• Published 5th Jul 2017
  • 10,053 Views, 450 Comments

Sorry isn't Enough! - eragon13666

When you're thrown from you home, into a new world of unknown reasons, Sorry, isn't enough when your human.

  • ...

What's in the Bag?

Weeks had passed since the date with Golden, and I could already feel how much I had changed dating. I know it is weird to say that, just dating someone can change your outtake on life as you know it, but that's what it felt like to me. When I came back home from the date, Rarity, and Twilight were waiting for me - wanting me to spill the beans on how the date went. Even Starlight was there wanting to hear how everything went!

It felt...weird, telling them how the date went as we sat down around on the sofa - in what I'm guessing would be considered the living room. It reminded me much of those chick flicks back home where the girls would...oh god I was now part of that group…

Weird thought aside, I told them how it went, what we talked about and such and how we would be setting up another date in the next few days.

Shadow later told me the next day that she was watching our date, I was a little pissed to say the least that she spied on the date but she responded with. "I'm doing my job, Monkey," she said in her trademark 'I don't give a fuck' voice. "I'm watching over you to make sure you don't do anything idiotic or try to attack anyone. You don't like me watching your dates, tough luck for you. Still don't know why someone like her would deal with someone like you." I let it slide, I really didn't care what Fangy thought of who I dated or who liked me. The fact that someone found me appealing enough to even want to date me, not once but more than once...well that was fine in my books for all I could say.

The next date wasn't all that fancy and we spent most of it just enjoying one company then anything. Walking along the park and feeding the animals that came on past… and yes, we got some looks from the ones who stayed in Ponyville, but the staring grew less and less the more they saw us together. We were seeing each other ether every other day for a small get together, or just to see how we were doing.

Golden came by my place of work one time, wanting to see how I worked and ordered some candy herself, Bon Bon commented on how cute she was, and even added how I've seemed to change, I was more happy, more...perky than anything she had seen of me before.

That didn't mean I was always scowling or frowning, but since we started to date I've been more...well more easy going and calm. Hell, some of the guys even asked me if I was paying her to spend time with me, while others were giving me 'bro fists' for bagging such a hot mare. The attention was a bit over the top, but I guess it was better than when the newspress were on my ass, eh?

Still, I know I possible said this to myself many of times, but it still felt...weird that the mares or women here in Equestria were more of the men back home. It was more of the norm of the stallions to stay home and watch the kids while the mares went out to work, possible because again the number ratio. Golden didn't seem to think too much on it, and we made a sort of deal with one another. Whoever came up with the idea on where we would go on our dates, that person would pay. It was a very simple and easy way so we wouldn't fight on who would be paying, or if one should pay half of the bill.

I had more than enough money, as the money I was getting from Princess Luna and The Kidnapper, was being transferred to the Canterlot Bank, mostly because of the large sum I would be having...believe me, I barely took any of that money out; and was saving it for a very rainy day. Like a hospital bill or something...Oh Canada and your free health care, how I miss thee.

Still with those few weeks of herself and I dating, a few things happened, one, well...I met someone who claimed he enjoyed having a...grand entry.

Two months of me being in this new world, though I hate to admit it, and wouldn't admit it out loud; I was slowly getting use to it. Pinkie Pie would still beg to throw me a party, and though dating Golden had put me in more of a happy mood...wasn't happy enough for that. Even more so after I heard how over the top her parties can be. Shadow, she was trying to rain on my day when she stopped me the next day after my date. "Just letting you know Monkey," she was still calling me by my nickname, she claimed because I called her Fang Face, or Fangy. I claimed it because she kept calling me Monkey, so it was a never ending circle of word play. "I was watching you during your date, I don't give a damn if you think it should be a private affair, I'm watching you like a hawk!"

"Kay," I said rather bored with half closed eyes and a shrug. I brought my hand up and rolled the wrist, truthfully I kinda knew she would be around, but I didn't get why she was telling me this. "And you're telling me this..." I said as I kept rolling my hand and stopped, palm up and a raised brow. "Why?"

"To make sure you don't do anything funny!" She demanded as she leaned forward, her arms still crossed over her chest, her eyes narrowing in a glare.

"Such as?" I said raising my hand up.

"You know damn well what I..." I was growing tired of this, so I just shot my hand forward and poked her nose, just saying 'boop'. This caused her to snort and take a step back, wings flaring open as I only smirked. Her eyes seemed to almost glow, as I did the first thing that came to mind...I turned and ran, waving my arms about while yelling out, "Woop, woop, woop woop woop!" Her yelling as we ran down the hallways, her curses following me. I got a black eye for that, and the only reason why Twilight didn't report her because I said I did it.

So...very worth it. However it was what happened during our morning meal, like just a few minutes after Twilight healed my black eye.

I was sitting down and reading a newspaper, something about the Crystal Empire having their yearly games coming up and hoping that Equestria would win the gold. Other nations would be going, Twilight would be going not only to show her support for Ponyville; but to see her brother and sister-in-law, as well as her little niece. Starlight would be going as well to see her old time friend, the one she claimed that abandoned her -- with her blaming cutie marks for yadda yadda...yeah, that's one story you really don't want to know about, trust me on that. But with bacon and eggs before me, toast along the side and my coffee steaming, I looked down with my fork about to take a bite...when the eggs moved and the bacon did as well.

I blinked as just watched not sure what to make of it...even more when they formed a face, and the eggs 'blinked'. "Well! Hello there, mister Wooper!"

Let me make something very clear: I did not scream; I did not fall out of my chair and I most certainly did not scream 'Demon breakfast!' at the top of my lungs like a sissy...and I certainly wasn’t crawling away from my meal, wondering what kind of abomination was summoned by Spike on accident.

Probably Twilight left something of her lab on the kitchen counter by accident, and Spike confused it with water for the coffee or something…

My morning meal on the other hand...started to laugh loudly, and with a loud pop, someone - or something - was sitting on top of my plate, leaning back laughing loudly at my look--

Which most certainly wasn’t that of shock. Nor grievance at the loss of that delicious bacon.

"Discord!" I heard Twilight chide out in a almost annoyed and tired groan. "Really..it's not even nine yet and you're starting with this?"

Discord, as Twilight called him, just kept on laughing and seemed to fall along his back. Shadow looked ready to punch him, but at this point she would punch your mother if she just looked at her wrong. To me he looked almost, if not technically a chimera since he is composed of the body parts of different animals, I read about him in the history books provided to me, but to see him in the flesh; was a 'treat' indeed. His head seemed to be horse-like, much different from the normal ponies' head shapes. Though many who tried to describe him to me when asked, just simply said his head was that of a 'head of a pony'.

As I tried to regain my composure, I realized that like the textbooks described...he indeed has a deer antler on the right, a blue goat horn on the left, one long fang - which for some unknown reason seemed to bug me, seeing one tooth just vastly larger than the other. Mayhaps he missed his appointment with the orthodontist…

Different-sized pupils that looked to be spinning in his head as he slowly stopped laughing, a snake tongue, a goat beard, and white bushy eyebrows. His right arm was that of a lion, the left claw of an eagle; which he used to hold his head, as his eyes slowly stopped rolling.

The right leg of a lizard, and the left leg of a goat. In addition, his wings were that of a bat's right wing, a Pegasus' left wing.

His black horse's mane, looked short and cut down, and a dragon-like snake's tail with a white tail tuft. The shape of his body seemed to resembles that of a snake.

It was kinda funny as I kept gazing at him as I pushed my chair back up, but Discord seemed to almost bears a resemblance to a Chinese dragon, a creature often depicted with a serpentine body, facial hair, feline claws, and antlers. But I mean, really...how else could I tell or write how he looked, this was the best I could do without me breaking my mind in an attempt to remember every bit of information on him.

He sort of reminded me that of a large out of control Jigsaw Puzzle then anything.

"Oh Princess," he died down his laughed as he pulled his claw up to wipe away a tear that seemed to form. "You know I am the Spirit of Chaos! A reformed Spirit, yes - but you know I have to cause just a bit of chaos to bring some amusement to your harmonic lives." He floated up in the air as he snapped his finger, causing food to reappear on my plate... and my eyes didn’t deceive me: it was the same meal before it said ‘hullo’ to me from the plate.

"But I came here to at last meet the one who knocked Sun Butt on her...well, her Butt!" he chuckled loudly before offering me his lion paw. As I was too dumbed-down to process his outstretched paw, I finally noticed he was wearing a top hat now. The moment I blinked, he took his other claw to lift that top hat off his head in a gentlemanly salute. "Sir of Chaos, Discord! A pleasure to meet you!" he said as he forcefully took my hand and shook. I only just kept on blinking and then slowly looked beyond his body to Twilight, raising an eyebrow and then jerked my head slightly to point at Discord.

"Don't mind Discord," she told me as I gazed at her and then back at him. "He's harmless...well, mostly harmless."

"Mostly harmless?" he spoke as he gave a sort of mock gasp. "Princess Twilight, I'm surprised, you make it sound like I would hurt this poor lost soul!" he teleported off the table and to me, well standing beside me as his lion paw held my cheeks and squeezed them as my left eye twitched slightly. "Just look at this cute little face!" He released me as I rubbed my cheeks as he laughed. "However, again, great to meet you at last."

"I've...been here for nearly two months now..."

"It's called being fashionably late!" He pointed out. "You are the only human in this world and I needed to think of something grand...something amazing something..."

"You were my eggs and bacon." I pointed out blankly as his claw droop a bit as he was holding it up as he frowned at me.

"Are you always such a party pooper?"

"No...now I do feel like it...No, Pinkie Pie!"

"Aw!" I heard her whine from somewhere in the castle.

Yeah...that was a great way to start off that morning to say the least.

Still! It was interesting to say the least - as Discord would pop in from time to time to see me, something about the way I would handles things, like with my paper ball throwing, or the booping. He seemed to rather enjoy it, and for a very strange reason...I considered him...a friend. I mean yeah he rather random at times, but...when you get to know him, with him being so old, he’s rather wise in his own ways. Hell there was a time he tried to even say I should just make up with the Kidnapper. When I questioned him on that he said, and I quote in a voice that sounded almost...sad, a remembrance. "Holding onto your anger like that can lead you down a path, you may never be able to claw your way out."

That was the only time I ever seen him so...calm, looking so wise that I was looking at someone else for a moment. Like a small part of him that was possible buried...came up for a moment...then the moment was ruined by getting rained on with grape juice on my head.

Other than the new randomness in my life that was Discord - who as I said would pop in and out to see me...something about not having enough guy friends around, life was pretty good. I mean of course there was a few hiccups here and there when it came to a few things, but nothing overly big to write down. Ever since I started the dates with Golden as well, and getting out more other than working and just enjoying the fresh air, the nightmares I had of the Kidnapper were less and less, other than having them every other day. However this night, I had the nightmare once more.

The sound of her laughter echoed around me as I couldn't even make out what was going on anymore, feeling trapped, in a area I knew I couldn't escape at all. I could hear the sounds of my family back home calling out to me, begging me to find a way back, to save them from the vile creature that ether held me back, or kept them from me.

Walls were pushing into me from every which way I possible could see, like in the Star wars movies when Solo, Luke, were in that garbage cage. The grinding, the laughing, all almost became too much before…


The area around me seemed to freeze up, like a VHS that just stopped working, the walls were still, the sounds were all but gone, save for my soft and rapid breathing. Said walls were soon gone, replaced by that of a grassy plain with a single tree in the middle. A sort of white light opened by the tree, as out came...Luna?

She seemed just a bit confused as I sat up as from where I was, not even thinking that I was sitting down at any point. Why would Luna be here...oh, so this is a dream. That strange feeling washed over me, the fact that I now knew that this was a dream, it felt silly thinking all of that was real, but I guess that is the effect of dreams, or a nightmare. "Well," I heard her say as I moved toward her, going up the stairs slowly. "I'll admit, this isn't what I thought would be your dreamscape when I would push past the thread of your dream mind." I just gave her a look of utter confusion, not really sure on how to respond. Giving my shoulders a shrug I utter a single word.

"Huh...?" This caused her to smile a bit as she looked around once more before starting.

"Forgive me," She said as she looked back down to me. "I forgot this is your first time experiencing one that is able to walk into other's dreams. Let us talk, and try to solve the issues you are having, shall we?"

We moved until we were under the tree, gazing around, with how everything looked, the area reminded me of the tree part in the Legend of Zelda game, the one with the masks...I wonder why? I mean, it was one of the games I truly loved way back then; and played the hell out of it when the remastered was made...didn't explain why we were here though; or a place that kinda looked like it. "Seems you came at the pinpointed time...huh, Princess?" I asked her as she looked back at me and nodded.

"Truthfully," She said as she held her hands behind her back, she turning away as she walked away a bit, a hand moved to touch the tree. "I've been watching for a bit, and before you ask," Because I was. "It was because I was...seeing what I would be dealing with."

"Dealing with?" I repeated as she waved her hand, causing a small ripple to be felt, like a pebble being thrown into a body of water. Asked I turned to see what she did, I nearly jumped back, as the Kidnapper...no...it WAS her...but, not at the same time.

This Alicorn before me from afar would've looked like the Sun Princess...but up close, she was vastly different. The colors of her mane seemed dull and lifeless - dead really as it wasn't even flowing. This dead mane covered half of her face - leaving one blood red eye showing and a creepy smile that would put the Joker to shame.

Her coat seemed dirty too, not darker, just dirty, as if she was not taking care of herself. The dress I remembered her wearing when we first met, seemed...covered in blood, ripped almost showing her breast fully, but not; if that made any sense. But what pulled me for a loop, was what she was carrying, a bag, a simply looking bag, a sack more like it, and it was full of...something. "The...hell is this?" I question as Luna walked over, and seemed to gaze at this fake Kidnapper, seeing the darken lines under her eyes that ever villain seem to have, well, comic books or anime like villain at least. Even her eyes and ears seemed sharper.

"This," Luna stated as she turned back to look at me, holding a hand up to point to the Alicorn beside her. "This is the main source of your Nightmares, Brandon! This is how you - at least deep within your mind - consider my sister, Celestia to be."

THAT, this thing was what was causing my nightmares, or what I'm guessing, a part of my nightmares. "The mind is a rather...interesting thing, Brandon." She spoke as she walked over to me and placed a hand along my shoulder. "You know, that this isn't what my sister looks like, but for some reason, your mind thinks of her as this. You've painted her to be the creature that pledges your nightmares. Though as I watched, she wasn't trying to cause harm to you...body wise at least...but she was emotionally harming you." I just turned my head to look at her, my eye raising as I pointed to the Nightmare Celestia before me.

"She, tried to crush me in a damn box!"

"Not crush, contain." She pointed out matter of fact. "Within Dreams nothing can harm you, that's why we wake up before we feel as if we are going to be harmed." She took a break before then asking me as she turned to face me fully. "These nightmares of yours," Luna spoke as she nudged her head to the Nightmare. "Tell me, they started when you first came here...right?" I just gave her a look. Arms crossed, eyes half closed as if saying 'no really'?' she seemed to smile sheepish at that. "Sorry, with the amount of people I help solve nightmares...it's a sort of habit to ask that."

"Right," I half answered, really not caring all that much. "But yeah, they started along the second night."

She only hummed softly, as if to herself mostly as she walked back over to the creature that looked much like her sister, gazing at its stillness up and down for a moment, before turning her head sideways, looking back at me. "What do you see that seems...out of place with this version of my sister, that your mind crafted?" She asked me as she kept her eye on me. "Something out of place that seems to just...pop, so to speak?" I gave her a look, a raised eye look, before looking at the Celestia before me. Well there was only one thing that stood out, that damn bag.

The way she held it, it looked like the only way it would be released would be by cutting the damn thing off. But it couldn't be that simple could it? Why would something like this, that dirty filled bag, be the thing she meant? However...it was the only thing that did stick out, sure the rest of her was just...off, of course, but this bag, that bag just...well, it seemed the best choice. I didn't have to tell her my answer, for it seemed she already pieced where my eyes were looking at as she walked away. "Dreams have a way of...holding the answers we seek." She stated as she went to stand back at my side, her hand along my shoulder as I looked up to her. "The possible answer as to why you are having these nightmares of her, or even, the way of stopping it; could lay within that very bag."

"Really...that's it?" I asked slightly slumping as I released a heavy sigh. "Are you telling me that all I would have to do...it go and just open that bag? And that would make all of this stop, the nightmares?"

"Possibly," She resorted as she looked back down to me. "But it's not always that simple."

"Like hell it's not." I was rather getting annoyed at the way she was handling things, Spike told me she could help me if I let her; and if she going with some damn Jedi Mind Trick...well, I'm not going to buy into that.

I moved over, closer to the Nightmare Celestia, I was about to grab the bag...when it and she just disappeared, her laughs coming again as I looked around in shock and confusion. I looked back at Luna, as if to have some sort of unasked question answered, as she spoke, shaking her head slightly. "This nightmare, the nightmares you have." She spoke clearly and slowly as for me to possible understand it more. "Was made because of you. My sister may have been a primal reason for it - that much is clearly seen - but you have yet to find the reason to stop it; all you did was merely...dispel an image of it."

"The hell do you mean by that?" I demanded as I waved my arms about. "And I couldn't really considered this a nightmare to be truthful, it's more damn well annoying then anything...and really all this riddling is started to get under my skin as well!"

"If you listened to me before," She went on after I told her what needed to be said. "I told you that this creature you made, doesn't want to harm you, in fact it's pushing you deeper and deeper, or trying to, so that you can find the answered yourself. I do not know how dreams work back where you are from, Brandon; however dreams here have a much...powerful hold. I've shown you the means of what could be the tools to stop this - as my job is to help those with nightmares like yourself - some are small, many are large. I can't stop them, but merely offer my words; this is something you must handle on your own."

"Great..." I hissed under my breath as I threw my hands in the air. "Almost like I'm dealing with a bloody Freddy up in here." She gave me a clear confused look at my outburst - but really!? It makes sense, seeing how I was talking about someone she had no idea what, or who he was. Either way, as I looked away and cast my eyes down on the ground, I once more felt her hand placed along my shoulder; damn she really loves touching that part of me, heh

"Something like this isn't easy, and something outside in the real world is at least stopping these nightmares to come every night, which is a good sign at least." She gave me a small smile at this, as the only thing I could think of, would be that of Golden. Man I guess dating someone nice can really change a guy’s outlet...I mean I shouldn't count my eggs before they hatched, but still. "At times this will happen...and now that you are more aware of this, you can work on somehow beating this, finding a way to get the answers you need, why is she after you, and what does she hold; and by she, I mean your mind." She moved her hand to softly tap my forehead as I blinked and looked up at it slightly. "This is your mind, your dream, Brandon. You are in control of it, but at the same time you are not. Something, your subconscious possibly wanting you to do something, to know something...before this can all end." She then smiled at me, or more so smirk at me. "It may sound quite easy, but it can be hard. My advice, ask this 'Celestia' questions, try to find out why she is doing this to you. Other than that...I cannot help you."

She gazed away at me, before her wings opened up wide and took to the air. "Either way, it seems our time has grown short, dawn comes, and it is time for you to wake!"

"Wait how can you tell if-"

My eyes jerked opened as I just blankly stared at the roof of my room, I blinked a few times before sitting up and shook my head a bit. Reaching over for my phone, I saw that it was indeed nearly six o'clock in the morning, and already the sun was slowly raising casting a sunny hue in my room. All I could think of, was one very important thing...

"Damn it princess...now I have to get out of bed; thanks for waking me up three hours early!" I hissed under my breath, and could've sworn I heard her chuckling somewhere.

"Hey. Are you okay, Brandon?"

It was another one of my dates with Golden - though we decided to spend the day together, it being a first for us seeing how we only been dating for a few weeks...nearly a month now that I thought about it. It was a little bit after lunch, and I didn't work today, and Golden had the idea of spending the day watching movies. It was on those old...projector, you know, the one with the two big wheel things? I couldn't understand, they have the tech to make a N64 clone, but still make movies on these? Even more so they were in color. She claimed the color ones had been around for a few decades, I'm just happy that it wasn't noisy...what's the point of watching a damn movie, if the movie maker was louder than the movie itself? Either way, this was the first movie of many, and load and behold, another thing kinda like my home world...Star Wars, lest this one was the same, and these movies were of the forth and six movie...never did find out why the old ones were four to six, and the newest ones were one to three...huh...guess I'll never know.

"You're rather quiet today... I mean, the silence is nice and all but..." she gave me a smirk as I only rolled my eyes at this and laughed at her joke in a sarcastic fashion.

"Oh Ha ha," I said as I rolled my eyes again. "Nah...just been thinking is all."

"Watch yourself," she teased poking the side of my head. "Don't need you frying on me."

"You quite done?" She only giggled again as she leaned back to her side of the sofa.

She was wearing a more everyday set of clothing then when we would date. The makeup was gone - that didn't really change all that much about her - and her mane was still slightly curly, just not as much as before. She wore a rater simple black shirt, a v-neck type that showed out the outline of her...well ya know, breasts. A long pair of jeans that looked more for someone working outside then anything. Her green eyes looked at me, as if asking me to answer her question that she asked of me before. As I sighed and shook my head. "Just been having some dreams that made Princess Luna come to talk and check out on me I suppose." I told her after a bit as the movie kept on playing, we came to the part of where the Obi-won like character would say 'these aren't the droids you're looking for', to 'these aren't the unicorns you are looking for'.

"Wanna talk about it with me?" she asked as I shook my head.

"Nah," I answered as she only nodded, understanding that I perhaps wanted to deal with this on my own.. "Something that I can deal with on my own. Don't worry about me, beside this is ruining our movie day isn't it?"

"Not at all," she sated as she looked to me, before standing up pausing the movie as she went back to sit down beside me. "Besides, I wanted to ask you a few things, if you don't mind?"

"Oh?" I twisted my body, my right hand hanging off the side of her sofa as I tilted my head. "About what?"

"Well," she started as she looked over to me, as if to think a bit and then added. "Well," she repeated one more time and went on. "I know you told me about why you punched Celestia - I'm still on your side! I mean! She did take you from your home and all you’ve known...and well, it was because she was messing around with something that she shouldn't have." I nodded at this, as I had told her about that little adventure during one of our dates as she nodded as well.

"But...if I can ask - as I told you, pony kind are the type that forgive more easily than other species - but if I may ask...why? Why won’t you take her apology? No, I'm not condoning her what she did - heck! I'm sure I would've done the same thing as well. However..." she added as I just looked at her. "You have to know that she didn't mean to. You must know that if she knew what would've happened, she wouldn't had done it."

I sighed heavily as I turned and flopped fully along the sofa and gazed at her TV, the still shot of the movie we were watching very clear and very frozen. My hands moved before my face, a hand over a fist as I closed my eyes and thought for a moment, before giving her my answer.

"I don't want her to think what she did was something light - like accidentally on someone’s foot-er hoof." I simply answered as she gazed at me, I could see this from the corner of my eye as I went on. "Humans take trust very, very seriously and keep it close to their hearts. When we give our trust to someone - this is mostly me because I don't know how others humans did it - and you break our trust...it's hard, nearly impossible to gain it back. She...she was messing around with a magical book - one she had no idea what it was; or what it did; and had no idea what it could hold within its pages. And yet, she still messed around with it like a child with a new toy." I took a moment to lean back and cross my arms over my chest and just sighed softly again. "I...I have a feeling, that if I take her apology...or I think that if I take her apology - her sorry - that she will just think that it's all fine and dandy. And the worst part is," I said as I held my hand out. "Is that...I'm happy here, more so then when I was back home."

"What do you mean...how..." she seemed really confused at this, how could I be happy when I was labeling the Kidnapper, as well...a kidnapper. How could I be happy when my family wasn't here with me, or I wasn't with them at all.

"I miss my family, truly I do." I admitted as I looked up. "I miss my grandmother, waking up just to say hi to her, I miss texting my mom to see how she was doing. My brother - as much as he was a asshole at times...I miss just having the choice to see him and my two little nieces." I held my hands together again, sitting up and leaning forward as I released a heavy exhale and went on. "I miss them horrible...and I took for granted on the gift I had just by seeing and hearing them. Now... I will never have that chance again, taken, stolen from me because of the choices she made. By mistake, or if she meant to."

"I know that I'm just one person that loathes her...but I want that to sink into her, if she truly is for real about this. I want her to know...that I hate her for what she did...and nothing, and no one will change my mind."

There was a long pause that followed along after that, me soon just looking ahead, as I soon felt her hand along my wrist as I looked over at her.

"No one will, or wants to force you to take her apology, Brandon." Golden told me in a soft voice as I felt her other hand move to my cheek, thumbing it softly as she just gave me a smile. "And I understand how you feel, but you know...maybe holding that much hate for her, even if you don't see it, is bugging you more than anything. You can't hold onto hate forever, I'm not saying what she did was right, and I'm not telling you to forgive her. But, having so much hate for someone; is it worth it?"

I just looked at her, and then turned my head away, I didn't know the answer to that, I couldn't and wouldn't forgive her for what she did; I couldn't. She took away my choice, whether she meant to do it or not; she took that from me, but also affected the lives of my family. "And perhaps I should've asked this first before that but..." I turned back at her as she gazed at me with a small smile. "We've been dating for a bit and well...maybe we should start using the title as, fillyfriend, and coltfriend?"

"Wait...wut?" I asked looking rather...surprised then anything, my eyes widened a bit as she blushed a bit and rubbed her shoulder.

"We...well," she started as she smiled. "I mean I like you, Brandon - it's the reason I wanted to start to date you in the first place. I know the way I said how you were exotic that made you more, appealing. But after getting to know you these past few weeks, I grew a sort of...wanting for you. Dating was sort of testing the waters, and now, I want to go a step beyond that!"

"What..." I asked, pausing for a moment. "What point of stepping beyond?" she only smiled before she moved closer to me, and I even yelped when she sat right on my lap - and pushed her lips to my own.

My eyes went wide at the kiss - of course it wasn't my first kiss, but my first, non-human kiss. It was...strange at first, seeing how she had a muzzle and I didn't. But after a moment, when she pulled back to look at me - her eyes half closed - before soon pushing back down for another...we found a way. It was just soft kisses, her arms laid along my shoulders and over the sofa as I closed my eyes and enjoyed it myself, my hands moving to her hips as we enjoyed the tender moment, before I felt...something rising from below as she broke the kiss with a gasp and only giggled. "Seems you liked that a bit then, huh?"

"Ah...bah..." was all I could bubble out as she tittered at my very smart response.

"Hey, I'm only happy you think of me that much for me to get a raise out of you, but don't think we are going to the bed yet...gotta work for it."

"I thought," I breathed as she still sat on my lap, still in a bit of shock with how...forward she was. "It was the mare's job to get in the stallion's pants?"

"Oh it is," she said smirking "But seeing how you told me it was the males who mostly did the wine and dining...maybe I should see how well you can do - to get me out of my own pants hrm?" I felt a magical hold take my hands, and not place them on her hips...but right on her ass as she smirked and raised a eyebrow. "Want some more, or rather watch the movie for a bit?"

I only smiled as she smirked back as she leaned down, pressing our lips together, a soft hum coming from her throat as we enjoyed each other's moment.

Funny thing is...I knew Fang Face was about outside, making sure nothing happened - and if she peeked in the window to see this…

I wouldn't care, fuck that bat pony for all I care.

I was happy...the most I was in a long time.

Author's Note:


Also if anyone is wondering why this chapter was so quick to come out and the others took nearly a month, this one was more easier for me to write, I had a basic idea for this and that's the reason it came out so quickly, and also.

please tell me if the Time Skips are annoying, im trying to write the more important part of Brandon's life here in Equestria, and the reason for the time skips will be shown later down the line.