• Published 5th Jul 2017
  • 10,054 Views, 450 Comments

Sorry isn't Enough! - eragon13666

When you're thrown from you home, into a new world of unknown reasons, Sorry, isn't enough when your human.

  • ...

The Triple G Invite (EDITED)

Author's Note:


The chapter is now edited and back on track, for those who read the chapter before you can now no doubt see a vast difference to it, and from now on, I wont be releasing any unedited work for this story!


It has only been a few days since me and Golden had been known as filly/coltfriend, and well... news of that got around rather quickly. As a result of that, I was even asked by an incredulous Princess Twilight as to the real reason why I was so happy.

My thoughts were indeed proven correct, when soon I found out that indeed Fang Face was spying me while I was in my ‘happy time’, because she answered with this: "Because he was sucking face with his fillyfriend."
Of course, Fang Face earned my righteous retort in the shape of me simply flipping her the finger. As for Twilight, well… she told me how happy she was - as it was opening for her the chance of a new subject of study, which she titled: dating between humans and ponies! Naturally, I was more than willing to tell her as a second option concerning titles the title: 'human courting'. Because of my natural lack of knowledge in the matter, I asked her for a book on the courting of ponies - and what you know? You’d be surprised that there were many books on that subject; seemed that the fact of other races dating ponies would drive their need and want to learn about the pony culture they were getting involved with.

Shockingly, they were kinda the same thing of norms that the male humans would do when trying to date women back home - with us males being in the ladies’ position. Talk about a shocker.
Of course, what this book was for was to help a female going for a stallion pony, mostly for those (who were no doubt like Twilight and never dated a day in their lives) The way and courtship of how to claim and bag themselves a stallion that they wanted. I explained to her that there really weren't books on this sort of thing - even though I held one in my hand...which she easily pointed out to me to my rising shame - but I explained that beside a few tips on the norms, those sort of...unwritten rules, it ether happened or didn't.
Either way, more so for the shit and giggles of it, I decided to read a few chapters mostly to see what it was about, and man, it was something.


When dating a stallion, one must know that the stallion feels as if he is being seen, make sure to make comments on how he looks, (bonus points if said stallion looks rather handsome) when starting the courtships, stallions need to know that you are a strong mare, and are able to not only care for yourself, but him as well. As the role of the stallion would be that of caring for the house and foals if all goes to plan.

I blinked and then closed the book for a second and checked the date of the book. Holy crap this book is nearly sixty years old! The hell was, Twilight giving me this book for that's so dated, for?

Talk to the stallion you have chosen, and make him feel as if all your attraction is on him. (if it is not, why are you trying to court him?) A Stallion always enjoys when a mare tells them that they are either looking handsome, or even ask how their day is going. Seeing how you are looking to keep this stallion for yourself, (if looking to herd, look for my book, Herding and You!) as stated above you must show that you are a more wanting mare than others who you may have to work against, if said stallion has other eyes trained on him.

I had to close the book after that as I just simply blinked a few times, trying to progress what the hell I just read. I mean, as I said before, it seemed the mares were the more 'up' gender when it comes to pony kind, like you know the old saying, 'It's a man's world!'? Well it seemed here in Equestria at least, it was 'A mare's world!'

The switch in the whole...who wears the pants deal, didn't bug me all that much - as Golden and I made a deal when we did go on our dates, that whoever wanted to do the date, paid for it. She told me that it felt weird that she wasn't always paying… to which I replied the same thing.

As we got to know each other more, Golden shared with me more of her family. Apparently her father was in fact the CEO of a company that worked with gold to make… let us say watches, rings, whatever that would need gold.
When I heard that, I said that I thought it was more common for the mare to be the working class, to which she replied to me that her father had to work much harder than the mares around him. He was - I guess - the hipster back then when it came to a stallion working in a mare's world.

Like, holy hell - just even thinking and writing all of this down makes my head spin, like I'm in the Twilight Zone or something you know. All I could think about would be those old black and white TV shows, thought not of humans, but of the ponies and what it would’ve been like if it was ‘ponified’. All I could think of, would be that of a mare coming home while saying 'Dear, I'm home!' and the stallion coming out to greet said wife while cooking dinner. Possible the kids would’ve been the same but still... It pull you through a loop a few times.

Why do I feel a few damn Femi-Nazis would love to be here if women are more in the workplace and men are to be home? Still...looking at the book again, even though I knew everything from it was back in another time...I had to read a bit more. Thus I punished my curiosity further with this gem:

It is also common to make sure other mares knows that the stallion is yours by marking him as...

… Yeah, I'm done with this shit.

Seeing how it had been a few days since I started to date Golden as now titled mare/coltfriend, the nightmares with as I dubbing her Daymare, you know how Luna was considered Nightmare Moon, well Imma call my nightmare Celestia, Daymare! Either way, I hadn't had that dream with her since Luna spoke with me, but I was more so getting myself ready.

I spoke to Twilight about it, even Starlight got into the action with Spike being part of it as extra minds to help me with this little issue I was having. Fangy stayed off to the side, and for the first time, I saw her without armor on.

She was toned, that's for sure. She wore a simple white shirt that outlined her muscles and pushed her chest out a bit, with long baggy pants. Her mane was still in that same ponytail as before, as she would lean against the wall and listen and of course, offer her many great words of wisdom. "I say you just let the fucker suffer. He seems to earned these nightmares anyway!” See what I mean? "No wonder this, 'Daymare' is haunting his dreams, no doubt the bag holds another fist that she should give him!"

"You know what..." Twilight sighed and rubbed her eyes as she was on a billboard. "Just stop… if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it - or from now on, I'll make sure that both of you will have to write friendship reports to me... everyday, until you both know the true meaning of friendship - and what it means to not be so mean toward one another!” We both just gave her a confused look, and truthfully… I think I would deal with that, I mean how hard could it be to really just write a report based on friendship… "I'm just sick and tired of you two going back and forth like a bagful of cats - so either stop it, or I will make you both friendship students of mine... giving me reports each week as to what you’ve learned about dealing with others you don’t know or like! Tying you two together with a magical contract to keep you together until I deem you two as friends or at least mutually respecting ponies!"

"You wouldn't!" we both screeched as I stood up from my seat as Shadow leaned forward, both hands placed on the wall behind her.

"Try me," the princess warned, her horn glowing up as we both moved back to where we were. "Good… now!" she clapped her hands as she used her magic to draw on the on the green board, the white clack in her magical glow as she cleared her voice. Why could I see her being a teacher back home? "As Brandon said," she started as she grew what looked to be a bag, drawing a line from it so to write down some ideas. "We need to find out, what is in 'the bag'," she even wrote 'The Bag' on top of it with a question mark inside of the bag. "This will be the only way for his nightmares of Daymare to truly stop, any ideas?" out of habit...I raised my hand. "Yes Brandon?"

"Well it can't be Nebby...bloody Pokémon won't stay in the damn bag!" I chuckled to myself as all eyes were on me as of course...no one got the joke. "Home joke...sorry, but I have no idea really."

"Maybe it's something of his past?" Starlight asked as she stood beside Twilight who wrote that down. "I mean, one’s past can have a rather big trigger on things."

"Could it be the family Daymare keeps saying she is keeping from him?" Spike called out as Twilight wrote that down. "I mean, that makes sense as well, she keeps saying that he would never see them again, so maybe she kidnapped the dream them?" Twilight hummed as she wrote down the ideas as I just looked on, not sure what to add to the table, as Shadow...spoke up and not in a mean way.

"Why not hate?" she asked as all eyes trained on her. "What, he hates the Princess right, he did punch her." For good reason. "Maybe if he would just let it go, the nightmares would go away."

"You got family?" I asked her as she looked to me, her arms crossing across her chest.

"What's it to you?" she asked looking at me.

"Answer the goddamn question," I demanded, my eyes turning to the side to gaze at her; seeing her muzzle down down as she frowned.

"Or what, gonna punch me?" she question as she smirked. "Like to see you..."

"Yes or fucking no," I didn't yell, I just said it calmly. "Do you...have family...?"

There was a long pause at this, we all looked to her as the sound of another thing being put up on the board, possible the word, Hate, up there as the bat pony snorted and looked away. "No," she answered. "I was place in adoption, more so, dropped off there and didn't leave until I was old enough to leave, if I have family I nether care, or have any."

"Then," I started looking away from her and down to the ground. "Don't tell me to simply 'let it go' when I can't see my family again...because really," I looked back at her. "You have no say, nor any sort of helping hand, in any of this." We just looked at one another, eyes unblinking, firm glares that could spark at any moment.

"Fuck this then," she said as she turned and left out the room, leaving myself alone with the ponies and dragon.

"Was that really needed?" The purple dragon asked as I slightly looked at her. "You know she's gonna be more angry with you then anything."

"She said herself, she has no family." I simply pointed out. "She has no right to tell me to let this go..."

"Well," Twilight said tapping the bored as we looked at what we had. Past, Family, Hate, all on the board, Twilight hadn't put anything up on it as she gazed at the board. "This is what we have so far. Let's try to think of some more, and well...see where we can go with that."

We spent a few hours trying to work out what to do about the bag, some ideas were good, others were just plan bonkers on what we came up with. After those few hours we decided to call it quits for now, with the board now filled with what we thought were in the bag and possible how to take it from Daymare.
I felt rather drained from the experience and I was on my way to gather some much needed coffee...when I noticed someone - Fang Face of all people - looking outside a window, leaning against it with a arm as she seemed to look, or watch something.

I was simply going to walk away, leave her to her own devices, but I stopped a bit away, my back to her as I sighed loudly to myself. "Just keep walking..." I muttered to myself. But when I looked back, I could notice a frown...not a angry frown, but a longing one. "Crap..." I muttered and walked on over.

Her ears perked as she turned to see me, her frown turning into an angry and before she could say anything I replied to her. "Hold your tongue for one second… I've come to say, I’m sorry."

"... What?" she leaned back, her ears up in the ear as she just...looked to me, a look of utter shock and confusion. "The hell are you talking about Mo-"

"Shut up and listen and you will find out, kay?" I barked at her, making her frown - but at least kept her mouth closed long enough for me to say what I needed to say, as I moved on closer and saw what she was looking at.
It was a family - a mother, father and their children running around, laughing and playing with one another - I watched them for a moment longer before then telling her. "I'm sorry for what I said to you back there, I shouldn't have said those things about you not having a family." I said as I then added before she could. "Doesn't mean I don't take back what I said that you don't know what's it like, because I'm not. I'm just saying sorry, that you couldn't experience that, and don't know the feeling of having a family. That is why I cannot, and will not say sorry to the princess."

"Some sorry then, saying you're sorry I don't have a family?" she repeated in disbelief at me. "What a load of bull."

"Take it as you may," I rebutted looking over at her as she looked back at me. "But! You're going to tell me then, if your princess took those kids," I pointed to the kids as she looked to them. "And, by a magical mistake she made she whisks them away - their parents seething with rage of what their co-leader just did. The father rushes up and attacks her, you think he should say 'sorry for attacking you princess'. Are you saying... that no matter what she does; what she does even by mistake; that we should just take her sorry for face value - that we should just give them money for their pain and suffering… are you telling me that?"

"Well...no, of course not it just..." She was clearly being pushed into a wall she didn’t want to be in, the way she stuttered and stammered a clear show of that. Good, I wanted her to feel like I was pushing herself back into a wall. I wanted to pick at her brain, to see what she had to say.
After taking a small pause as she seemed to think, I then added, "Or is it," I went on turning to face her fully. "You are asking me to just let it go, to just forget that she took me away from my family and home world… because I'm not a pony."

There was a pause there, as she looked away, as I went on. "Are you telling me, if a pony stood before you, and did the same thing I did… that you would demand he let it go?" When she didn't answer, but her ears flatten and her hand clenched along her arm...

I reached into my pocket, and showed her photos. My mother, me and her sharing a selfie, me and my brother sitting down drinking as we played Call of Duty. My nieces climbing on me, one smacking my face, my grandmother baking and pointing the spoon at me. "These are the people," I seethed at her, "that your Princess - the same princess you are telling me to just forgive because she feels bad for what she did. These are the people she took me from, think of those faces," I hissed as I pocketed my phone."Think of my mother; my grandmother; my brother; uncles; friends I had; my nieces... wondering everyday where I am, if I'm dead in a ditch… think of that." I spoke as I turned to walk away. "Think of that the next time you tell me to 'let it go'. And if you can tell me that with a straight face… then you truly are a cold, heartless bitch..." I saw her flinch when I said that, as I turned and left. My eyes tracing back to another window as I saw the foals playing with their parents, I lingered a bit more, before heading to my room.

"Yo, Brandon!" I was sitting in my room, playing with my own N64. The game I was playing? The Zelda clone, of which I was just about to kill the first boss inside the Deku Tree - though it wasn't called that, just gonna call it that - when Spike knocked on the open door and leaned against it. He held a folded thick like piece of paper in his hand, with a seal of the sun and moon. "Got a letter from Princess Luna, feels like something is inside it!"

"Wait really?" I asked him, pausing the game as I came over to my room’s entrance as he passed it over to me. I broke the seal, and saw two Golden Tickets - no, not the chocolate factory one, though I would love that… I'm craving some now, great! Spike's eyes widened at the sight, and as I looked at what they had written…
The Grand Galloping Gala At Canterlot Castle, Admit One; was plainly seen. On the back, seemed like a set of numbers - whatever the hell they were - but the Letters A-B with the numbers along the side of them, were seen.
A letter was added to it - but before I could read its contents, Spike nearly yelled out from shock,

"You got invited to the Gala as well?!" then added with relief on his voice, "Oh man, at least now Twilight can stop worrying about you not coming!"


"The Gala, it's like a big ball, kinda boring, but everyone wants to go at least once!" he exclaimed as I looked down at the letter before me, as I read it.

To the Human: Brandon

If you are confused about these tickets and why I - Princess Luna of the Night - have personally invited you… well, you can somewhat blame Twilight on such decision. In one of her letters she wrote to Celestia about you having a fillyfriend, and with the Gala coming just around the corner we thought that this would be a great way for you to enjoy yourselves; And a date that she will truly not forget!

You do not have to come, the Gala is only a few days away, but the thought of meeting you in person will be nice, to see how you had been dealing with your Nightmare... if you have had any since we last saw one another.
Sister shall be there yes, but if you do come, she will stay away from you if you so wish, but I do hope you will come. Other leaders are coming, and they are in fact interesting of meeting the only human in the world… and one who punched royalty and got away with it.
Think it over.

Princess Luna of the Night.

PS: Do not get angry at Twilight for telling us of your fillyfriend.

"Great..." I muttered as I looked down at the tickets and put them back in my pocket as I looked over at Spike. "So why should I go to this Gala thingy if it's boring?"

"Free food?" he offered as he held his hand palm up and raised it with a eye ridge.

"Point taken, my Spyro wannabee!"

After a bit, and a warning from Twilight about not telling anyone I wasn't planning on inviting to come with me about the extra GGG ticket - and to be frank, I really didn't even know if I wanted to go right now - I thought about going to visit Golden, to see what she had to say about this. When I knocked along her door, I was surprised when Rarity herself came to answer the door. "Oh hello there darling!" she exclaimed as I blinked slightly at this. "Come on in, me and your fillyfriend were just working on something!"

"Does like everyone know we are a couple now or something?" I questioned as I followed in after and closed the door behind me. She only laughed a bit, as she walked deeper into Golden's home. Turning into Golden Living room, I was greeted with folders and papers along the table top, designs of clothing for male and females of different races. Golden looked a little stressed, her mane a bit messy as if she hadn't gotten any sleep the night before. When I walked in and she saw me - smiling as she got up - us sharing a hug and a quick kiss as I sat down beside her on the loveseat. To this, Rarity was all but smiling as I placed my hands along Golden shoulder. My girlfriend looked over and sighed as she soon flopped along my shoulder with her own, her head resting along my shoulder. "Tough time?"

"You don't know the half of it," she sighed while rubbing her head a bit on my shoulder as Rarity spoke up.

"Every year," she started as I looked to Rarity, holding Golden with one arm to help her chill a bit. "Me and the other girls get invited to the Gala. Mostly we go there to mingle with the other higher ups that can...help with our work. Applejack with her pies, Fluttershy with funding for her animals, and myself with my clothing."

"I wasn't invited," Golden spoke as she sighed, "You have to know someone to go, and well… the tickets are already sent out so it's too late." I only smiled a bit as I looked to Rarity who seemed rather confused as I went into my pocket.
Rarity saw them first as her eyes widened a bit as I dangled the two tickets before Golden's face… who shot up at once and gripped the tickets. "YOU GOT INVITED?!" she nearly screeched and looked over at me and gripped my shirt. "Do you have any idea!" she yelled shaking me as my head nearly flew off my shoulders as I made a noise as she did so. "How much this could help me, and beside the fact of GOING to the Gala! How the heck did you get these!?!"

"Head… spinning..." I muttered as I shook my head and blinked looking around the room as Golden was waiting for my answer. "As to why I got them… I think Celestia is trying to butter me up for something, and it seems some of the other rulers want to meet me as well… don't know why." I responded as I looked off. "I was going to ask if you wanted to-"

"Yes!" she nearly screeched again.

"-go," I ended as I looked to her. "If this Gala thing… really all that good, Spike told me it's boring."

"It may be boring but the chance to meet… oh goodness, I need to go and see if that dress is clean and pressed, and about my drawings!" Golden looked around for a moment before rushing off leaving both me and Rarity in the room, before a slam of the door was heard.

"Guess..." I started as I turned to Rarity. "We're going to the Gala?"

I soon found myself in Rarity's home/shop, some things along the side were of Golden own work, half finished or just starting. To me she looked to be going places, but when you saw Rarity's work as well, you could see where the talents were vast in the skills they held.

I had to respect her on going after her dreams, even though her family owned a few jewelry stores. Hell I found out she had family here, the youngest being a filly named… Diamond Tiara. Met the filly once, she seemed nice enough - though Spike told me that she was once bullying three other fillies before I came here - and her mother Spoiled Rich… believe me I could see that this mare did not like me at all.

It wasn't the fact that I punched the princess, or anything of the sort... I think it was more of the fact that I was NOT a pony, and that I was someone who wasn't a noble or high class individual. There was a part of me that wanted to tell her off, but I held my tongue - someone like that was not worth my time to even think about.
When Golden introduced me to them, you could just see her judging you the moment she looked at you... the way her eyes traced up and down - hell, she even openly said that my clothes were plain and didn't look to be worth a lot of money! Seems that she was Golden’s aunt, sister to her father, and one of the only reasons she was 'allowed' to move to Ponyville... was the fact of the princess living close by in the small town proper. Golden said sorry to me once she was out of earshot. I learned from others, mostly Rarity, she loved to gossip; of how she acts, and why she did.

She was more into the attitude that if you're not rich then she doesn't care for you - or perhaps that you must always be winner; to the point no doubt that's why her kid was a bully. I didn't care much of her, but, with her being family to Golden… I do… worry. No I shouldn't - Golden doesn't seem the type to let her family control who she dates… right?

"Ah here it is!" I was jerked out of my thoughts as Rarity came back with a black tux like top in her telekinetic grasp - smiling as she moved over to do a few more measurements on my person then starting her work at once. "The dress clothing you wore on your first date," she proclaimed as she worked on either cutting down or making parts longer on the suit top. "Was part of this set. I know you like a more… plain choice of clothing, but I thought in case you were invited to a party... well, a suit such as this would be grand for you!"

"Yeah… thanks," I said, a bit on the low end as the thoughts of Golden and her family... what if this Spoiled Rich contacted her father and they made her-

"Darling… is something wrong?" I looked over and saw her head turned away from her work before turning fully, her hand wrapped about her free wrist as she gazed at me with confusion.

"Nothing," I lied but then sighed. "Okay there is… there a place we can sit down?"

We found our way in the kitchen, with Rarity sitting down with me as she made some tea. Now that I thought about it, could I considered Rarity one of my closest friends. I mean, sure! There was Spike - as we live together and I could easily consider him a best friend.

Fang Face was a definite no-go.

Starlight… not so sure about her.

Twilight was okay in my book but we don't spend a lot of time together to be considered friends; don’t have much in common with one another when it comes to interests; or even know each other well enough to be considered friends by others.

Pinkie? She was just… herself, I guess?

AJ? I haven't even spoken to her besides more than a few words of 'hey' when crossing each other on the street. Bloody farm-mare’s iron grip still scares me.

Fluttershy is the same, just a hi and she would give one back, at times asking if I wanted a pet - but no more than that.

Rainbow was chill, we would talk a bit - but to me she’s more like a ‘bud’ I could have a drink with then a ‘friend, friend’.

Rarity… however - she seemed almost like this… older sister then a friend with just the way she cared for me without actually knowing me. As when it came to giving me clothes to wear asides from what I was wearing in my involuntary arrival - free of charge, no matter how much I fought to pay her back - and with her giving me tips on what a mare looks for in a stallion. I never had a older sister and it just felt… right in a way. Being fully honest, if it wasn't the fact that I was dating Golden, and Spike didn't have a huge crush on her… maybe I would've tried something; maybe.

She placed the cups down with her magic as she filled them up with the tea we would be drinking, after she sat down and took a soft sip she then asked me, "So, what's on your mind?" before setting her cup on the saucer.
She patiently waited for me as I took my own drink. It was funny - I always considered myself a coffee guy - but something about the tea here was just so good! I looked down at my cup a moment before saying.

"I'm… worried about Golden."

"Is something the matter?" she asked as I looked up and shook my head, seeing her worry-like features on her face and ears.

"Can this stay between us, please?" I asked gazing at her, she looked me up and down a moment before softly nodding. "See… I kinda met her Aunt, Spoiled Rich."

Just saying this and I already could see her roll her eyes at this and shake her head. Nevertheless, I continued with my line of thought, "And well, I don't know... what if her family is like that as well? What if they are as judgemental and as much of a asshole little prick as her... and they make her choose between me and them? I like Golden, I mean I like her a lot." I took a moment to think and let the air grow still of words, save for the breathing we both gave out. "I don't want to have her choose between me and her family… I know we only just started to officially be a couple, but… with how long I've been without someone, and now she just sort of showed up; with you setting us up for that first date." She sort of have a sheepish smile at that, as no doubt remembering the outburst. "I don't… I just don't know."

"You don't want her to lose a family, because you know the feeling?" She asked me as she saw me nod. She hummed and leaned back against her seat, eyes closed as she took another sip of her drink before placing it down. Hands crossed along one another as she gazed at me once more.

"I remembered that you told me that it was rather bad for couples to move forward quickly into relationships - yet here it's not all that uncommon. I'm not saying that ponies normally just jump in the next day and say that they are in a relationship - so don't worry if you believe that you are moving rather quickly. The fact you two waited nearly a month is something to say the least."

However she then sighed as she looked down to her drink. "Her family however… I don't know Spoiled Rich rather well, just a few moments here and there. And she can, and is a rather… well, she has her nose so far in the air - that if it rained… she'd drown!" I released a small chuckle from that, thinking about how that would look for just a moment. "But I've gotten to know her for a while... and well, I don't right really know what she’s thinking." She paused for a moment longer and said thoughtfully. "You feel that if you made her choose if that moment came up… then she would feel as you do - that you have no one to turn to when things get horrible, no father, no sister. I know you don't want her to have to have that same feeling you felt, but she would face the full consequences from the choice she made - whereas you... well, your choice was taken from you." She placed her hand over my own as I looked up at her, she smiling softly before then saying. "I haven't known her as long as my other friends… but I know her well enough that she will make the choice that makes her happy."

I smiled a bit at her as I nodded in acceptance. Rarity’s words made me feel a bit more at ease about this whole situation, only for her to tap my hand a bit again and say cheerfully to me, "Now then! Shall we work more of your suit? Only a few more days until the Gala!"

After our little chat, we went back to the plan - the plan being me being her living mannequin - as she worked on a few kinks and missing bit of the design of the suit as a whole. Once done with that and having said goodbye to her - I had the new suit in a box as I made my way over to see how Golden was doing.
I mean, I was going to tell her about the tickets from the start and now me knowing that she wants to come - even more so to show off her work - but still! If it helped her, it would be a good time, even if it was boring for me.
Reaching her door, I rapped on the wood with my knuckles.

"Doors open!" she called out, followed by a cuss as she was possible mad - or upset - about something. Coming in, I saw that she was back in the living room - with drawings of both finished and unfinished fashion-designs sprawled about the table as well as a folder off to the side, filled with a few sketches and fully realized drawings already colored.
Taking notice of me, Golden looked over at me and seemed to smile slightly, a strain easily seen along her muzzle as messed up mane showed how worried she looked.

I could only raise my eyebrow at her. "Hey… sorry about before, kinda busy with the thoughts of going to the Gala, I mean, so many nobles up there that could possibly help me out, this is just… I guess I was just-"

"Hey, it's okay," I answered while smiling at her - pulling her into a hug as she held me as well, my head being mindful of her horn seeing how I was taller than her. "You just got overly happy. I'm guessing that this is because for you it is a big thing, and if this is something you want to do... I'll come along as well." I then smiled down at her as she gazed up at me. "Beside, I'm all about that, 'believe it when I see it' type deal you know?"

She only smiled and nodded as she looked up at me and lean up and kissed me slightly along the lips; as I smiled a bit again and kissed her back... before she looked thoughtful over something and her eyes widened out.
"Oh!" she said as she pulled away and went over to reach out from her pocket - me seeing a letter as she pulled it out. "I got a little information today, see, I know a few ponies who are coming and I'm hoping that you will see them as well."

"Oh?" I asked raising a brow. "Who?"

"My father, and my sisters!" she said as I felt a shiver and tingle go down my spine.

A really cold, cold shiver.

Oh… shit.