kill everything.”

“Yeash. And I thought my family was screwed up.”

“Yeah… but my mother… loved me regardless of what I was.”

“Well, then she, and your friends are hte only good family you should care for.”

“I do care for them, they are my family. And as annoying, rude and crazy as they are… I love them regardless.”

“You can’t pick what family you’re born too… but, you can pick who you consider to be family, and who to care for.”

“Heh… yeah. That’s right.”

My Name Is Clementine

“So your world is full of Zombies?”

“We call them Walkers, but yeah.”

“As in undead, eat your skin and bones undead?”


“... Well I think I found my new vacation spot.”

“How can you say that?! I’ve seen so many of my friends and family die!”

“And I understand that… but, you fail to remember, our skin is fucking bullet, tank proof, they can’t bite us, we’re not only walking weapons we carry a literal arsenal within us of all kinds of versions of Keyblades and Key-Armerments, and yes that includes some rather impressive Firearms. You, me, any of us can walk into that place and… clean house.”

“... I could save… so many. I could end the walkers all together.”

“Bingo little sister.”

“Then when we are able, I’m cleaning house. Besides… I have a kid to look after. AJ…”

“He’ll be fine. If a badass like you was raising him, then he’s fine and surviving. Tell you what, since you’re issue out of the others seems of top priority, we’ll head there first then. Okay?”

She nodded. “Yes. Thank you.”

“Hey, everyone here is a good person… I hope.”

My Name Is Guts

“So, your best friend resurrected a demon race.”


“You were marked to attract Demons too you, by said former friend to have one of them kill you.”


“You managed to replace your lost arm with a mechanical one that’s also a crossbow and cannon.”


“You have a massive sword, now turned Keyblade, called Dragon Slayer, that you use to kill demons, it’s bathed in enough demon blood to also kill ghosts and spirits and such.”


“You can adorn and wear a cursed armor that will fix your body when you break a bone or something but not actually heal you, just place it back into the right position, then keep fighting and heal later.”


“ANd you just barely managed to kill your former friend before Kexez came up and kidnapped you.”


“... Respect.”

“Thank you.”

My Name Is Meliodas

“So you own a tavern?”


“I’m gonna be drinking like, all your booze.”

“So long as you got the cash to pay for it.”

“Fair enough.”

My Name Is ...Xehanort

“How the fuck are you alive?!” I shouted. Xehanort… Didn’t Core kill them all?!

“I wonder that myself.” He said, looking at his own hand. He was young, maybe twenty or so. “I remember dying, but suddenly… I was alive. I was a X-blade. Me, but I knew I wasn’t the only one. I was one of many, and then, I entered your heart… and learned that compared to you, I am weak by comparison.”

“Tsk. So, you also have the X-blade now, and a second Keyblade war is already coming… how do you feel now?”

“If you asked me this before I died, I’d have been thrilled… but, death has a way of giving one time to reevaluate your life. I’ve realized I’ve done so much… I escaped the home I thought a prison. I made a lifelong friend… I killed him… all for this power… now that I have it, now that I share it, yours and their memories… I can feel my sins consuming me. All of my reflections, save for a small handful took the same path, and those that did not… I am amazed that they and we are the same persons.”

“So you have regrets?”

“What man does not?”

“Fair enough. So, what will you do, now that death and the view of all your reflections memories, and all of us, are also yours… what will you do?”

“I will do as planned… I will fight in this new Keyblade war… but not to forge the X-blade, I already have it… and Kingdom Hearts… is our heart, my goal was… so simple back then… but, now, so much has changed, my mind, my eyes, forced open. I will end this war, this war I wanted to start… and from there… I don’t know. I can try and atone for my sins… but nothing can wash all this blood away.”

“Hm. Words only go so far. None of us will trust you until you are proving yourself. And even then.”

“That is fair. I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

My Name Is ???

“So… despite all my planning to kill both you and that damned X-blade… somehow, your soulless body finds my hideout, steals me away, somehow returns to me my heart and body, both of which were long since destroyed… and now here we are… at the center of what I tried to avoid.”

“This specifically?”

“Yes. I knew, I saw this play out. I thought if I can’t stop you from gaining power, then at least I can destroy the X-blade, and everything else will rewrite itself. But my apprentices failed me. The X-blade wasn’t forged that day, instead, it was just genocide.”

“And who’s fault was that?”

“I set the path, I did everything to ensure the X-blade was forged… But Ira and Aced failed.”

“Let me guess… one was meant to accept the darkness in their hearts and fulfil the role of the ‘traitor’?”

“Yes. While Ira was too strong of will to fall to it, Aced was always emotional, and headstrong. His heart held the required darkness… if he had just accepted it and done what I envisioned… None of this would have happened.”

“And what of the others?”

“Invi and Gula would have died in the war either way. I actually hoped Ava would have left with her Dandelions… but too many in her union stayed to do battle. She could not leave them, and she too died… They all died… And now that this has Transpired… I have failed to keep this realm safe from what is to come…”

“And what is to come? Oh future viewer?”

“War… so… much… war…”

“... What’s your name?”


“You’re always referred to as the Master of Masters… what’s your real name?”

“It… it’s been so long… I can’t believe I’ve almost forgotten my own name…”

“Maybe it’s time to stop looking at what fears the future can bring, and think on how to help the present without the mass manipulation and such.”

“... Maybe… Looking into the future taught me much… but one thing I learned was that none of it could be avoided… this meeting, this conversation proved that much.” He said, taking off his hood. He was pale skinned, long silver hair that went well down to his lower back, golden yellow eyes, and a Keyhole tattoo on his forehead. “My name is… Peccator.”

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