• Published 5th Jul 2017
  • 10,053 Views, 450 Comments

Sorry isn't Enough! - eragon13666

When you're thrown from you home, into a new world of unknown reasons, Sorry, isn't enough when your human.

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Portal not Window (edited)

Author's Note:

You can call this a sort of pilot chapter to see how people like this, if you want to see more of this story please go ahead and leave a comment and tell me!

Humans are rather fickle things you know, some are rather forgiving, others can hold a grudge for many, many years. I still remembered my younger brother, he wouldn't talk to me for nearly a year because I took his PS3 at the time to the shop to repair and upgrade it so we could play some new games. I would've thought he would've been happy, but he was pissed at me because I took it without his permission. The only things he said within the year towards me, was Blue, and Yes... I can't even remember what the Blue one was about. I, on the other hand, if it's a small little think like - I don't know - a broken game, I'd be pissed but if you bought a new one to make it up I would be less pissy about it. If we had a stupid fight, we would forgive each other at the end not even remembering why we were fighting, I would be fine.

However, teleporting me from my home world to a new one filled with two-legged walking talking colourful ponies... that's a different story.

It's been a long, long year, and what happened from then to now, has been crazy. Just the right amount of things one would call normal, otherwise I would be freaking the fuck out! However, I know I'm not giving the whole story, and really, a story needs a start, middle, and a end; and I'm talking in the middle. So let me tell you my story, of how I came to this world against my will, how I could never return back home... and why - even after a year - I still hate the one who did it to me.

My day started rather early, six in the morning to be on the dot.

I lived with my grandmother, because living on your own sucks in this day and age, the fact that it cost way too much at times to live on your own. Money for rent, food, and other such things along the lines of lights, heat, water... it just really wears down on you unless you are making a ass load of money. Also with how it seemed even a bloody one bedroom would cost so much, and the fact that I normally could only get a part time job... the money wasn't there.

Ether way right now, there was only one thing on my mind. I got up for simple one thing, I had to piss.
After the call of nature was heeded to (done is an option, but usually for calls of nature, one tends to heed them), I made my way to the kitchen, petting the two cats who cried for their morning meal as they rubbed on my legs, and my belly as it cried for its own. After feeding them and going for my own meal of pancakes, starting up the water for me and my grandmother's coffee, I sat down to some Raisin Brand cereal, and got to work munching.
I wasn't working ever since I was let go from my last job, and now was job hunting using my cell phone to look for said work. And so, until my job-hunting was successful, I helped my grandmother keeping the building clean, she was a Super Attained, for those that didn't know what that is, up here in Canada consider it a person or persons who go about and clean up and upkeep the building or buildings if needed be. It was our job there to clean rooms for free rent and other such things, which was great for us, the rent would've been costing us one thousand a month if we didn't do the janitorial tasks.

I guess at that point you could consider it a job per say, but to me, it wasn't, I wasn't getting paid. But that was life, you really can't be picky when you aren't working right? And we needed a place to stay, we got some money every month from other places, so we were never hungry, and when we did clean a room, we got 30 dollars per room, and we came home with easily three hundred bucks a week, so it wasn't a bad deal.

When I wasn't looking for work I was gaming with my online friends, Destiny coming in only two months and we were hyped and ready - another story, another adventure... but for me, a different type of adventure awaited.

After finding absolutely nothing in term of jobs that I could do, (or just too far for me to travel with lack of car or bike) I decided to head back to my room to chill for a bit.

Having no will or want, to play any of my games, seeing how I played and beaten them all so far; I decided to lay on my bed after dressing in a simple pair of black jeans and a black shirt. Looking at my dresser mirror, I saw the tan skin of a person with Black, White, and Asian background staring back at me, eyes slightly slanted due to my Asian background, but other than that I looked mostly like the 'white person'.

Hazel eyes locked on as they traced along my body, a slight belly lump of fat, mostly because of all the fast food and Pepsi I would drink. I worked out, but still, seems the years of eating junk food was slowly coming back to haunt me. Facial hair that was more thicker around my chin and under my nose of a goatee, stubbles along my cheek bone that went up to my side burns. A style I liked, but when it came to work, I would always shave it fully off if I had to.

I kept my black hair short, but long enough that the front part could push back to a spike. Freckles covered my cheeks and forehead, something I got from my mother (along with my temper) and a scar ran along my nose from when I was five years old and ran straight into a table edge. A few muscles could be seen along my arms and the outline of the shirt on my chest. The reason for that? Years of amateur boxing to deal with my anger helped me with that, along with a few rewards with the nickname 'The Head Hunter' could be seen along my walls. Only reason I quit boxing, was because my old trainer passed on, and his grandson tried to overprice everyone. Besides, it didn't feel right not training with him, and I really didn't have any love for the sport. Mostly I did it to keep my anger in check or to use said anger on a punching bag. Heh... I'm sure if the Old Man saw me now, with how much I haven't trained he would make me wear weights and would train me three times as hard!

I sighed out loudly to myself as I closed my eyes, another day, another bull shit. I was about to head off to lay in my bed... when a strange feeling came over me. A chill that went down my spine in a way that I felt as - as if I was being watched.

Sure - I had my window that was now currently to the left of me open, but no one could see inside my window - I was on the third floor! Either way, I made my way over to see over the window, and yet nothing, no one was there, maybe a few people - but they were on the ground walking about. I was about to throw it up as if saying, 'Brandon, you're just being silly, no doubt from just waking up eh?'.

Boy... was I ever so wrong in my life.

A white flash covered my eyes, causing me to yell out - as the whiteness covered my vision - making me unable to see. My body, feeling like it was being pulled into something, as a loud white noise of ringing was heard; it ached as if being squeezed through something my vision still that same white light. A tingle of something, like when your arm's asleep, covered all over my body from toe to hair - I swear I could feel it in my damn hair!

After what felt like forever, or just a few moments for me, the tingling slowly stopped, and the whiteness slowly started to fade away, I couldn't even tell you what I thought that was, the first thing maybe was the white light from Outlast 2 that would happen in the game, other than that I really didn't know what. I heard some noises, like whispers of someone speaking, but I couldn't quite make it out. As it slowly became more clearer, I blinked a few times, and then blinked again at what I was seeing.

I was not in my room anymore that's for damn sure.

The floor and walls seemed to be made out of a slightly reflective marble stone, allowing me to slightly see myself in it - I swear I never seen such clean floors like that before; only in the movies. Also, the faint smell of burnt paper covered the area as well... but there was no proof of a fire or anything in the room. Why would it, with how much light the window was allowing it, there wouldn't be the need of a fire, though I noticed there wasn't any light bulbs around anything. I seemed to be standing right next to a long red rug that went toward a set of large double doors. But that wasn't the only thing that shocked me.

Two large anthro unicorns stood by said door, white as snow, and wearing gold plated armor and helms that reminded me a bit of Greek helms, if my history was right. They had hands, but their feet were hooves. These ones stood about six foot, maybe a bit bigger than me, and they seemed as if they were confused on why I was here as well... was... was I dreaming? Pillars stood along the side of the vast room, and when I turned around, hearing the sounds of foot steps... or hoof steps maybe, I was taken a back at what was coming towards me.

This large winged unicorn walked toward me, her dress showed that its quality was of high class, and the crown on top of her head showed even more, a ruler, a queen perhaps? She was indeed taller than me, maybe even a foot taller, her mane that seemed to flow in wind that wasn't here, had different colors. Her dress that of white and yellow, with the sign of a sun along the front that seemed like a necklace of some sort. Her hooves were covered in golden… hoof shoes? I guess you could call them that - as well as her wrists. Her horn seemed to be long, as she walked over to me, I realized I couldn't read her face, perhaps it was because she was too much along the lines of too.. horse like, I supposed? Her thighs were a bit thick... and I'm guessing if she turned her rump would've been big as well... why the hell was I thinking of this, I mean this was a dream right? I moved my hand a bit to my side and pinched myself, visibly flinching. And then, that feeling came, that tingle that came when you were in trouble... this wasn't a dream... where was I?! My hands seemed to slightly shake, and was becoming more clammy with sweat forming from my panic educed moment. My eyes darting about the room, my mind racing as so many different thoughts came and went!

She soon stood before me - the way she stood, it showed that she was someone of high power, but the way she looked, it reminded me of someone honest, like my grandmother in a sense. A loving sort of gaze, and yes I know I said I couldn't read her expression early, it just seemed this one was more at ease. It was like knowing she didn't abuse said power or responsibility, I don't know... it was just a feeling when you gaze at her. She had her hands together before her, as she gazed down at me, me taking a slight step backwards.

I mean - I had no idea what these horses, or whatever they were wanted, and had no idea if I would be able to understand them... no idea what my fate would be soon.

"Are you alright?" she asked with a soft, gentle voice as my body tensed up case of anything.

I'm sure she could see it too, for she lifted her left hand up in a sort of, palm up as if offering it to me. "I understand that you are confused, and frightened, but fear not; no harm shall befall you."

So she spoke English, or whatever they considered to be English. I gazed at her hand, before slowly taking a step back, she dropping her outstretched hand.

"I can't rule out the possibility of whether you are lying or telling the truth," I gazed her once more, seeing her horn and wings, and I said the first thing that came to mind, since I couldn't believe what she was."... Just... what even are you - a winged unicorn?" she gave a small short chuckle as she shook her head before then answering my question.

"I am what is known as a Alicorn, co-ruler of the land of Equestria." She breath out slowly, as if trying to keep herself calm, was this because I was no doubt something she never seen before and was trying to make sure not so something too quickly so I could understand it better? Weird thing to think of, but that's what it felt like to me. She then placed her hand over her chest as she spoke: "I am Celestia, Princess of the Sun, and my younger sister who isn't here at the moment, Princess Luna of the Moon." As she spoke, I looked slightly above her, noticing a second throne, one of the sun on the top, and other, a moon. A moment later, I dared to look slightly behind me, where I noticed the guards there gripping their weapons even more tightly even from here.

I couldn't blame them; after all, their ruler was speaking with me – a complete stranger brought over by unknown means – when she interrupted my thougths with a question laced with curiosity.

"And what might you be?" She asked me as I quickly looked over to see her looking back at me. "I can say, with upmost ease, that I've never seen a being quite like yourself before!" She had her hand along her chin as she studied me, her eyes tracing up and down over my form. I couldn't blame her, I had the same body frame as... her people I supposed, but still different in every sense of the word.

I thought for a moment, should I tell her my name, what I am... ? I really didn't see any harm in it really, I still needed to know how I got here, and perhaps giving names and what I am, would and have to be the first step in finding out my way out of medieval girly-land.

"My name is Brandon, and I'm a human being from... Halifax, though I should really uh, find a way back I guess... how did I get here?"

Her face went from the calm, smile like face, to that of a saddened frown. Her hands clasp together once more along the front of her dress as she spoke softly as if making sure she thought of each word, very carefully.

"The blame... it is mine," she admitted as I gazed up at her slightly with a raised eyebrow. "I came across a old book that was thought to be lost to time, a book that contained old magically spells all but forgotten." Wow magic here was real... well there is the answer of my being in another world. "I came in this open area for casting one spell - one that seemed to peak my interests," She then seemed to gaze away, her eyes softening as if she knew something else, something that I didn't quite know, or wouldn't know of yet. "It was a special spell that allows one to gaze into another place unknown to the caster. I thought it would be fine, for it explained it was a window, though... I erred gravely on its reading. The translation I did of the spell's work was wrong - and the 'window'... was in fact a portal."

"So you're saying that this book... you read a spell, or whatever, thought it was a window but a portal," I huffed quickly, as I felt both my patience and my sanity suffer from the ali-whatever's hesitant explanation, only to add at the end. "Ooookay... You used said spell, and it opened before me and brought me here... okay cool, go ahead and use it again and send me back!"

"It's... not that simple - you see..." She started to play with her fingers, like a child caught with their hand in the candy jar, and was now fidgeting about as if it could buy them some time.

"Bullshit it's 'not that simple'!" I rebutted as she flinched back. "Read the spell or whatever, open it back up and I can be on my way!" My eyes narrowed as I glared at this 'Alicorn' or whatever, my breathing coming up in hitch as my chest moved in and out slowly but heavily, I'm even sure she could hear my heavy breaths escaping my lips.

"The spell only opens to places I never seen..." she answered as I blinked. "I... well, I saw your room, that would count to what I would have seen-" My eyes were still narrowed at her, and I could see her visible flinch as I glared at her, waiting for her answer. My right hand clenching and opening, me counting in my head slowly. "I could open it and send you anywhere... if I could; but now I cannot." Her eyes drifted down, as if at last, she was coming to the point of it coming out of the bag. Her left hand clenching at her right softly.

"What...?" I asked softly, my body almost feeling slightly folding down as that tingle came back slowly, covering my body.

She moved to the side and pointed with her hand, to a pile of ash. Oh, so that's where the brunt smell came from; but what... was... no... My eyes slowly grew wide, as I swear I could've heard the sound of glass shattering... my world gone, my way home... gone... my anger... growing!

Unaware of my slowly flaring temper, she continued, arms gripping one another as if she were cold: "The spell was unstable - causing the book it was written on to burn and become nothing but ash." I saw her throat move, her swallowing heavily. "To make matters worse, I only read the spell once, the knowing by step by step of how to do the spell... I never memorized it because I never thought that I would need to... these were just a set of events that couldn't be... foreseen." She looked back at me, her eyes showing that of sorry, regret as I slowly started to understand what was happening... what was happening to me.

"Are... are you saying..." I asked, gulping heavily and slowly at this news as she softly nodded.

"I am sorry... but I cannot open the portal again.... for it is lost to me, you won't be able to return home, Brandon."

I almost wanted to puke, stumble backwards and just shut down all at once! My mother, brother, grandmother, my nieces! My friends and everything I ever knew and loved, gone... gone because... because...!

"I am... truly sorry, I truly didn't mean for this to..." she was walking toward me as she spoke. I seemed to block out whatever excuses she was sputtering, but when I felt her hand on my shoulder, I did the first thing that came to mind.


I shot my right hand out into a haymaker - punching across her cheek. She did not saw it coming, and slumped to my left and fell to the ground, her muzzle bleeding as I was breathing heavily. Her eyes were wide open in shock, her wings sprung out from the surprise.

I couldn't stop myself; I went for her again. But I was tackled to the ground by her guards, me kicking and screaming, getting another punch in on one of them, throwing one off to get back up. Grabbed from behind under the arms and on the back of my head I jerked and flung myself backwards making him stumble with me. His hold lessened giving me enough space to get my left elbow to slam against his side, forgetting the armor, knowing it would hurt later. As I was dragged off there, a magical bond appeared around my wrists and ankles - keeping me from kicking and punching at the guards. So, grabbed by the shoulders to be herded off, the last thing I saw of that stupid bitch, was her getting helped up, and her looking at me with that same wide eyed look.

The last thing she saw of me no doubt was my anger, my seething pure blood red anger as I screamed out. "Sorry!? You're sorry?! You took me from my family you stupid fucking bitch! May you rot in whatever hole in hell you make you stupid utterly whore!"

I was going to the dungeon... that was a easily made thought, but as I was dragged, at times I got punched to stop my squirming. I noticed others, some of these horses without horns or wings, some with wings and some with horns... more so of wings or horns. They gave me a confused and scared look as I was dragged at times across the floor and down the stairs. A cell door open for me in the span of maybe ten or fifteen seconds; and got thrown in rather roughly. I rolled on the ground, and looked around as I slowly got up, the guards explaining to the guard watching what I had done, and I soon got a angry look from her - so I gave her the finger.

The room was maybe ten by ten by ten, a rather big space for a jail cell. The only thing that was 'open' was the bar door and wall before me, the other three walls were that of a grey like marble. A toilet along on wall, at least it had a cloth covering, so no one could see if I had to shit or piss. And a spring like bed, you know those very old looking metal beds? Yeah that, with a old warn down cot on it... better than sleeping on the floor. I went over to the bed and tested its softness, it was... okay, but hell... it was a jail bed. Climbing in it as indeed it squeaked and bounced slightly as I curled up in a ball, my face facing away from the cell door. I was angry... I was fuming... but the one thing that I always went back to that made me shed a few silent sobs...

I wasn't... going home.