• Published 5th Jul 2017
  • 10,054 Views, 450 Comments

Sorry isn't Enough! - eragon13666

When you're thrown from you home, into a new world of unknown reasons, Sorry, isn't enough when your human.

  • ...

Pasts and Gala

Author's Note:

At long last the next chapter is out wut wut!

sorry the reason this took so much more longer is because I had to rewrite a part over and over again, it just never sat right with me and I didn't want to release a half ass chapter as well as real life kicking me in the balls.

on a side note, Im on the fence with To Love a Queen as well. I want to keep working on it, but rereading it I noticed so many bad choices on it that I want to change, so im thinking of doing a restart on that, as soon as this story is done. what do you all think?

ether way I hope you enjoy this chapter, and again, thanks to my editor who had been working hard with me, this story wouldn't be half as good as it is without their help!

From experience I can say that from past relationships I was involved with... I normally didn't last long enough to meet the father of the one I was dating. Well, unless you count that one time - when the bitch I stopped dating due to her being a jerk had claimed I raped her to her father, who 'interviewed' me inside that police room; claiming all the things I supposedly did to his daughter.

As we sat together in the train - with dusk coming to the world and leaving it in a golden hued color - my thought went back that time a few days ago. The reason why was, not only because there was the bombshell of meeting her father and sisters, but something afterward rather...surprised me.

I only just blankly looked at Golden, after we pulled away from our hug and kiss we shared just moments ago. Not only would I be meeting a few royals when I went to the Gala, still not sure how that will work out; but I was to meet with her father and sisters?! How is it, that just hearing that, seemed more terrifying than anything else I dealt with so far? It was almost like the universe at this point knew what I was worried about and decided "Hey! Let's throw this at him and see what happens!" Great! thanks for that, universe…

"So..." I started as she looked up at me before we moved over to the sofa, she moving the papers away as we sat down. "Your family...wanna meet me?" I asked slowly as we looked at one another as she nodded her head and sighed softly.

"My aunt, Spoiled Rich," she started as I did my best to hide the frown that was slowly forming along my lips. "Sort of wrote a letter to him, expressing her...worry for me."

"Yeah...worry my ass," I muttered looking away as she patted my hand.

"Yeah, she’s still family," she reminded me. "I know she can be a bit...bratty, but she is still my aunt!" I only sighed softly and leaned back, rubbing my eyes with my fingers as she leaned against me. "What's wrong?"

"Never really met a girl's family before," I truthfully looking up at her ceiling, many thoughts rushing through my head. "I mean...she must've told them who and what I am?" when I saw her seemly sigh again, not sure what type of sigh, maybe, embarrassment of what her aunt was like?

"In the letter..." she started as she looked over at me. "Seems Aunt Spoiled, told dad about you, and of course with you being in the news all that time back, he knew what you looked like." I frowned a bit at this...as I waited for what I feared. "He doesn't care who I'm dating, Brandon, only that the one I choose is treating me right, you know?" she said as I gazed at her as she went on. "I mean, you're not using me or anything right? Or being a total asshole or something. If you were - then father would've had more than words to say to you." She pointed out matter of fact, as if it was the unwritten law of the universe for parents.

It would make sense, my nieces only being around four years old for the oldest, and nearly two for the youngest, my brother was very protective of them. I still remember how he would hover at times when they were very young and couldn't walk, while their mother was more relaxed back then. And from what I could see my brother almost took the role of 'mother bear'. I could only think of how he would be when they started dating. And now I could only think about Golden's father. Still, I did wondered, what he wanted to tell me, what would out talk be like; and how majorly fucked would I be?

All of these things ran through my mind as I made my way back toward Twilight's castle. Fortunately I still had a few days until I had to meet the guy - but still! even now in a world unlike my own..I just wondered what I would be dealing with.

The day was not done giving me more surprises, and so it happened that I entered the castle and was about to head off to my room to play some games - I was stopped by Fang Face herself. We stared at each other, my face a sort of blank bored like expression as I couldn’t give any more fucks, but her expression?...hers' was different. "Hey," she spoke looking over at me as I frowned slightly. "Can...we talk?" She even held her hand along the side of her other arm, holding it slightly as if it was broken, that kinda reminded me that of a anime character when they were embarrassed, or shy about something.

" ’Bout what?" I asked looking at her, my arms crossed as I raised a eyebrow.

"About how you were right," this caused me to slightly jerk my head back a bit at this as I raised my eyebrow higher slightly. Her hand moved to the side, showing to a room where we could talk. As I followed her I closed the door behind us to give us some more privacy.

Apparently Fang-Face chose a good place for our little chat, as the room was empty.

This left us with some privacy, as Twilight's guards would be coming soon to their shift, and many of the rooms they didn't know what to use for were being converted into rooms which they could use to rest after their shifts. This was good for many who didn't have a home, since if they wished to transfer to Ponyville could in fact sleep here at the Castle. Said section of the wing was also getting its own kitchen - because really, I couldn't think of Spike cooking for a dozen or more guards at once.

Either way - as she moved to the center of the room - I was half getting ready to hear yet another bullshit reason as to why I was wrong and-

"I'm sorry..."


I just looked at her, my head slightly leaning back as I heard her utter the words I never thought she would say, more so toward me! She turned to look at me fully as she sighed softly and went out. "About everything, I mean," she pointed out as I raised a eyebrow. "I guess...I knew all along what the princess did would be hard to forgive, if one could, but I guess it was my own loyalty for her that wouldn't let me see it in your point of view." I didn't say anything as she said this before she then added. "Perhaps it's better I tell you why I have such a loyalty to her, and well...you can better understand my reason on why I said 'get over it' the way I did."

I thought for a moment, before slightly nodding as I leaned up against a wall, listening to her story.

"I didn't know my parents," she started off as she then went on. "Or if I did, I can barely remember them. All I could remember of my early years were that in a orphanage, being picked on by the others for being a freak because of me being a bat pony." She lifted her wings to better show them off at this point. "I watched many kids being adopted, watched as they left to have what they wanted, a family. I was always left out, no one wanted me as a daughter - I was too strange, too different. I lied when I said I stayed there until I was of age to leave; I ran away with what little I had...even stole money fundraised for new toys. No one there gave me love, so I took what they took from me, or how I thought at the time."

"I ran to the next city over, and…if they were looking for me, they didn't do a good job or I was very lucky. And so I made my way to Las Pegasus, and barely lived by either begging for bits - when I was lucky to get enough...or from stealing. I got unlucky or...lucky if you want to call it that, when I got caught by one of the local gangs of the city."

"I was about fourteen at the times, and made the mistake of stealing a wallet from one of the higher up in this gang, a gang that were made up of Earth Ponies and Pegasus. Caught and dragged inside one of their bases, I was scared shitless. I heard stories of this gang, there being three Major ones at the time. The Rooks were the one I was dealing with, the other were the Claws, and last were Crimson Raiders. They took me to a room in the back, and was there where I met with their leader - an Earth Pony mare who was black as the night...and her brown eyes that reminded me at the time of fudge."

She seemed to almost smile at the memory as she looked back outside, leaving her back to me as she said. "I remember what she asked me first: 'You play chess?' That confused me greatly, as on this huge table before her was a chess game set up and ready, with her side favoring the whites, mine the blacks. I responded with a no, and she taught me the basic of the game and how it was played."

"A gang leader taught you how to...play chess?" I asked confused as Shadow looked back at me and nodded.

"Yeah..." she responded. "Her reason was, that a game like chess required you to think. If you're talking as you play, if the being who you were playing was so into it, and talking at the same time; you let things...slip, you get to know someone better."

"Strange motto."

"It worked anyway." Shadow went on with her story looking back outside the window.

"She corrected me when I made a wrong move with a piece and got to talking, she asked my name, told me hers' Lotus. Ether a fake name or one given to her at birth, I wouldn't know. All I knew that all around her office, plants grew all around."

This gang leader sounded like a Poison Ivy rip-off if you asked me, yet I kept on listening her tell her story.

"She asked why I was stealing money from her lieutenant, and I told her that I didn't know they were part of the Rooks - or any gang members to begin with - that I was just so hungry that I just wanted to get something to eat. She asked me what I wanted, and when I told her, she ordered her men to go and get it for me. It was the first time, if at all someone got me something, without me begging for it."

"She beat me a few times before I got use to how the game worked...and I won a few times, now eating the food she got for me that I asked for, a Daisy Sandwich with a side of hay fries. She asked where my parents were, and I told her my story."

"How long had you been on your own before this moment?" I asked...rather wanting to know really.

"Two years, left when I was twelve." She responded as I could only hum and nod. "After I was done my story, she just folded her hands together and placed them under her chin... watching me as she seemed to study me. It was a strange feeling, it was like she was staring deep into your soul, like those brown eyes could see everything you did, and could judge you without words. She just...stared, and I saw from the corner of my eye, her bodyguards slightly flinch a bit when she gaze at them. She was a powerful mare, how she could build up a gang as she did, starting from nothing from what I heard...I don't know. She asked while gazing at the ones who brought me in, and I remember the almost...ice in her voice as she gazed at the bodyguards that were standing beside me... 'Were your clothes always this ripped up...or did these fine...gentle colt get a little too...rough with you?' The way she spoke, even though it was calm and collative, it would've felt more like yelling. I've only ever heard her yell twice...and those times were only when I saw her leave a room, with bodies being dragged out after her."

This cause me to shiver slightly, as for some reason all I could think about was a mare dress in a nice suit, or dress suit of some sort, not yelling unless something utterly horrible happened, the image of a mare doing her nails with a file before...well...I shook slightly as that image was shown, as I could only think...what happened between then and now?

"I explained her my situation," she went on to speak as no doubt all my unasked questions would be answered during her narrative. "That I was living on the streets, that how my clothes looked were the result of that. I described how I found a old abandoned building and was using that as a roof over my head. The bodyguards seemed to exhale after she told me that she believed me, after a few more long moments of watching me."

She then placed her hand along the wall beside the window, whatever she was looking at, I couldn't tell. "She let me join, and even if I didn't she still gave me a lump sum of money that could last me weeks on the street. I asked her ‘why?’, why was she willing to help me after I was caught stealing - or trying to steal - money from one of her grunts. The smile she gave me was something I wouldn't forget...a knowing smile, as she said; 'I have a feeling about you.'"

"I even moved in with her," she went on as I just listened on, what else would I have done but listened, it would've been best to wait ‘till she was done. "She wanted me to move in with her, something about wanting to make sure I was fine and to teach me the way of the Rooks in her way. I'll admit...while I was under her care, and soon learned how things were done...I enjoyed it. When I became older to start doing 'jobs' I was more into the...fear factor."

She soon turned back and asked me. "Ever heard of a Thestral?" when I shook my head she went on. "They are beings that look much like myself, however they have differences, for one...they stay the age that they became one, and they drink blood." I blinked slightly as I thought of this. Heh in a way, a vampire, wonder what they would call werewolves? "Either way, seemed there are in fact a few Thestrals left in the world, even met one a few years back...got away but met one...but that's a story for another time, either way," she went on as she told her story. "I was brought along with a group to put the fear in ponies or others who we had to talk about. I put on a show, a hiss there, showing teeth here. It got the job done when many truly believed I was one. As the years went by - fourteen; fifteen; all the way up to nineteen - I ranked up in the Rooks to the point I controlled a small group of ten. Before you ask however... no, I never killed anyone - beat them to a bloody mess, yes - but never killed. My groups’ job was to collect money, and soon enough I couldn't go on with the whole Thestral idea as they don’t age, so we just pretended that I was a older sister as I grew older...and let them know that the 'younger sister' would be waiting to drink their blood, or whatever was left after I was done with them. The look on their faces were always priceless...damn fools…"

"Lotus and I became close as time passed by. I wasn't part of her top group, but I was getting there. So, after I gained my own money from working for her...I moved out, as she gave me my own place. It felt great and for the first time, I felt respected...I felt wanted." She sighed as I closed my eyes. "Then I got caught."

There was a pause as she moved away from the window, and went to the wall beside it, and gazed at me, she too soon leaning up against it as she looked to me and said. "It should've been a easy job, get in, get the 'stuff'..." No doubt drugs, this world wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, but still was better then back home. "And leave...however, someone snitched us, and out came a bunch of guards - city guards, but they still got me whereas the others escaped. I remembered being roughed up pretty bad by them ‘cause my nickname on the street was Blood Fang...can no doubt guess why?" she smirked showing off her fangs as I slightly rolled my eyes...had to admit...they were badass. "I must've been in there for a few hours...before she came in."

"Celestia herself walked on the room I was being held - and I swear, I thought I was about to die. The leader of Equestria, the raiser of the Sun and Moon - Luna was still imprisoned at this point," she said as my finger rose up to interject, again...really, gotta ask why they think they can raise the sun and moon! "She had a folder in her hand as she sat down before me, placing the folder on the table. I may have been known as Blood Fang to the guards and others...but in front of her...I was scared as a filly caught in the cookie jar."

"She sat down on the other side of the table and placed the folder down, as she gazed toward me. I thought I would've saw anger, but the way she looked to me...I don't know, it was more like she was...disappointed in me than anything. I was only scared of disappointed one pony before her, and that was Lotus; the way she gazed at me though...I still don't know even to this day what was going through her mind."

I had to admit, before finding out that I had no way of returning home at all because of Celestia's meddling with a old magical book she knew nothing about...I sort of had that same feeling about her. The way she would look down at you, it was a sort of motherly gaze, that just speaking to her would make it all better. Like I said, this was before I found out that she utterly dicked me over in a way that could never be fixed.

"She asked me why I was working for someone like Lotus," Shadow went on with her story. "Asked me why I would spend my life working for someone who would cause hardship and would kill younglings. I defended Lotus on that last part, oh how I defended her. Claiming that she was many things, but she would never EVER murder or order anyone to murder anyone under the age of twenty. A sort of honorable trait she had." Shadow chuckled as she went on. "Boy, did Celestia prove me wrong..."

"About a month before this," she steered off course of her little trip down memory lane, this no doubt to help me get better contact on what she was going to say next. "We caught two rival gang member, young colts of about...fifteen if I'm remembering right. They were with a rival gang - the Crimson Raiders. They set fire to a few of our buildings - making us lose thousands of bits while almost drawing the guards’ attention onto what we were doing. A few of my guys caught them, and we took them to Lotus. Along the way my guys were saying we should just ‘off’ them to send a message. I was surprised they would even think of that, seeing how they were under that age limit that Lotus liked to follow. Long story short, I convinced her to let them go."

"She let them go?" I asked. "A boss, who lost a lot of money...she just let them go?" I question, not sure how believable that was as Shadow looked right at me.

"Lotus had ways of finding out information..." she said slowly. "She promised she wouldn't kill them if they went back to their bosses and did this again. No, she promised to find their family, kill them slowly as they watched, and then frame them for the murders and make what family they had left, think for the rest of their lives, that they killed their own flesh and blood...Possible even giving them the tools to kill them themselves...to make it less painful." That...caused me to shudder. "Going back to meeting with Celestia, after thinking that Lotus kept her word and wouldn't kill them...she showed what was in the folders. Photos, of those two colts...dead..."

I flinched slightly again as she turned away from me and sighed. "Celestia wanted my help to catch her...it was all there, papers photos, telling me as I read them over that they been dead for a month...in fact they found the body a day after Lotus supposedly let them go. All I could remember was seeing one of the colts - a brown one with a little horn, and a scar over his eyebrow, a small one, that looked like three claw cuts over his eyebrow… who laid dead and pale on the ground. As I gazed at those photos all I could think about was...if she lied about this, what else had she lied to me about...was everything a lie...would I be like this if I made a huge mistake?"

"Celestia gave me a choice...keep helping to hide someone who would do this...or help her shut them down. I was in that jail house for a long time, a week...before I decided to help. Five years of working so close with her, making sure I did everything she asked of me...five years of making friendships there...that's a long time to decide that you're going to betray them. I gave them locations, time, anything to catch a bulk of their numbers. Gave them proof that would put many of them, some of the higher up in that group in prison for a long...long time. The only one that matter that we didn't catch, that slipped away was her - Lotus."

"Celestia thanked me for all the help I did to put many of them in jail. Lotus’ empire with the Rooks was crippled - but I couldn't help them with the Claws or Crimsons and she understood that. She helped me move away from that place and offered me one last thing as thanks...work as a guard in Canterlot. Started as a day guard, her own personal shadow in a sense...ironic how that's my name, but after Luna returned she insisted that my skills would be better off as a Night Guard...few more years, and I became captain - still am even with me here now."

That was it, that was her story - her long back-story that I didn't know about until she pulled me in here and told me.

A pause followed, the soft sound of the outside world could still be heard through the windowpanes...as after she released a breath she went on. "I owe a lot to her...so when I heard about you, I...I sort of took it as a insult to me personally - she gave me a choice and forgiveness. And... when I saw that you in a sense spat her ‘sorry’ back to her and attacked her, I knew I had to watch over you - to keep you away or in line to protect her. Without her giving me that chance...where would I be now?"

I wanted to say something the moment she was done talking, but I really wasn't sure where to start or what to say really. She told me why she was loyal to her, and I supposed that was a good enough reason to be one. But still...she didn't have to tell me that, I didn't ask for her life story on to why she was so loyal to her, but I guess I am thankful for knowing why. It does make sense that she would hold Celestia in high regarded from what I just learned but still…

"I'm not saying this to give me a excuse as to why I acted toward you the way I did," she went on to say. "I know that my actions are of my own, just like my actions back then are my own as well. I could've easily said no to Lotus and been on my way and who knows where else I would've been. But I wanted you to know as to why I am the way I am, and why I am so protective when it came to her honor being sullied by you attacking her. I did a lot of thinking when you left today... and no, it wasn't because of you not being a human that I'm treating you the way I am. I see your reason for anger now, and I know that seems silly...Captain of the Night Guard doesn't know why someone was pissed, that wacked our princess because he can't be sent back to his home. If I was in your shoes, I know I would've done the same...so...sorry."

There was another pause between us as we looked to one another, me exhaling as I moved from the wall and over to her and offering my hand out. She took it as we both shook as I smiled.

"Thanks for at least telling me," I responded as she smiled a bit as well. "But that doesn't mean that I'm just going to up and be nice to her, she may have done a lot of good as many are claiming she did and does. But her actions and her carelessness is the reason I am stuck here, so don't think that I'm laying off of her any time soon."

"Just don't go around calling her a ‘Kidnapper’," she asked. "I know you use to call her a lot when we first met, and that sort of thing will cause ripple effects, even if they are just words."

"I'll...consider it," I responded as she only nodded her head, ears folded a little as she looked…uncomfortable.

My conversation with Shadow happened a few days ago, and as I was still digesting what happened I had more urgent things at hand to attend to - naming, the night of the Gala. I was with Golden, already on the train making our way out of Ponyville towards Canterlot. The suit Rarity made for me was thankfully not over the top like her friends’ dresses. Really, they were just so colourful it was like a rainbow, nature, magic and other such things just kinda...threw up on them. Starlight wasn't coming, seems she and her friend Trixie decided to stay behind on this one.

I'm not sure if they were at any Gala beforehand, but still, they decided against coming for whatever reasons they had.

Mine was a black Tux with a tie hanging over the white shirt I had. The pants, shoes, and shirt were that of the same that I wore to the date with Golden and I first met. The over jacket button up halfway up the tie, leaving my chest area open and for myself to not feel so damn stuffy.

Sitting beside me were Golden and Rarity - with the two of them talking about mingling with the crowd and talk to a few of the nobles Rarity knew that could help Golden get a hoof into the fashion business; possibly even more so than the white unicorn could do by her own.

Golden’s dress was long and black with a few frills along the bottom, making it almost...poof in a way. Her dress ensemble also had long white arm sleeves as well, adding some contrast to her formal dress. Both she and I looked rather plain compared to that of the six friends, but we didn't mind all that much. Spike also went with a black tux as well. And he commented to me in an almost whisper. “So yeah,” he started off as he started to tell me. “Twilight will no doubt be near Celestia nearly the whole time to catch up with her.” I nodded at this, really not caring about that all that much. “AJ will no doubt be selling her apple base treats, you be surprised with how much these nobles love her cooking!” Again I nodded at this, she could cook a rather mean apple-pie. “Rainbow Dash will possible checking out the Wonderbolt, catching up on what they been up to. Fluttershy with the animals in the gardens. Pinkie Pie trying to find a way to liven the party up; and Rarity...finding her prince, or sticking with Golden this time around.” He then even told me he had a feeling that we would be stuck together for most of the night. So, in a sense...guy night out!

After the talk I had with Shadow, things got a little bit easier between us - and yet there was still tension between us. When Twilight asked what happened that made us not want to rip each other throats out, I just explained that we came to a understanding. Either way, she was just happy we weren't trying to kill each other with our glares any time soon. Speaking of the batpony, Shadow was here with us as well - but wearing a formal uniform rather than the armored uniform she wore all the time. It reminded me like back home where the women of the military would either have a skirt like uniform still with the pants. But the whole thing was grey, with a hat along the top. She kept fidgeting on her seat, mostly because she said she felt almost naked without her armor on.

It would almost be cute...if it wasn't for the fact that she could possibly kill you by putting you in a damn headlock.

The train soon came to a stop, allowing us to soon leave off and make our way down the streets of Canterlot. Luckily for me, there wasn't a lot of ponies outside in this time of the day - but again, much like the day I left here to go to Ponyville - the looks still came.

Having spent as much time as I did in the growing town of Ponyville, everyone down there was used to me by this point - and because of that I wasn't always being stopped to be asked about if I was really dating Golden, or how I punched Celestia in the face and got away with it.

Though, I realized as we walked that some of the citizens moved to the side - and I could see them lean to one another to whisper whatever they had to say. Maybe they weren't speaking about me...but it sure felt like it all the same. It was a weird feeling to say the least. I mean, they could be talking about anything, but the fact I was the only human around, in the whole world...it just felt like all spotlights were on me; and I hated it so bloody much. "You okay?" I heard Golden speak to me as she moved to hold my hand. My eyes traced down to where our fingers interlocked together. Gazing back up to her eyes, I could see the look of concern along her face as I nodded slightly. "Worried about seeing the princess again?" she asked as I really didn't think of that, all that much. This would be the first time I saw Celestia in quite a long time - my dreams of course didn't count - and I had to wonder how I would react when seeing her. I knew I could keep my cool at this point, but I was slightly worried that my mouth would work faster than my brain. "Or are you worried about meeting my family?"

Shit...I nearly did forget about that. How would her sisters act when seeing me...how would her father act when seeing me! I faked a smile as I waved my free hand. "Nah I'm good," I joked before adding, "Be a good time to see the place, and not the inside of a cell ya know." She just kept looking at me as I chuckled petting her hand. "Really I'm fine."

I petted her hand again. "The only reason I came here was for you to have this chance to meet those nobles with Rarity. If you didn't want to come, I wouldn't have either." I pointed out as I then added. "As I said many times before, I don't do parties."

The moment I said that, I heard a small annoyed huff. Looking over I could see Pinkie Pie - who I swear her dress looked like something from Candy Crush - as she looked away from me, arms crossed and pouting. "Don't give me that Pinkie," she would at times still try to throw a party for me.

Then there was her ‘fact’ that so far I've been the only one, in her words, the whole wide multiverse, who she hadn't been able to throw a party for; which of course annoyed her greatly.

"It's just not fair," she pouted still as she gazed at me. "You would go to the princess's party, but not my own I wanna throw for...wait..." she then smiled widely as she gazed at Golden. "He's only going cause you're going right...?" I blinked at that, but then my eyes widened in recognition; no...she wouldn't…

"I suppose," she answered back in an uncertain tone as Pinkie Pie leaned closer to us - all while I almost wanted to push her muzzle back and prevent the inevitable from coming to fruition.

"And you think he needs a party of his own...maybe a birthday that's coming up soon?" she only smirked to me as my pupils shrunk...how the hell did she know that?

"How did you know his birthday is in a few weeks?" Wait...that's right, how would she...oh god no!

"Golden no!" I yelled out as Pinkie cheered.

"Yes so your birthday is in a few weeks! Birthdays have to have parties! It's a rule!" she said pointing to me.

"Out of the bloody question!" I grumbled crossing my arms before Rarity spoke up.

"Oh come now," I looked over at the white unicorn who smiled. "If your birthday is coming up soon - allow Pinkie to throw you a party! It will be nice to have us celebrate your first Birthday here in Equestria!" She then added as she petted Pinkie Pie's shoulder who was giving me her Puppy Dog eyes. "I'm sure if you ask her not to go overboard she won't, it could just be a party with us!"

"I think it’d be cool," Spike added his own thoughts to this as he looked over at me and I to him. "I kinda been trying to find out when your birthday is as well, so I may be able to get you something!"

The dam broken out lead too soon to the other members of our group - with Shadow as exception - chiming in their approval. As this went by, I sighed deeply and began rubbing my eyes. When I opened them...there was a lot of Pinkie on my face - nearly touching her nose with me - as I looked her dead in her eyes. With careful motions, I placed a finger on her muzzle to slightly push her back...she frowned as I did this - no doubt thinking I was going to say no...she hung her head and backed away...

Before I said in a serious tone, "Small." This perked right back up. "Small, as in maybe a room at Twilight's castle - only the ones I know who want to come and not over the bloody top!" I said crossing my arms. "No fair-like games, like bob the apple or stuff like that you normal do for birthdays, something all of us can enjoy."

"Yeah!" she jumped and flipped into the air as she then came down and hugged me tightly as I gasped. "Thank you Brandy!"

"And don't bloody call me that!"

"That was rather nice of you, I hope you know that?" Golden pointed out as I only waved my hand at this, anything to get Pinkie Pie off my bloody back.

After the Pinkie Hug we made our way toward the castle, we were stopped by some guards as they scanned our tickets with their magic, mine...more so, because they no doubt thought it was fake. I wonder why...sarcasm I do pride in knowing some. Once we made it in to the entrance of the castle, we could see the main hallway that were covered in items and decorations that gave the feeling of...yup, dull as a cubicle.

After we all got in, everyone went their own way to do their own thing. Fluttershy to find some animals; Rainbow Dash to see the Wonderbolt she knew mostly to catch up. I didn't know if she was fully a Wonderbolt, or still going at it...maybe I'll ask her next time. Rarity and Golden went together with Golden’s folders to show off her work to whoever wanted to give her the chance; AJ to see her apples related items - already having a line up to her stand; and Pinkie Pie doing...whatever she does when at this Gala.

Twilight and Spike were still with me as we went over to the refreshment area - where an assortment of beverages, from non-alcoholic punch through other fancy drinks down the way to wine. What surprised me the most was when Twilight allowed Spike to try some of the wine. Of course, him being old enough...or has been for a while, just so it wasn't like they were treating him like a kid anymore. Spike took a sip and made a face as his brow and mouth scrunched up, but still downed the drink so not to waste it. From what I remember Twilight saying at one time, apparently dragons couldn't get drunk easily - with something about their bodies burning off whatever would make one drunk. Yeah, it didn't make any sense - but neither did seeing what I was seeing.

The first thing we saw when going towards the ballroom was one dragon outside the ballroom’s entrance - a large red one, whom we later learned was the Dragon Lord’s escort or bodyguard, one of them perhaps. Once we got through the entrance, I realized that the ballroom was filled with many different races of beings - Minotaur's; gryphons; with a few small dragons sprinkled here and there mingling with the ponies. There were also larger ponies, they looked like horses, I was too absorbed by the weird scene to pay full attention to Twilight's ‘lecture mode’ as she shared how they were from the far east, from Sadie...something: I really didn't pay all that attention really, because whenever she started her ‘lecture mode’ she tended to drone on and on...and anything that could’ve been interested died in her lecturing. And so, it got boring really quickly and I tuned her out like I did to boring teachers while keeping a thread of attention ‘just in case’ she changed subjects or made a question. My attention returned to her when she commented in between sips of punch, "Pinkie's been trying to throw you a party the moment you came to Ponyville, Brandon."

"Yeah, I know," I said as I groaned. "I guess I'll let her have this one time, and if she keeps her word about keeping it small...I may let her throw more for me."

"So if you weren't with Golden you would've..." Spike asked trailing off as I answered.

"Back home beating your speed time on that racing game on your system just to mess with you."

"Hey!" he glared as I laughed slightly before he punched my arm slightly.

"I said already before anyway." I went on as I rubbed my arm. "To me, parties are overrated, and I just never had a lot growing up. Didn't bug me all that much as I grew older. So when Pinkie Pie kept asking me to let her plan a party for me, I just...eh, it didn't really appeal to me all that much I suppose."

"Yeah, but to be fair," Spike came in to defend me before Twilight could offer any sort of wisdom words of 'maybe you should've just let her throw you a party' type response. "Pinkie can be a bit...pushy with things she thinks someone may need." He said holding a claw up as Twilight thought and nodded slightly.

"Yes, I suppose you are right. I remember when I first came to Ponyville and she threw me a party...still don't know how she did all that." She wondered but shrugged. "Best let Pinkie be Pinkie." She looked around, as if looking for someone and I followed her gaze and saw who she was looking at.

At the base of some stairs leading to another floor stood both Luna and... Celestia. The two princesses were wearing dresses that reflected on what they were, Celestia wearing a sun base dress of white and yellow - which almost seemed like gold considering how it almost shimmered and spread light. Luna however...wore a simpler, darker Night-like color. As they stood at the base of those stairs they received many nobles who went to them - either offering them a greeting or just to speak for a moment with either royal. I had a feeling that Twilight would be going over there regardless of my opinion in that matter, and as I turned away to see what else to do, my eyes accidentally locked with the one I didn’t want to lock with: Celestia.

She almost did a sort of double take, as if not believing that I would be there, a small smile came to her face, but I didn't return it at all. She offered a small little wave, which Twilight returned, was that wave toward me or her, was she looking to her former student or me. Either way I didn't know nor cared. "Come on! Let's go see the princesses for a bit!" Twilight exclaimed as I turned to look at her with a grimace.

"You go, I'm going over..." I felt her grab my hand as was finishing my phrase.

Well, Twilight did say she was going to try and get me close to her former teacher mostly so I could possible get used to her. And by getting used to, no doubt she was thinking of trying to get me to forgive her for what she did to me. I didn't need getting use to, to me, the further and less I speak to her; the better. I know that holding one anger in for someone is bad, believe me I know, but this, bringing me here; trumps anything that happened before; doesn't it?

As we passed the many party goers who were drinking while chatting they interrupted their conversations to bow when seeing Twilight come on by… while muttering about me along the way. As this happened, Spike, Twilight and begrudgingly myself made our way to the two princesses. The guards next to the royals stiffened up slightly when they saw me, and there was one I remembered that tackled to the ground. This one guard gave me a look of disgust to which, if I could have done so at this moment, would've flipped him off in return.

Unknowing of our duel of wills, the night royal welcomed us. "Ah Princess Twilight, Spike, Brandon! Welcome to the Gala!" Luna greeted us the moment the nobles that they were talking to left to mingle. As the princesses greeted one another, Spike did as well - with me only greeting Luna with a hand shake. "Good to see you all made it. What about your friends? Did they make it here as well?” she then looked around, as if looking for someone. “And what of Shadow?"

"They are enjoying the Gala in their ways, Luna," Twilight answered. "And Shadow said she would stay close but out of sight."

"She is always good for that." The night princess answered kindly. "Out of sight well enough that it almost feels like she wasn't there at all!"

As the two spoke to Luna while I waited for them to be finished, I noticed Celestia looking at me as she walked towards me - her guards coming up behind her like a shadow. One had their hand gripping their spear tighter than normal while the other kept a firm hand on his sword hilt. Celestia looked down at me slightly as I just gave her a look, none saying anything to break the awkward moment.

Her gaze softened a bit, but still had that guilty look along her face and eyes. "It's good to see you agreed to my sister's invitation," she spoke softly to me as Spike slowly slid off to be at Twilight’s side. "I was wondering if you would show up or not, since many of the other leaders invited for the Gala are interested in seeing you."

"Good for them," I said flatly as her ears dropped slightly. "The only reason I'm here is because of my girlfriend. If not for her, I would've given my tickets to the first person who wanted them."

"I see," she answered, not sure how else she would answer as she went on to add, "I'm happy that one of my little ponies have found interests in you, no one should be alone."

"Some people don't have a choice to be alone...princess." the way I said it, I made sure that it sounded almost like the title meant nothing to her to have. "Some may also like to be alone, don't need to have another to have a happy life."

"Of course not," she agreed. "I was just..."

"If you're trying to be nice to me to lessen the guilt of you bringing me here; save it...and if you think that just giving me Bits as well will do anything to change my view on you, you are sorely mistaken as well!" I cut her off as she slightly flinched. "Like I said, I'm here because Golden wanted to be here - she is with Rarity trying to show off her work to others that may like her designs. The only reason I'm even this close to you at this point is because Twilight dragged me over here as well." Luna and Twilight were busy talking to each other, but I had a feeling they were also slightly listening in. "Everyone keeps on telling me how great you are and all the things you've done. Alright I get it, however, that doesn't excuse what you did to me. I'm not going to get angry because it already has happened, and my punch back then was a one-time thing." But I then added as I crossed my arms. "But that doesn't mean that I'm going to forgive or forget what you did, you took me from my home world, and I know many who may hear this story and maybe some years down the line they will ask why I kept drilling that into it. Quite simple; so you don't forget."

"Humans don't forget easily those who have wronged them, and they don't forgive that quickly. If I could have, the first chance I got I would've moved or gotten far away from this place - possibly to another kingdom or a small town in the middle of nowhere. The fact I don't know this world at all is one of the reasons I stayed around. So... Celestia? Take this as it sounds. I don't want to speak to you; I don't want to get to know you; I will only be as friendly as I have to be. But this small talk is for you to try and get to know me better? To make you feel better just because you feel guilty? That you want me to be happy in order to ease your conscience? I only have two words for you: Drop It."

There was silence that followed what I had said, Celestia just looking down at me - her expression saddened somewhat - while her guards were not sure what to do or say. Luna and Twilight, on the other hand, were gazing between us as if to step in if something were to happen.

Celestia only gazed at me as she said the following. "I understand that what I did to you will leave a everlasting mark on you, Brandon." Interested in seeing what other crap she wanted to say in public, I stayed quiet and listened to her. "All I can truly say - and I know you will not like it - is that I am sorry. You were right though, if I hadn't messed around with a magical book that I didn't fully understood...you wouldn't be here today, you wouldn't have been exposed through all the news. Both my sister and I have done much as we can, in order to see that your life is as comfortable as possible. Giving you that monthly amount was one thing that I knew would go a long way for you in order to not only survive, but also to be able to look out to rebuilding your broken life..." She placed her hand over her chest and slightly bowed her head. The motion made me flinch back, with ones closest to our exchange looking surprised as well.

I was...rightly confused on why she was bowing down before me. I mean, I did punch her and such once I knew how badly I had been screwed. But still...the fact she was bowing down to someone - even more so someone like me of all people - sure showed that title was unimportant to her; which surprised me all the same.

"The economic support was my way of owning up for what you lost back in your world, from a steady work," Even though I was looking for work back there, but I said nothing as I kept on paying attention. "To a home, food...I understand I can't take away the pain of losing your friends and family, and removing you from your kind altogether...and that will always weight deeply along my heart." She looked back at me as she then held her hand outstretched, and I looked down at the proffered hand and seemly swallowed a lump along my throat. "All I ask...if you are willing, that when you are ready to speak to me - come to me, and...I would like to hear your side more. That's all I ask of you." Gazing at her hand for what felt like a long time, the background noise of the party all around me feeling muted as I closed my eyes and thought hard and long. I really didn't know what to say or do, as I thought about it all the more. My hand slightly moved a bit as I closed my eyes, releasing a exhale as I took her hand firmly.

"No promises."

"Dude I can't believe that just happened!" Spike gasped on his place once we were done shaking hands with the Princess. So, after my little run in with Celestia, I left soon after to clear my head - making my way over to the bar as I asked for a glass of wine that they had. When I asked the price in order to pay for the drink...seems that everything was paid for guests invited by that ticket. Nice. Spike came along with me, and he started to express on what he just saw. "I thought...well you would've grilled her even more, or even denied the handshake she offered you!"

"Guess I'm more chill than I thought," I spoke as I took a quick drink from the wine, tasted a little bit like cherry.

"I'll say," my dragon friend said as he smiled a bit and said. "Though I'm glad you at least accepted her words...how long do you think until you are ready to talk to her fully?"

"A while," I admitted looking away at the on goers at this rather dull party. I caught a quick glance at Rarity and Golden besides her talking to a white unicorn with blue mustache, with whom she seemed to be good friends. "Just because I agreed to this doesn't mean she is my friend Spike, I still hate her with most of my being. It could be months or years until I'm ready to sit down with her. I'm fine now because I can stay away from her."

"If...I ask," he said slowly. "I know you miss your family and all that. But with you being here now, and looking rather happy with the life you have going and even Golden being your girlfriend...isn't it slightly a good thing she brought you here?" I looked over at him nearly at once, not frowning or glaring, as he raised his claws up. "Let me explain. I remember the stories you told me of your past relationships and that you really didn't have a lot of friends back home to start with...but here at least you have a girlfriend who likes you and not using you, and friends you can count on...I mean, you can count on me always being there for ya, Dragon's Honor!" He exclaimed as he smiled a bit as well as myself. "Yeah...you may not be able to see your family again, and like you said...they may think the worst has happened. But wouldn't they want you at least to be happy?"

The question was left lingering in the air as I thought about it, not really sure how to answer it at first. We moved our drinks over to a nearby table, Spike having found a drink he rather enjoyed but I made sure to watch him. I've seen what a drunk person can be like, good or bad...don't really wanna see a drunk dragon. After sitting down, me slowly spinning my drink in the cup, I did wonder.

The thought that I was more happy here then I was at home pressed into my mind at times. Mostly when I would think of Golden and the friends I made here…and that's what mostly upset me from all this situation. I was more happy here then I had been in back home in a long, long time. I had a steady job that I really didn't need to do, already had plans of building my own home soon - or unless a empty one came up for sale by the time I was ready to move out of the castle. I wasn't always sticking inside playing video games - though to be truthful it's because in a sense I already played them all. In short, Life was good...and that's what bugged the hell out of me. If it wasn't for Celestia I would've been back home with my family yes...but what would've been my fate in life. Here I have a fresh start away from everything else, a bit rocky to say the least, but a start all the same.

Placing the glass along the table I thought for a bit more, seeing Spike waiting for his answer as I softly spoke out. "That may be true, Spike." I looked towards him. "But again, it doesn't matter if this benefits me at all. It was a mistake on this side, and I was brought here against my will. If I had a choice or in some strange way, could've said goodbye to my family so they knew where I was going, knew I would be alright...then yes I may have been much happier here then I was at the start. But...I don't know," I said as I sighed again as I gazed at my glass. "There a part of me that doesn't want her to know that much information, because then she may just think of it as a way of saying 'all wells that end well!' "

At this point I felt like I have said this over and over again, like it wasn't settling in with them. Really, I couldn't blame them and I could understand why he was trying to help me. He didn't want me to hold onto this if it would ruin what happiness I had. And again - I wouldn't admit it openly - but I was much happier than when I was back home.

Spike then placed his claw along my back and petted it softly before saying. "I know you may not like her and may not want to jump right away to try and forgive her, and I know giving her forgiveness is hard, and will be hard. But maybe it is best for you, eh?" We really didn't say all that more about that, deciding without words to just drop it and try and enjoy ourselves at the Gala all the more.

I met with a few of the guest royals who were scouting the area out for me - mostly to see the human face to face other than in the paper. It wasn't all that great to be truthful. Sure, I met Dragon Lord Ember - who I thought was pretty cool - but the others...I believe they just wanted to sort of size me up or something. There were some asking if all the members of my race were a violent type - because of me hitting Celestia on first sight - among other questions they had about my kind. They certainly took notice of my lack of magic or prodigious strength, claws or sharp enough teeth to defend myself against any of them. I in return told them humans had weapons, but wouldn't go into details - really, I couldn't understand how things like guns worked so, me trying to explain it would've been a pain.

The one thing that really seemed off was when I saw Shadow for the first time in quite a while. She was walking along the ballroom floor and looking around, possible looking for someone. I had moved away from Spike, who was spending some time with Ember to catch up, so I went over to the bat pony.

Once she saw me, she seemed to almost flinch or shy away. But I didn't think too much on it. "Hey you okay?" I asked over the sound of music being played as well as those speaking around us.

"Yeah...fine," she spoke and then added. "Have you seen the princess?"

"Which one?" I clarified.

"Twilight," she answered as I nodded and looked about.

"I think she is still with Princess Luna and Celestia." I answered and then saw her nod at this as I added. "You okay...you seem sort of...off."

There was a slight pause, as if she didn't want to tell me, possible it was something she saw while on guard duty around here? But soon she answered my question and said, "Just a long night is all," before giving me a slight smile at this. "Always a pain to watch over these Nobles and make sure nothing goes wrong, don't worry about it." Though I had a feeling she was hiding something else about this. Call it a gut feeling, but I wouldn't question it all that much, it wasn't my place to do so.

" ‘Kay," I agreed. "By the way, you've seen Golden or Rarity?" She seemed to pause again as she looked around, possible thinking on where they were before I then saw Golden and said. "Never mind, I see Golden, anyway, see you later."

I went over to Golden who greeted me with a gleeful hug. Apparently, a few nobles loved her work and were possible thinking of buying a few of her stuff as soon as she could show them more work that wasn't on paper. This was only the start for her - as it would soon get to the point if such a person liked her work - it meant they would tell others. So bringing her here was a great score for her. She told me she saw her father and sisters, and said we would have lunch with them tomorrow to better greet and speak. That was good, gave me one more day to not have to deal with no doubt bombs of questions from her family.

We spent the rest of the night together, drinking a few drinks and dancing when the music became slow and easy. Though I couldn't dance, at least she couldn't either. It was nice, just holding her close to me as we dance, not saying a word as she laid her head along my chest while I held her in my arms. Soon, the Gala reached its end… and with the princesses thanking all for coming to the Gala, that is what I thought would be the end of this rollercoaster of surprises.

Twilight came out later than us, as when we were making our way out - thankfully the train had a planned late trip because of the Gala - to the train station to get on it and head home, when the purple pony caught up to us and stopped us before we could leave. "Don't worry about leaving!" she exclaimed in between breaths of air. "We got permission from the princesses that we can spend the night here!"

"Wait wut?" I asked with a rather surprised look as Golden looked both surprised as well, but giggly. "Why?"

"Well it is rather late, and seeing how I am her former student," she pointed out giggling to herself. "They have many rooms, that if we want we can borrow one for the night, we know you two may share a bed eh?" she asked smirking at us as I rolled my eyes and boop her nose.

"None ya business if we are, but if Golden wants t-"

"Of course I do!" Golden exclaimed as I answered with another eye roll.

"Guess we are staying in the castle tonight." I half joked with how quickly she agreed to wanted to stay at the castle. It didn’t really matter to me all that much truthfully, I mean I was already staying at one…it was like a bad Mario joke, just now it's 'your human is in another castle' type deal so it seems.

Of course I was going to share a room with Golden - though we really never slept in the same bed before this day. But when we came into the room, it kinda looked like the one Luna transferred me over the first day I was here...after being removed from the cell. The blinds were closed however, and after the door was locked the two of us could relax slightly. "Seems we are going to have to share the bed," I heard her spoke and then my face heated up when I looked over as she started to take off her dress before me. She wore a pair of black panties and bra, that seemed much more on the high-end type of looks…designs that would show these were more than just normal types if you know what I mean. She looked back at me and smiled. "That won't be a problem, would it?"

"No, no, I think I can be pretty girl- pretty good, pretty good, yeah pretty good!" I said coughing a bit as she only smiled and looked over again and came over, holding my hand.

"Of course," she added as she smiled pushing me onto the bed so I was laying on it, she moving to straddle my lap as I looked up looking very…very shocked and surprised. "We, inside Canterlot Castle, on this nice big bed…I'm sure we could do more than just…sleep in it." She said smirking as she raised her eyebrows at me.

My breath caught up a bit as I felt her hands moved down my chest toward my buttons and started to take them off, and me shuddered slightly as I felt her hip grind. And before I could even say a word, I felt her muzzle lean down and capture my lips in her own. My eyes slowly closing as I wrapped my arms around her as he started to move deeper into our embrace.

Sleep…would be coming later.