• Published 5th Jul 2017
  • 10,054 Views, 450 Comments

Sorry isn't Enough! - eragon13666

When you're thrown from you home, into a new world of unknown reasons, Sorry, isn't enough when your human.

  • ...

The Golden Punchline

Sleep indeed came later, and the afterglow of what Golden and I did made it all the better for our rest. We woke up to the sun rays hitting our eyes, and as we shifted inside the sheets to look at each other in the eyes and smile - we were taken out of our zone by a soft knock coming to the door. It was, a maid, saying that a meal would be waiting soon in the dining area. Luckily the maid didn't just walk right in to let us know that.

Last night was amazing, and when we fully woke up Golden smirked and gave me another soft kiss. Our noses wrinkled at the raunchy odor, both of us rather...dirty from last night fun. After giggling a little over that detail - and fighting whether we got out of bed or not - we decided to take a shower together, and no.

No fun happened while in there, it was all about cleaning ourselves up from last night. As we were getting dressed a knock on the door caused me to jump in surprise - it was another maid who came and knocked on the door again. As we finished dressing she knocked again, and this time asked if she could come in. Hurrying up, we answered after quickly finishing getting dressed of the clothing we had last night .. only to be pleasantly surprised to see two sets of clothing - both Golden and I’s for everyday use rather than the elegant and slightly crinkled gala dress and suit we were in.

"Miss Rarity convinced miss Rainbow Dash to fly down to Ponyville to gather more everyday clothing for her friends." The maid spoke, and then added. "The clothing for miss Golden comes from Rarity's home."

"Well, that's a relief." Golden responded while relaxing slightly as she heard the last bit, while I nodded at that. I know I wouldn't like someone in my house without my permission, even if it was to get some clothing.

"A morning meal is being made now for you and the rest of the guest who decided to stay, when ready I can escort you two to the dining hall."

"Thank you," I responded as she bowed her head after we closed the door. "Huh...well, at least I don't have to wear this suit until back home." I pointed out as Golden wordlessly changed her dress to the clothing set that was brought over - blue jeans and a white blouse. Following her example, I did the same. As I eyed the clear sky outside the window, with the sunlight feeling brighter than usual left me with one wish: with my jeans and shirt being black, I hoped against hope that it wouldn't be a hot day today. "We gonna stay for breakfast?"

"I think it may be closer to Brunch then anything," she pointed out as we looked over at the clock in the room. Seeing the hands, I agreed that it was getting pretty close to lunch - I mean, we were up late...and not just because of us having some sex. So, it would make sense that the rest of us woke up a bit later than normal. "Yes, but it should be a light one...we still have to have lunch or dinner with my father and sisters remember?"

I nearly forgot about that! With my hands getting sweatier by the second, I realized that I was really nervous about this meeting. No doubt sensing my wariness, she moved up behind me - wrapping her hands around my waist - as she held me to her chest as I sighed in relaxation at the contact.

"Don't worry about them, Brandon!” Golden chirped at me as she continued her swaying motion with me joining her unconsciously. “They just wanna meet you...since you are with me, and the only human in the whole world!" I hummed at her, letting her know that I agreed with her...but I was still worried deep down. "They are staying a hotel here, so I'll go see them before we go and make plans...perhaps dinner sounds better than us having brunch and then a lunch with them?"

"Perhaps..." I agreed again as she nodded as she moved up and kissed my cheek.

I felt her breath on my cheek as she whispered to me. "Everything will be fine...I promise," she told me, a small smile along her face as I sighed and nodded again before turning around and kissing her softly along her lips.

"Yeah, everything will be fine." I agreed once more as she gave a curt nod, and the two of us turned to leave - me following on behind her as the maid led us off.


It was indeed brunch time when we got there - and we could see the food was already set with everyone either serving their portions or sitting at the tables except for Shadow. With a nod, we went inside to greet everyone and to get a place at the table.

“Good morning, everyone!” I greeted before turning to face Rainbow. “Rainbow? Thank you for getting us something to change into.”

Rainbow brushed it off as it was her wont. “No biggie there, Brandon!” before bragging out in her self-confident fashion that was so her. "I am," she said placing a hand along her chest. "The fastest flyer in all of Equestria, one of these days you'll have to see me flying in the Wonderbolt show!"

So at least that answered my question if she was or wasn't a Wonderbolt. Still, I wondered...why wasn’t she out and about doing shows? Maybe they were on break for now until next season? I know she goes to train, so I guess they are just waiting for their next big gig?

Either way, we thanked her again before starting to eat the meal before us. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw Luna coming to our table to sit down and eat. I saw that her dish looked a little bit different from the others - lighter, for one - but I'm guessing with her being the Night Princess, this would be considered her dinner as she would be heading off to bed soon.

It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to tolerate Celestia who was there as well for her food. I didn't speak to her throughout the meal, and she didn't ask any questions toward me - so it was good. But one thing I did catch on quickly was that Twilight would look between me and Golden at times. She seem to have a sort of, confused like look in her eyes, as if she wanted to say something, but was fighting within herself to keep whatever she had, to herself. I wanted to question her on it about what was going on - but when she caught me looking at her...well, she quickly focused on eating her pancakes before her. I raised my eyebrow at this, and wondered what that was about. Though soon the smell of the food in front of me got me more interested in eating then thinking all that much about whatever’s going on here.

After we were done with our meal, Golden gave me a quick kiss in front of everyone. This of course caused several reactions in the attendees, with the most raucous one coming from Rainbow as she laughed at me.

More specifically, at how I blushed at my girlfriend’s kiss. As she retreated from her assault on my lips she commented off-handedly as to her plans before our dinner. She was going to see her father and sisters to reschedule our meeting from lunch to dinner. Once she was done, she would meet me back home to give me the time of the reunion. I simply nodded as she pecked me with another quick kiss on the cheek before moving off down the road to a hotel that was seen jutting out in the distinct.
Going on our separate ways, we went to get our train tickets for the train as it pulled up. Good for me, its next stop was Ponyville as the officer made his announcement. With that, we all climbed on in and sat around close to one another, chatting about the Gala, me doing most of the listening.

I looked over toward Twilight - and seeing her again in deep thought for some reason - I decided to call her out on it.

"Bit for your thought, Twilight?"

Of course, this caused her to slightly jump from what place her mind was in. This also got everyone’s attention. She looked between me and the rest of her friends, only to wave her hands as she smiled sheepish.

"N...No! Everything is fine!" she tried to explain as she laughed a little bit nervously. "Just something on my mind, that is all!"

"Ooh...kay?" I said tilting my head to the side. "Was this something related to why you were looking at me weird at brunch time?"

"What?N-no!" she rebutted as I just raised a eyebrow. "Really it wasn't!"

"Was it because we all know Brandon and Golden had sex last night?" Rainbow Dash perked up from behind me as my cheeks as well as Twilight went beat red! Her’s from the - no doubt about it - the idea now on her mind…and mine because well...it did happen!

"Rainbow Dash!" we both yelled at the same time as we looked to each other and then back to her.

"Uh, Sugarcube," AJ spoke up as Rainbow turned to gaze at the farm pony. "Why would you go and say such a darn thing like that anyway?"

"Because I now know it's true - I mean, look at his face!"
I only groaned and cupped my face in my hands as she laughed loudly. "Holy shit the dude really got lucky last night!"

"Really, Rainbow Dash? Do you have any sort of respect for anyone’s private affair!?"

"Well yeah I do it...well it's just I'm just wondering on how different it could be seeing how..."

"Leaving!" I called out as I quickly got up and went down the train car, some harsh words and a smack being heard behind me as Rainbow Dash yelped a bit.
I sat a bit away from the group as I groaned from the embarrassment of it all with as much dignity as I could gather - which granted, wasn’t very much for starters.

I knew from my time in this place that over here sex was a normal thing to talk about unlike back home. However, most of it was about teaching the kids from a young age about what entails safe sex, when to do it and why it was worth waiting for someone special and all that. The point is, here the subject of sex wasn't all that taboo to say the least.

To be fair? I am still uncertain at this point at the chance of it being a common talking point, or if Rainbow was trying to get a rise out of me. All I knew was that I was clearly embarrassed about the whole damn thing.

"Darling? Are you alright?"

I looked over and sighed as Rarity came on up and sat down in front of me, before she patted my knee softly. "Don't mind her, Brandon." She started as I looked over at her as she rolled her eyes. "Rainbow was just being...Rainbow." She only shook her head as she shrugged. "The other girls are already grilling her about how such things shouldn't be spoken about in public - and the fact remains that she saw how embarrassed you were about the whole thing, she should've stopped with her teasing from the start!"

"No harm, no foul...I suppose." I muttered as she then placed her hand on my own as I looked to her.

"Don't be like that, she should still say sorry about what she did! I mean it! She most certainly wouldn't like it if someone teased her about her sex life. In fact, she would be very upset. But knowing how Rainbow acts all the time, if it is her doing it to others is fine, because it isn’t her being the target of such teasing!"

"Pretty fucked up way of thinking on her part, isn't it?" I summed up with proper vocabulary, causing Rarity to slightly frown.

"Though I wouldn't use as...colourful words as you - yes, it is a rather dirty way of thinking." We both looked to one another with all seriousness…until we broke eye contact to laugh a bit at one another.

"So," I spoke after a beat - only to turn my head to the sound of a door opening, with Rainbow Dash passing through towards us followed by AJ rubbing her knuckles unawarely.

As she came on over, still rubbing along her head a bit, she looked over toward me and then bowed her head slightly. “Look...man, i’m sorry okay?” she said as she sighed and looked to me. “I didn’t mean it as a bad way...I was just joking you know?”

“Funny way of joking…” I told her as she sighed again and went on.

“Look I know some...All…of my jokes,” I looked over and saw Rarity giving her a stink eye look. “Can be a bit over the top...but I didn't mean anything bad about it!” After a moment she then added. “So...forgive me?” she asked holding her fist out to me, looking to her for a moment, I then sighed, and brought my fist out to her.

“We cool, I supposed.” I told her as she seemed to smile a bit more after that.

At this moment I noticed how when AJ rubbed her knuckles a bit caused the rainbow mare to look back in some fear. It didn’t take long for Rainbow to leave with Applejack back to the compartment with the others - causing me to sigh in relief as to not having to deal with that crap for the time being.

Not feeling like moving from my seat, I stayed where I was. Apparently, Rarity was feeling the same as well as she didn’t budge a muscle from the start - in great part wanting to make sure I was fine.

Judging by the distance between our ride and our destination, I figured that we no doubt had maybe ten minutes left to reach Ponyville proper...with the rest of the day for me to get ready for the dinner date with Golden and her family.

"Have you noticed if Twilight seemed...off to you?" I asked as the unicorn looked to me and raised a eyebrow.

"Whatever do you mean dear?" She asked me, her body moving over to look at me more, her hands clasp over her lap as she gazed at me, with a raised eyebrow look.

"Well..." I started as I leaned forward a bit, my elbows on my legs as she did the same. "Whenever we make eye contact...she looks away, and seems to be...keeping me away, like as if she may say something or do something that would be bad or something...I'm not sure how to describe it..." I trailed off and then added. "You don't think she heard me and Golden...ya know...?" I asked moving my hands a bit as Rarity blushed and giggled.

When her giggling stopped, she looked at me with a smile. "I do find that slightly impossible, darling - you see, the guest rooms are soundproofed for when...such occasions arise."

I nodded my head at this answer. Rarity looked thoughtful, only to discreetly turn her eyes towards her friends before adding in a quiet voice that made me strain to just hear. "But...I know what you mean. Twilight normally goes on and on about what she and her old mentor talked about whenever they meet - but this morning she seemed rather...quiet. Even more so when Shadow spoke to her about something."

"Eh?" I questioned as she looked back to me.

"Well," she started as she looked back to me. "Shadow came to her before you and Golden came to the table for brunch. She appeared to be speaking to her about something before Twilight had even served her plate. Shadow left her soon after, leaving Twilight looking puzzled and slightly...worried."


"I'm not sure," she went on as I looked over at Twilight - she was looking outside so I couldn't really see her face. "Maybe," Rarity went on. "It's princesses duty or something? You know...hush, hush to others?" In a conspiratorial tone she then added. "Though...it is rather strange, normally Twilight is very open about such things with us. We are her friends, and she’s not the type of mare that likes to keep things to herself...unless it's truly bad as we are making it out to be."

"You think she might have to visit a kingdom or something?" I questioned as she shrugged.

"I really wouldn't know dear," she admitted as she shook her head. "Though I wouldn't worry about her too much. If she truly thought something was wrong I know she would tell us!"

The train ride soon came to a end - it lurching as the brakes echoed through the cars. Once it had stopped and the officer had made his call, we all made our way to get off. Seeing some of them tired, I waved them goodbye as they did the same to each other before going their separate ways.

Most likely to take a nap after such a long night and ride back. Perhaps napping for a bit would work for me as well.

Twilight, Spike, and I all made our way back to the castle in silence.

It would be a few more days until the live-in quarters would be fully done for the guards who wished to live in here. There would be some time however before the wing dedicated for the mess hall and such for them was completed…

All I knew it was gonna get more noisy around here very soon - more reason than not to have my own living quarters elsewhere for privacy’s sake, and to no longer mooch off Twilights’ generosity.

With a few words, Spike went off to take a bath. Following his example for a different purpose, I was starting to head off for my room for a bit of a nap - before I was stopped by Twilight on the way.

"Would you mind me if I were ask you something...personal?" She asked me with some worry etched on her face. Naturally, I didn't know what she meant by that before I raised a eyebrow and asked her back.

"Is this about the thing Rainbow was talking about on the train?" I asked her. "Where she nailed it on the head about Golden and I...getting closer?"

"W...what?!" she sputtered out before shaking her head and hands at me. "Oh no, no, no!" she said quickly as she laughed sheepish and was still blushing at this. "Nothing like that...I'm just...well you're going to see her family today?"

"Father and sisters, yes." I confirmed as I raised a eyebrow. "We are gonna meet later for early dinner. Why?"

"Well..." she started as she rubbed her arm a bit looking nervous. "That's a big step right? I mean," she added as she twirled her hand. "You said out of all the ones you dated...the only one you saw of the father was the one where she accused you of rape." I nodded my head and tilted it along the side, seeing where she was going with this. "I...well...I consider you a friend Brandon." She answered as I looked on and waited for her, my arms crossed as she went on. "Sure...maybe not like Spike is to you or when you spend all that time with Rarity.” Her eyes focused on mine, where I could see a sense of worry coming from her. I was drawn back to the conversation as she asked me with hesitation, “B-but I mean...we are friends, right?"

"Oh, of course. Well, maybe not close, close friends." I admitted to her as she nodded quietly with lowered ears. "But...we have grown closer since I started to live here. Hell, I have even gotten somewhat closer with Starlight - wherever she is right now."

"Possible still with Trixie." Twilight confirmed as I nodded, before she gathered courage to go on with what she had to say. "But still....if I may ask as a friend?” Again, she looked at me in the eyes, something I couldn’t tell in her as she hesitated in asking me, “...do you...love her? Do you love...Golden?"
I only stared at her as my brain stopped still. For one, I couldn't understand why she was asking me this of all things. Rarity perhaps, or even Fluttershy - but it just seemed rather out of character for Twilight of all people to ask me such a thing. Where was she going with this? Was she once more trying to write how different humans are compared to ponies and such when it comes to interactions with others? I mean - she already wrote a chapter about how I liked to swear like a sailor at times, but god dammit! It's just how I express myself!

But her question… it did leave me into a rather thoughtful mood as I looked off to the distance and started to think this question.

Did I really love Golden? I mean, sure! We have been having a great time lately, and if last night was anything to go by, it showed that our relationship was blooming into something more...well more. Did I love her?

It was a hard question to answer, but I would try to either way.

"That's...both hard and personal for me to answer properly." I looked back at the young Alicorn, who patiently waited for me to elaborate on my reply while looking really interested. "I mean...yes, I care for her deeply - had cared for her since we first started to date - and it seems we've only gotten a better understanding from one another from when we started to now."

I took a brief break before going on. "Humans...don't really show their emotions all that well, or I don't. Some can wear it like a sleeve, to me...it's hard. Anger? Yes I can show, but other emotions - like if I'm upset in other ways, or sad, or just anything else really - it's hard for me to open up unless I know the person. To answer your question...Twilight?” She nodded silently to me. So, taking the cue, I finished my answer. “...It's a yes and no. In a way, I do love Golden - but I won't know until time shows it to me. Just that right now, I'm happy."

Twilight only stared at me with an unreadable expression - not sure what she was thinking of - but I could see that something was clearly bugging her. She rubbed her hand along her shoulder as she hugged herself, before briefly turning to look away. A moment later, she turned her face towards me. "Brandon...I..."

"Princess Twilight!"

We both slightly jerked out of shock and looked over where the source of the call was - it was Fang Face-Shadow herself - who came rushing in from the corridor towards us.

Now that I think about it, it’s funny how we have changed the longer we knew one another. Before, I would call her Fang Face as a sort of insult; but now? With what she shared with me the other day...maybe it could evolve into that of playful jabs?

Anyway, she was wearing rather...plain everyday clothing. She wore all black like a goth, sure - but to see her wearing jeans and a tight top that allowed everyone to see her belly button area...that was a surprise even for me.

"Princess, I've come back from...oh, hello Brandon." She didn't say it as a sly remark, but more like...surprise at noticing me? "Sorry to interrupt you two, but this is something I need to speak to the princess about...and don’t you have a lunch date or something planned for later today?"

"How did..."

"I saw Golden Facade on the way here," she said quickly as I blinked. "She wanted to...ask me to remind you of it." She seemed on edge - I could tell from the frown that took over her face, one I remembered rather vividly.

Something was bugging her...and this time it wasn't me. Go me...

Still, Twilight gave me one last look before nodding as I turned to leave. Still, I wonder what that was all about?

Seeing how we came early in the morning back from Canterlot, I still had a few hours left before lunch time. With that in mind, I took a quick power nap to get myself ready and psyched, followed by a nice, hot shower to wash anything that I missed off from last night.

Once I got myself really cleaned up, I took out a nice set of dress pants and shirt and put them on. Putting my shoes as I made my way out, I didn't see Twilight or Shadow before I left. But I would no doubt see them after the date, and that would be a story to tell them. I headed to the entrance I greeted Spike - whom wished me luck before heading his own way - as I left out to my meeting with Golden’s family.
Going down the main street of Ponyville I caught up to Golden as she was on her way to pick me up.

She said her father was paying for lunch, I sort of saw this on coming, possible it be a sort of test for the father to see what I would take if someone offered to pay the bill...or maybe I was just overthinking it?

This felt slightly off putting me from what I had learned from the local customs. Probably will be a test for me or something within those lines.

Her three sisters were there waiting as well. No doubt a classic family meeting of the boyfriend, a creepy feeling coming along my back of all things the sisters mostly would be asking of myself; as well as how I treat their sister.

Golden fretted over me, making sure I was nice and cleaned up before we walked into the place we were going to have lunch together. I raised an eyebrow as I realized that this was the same place we went to our first date. Irony or not this restaurant is one of the few fancy places to eat in this growing community…

I wondered as we made our way inside towards the table with Goldens’ parents: Would the ponies here eventually change the name Ponyville to something else? I reined in my mind in order to focus at what was inevitably coming: the fact of this lunch date with Golden and some members of her family.
I was worried - oh so many thoughts ran through my mind, as to what her family thought of me, and how heavily attacked I would be for daring to touch their darling.

As I began to show signs of panic, Golden tried comforting me - telling me that everything was going to be fine - but still, ugh...I really didn't know what to think about what was coming, or what I was getting myself into. All I knew...all that I prayed for was that this meeting to end well for me.

"Golden!" a deep male voice called out as we came to the table, it seemed everything was planned out and indeed it showed. The male that spoke was her father, a unicorn much like herself and her three sisters.

The father was a blood-red unicorn with dirty blond mane and tail. The mane shortened to go behind his ears a bit, and his brown eyes watching me a she hugged his daughter for a moment as she then went to hug and greet her sisters. The stare was there of course, that sort of seizing up stare one would give to anyone who dared date one’s daughter or son.

It reminded me of my high school days, where people would size me up thinking they could beat me in a one on one fight - and of course, the broken nose they earned was their answer to the question.

From what I could tell he was a slim stallion, though many unicorns were rather slim from what I had observed. I have to say I was a bit wider than him, but that could be from all the training and sparring I would do with Shadow - and if anything what Golden said was true, then this man could afford to have bodyguards around him at all times.
He wore a plain dress shirt and pants - greyish in color -with a red tie making contrast over his shirt. However, the suit hid his cutie mark so I really couldn't see what it was - and I wasn't about to ask if it was on his shoulders or his flanks. It still confuses me why the markings appeared either on their shoulders or the flanks.

All the sisters were unicorns - having coats of blue, white, and pink respectively... and all three were as beautiful as Golden was, in their own way. Golden brought them over after greeting them, and each one gave me a hug when I offered a handshake.

The blue one was named Sapphire - which for reasons I could see in the open was fully descriptive of her, as her coat and mane were different tones of blue. She appeared to be the tallest of the sisters, if only by a few inches or so. From what Golden had told me before, Sapphire was the eldest of the siblings, with Golden being next in line if I remembered right. She gave me this wide smile as she seemed to give me a look over, only to go back to whisper something to her sisters who all seemed to giggle.

The white one was Crystal - the shortest of the group, with her head just coming the base of my neck. So maybe that made her height five foot plus some more? She was the youngest too, but she seemed to know what she was doing with herself.

The last sibling was the pinkish one, her name being Pearl - which suited her too for obvious reasons. As she went to give me a simple hug, I took notice of her height - which was similar to my own - before she went to take her place at the table with everyone else. As we took our seats, Golden took the one next to me along with Pearl; Sapphire took her seat beside Golden; and the father who went by the name Zircon as he introduced himself.

Seriously, what is it with these pony names? For some reason I could see a trend...were they all named after precious gems? Well, save for Golden but still - my point stands.

"So," Zircon spoke as I knew he was speaking to me by the way he just gazed at me. "How have you been treating my daughter?"

"Father, please," Golden muttered as she rolled her eyes, drawing a chuckle out of Zircon.

"Sorry," he said once he composed himself. "It is just that when she told me how in your home world it’s the men that are the more...forward in their endeavors, just like the mares here for when they go out in search for love. Well...I had to use the same line my mother used for my first marefriend during Junior High."

I guess in the ways it wouldn't be overprotective fathers someone would have to worry about, but overprotective mothers...more of that gender swap role in this world to get use to I supposed.

"I believe that such a change from what you must have been used to must make this...a strange change of events for you?"

"In a way," I agreed, nodding my head as I placed my menu down, I didn't know what I wanted to get yet, and we had a bit of a wait before a waiter came anyway. "Though with me being here for a while - and dating Golden - I sort of...gotten use to it by this point, I suppose."

"He always wants to pay when we go out," My marefriend pointed out. "Most of the times we split the bill, or just give a big tip to whoever if we eat out or order out!"

"Old habits die hard, I guess." I answered as Golden wrapped her arm about my own and leaned close to me as I smiled at her.

"Must be great," her sister Pearl spoke looking over at me. "A place where the male and female count are nearly the same! I've always wanted a stallion for myself, but many couples nowadays are just forming herds!" The other girls all seemed to agree with this. “I mean, at times it’s rather, out of the norm to see a couple that’s just with themselves. No Herding, no nothing!”

Taking the chance, Sapphire then asked us. "So, how did you two meet?"

"Kinda funny really," Golden went on as I looked over at her, ready to hear her side of the events that unfolded and how we came to meet.
Dinner went on like normal - which was in itself a relief. And as I believe it must be customary no matter the world one ends up in, I was grilled by her family for a diversity of subjects - question about my job; what I did on my spare time; about my home world; and how I missed my own family. The sisters gave me their sympathies, and hoped that being with Golden helped me; it did and I was very happy about it all.
We stayed there for about a hour or so, just talking and eating as we enjoyed ourselves. Before we left, I felt a tap on my shoulder - and saw Zircon nudging his head to the side pointing outside with his chin. After the tab was paid, he said to his children. "Wait for me here, I am just going to borrow Brandon here for a moment."

"Daddy..." Golden warned with a stern tone.

"Just to talk, that's all." He said before giving a short laugh. Golden looked to me as I smiled and nodded, following the father outside. Once exposed to the cooling afternoon next to the path, Zircon pulled out a cigar from his pocket which lighted up in unison with his horn - lighting magic. Once it was lit, he looked to me as if silently asking me if I was fine with it; I nodded as he went to pull one out for me.

"Don't smoke," I told him as he chuckled.

"Smart kid," I was going to answer that I was over twenty, but held my tongue as I waited for him to start.
He took a long slow drag, and slowly exhaled the smoke. To my surprise, it smelled of...cherry instead of the sickly sweet tobacco I’ve smelled from smokers before. Perhaps it was one of the natives’ version of a flavored cigar. After taking one more puff, we were at the side of the building at this point - our back pressed to the wall as we could hear the soft sounds of the music playing inside.

"I was quite surprised," he started as we looked off at the distance, the roads of Ponyville slowly growing darker as it was getting late. I think it was around seven o’clock at this point and my body felt the effort from all the stress even with that nap I took before meeting Golden. "When my daughter wrote me that letter, telling me she was dating...I was more shocked when I heard it was you - the same being from another world who punched our ruler. Personally...I would've kept punching."

"Happy to see we are on the same page." I retorted as he looked over to me slightly and went on.

"I want my daughter happy, human." He spoke his body still leaning against the wall as he had his arms crossed but the smoke in one hand still, His eyes a bit in a frown as he looked on a head slightly.

At least he got my specie right this time, at the start they were calling me hooman. But at least, now he had the pronunciation right now.

"I want all my daughters happy, you see. Last night I voiced my concern to her, but she swayed me from my worry." He continued speaking while looking at the cigar still in his grasp. "She claimed you were just a lost soul - someone away from everything you had ever known and loved...a soul who could be amazing once you get to know him." I blushed and rubbed my cheek slightly with my finger as he chuckled and petted my back a bit and said. "Just keep her happy okay?" he asked and leaned down and whispered. "Also watch out for her when she gets mad...before she took to fashion she use to take acting lessons. And...she loves to get back to those that wrong her."

"How...good was her acting?" I asked wanting to make sure I knew what I was dealing with.

"She was angry with me for two months at one point...and I had no idea." Ouch...note to self: really hope I don't anger my girlfriend on purpose.
We left to rejoin Zircon’s daughters after that - Golden’s family would be heading back up to Canterlot, as they had one more day available before they would head back home. Golden wanted to get home to get her start on some of the drawings for some noble who showed interests in her work, leaving me to return home to Twilight's castle.

I made my way inside, and was about to go to my room, to possible get some nice early Z's...but stopped when I saw not only Twilight in my room seemly waiting for me...but Shadow, and Spike as well...all three looked..worried about something. "Uh, ‘sup?" I asked as I gazed at them and then asked. "What seems to be the trouble?"

"Brandon..." Twilight started as she held her hands to her chest and then to Shadow. The guard pony face was sort of...blanker than her usual poker face that she kept on her all the time, and yet let me feel how worried she was, as if she was trying to decide whether to show emotions or not. "Brandon...Shadow came back last night during the Gala...to get your cell phone," she pointed to the table as I gazed at it, it wasn't there when I left mostly because I let Twilight borrow it.

"Oh. It's that's all? I'm not mad about that," I said while stifling my laughter. Seriously? They were thinking I would be angry for that--

"That's not it," Shadow went on as she moved forward a bit. "I went to gather the phone from her lab and came back to her, asking how it would work on capturing ‘video’ like you showed it could." I only raised my eyebrow as I watched her, wondering where she was going on with this. "I've also got a chance to test to see how well it could pick up sounds using these." She held up two yellow like crystals as I knew what they were. They were about the size of earrings, and were used much like walkie talkies. Some guards used them at short ranges, I think...one hundred feet at most. One would be placed in the ear and easily hidden, and the other could hear and say something in the other crystal. It was like a hearing device, but it could also be hidden somewhere to overhear something. The type of magic used for this is only allowed with royal permission, close to royalty or high ranking guards. I guess Shadow being Captain of the night guard would have the sway to get these.

"I was able to use both the Hearing Stones, and your phone to...capture something that I really wished I didn't… Do you remember earlier, when I looked strange when you asked for Golden last night at the gala?"

"Yeah...?" I slowly asked not liking where this was going. "What is this about Shadow...Twilight? We-were you spying on my girlfriend?!" my eyes widened at this as Twilight ears flattened. I squinted in her direction, my voice turning into a growl. "What...did the princess ask you to make sure even those around me...."

"Normally," she cut me off as the guard moved to the side and pointed to the phone. "I would tell you just like you love to say: ‘to shut the fuck up’ and listen to me...but I'm not going to do that." She looked to me sternly and barked "Go on, check the latest video...and just watch."

I gave her a puzzled look at that sudden change in the otherwise calm pony. I bit the inside of my cheek as I wondered what the hell was going on. What did Shadow recorded on the phone that would get Twilight and Spike so worried? Did they find Golden with some other stallion? I rolled my eyes and went on over, to see what got their panties in a bunch.


I watched it. I watched it again, and listened once more - this time with the sound at full volume to make sure what I was hearing was true. I will admit it first; sure, my cell phone wasn’t the best for recording, and its audio recorder wasn’t the best there was back at my former life. So, despite the distortion from the sound being so increased that it buzzed...I could still hear what was going on, what was being said....what Shadow had recorded.

I couldn't believe it...I couldn't. But again and again...the video was proving me wrong. I just felt...numb, my body tingled all over as I watched it over and over again. The first time I saw the contents, it sort of just...didn't sink in. But after three times, four times, ten times...it finally sunk into my brain.

I took my phone and walked out of the castle without saying a word, I think I heard Spike and Twilight call after me, but Shadow stopped them. "Let him be," I heard her say as I walked on out. Dusk was covering the land now...but my mind was on one thing, and one thing only: answers. Answers to what I saw and what the fuck was going on - and the one person who knew them: Golden.

I made my way to her home - where I could see that the lights were still on judging by the two silhouettes showing through the window pane. A part of me hoped it wasn't a fellow family member there - but at the same time, I was too numb with what I had seen and had come to face.

Knocking on the door heavily with my closed fist, I heard who the second being was. "Coming!"

Rarity...this was going to be interesting. The door opened, and I saw Rarity, who seemed surprised at first from seeing me so late but then smiled. "Oh Brandon, darling! I'm happy you're here!" she exclaimed as she held my hands in her own and pulled me in.

"Golden! It's your boyfriend! Anyway! When Golden came back, Derpy dropped off some late mail - the poor mare - but at least she got it here today!" she continued the torrent of words as she walked me down the hall. "Well, it seems some nobles wanted to commission Golden for some dresses and suits, and I was about to come get you to inquire about your dinner and...darling...?" She could see my face now - drained and just...numb looking. "What's the matter, what's..."

"Where's Golden?" She seemed to flinch away from me with the way I spoke - curiously with no emotion whatsoever. "I have something to show her...and she has something to answer for."


"Rarity," I said looking at her right in the eyes. "You'll need to see it too, so please..."

Rarity wordlessly moved to the side as I walked inside - and saw Golden sitting in the living room. She looked up at me and smiled - that same smile that I now knew had a second meaning - as she got up and came over, hugging me tightly.

I didn't return it.

"Oh Brandon, did she tell you about..." she slowly trailed off as she looked up and saw...a frown come over me. Rarity moved to Golden’s side as I moved my hands and pried hers off me. "Brandon...what's...?"

"How long were you going to play this game?" I asked with an almost monotone voice.

"What?" she asked looking to me looking rather confused and worried. "Brandon? what...what ‘game’ are you talking about?"

"You know damn well what I'm talking about!"

"Brandon, there no need to yell!" Rarity sided with Golden quickly as the mare looked scared and worried at my bark. "We don't know what it is your speaking of, but I'm sure it can all be explained if you..."

"Oh it can be explained...oh it can." I pulled out my phone and said to Golden. "Last chance... to come clean without me showing this."

Golden seemed to look at me and my phone.

I had shown her what it could do - film video, take photographs and all the other stuff it was capable of - but her confusion showed as she said. "I have no idea what you're talking about Brandon...what do you have to show me that got you so wound-up like this?"

I just stared at her, waiting to see if she would change her mind, but moving to place the phone on the table, flipping to the video app, and that's when she saw the still image. That's when she got worried - funnily enough, that's when I pressed play.
The video played showing a very fancy looking restaurant which just screamed ‘Canterlot Fancy’, and it would make sense. In it, Golden was wearing the clothing Rarity sent for us in the morning so she wouldn't have to wear her dress. Next to her was her father, Zircon. They were sitting down at a table - the filmation was somewhat shaky, and anyone could hear Shadow curse under her breath trying to remember how to zoom in - it looked like Shadow managed to remember how to zoom in as a clicking noise was heard. There was the sound of someone tapping close to the microphone at the bottom.

"So," Zircon asked as he leaned on the table looking at Golden. "We are going to meet this...Hooman for dinner?"

The sound was a somewhat bad, but still clear enough to be hearable. I had learned from Shadow some time ago, as to how these enchanted hearing stones weren’t the best when it came to copy one’s voice from so far, but they had gotten better than when they first started off making these. Apparently it heavily relied on the quality that the caster of the spell had when doing the enchantment. And well...Shadow seemed to have had this set for her own personal use for years - discontinued by the Guard, it seemed..

"Yes dad," Golden spoke as she drank whatever drink was in her cup, appearing to sigh as she said. "Try not to ruin this for me, okay? The mere fact I got that stupid mare Rarity thinking I really cared for him is a bonus and will help me in the long run."

Rarity gasped and then looked over at Golden as the unicorn was only watching the screen. I could see her left eye twitch, her cover was blown and we were going to see it for how it truly was, see what she really was.

"I mean," Golden went on, not knowing she was being recorded at this moment, Shadow told me she placed the second stone in the plant before them. She knew someone who worked there and called in a favor to put the plant there, with the...'plant' inside the plant. "I was worried she was going to drop me at first, you know? But then that gossiping old goat of a mare started to prattle about ‘Brandon this’, ‘Brandon that’, and ‘Oh, poor Brandon! I worry so much about him being so alone!’...oh it was too easy!"

She then placed her hand to her chest as her tone changed, showing her amazing talent of acting in the work. "Oh that poor soul! I mean...I always thought of him as a interesting being, and perhaps...wouldn't mind trying to get to know him you know?"

She only giggled after that as she rubbed her forehead with her finger. "She fell for it! Right then and there she picked out the location and everything for the date, all while saying she would get him to agree! Everything else was pretty much me playing ‘miss charming’ to get him wrapped around my finger with ease!"

She was softly laughing again as she then said. "Anyways! Just tell my sisters to pretend they give a damn about him! I ask the same for you - I don’t know! Make some silly speech or something like...'oh his poor, lost soul' or something, I don't care - just make it look like I give a damn about him to cement his want for me. I already fucked him last night - not as big as a stallion...it was kinda cute though!"

I ended the video and took the phone, Rarity looked like she was about to strangle her as Golden looked up to me, and that's when we saw her true colors first hand as she scuffed. "Personally? I would've waited at least a year or two before breaking up with you."

She looked down at her nails without a care in the world. "In all likelihood I’d have gone with a sob story, about how I can’t handle the fact that so many ponies are talking about me dating a monkey!"

I clenched my fists a bit as Rarity looked to me and then to her, and before she could say anything I stopped her by clamping her muzzle shut.

Golden looked to me and then her. "Oh please, Rarity! It's just part of the job! And you fell right for it! Trusting me - a total stranger - long enough to teach me a bit of your style...the Gala was a stroke of luck for me! And even better, now that I'm getting noble contracts - it seems I won't need your help anymore."

"You...You classless jerk...How…” Rarity magic grabbed my hands and removed them from her mouth, more like ripped them off. The way she was looking, it showed that she was just as shocked as I from this whole coming out. "How dare you use Brandon as such, when he been nothing but nice to you!?"

"Oh sure he has been nice to me...and rather easy, oh a little kiss here, a little grind there and I had him right under my spell." She said smirking a bit as I grabbed Rarity before she could do anything worse. "Though last night was fun...at least I can add ‘human’ to the list of creatures I have fucked! Maybe the next will be a dragon...if I can find a way to use him, that is." She seemed to look off as if thinking about it as I frowned.

"Not even going to denied nothing?"
"What's the point?" she asked as she shrugged. "I know when I've been caught and lying anymore would do me no good...besides! If anyone asks I'll just say ‘how silly I was dating someone who dare harm our all ruling, fair Princess Celestia’."

She then changed to a sad and worried look as she wailed "Oh! He was always so angry when we were alone -, never hurt me - but I couldn't take it any longer!" only to chuckle as if she had heard a good joke.

"And you two won't tell the new press… You want to know why? Who will they believe: something who willingly assaulted the sun princess...or somepony who’s crying about how said something gave her fear while in a relationship?" she said smirking as her horn glowed - and I heard the click of the door from the entrance opening from down the hall.

In retrospective I can see this now: Something that she didn't understand was this: that the recording in my phone could prove what she did - even if she tried to claim that she was the victim in all of this. The fact that she was so into herself to think herself untouchable - that she could get away with this - left her blind to it.

But really...to me, right now; it isn’t even worth it.

"Now, if you both excuse me then...I have work to do - and with me being a single mare again...maybe I'll go to the local bar for some...fun with a real stallion."

"Why...you..." Rarity growled but I held her back. "Brandon she just..." The way she looked at me, i could see it in her eyes, she was blaming herself, she was the one that set everything up, she was the one that made the first move to play Miss Matchmaker...and it just blew up in both of our faces; she played yes, she played us both.

"Let it go," I said in a low voice as I started to drag her out. "It's not worth it..."

"Bye Brandon, bye Rarity!" she called out as if not a care in the world. "And thanks for the amazing chance to see the Gala! It really was a once in a lifetime moment for me! … And possible the only time you'll ever bed a mare, monkey!" she joyfully prattled.

To that, I only growled and took the door handle after we left and SLAMMED the door, her windows rattling as she was still laughing as if this was a big joke…

But it was...a joke for her.
And I was the damn punch line...

Author's Note:

Betcha all didn't see that coming eh?