• Published 5th Jul 2017
  • 10,053 Views, 450 Comments

Sorry isn't Enough! - eragon13666

When you're thrown from you home, into a new world of unknown reasons, Sorry, isn't enough when your human.

  • ...

Out one Castle, into Another!

It was strange, seeing this Alicorn princess seem a bit too… happy about me being here, the fact that she was going on about asking me so many questions; half of them I couldn't believe that she even thought I would answer, the other half, unable to understand because she just kept droning on, and on!

Fifteen minutes passed by after the mare arrived, and I still couldn't get any sort of word out to her… before I had enough, went towards her, and placed my hand over her muzzle.

Well... more my palm over her lips, truth be told.

This seemed to stop her, her eyes crossed as she looked to where my hand was, and then back up to me.

"I shall remove my hand from your lips," I pointed out. "But when I do, no talking, and let me at least answer something before you dribble more things… got it?" she gave a few shorts nods as I slowly released my hand, getting ready as if she would not follow through… luckily she did.

We stared at each other for a bit more as I stepped away, my arms slowly crossing over my chest, my right eye rising a bit before I asked. "Now… let's try this again, who are you, and why are you here?"

She took a moment to compose herself, before I took an involuntary peek at the book that she had. Guess what? I found out that it was blank, save for the times she would scribble down what I would see as notes, from time to time.

I couldn't see what she was writing, from the spot I was sitting in of course… though when she wrote in the book, I did wonder what she was writing.

"Well," she started after taking down the short note, from what I could tell, as she slapped the book close to look back at me with a small smile. "My name is Twilight Sparkle, newest princess of Equestria, and the Princess of Friendship!"

"Friendship… what is there a Princess of Love too?" I asked, laughing softly at that statement, as I really couldn't believe that there would be…

"Yes, in fact there is!" she sated as I only blinked in confusion. "She is my sister-in-law!"

Well… I honestly didn't see that reply coming.

Rubbing the back of my head at this, thinking of what other strange princesses there would be, she then went on. "Also the fact that there are no books on your kind, a human correct?" when I nodded, I guessed that The Kidnapper must've told her what I am. "I just had to come here to see you for myself! And also ask many questions on your kind, and see how much of a similarity you have to pony-kind!"

"What… sort of question?" I asked, soon I started to regret ever asking that to her.

Once more she was on with her lips moving so quick they were like blurs! Her questions coming out so quickly that I barely was able to understand, once again, half of what she was asking me.

Questions I did catch was the human evolutions, why we had manes but not fur, I'm guessing she meant my hair. Were the genders the same as ponies, as in ‘do the females of your species have breasts? Do said females breastfeed their foals?’.

Anytime I tried to get something in, she moved forward, asking more and more, before at one point she even asked me to… strip naked to… oh hell no!

"Okay, enough! Stop all your questions!" I yelled out, clearly annoyed as her lips sealed and gazed at me with wide eyes of shock. "Let me tell you some ground rules, one, my clothes are staying on, you are not going to fucking study me after everything that's been happening, I am not in a good enough mood! So back up, shut up and leave me be!"

It was a mean demand, I know… as maybe she was a sort of scholar or something, and I understand that I was something new; that she wanted to study me to learn all she could… but I mean this honestly: Hell no, am I going to be fucking naked!

As for Miss Asks’alot… she huffed at this, as her arms crossed and a slight glare in her eyes before she said. "Well it seems only fair that you let me," she pointed out in a matter-of-fact tone as she stared at me with that slight glare. "I mean, you should after you punched Princess Celestia for no reason!"

No… reason… no reason?! That statement alone made me wish I could punch her as well for her even saying that - but! she did not even know the reason why I punched that stupid fat cu-... no, no I won't stoop that low of calling anyone that. As angry I may be, I would not stoop that low.

Taking a slow, deep breath, my eyes closed, my arms uncrossing as I counted down from a set number, I opened to see this pony, tapping her fingers along her arm as I asked… slowly. "Do you even know why," I asked her as she stopped. "Why I punched her?"

"It doesn't matter!" she rebutted. "Nopony should punch anypony like that, no matter what reason, I bet you were just overreacting to what happened!"

"Overe-!" I huffed again and started to count before pointing. "Go ask her."


"Ask her..."

"But you..."

"FUCKING ASK HER!" I yelled out causing her to stumble back in utter shock. "You want to come in here, ask all these questions, and then batter me about what I shouldn't do when someone pisses me off? Then you better ask her on why I haymaker her across her muzzle!" She frowned at me, looking me square in the eyes for the moment, before turning off and leaving the room, it closing with a soft click; leaving me to wait.

It nearly took her half an hour before the soft knocking came, and the door slowly opening, her head peaking in. Her ears folded back, and a tiny voice. "Uh...may I come in?"

"You gonna act like last time?" I asked, my back to her as I was looking outside, enjoying the clear day.

"I spoke to her… and sort of had a argument with her about what happened," she resounded as I didn't say anything, my arms crossed along my chest. The soft pattered of hoof shoes echoed in the room, as the door closed. "I'm… I'm so sorry I didn't know..."

"Course you didn't know," I responded right back to her. "I've been reading those history books, and one thing I've noticed is so far; it seems she can't do no wrong. Banishing her sister to the moon, encasing a city in a magical dome to be released after a set of time, making you and these others wielders of what… Element of Harmony or something like that… when it should be HER doing it as the duty of a ruler… I guess she can't do no wrong huh?"

"Yes but..."

"And then, you come in, not knowing what the whole story, let me guess, all you heard was that I attacked her, and you didn't ask why?" I asked turning my head to look at her. "What a good follower you are."

"Hey that's not fair!" She yelled back as I sucked my teeth and looked away. "Celestia has done a lot of good for Equestria, you can't judge her for one wrong thing!"

"Yes I can, the Kidnapper did this to me, so she can piss off for all I care!"

"She said sorry!"

"Oh… oh excuse me!" I said waving my arms up, and taking something right from a old Disney movie. "Maybe then, we should dance, we kiss, we schmooze, we carry on, we go home happy. What do ya say? Come on!" my hands moving a bit, and I ended it with a sarcastic little grin as she only blinked in utter confusion at what I just said and did.

I sighed softly before pushing my fingers through my hair and leaned back, exhaling my breath before going on. "Look… think of this, you got family, Twilight?"

When she nodded I went on to add. "Pretend this, you are magical taken from your home by a race of beings you didn't know existed until that day. You are the only one of your kind, and was brought to said world, because someone was messing around with something they shouldn't have. You can't return home… and all they say is, 'I'm sorry'... what would you do?"

She tried to answer, and man did she ever… but after a moment, she just looked down, eyes closed, ears folded.

"Thought so… so before you try and denounce what anyone does… think about this: WHY did they do what they did? and more importantly… would you do the same?" There was a long pause between us, the only thing not keeping the room fully silenced was the sound of ether movement outside, or the soft flutter of her wings.

After a while passed with us both in silence, she started to walk, moving over closer to me. I didn't shy away, even more so when she came up to me and placed her hand along my shoulder with a soft, gentle touch.

"If it means anything to you..." she said softly, with me sensing that she was choosing her words really carefully. "I am sorry," I looked away from her, huffing from my nose at that dry statement.

"Please, let me explain." She urged, to which I didn't stop her… which she took as her permission to speak out.

"I'm sorry that it did happen, and I am sorry that you are unable to return back to your home, your friends, and your family. I couldn't even understand the pain that you must be feeling right now, knowing that you would never be able to see them again; I also know me saying that… is no doubt not helping." I didn't respond simply staring out into the window doors, my eyes tracing along the building, and those beyond. "Celestia understands that she made a horrible, horrible mistake, and even though I don't agree to it, because I truly believe violence as such should never be used in a fit in anger… I supposed I can understand, and perhaps, I may have done the same thing as well."

"As I said before," she went on. "I am sorry… and I wish that I could possible do something that could help and..." she seemed to pause after a moment and then let go of my shoulder. I looked over wondering what she was thinking off, before her fingers snapped and looked back at me with a wide smile and said, rather happily. "I know! Why don't you come stay in my castle in Ponyville!"

"What?" I questioned, rather shocked that she wanted me to move into her castle now, wherever this Ponyville was or whatever. Then there was that part of me that was worried, what would she do to me once there, would I have to be put under some sort of tests for this chance, or what was her angle…

She then started to explain how partly it was for her to have a better chance of understanding what I was and such. Unlike Luna, she was a bit freaked out at first that I told her, or reminded her, that I ate meat. It caused her a small moment of uncertainty; but I believe the other part of her who wanted something new to study came along and won the debate within herself.

To be honest, if this plan of hers worked out, it would give me enough room away from The Kidnapper… which would mean that I wouldn't have to worry about either feeling tempted or outright punching her sideways if she did something to utterly tick me off again.

Then again, she also claimed it would give me the opportunity to be myself, while doing me some good to be somewhere else.

Apparently, this ‘Ponyville’ place where it was rather normal for beings of non-pony origin to come and make a new life. From what she babbled to me, it seemed that over the years other beings, gryphons, zebras, even a minotaur or two, had come to the ever expanding town after Twilight's castle grew where the town library use to be… don't ask - even I don't know what's that about.

In the end however, I agreed.

So, I told her what Luna said about me getting money from them to live off of… which meant that after I got enough saved I would be able buy my own place; or look for one out of this country; it really depended on where I wanted to go when that point came.

Twilight only nodded at this, and told me she would go to the princesses to make certain about this compensation and find out if it was fine.

My reply? I reminded her that it wasn't their choice, if I wanted to leave I would walk out that door and leave if I wanted to.

So now, here I am… sitting on the chair, passing time while reading a book about magic, from this unicorn named Star Swirl or something, while I waited for Twilight to return.

What drew my attention was what the book told about magic which was rather interesting - this Swirl unicorn even theorized that magic could be used by beings that were not unicorns, if they had a sort of middle ground at the work, like a staff or wand perhaps?

Still, once I got bored of that book, I put it aside and seriously thought about it.

It wasn't like I could use magic, as far as I knew humans just couldn't, and I had no want or desire to learn magic anyway.

Closing my eyes, and placing my head against the wall, I tried to rest my mind while waiting for Twilight to return.

It took a bit longer than I thought, but Twilight returned back with a few knocks leaving the door open. "Sorry," she said rubbing the back of her neck. "They agreed to leaving you under my care, but there are still a few things - and a condition - that you have to agree to follow before they allow you to go to Ponyville with me."

"What do you mean?"

"She means me..." a female voice said as I blinked and leaned to the side to see where it came from.

Behind Twilight stood a guard in a type of armor I haven't seen yet, very different from the ones who grabbed and dragged me to the cell early today. Where the first type of guards I saw wore golden like armor, this one, was dark blue with a cat like slit-eye along the front.

Clearly female from the lumps in the armor and a bit of a more slender form than Twilight… and she stood maybe a bit taller than me. Her coat that of ashy grey, and the bit of mane I could see… that is until she removed the helm to show me her face more clearly, showing me that her fur was snow white.

Golden slitted eyes looking, glaring back to me… as I supposed that the guardsmare watched my every move. "I'm to be charged with making sure you don't go around punching ponies or such, and to make sure to keep you out of trouble."

"Won't have to punch," I answered. "If they don't do anything to earn it."

"And if you do, you will have me to deal with, monkey!" The guardsmare snarled at me, which made me laugh - her face getting uncertain at my reaction to her insult.

"Oh here comes the insults now! Monkey, huh? What's the next, 'oh wanna banana?’ How about you go and shove your muzzle in some hay?"

"Enough! Both of you!" Twilight intervene, as the bat wing like pony frowned at me. "Night Shadow," she spoke looking to the mare in question. "As a guard you should know that you can not act as such, as you have been trained to keep your emotions in check! Use that training!"

"But, your highness! He..."

"Punched your ruler, I know… but you have to be honest, anyone else would've done the same!" I replied, before staring back at her glare.

The mare in question, made a sort of shutter like noise, before seemly giving up as she sighed, almost leaning forward as I only crossed my arms.

"I don't agree with the action that he took," the purple Alicorn went on. "However, I possibly would've done the same if I was taken from my world, my friends and family. It was a reaction out of anger, and fear!"

"So beside her following after me to make sure I'm in check," I wanted to change the subject anyway as Twilight looked over at me. "What's the other thing?"

"With you now living here in Equestria, and until you find out what you truly want to do, stay or leave." She added as she gazed back at me. "You will need to be labelled as a Equestrian citizen, that way you may work, buy land, or a home for yourself!"

She took a breath to then add. "Also, seeing how you will be compensated for what happened by the government of Equestria, you will have to sit down and speak to both Luna and Celestia-" The Kidnapper. "about the amount you will be getting and what it can and can't be used for."

I simply stared at Twilight… until I snorted, “Very well, if I must, then I must.”

I hated everything about this bureaucratic bull… from sitting in a room full of guards all about ready to pounce at any given moment or mistake I made… to having to face her.

Across from me in that table was Twilight, Luna… and Her.

She tried to look at me at times, to give a small smile as if to try and meld what she broke, but my half closed glare of death toward her, shot her down anytime she tried to do that.

As if she could think a little happy smile will do her any good.

There was another mare, looking like a lawyer as she held papers in her hands… from what I was told they were from what I would have to sign, down to what my choice of meals were.

Seeing how I COULD eat more than just meat there was a good side to that for them… but when they did learn that I was a meat eater, there was another set of papers that I had to sign about making sure I was not going to try and eat anyone… really?

Twilight claimed that the meat issues wouldn't be a problem for her, that someone named Spike had started to eat meat as well, and that he could cook up the supply that they got. Whoever Spike was, at least there was another guy around.

More papers were passed around and signed, one being about that I would be paid monthly, I'm not sure how much Bits would be in terms of dollars back home, but it seemed the money I would be getting was enough for me to own a home and then some!

So, if I did decide to live on my own, I would have to wait until a home was free… or save up and buy my own plot of land, shouldn't take too long. I asked that a percent would go toward Twilight, mostly because I would be staying with her, and I didn't want to do it as a freeloader (says the one who is getting free money).

At first she refused, but I kept pushing until she agreed. She said something about being able to buy some books with the extra income. Perhaps I better not tell her that my phone has about thirty different books in it.

Night Shadow, my guard so it seems, would have her own room right next to mine, and would be tasked in making sure I wasn't harmed, or I caused harm to others unless permitted to do so in self-defense.

And it would be better for me, because it seemed I would be near what the Kidnapper claimed to be called 'The Element Bearers', who would help me settle in; whoever they were.

It was taking hours to go through everything, lastly my ID would be made, my photo taken by a old fashion looking camera, as they said they would send it to Twilight's castle as soon as the ID was ready. Until then I wouldn't be able to buy land or work.

Dusk covered the sky as I left with the Princess of Friendship on one side, and the guard on the other. She still gave me some glares at times, but I didn't care.

However, we didn't go far until I heard the voice of Luna beside me. "Wait, being from another world, may I have a word?" we stopped as I looked back at her, my hands in my pocket as I gazed at her. "Before you go, I wish to tell you of something… mostly because I don't know how your world works."

"Go on," I answered waiting for her to say what needed to be said.

"I am in charge of making sure everyone's dreams are not overbearing, horrible nightmares, which I help them fight against, or I am there just to talk if they need it." She then added. "If I at times can sense something from your dreams… I may come in to see what is it about, but I wanted to make sure you knew, and were fine with it."

"You can… enter my dreams?"

"If the need to be is high, then yes." I looked away while humming at this, saying nothing at first and then replied after a small moment of wait.

"No… my mind right now beside my clothing are the only things that I can claim as my own. Besides, I don't like people poking in on things they shouldn't… so stay out."

"Even if it could..."

"I don't care if it may help me… I've dealt with things on my own before, and I'll do it again… so stay out of my head, and off my dreams!" I stated loudly… after which there was a short moment of silence… while some ponies even gazed at me from the streets, muttering to those around of who I was, before Luna then bowed her head.

"Very well, I shall leave you your privacy in your slumber… but if you ever need help..."

"I won't," I said matter of fact as I turned ready to leave. Twilight paused, before leading the way again, me following behind her with Night Shadow following.

I looked up at the sky, watching as the sun settled… until after a while, the train station came up on my sights as the whistle and the grinding noise of the train stopping filled the air.

Stars slowly came out from the darkening sky, and so many of them twinkled in odd patterns that I couldn’t recognize.

I always did wonder, back home, if each star was in fact a world, a world with life in it. And if so… which one was my home world.

My first day here in this world… the first day I truly felt alone within a crowd.

The first of many days I would have, and making certain that they didn’t know of my true feelings for this change in my life.

On the outside, I showed the world that I was a hardened person who didn't want help, that I didn't care for it…

But it was a whole other story on the inside...

I was so very, very scared.