• Published 5th Jul 2017
  • 10,054 Views, 450 Comments

Sorry isn't Enough! - eragon13666

When you're thrown from you home, into a new world of unknown reasons, Sorry, isn't enough when your human.

  • ...

A Golden Date

"You what?!" I yelled out after my brain restarted itself after a brief moment of it being shut off. I was just told by Rarity that she had set up a date for me...without me saying yes or no-- behind my back of all things--and I was not bloody well happy about it. "Rarity, what the hell?!"

"What?" she question as she looked to me in confusion after I jerked away from her--Twilight in the background watching everything unfold, not wanting to be part of this little episode that was unfolding before her. "I thought you might be happy about possible having a date, I mean...you seem to shy away from other ponies..."

"Because I don't know them!" I exclaimed as I waved my hands before me. "I'm not like Pinkie Pie who wants to make freaking friends with everyone, or whatever! I don't care for that, I'm happy the way I am, and don't even want a bloody date because so far in my life dates means bad news for me!"

"Darling..." She started before I then stopped her.

"No, no, no!" I said firmly. "Don't you 'Darling' me! You just decided from out of nowhere that 'Oh! Brandon should have a date, I'm not even gonna ask what he feels!’ I’ll just go on and surprise him!” I mocked her idea as I spoke in a rather bad impersonation of how she talks. “So let me also guess...no doubt this date that you set up it is already going to happen, isn't it?"

When she nodded, I could see that her body looked a bit tensed, possible I being the first one in a long time, or at all to every speak to her in such a way possible. I then added. "So now, I can't back out because my inner self is gonna feel bad about it--so thanks! I'm going on a date I don't want nor care for!"

Hey I may have been pissed off about what she did...but I'm not about to make myself be a dick to someone that wasn't...somewhat part of it. I mean...if Rarity came to me in the first place BEFORE she said yes about this date, maybe I would've done it. But the fact that she went on and just made the choice herself without me knowing at all, that was really getting under my skin!

"I just thought you would...be happy..." she said slowly as if confused on why I was angry. I frowned...but then a idea came to mind, causing me to smirk at the confused mare.

"Oh! In that case...maybe I'll just ask Twilight here to send a letter to someone...a certain prince..." Her eyes grew wide at that as if I just punched her in the gut. "I've not seen you with anyone, and I just want to make sure that you are happy...seeing how it seems it's impossible to be happy unless you are with someone."

"Y...you can't mean...?" She sort of leaned back, her eyes widened all the more as if the worst possible thing could, and would happen. Her ears flat against her skull as if the very thought would leave her weak in the knees at any waking moment!

"I mean... I'm sure you won't mind that I would just make you have a date with Prince Blueblood, right? After all, you did it to me and you thought I would be happy...right?" As I talked, I started to give her a slow glare--eyes closing in towards her. "Or does it matter more to you...because it would happen to you...?"

"Alright that's enough, Brandon!" I heard Twilight from behind. "I think she gets it now, there no need to keep going on about it, you made your point; and I believe she is sorry as well!"

"Yeah, I'm sure she’s really sorry--she went behind my back and made choices for me!" I muttered at this as I looked away as Twilight asked.

"Are humans always so...hard to take a sorry for what it is?" She question as I turned to her with a raised eyebrow look.

"First of all," I pointed out. "She didn't even say sorry--you claimed that she may feel sorry." That was one point for me so far, Twilight trying to say something before I cut her off. "Two, she claimed that I would be better off dating someone, without my permission onto setting up a date, or how I would feel!" There, two points for me as her hand went down as if she was going to interject. "And lastly, when I used her idea on if I should go to someone she clearly hates, to pretty much set up a date with them...without her permission, that's when you pulled it!" I argued and added. "So...please forgive me, for not jumping for joy for something I didn't ask, nor want to do!"

Then, to put icing on this little rant I was going on--I then at last added one last line. “So riddle me this: would a ‘sorry’ from me--after knowly setting up a date with someone who treated her like shit before--be enough then?” Both mares said nothing as they gazed at one another and then to me as I pushed past Rarity.

"I'm going to my room," I said flatly as I walked past the double doors and made my way to the room.

I sat at my chair, looking at the desk.

Before me, sat a large bottle of Applejack's Hard Apple Cider. Rainbow Dash gave this to me a while back and well...I just held onto it. I wasn't a really big drinker, only drank when it was something to drink about. But now...after the reminder of dating, after what happened last time...is it kinda sad that I was considering it now. To just drown myself to the drink and try to forget, even for a bit. I just looked at the bottle for a bit longer before just sighing and pushing it away.

No. I wouldn't go to that low just for something like this, and I could now understand Rarity's state of mind when she tried to set me up for a date...however I did wish that she at least came to me first about it.

I breath out a heavy sigh as I rubbed my eyes with my thumb and finger as I slightly cursed myself again. Once more I let my anger get the best of me, and I knew it. I always did have a temper and truthfully I surprised I'm even still outside of prison here. Perhaps they are right...perhaps I am lucky that I'm not in a cell right now.


I slightly jerked when I heard the voice of Rarity come up from the doorway, looking over seeing the white unicorn standing slightly within the open door, her hands wrapped about the doorframe as she gazed at me, half inside, half outside. "Look...darling I would..."

"I'm sorry," I spoke, cutting her off as she blinked as if I said something that was rather surprising. "I shouldn't have blown up on you like that...I know your heart was in the right place but..." I sighed and then went on. "That was no way of me responding to you as such."

I know...I know. Me going on a tirade early with her and Twilight about how they just throw ‘sorry’ around like it’s free candy...and here I am, saying how sorry I was for what I said to her--or more so--how I said it. Rather hypocritical of me when I pointed out how rather stupid it was.

However, at this point...I really didn’t know what else to say. Tch. My anger really did get the better of me--and perhaps it is high time that I start to work on it. One day, someone isn’t going to like what I have to say, or how I react...before coming to blows, with me being the loser in the exchange.

Rarity only gave me a few more blinks before laughing rather...sheepish, before she timidly said to me. "Truthfully," she spoke as I tilted my head, "I was...sort of readying myself of being...punched."

I blinked once, twice, three times before then sighing softly at this. I suppose that would make sense, if I am willing to punch their princess...I’ll be willing to punch anyone lesser.

"I...I know it's horrible to think as such, after getting to know you these last few weeks when we spend our times making you clothes." She pointed out while her left hand fidgeted with her right hand index finger. "But you must understand where I'm coming from, when you were known to..."

"You don't have to explain yourself," I answered her as she gazed back up at me as I walked forward a bit. "I...understand, but you have to understand as well that what you did is far, far less than what...she did to me."

She only seemed to nod at this as I sighed softly at this as I rubbed my eyes again. I went off to the desk once more. About to put away the drink when she asked.

"Why...did you react the way you did when I told you I set up a date for you?"

I had that sneaking feeling that she would ask me that after the outburst I gave her out there, and truthfully it did make sense. During my times over at Rarity's place we got to talking, seeing how that's all one could do while being measured and adjusted over and over again by a seamstress and fashion designer, who was busy taking numbers on your height and such.

I learned about her dream of being big in the fashion world, how one day she wouldn't mind living up there in Canterlot. Or to expand her work in other places. It has worked so far, she had a few shops under her name in other places. And that allowed her income to grow rather quickly. Still she always told me it would be Canterlot where she wanted to be home base.

Though I barely spoke of myself and that was because, well...I'm not a sharing type of person so to speak. My past is my past. Though...I guess telling her why I acted as such would paint a clearer photo for her as to WHY I reacted the way I did.

"That's sort of a long story," I spoke as she went over toward my bed and sat down, patting it beside her as I guess she wanted to hear about it, if I was willing that is.

It took a while to explain why I haven't dated in a long time, and why I supposed I was worried. I asked her to keep it between us, and I was happy that she agreed. I told her of those who I found out used me to get back at another, out of pity, and even the one that nearly ruined my life. I was quite surprised that she didn't stop to ask questions, or even make overly large gasp noises.

As I spoke however, I could see that of small pity, or sadness, and when I spoke of the one who accused me of rape, after I was done...I was really shocked at what she said next.

"Why...that unclass, no good rotten little bitch!" she hissed out that caused me to lean away from her in surprised, even blinking a few times. "How could...how could anyone just lie as such just to get back at someone?! She is so lucky that she wasn't charged here, she wouldn't see the light of day for a long, long time!"

"Wut?" I asked while blinking at her during her little outburst, before she turned and took my hands in her own and held it to her chest--above her breast as I blinked.

"I...I am so sorry for what has happened to you, Brandon," she started as she gazed at my eyes as I just watched her, a part of me wanted to move my eyes down to where my hand was, but I forced them up. "If...If I had known about your past and..."

"It's okay," I told her as I pulled my hand a, way and said "I never told you of my past, so you didn't know...Like we talked about before, I know you were only trying to help someone out but well…

"No, no...I should've asked how you felt first," she came in to stop me from saying anything else. "I guess the fact I thought it would be good for you blinded me to your feelings into the situation you are in! And you are right! I'm not with anyone and I'm just fine!" She then looked away as she spoke. "The way that last one treated you, lying to get you in prison...our laws aren't perfect, but I know without the shadow of a doubt no one would ever claim to have been raped, just to get back at someone. If that happened and found out to be lying, they would be thrown in prison even longer then what the accused would've been in!"

She moved her body to look at me again, her hands moving to cup my own as she gazed at me. "From the time we spent together as I tailored your clothes, and just the short moments we have in between...I can tell you're someone who doesn't like to open up on a lot of things, that you like to hold things deep within your very soul. Know that if you need someone to talk to that I am always here to listen; or a shoulder to cry on." She gave me a small sweet smile, that allowed me to also return one back. However soon, after the last of her words faded into the open air, there was a pause before she added. "I can find her and cancel for you...say that something came up or...?"

I stopped her by raising a hand. "I'll...go on the date."

"Wait...really but you said..." The way her body looked, as well as her leaning back, showed that of shock. I mean, that was to be expected, I did go on a rant about how I didn’t want a date before, and now...well I was saying I be more then willing to.

"I know what I said," I replied calmly as I leaned back on my hands and looked up as if thinking, to which I was doing--but still. "It has been years Rarity...since I last dated, and there was always a part of me that wanted to get back on that wagon, to give it one more shot."

As I spoke out what I had in my mind, I patted my pocket, feeling my phone with pictures of my mother, brother and nieces inside. A smile slowly creeping up along my lips. "My oldest niece, turned four a few months before I was brought here," I started to share as she listened with attention to me. "I went to her party along with my grandmother...Heh! I can still hear my grandmother trying to teach her and the youngest to call her GG, based off a movie grandmother. Anyway, my oldest niece came up to me and asked me, 'Uncle B, are you sad?'

I remembered looking at her with such a weird expression, as she climbed up on the sofa next to me and placed her hands on her lap. When I asked her what she meant by that, she responded with. 'Well, daddy has mommy, and both are happy, you don't have anyone like mommy, so that must mean you're not happy right?' "

I gave a soft choked laugh at the memory, the lump in my throat felt heavy, as well as feeling something go down my cheek. I reached a hand up and felt it--tears. I looked away as I felt Rarity place her hand on my shoulder. "I...I guess because I will never see them again, I have to make do with what I have...and maybe she was right! Maybe I wasn't as happy as I let myself believe, maybe I was just bottling everything up inside and I knew it wasn't healthy. I was letting a few bad experiences ruin what could be a moment of happiness for me. The way I reacted back there...has been an old habit of mine--pushing people away when they tried to hook me up. What little friends I had back home, also tasted what you had. Some even just quit being my friends because of it.”

"I'm in a new world, new rules, and no past to my name, this is a great way for me to start over, and well...what better way they for me to start to date eh...so." I looked back over to her and gave a small smile. "Where do I meet her?"

It was close to seven in the afternoon, or would it be considered close to dusk? Rarity did a lot of work on me. Trimming my hair down and the gel she used to slick it back made it shine as if a light shower of rain covered my hair, leaving it looking rather slick. She shaved my hair along the face, making myself look more dashing as she claimed.

I rather liked my beard, made me stand out back home. She made a suit for me in case I was invited to something named...Grand Galloping Gala or something like that, I don't know. But I ditched the black jacket and went with the black pants, dress shoes, white button up shirt and tie. It had been the first date I would have in years and she wanted to give me some tips on Equestria courting and what could be different.

One of the biggest things I think I don't think I would get used to, was that it was more of the everyday norm that the mares were treat the stallions to everything, pay for the food, drinks, movies, etc. I told her as such that where I was from that was the guy 'job' to do it. She got a laugh and explained because of the male to female ratio count, mares tried to butter up any stallion they could get.

I brought my Bits--just in case--if I wanted something extra, so I would pay for it. I wasn't going to be like someone who just thought 'oh you're the one who has to pay for it because of the social norm today!' But if she was hard press on paying...I don't know...old habits of mine will be dying hard for sure.

The place where the date was being held was a sort of mixed one, for both that of meat eaters and those of the veggie part. Seems my date knew--or found out through Rarity--that I normally only ate meat...but I would eat a salad anyway, I needed to eat more healthy anyway. Oh dear, I am making the vegans back home proud.

A few of the diners outside the diner tonight gave me a sort of sideway glance--or even a double take--as a few whispers started to be heard in the background. Some of the diners waiting for a table I didn't remember seeing around Ponyville, perhaps they were just visitors. As I said before, this place was growing, almost into its own kind of kingdom. I was just happy that no one came bugging me about if I was really the one who hit the Kidnapper...really, I am the only human around, course they possible wouldn't know what I looked like...even though my photo was plastered in the news for a while.

It felt strange you know, there being no internet or global media--so mainstream information was slow in term of how quickly or slow the paper press was. Or I should say how quickly it got to the other parts of the world. Before I could just pop on Facebook and boom! When shit was going down, I got it nearly right away. Still, I was somewhat glad that they had video games here--the N64 clone being new here just meant that if the gaming world evolved the same way here...I would only have to wait another decade before games like the PS3 and such would be coming.

No! I shouldn't be thinking of games right now! I was--am--waiting for my date to come.

Still, I was nervous as all hell. One thing still was nagging me: why would someone want to date me?

I mean, I know Twilight and Rarity told me many dated outside of their race--gryphons and ponies being one combo that was known. Hell, I even saw a dragon--a small one a bit bigger than Spike however--walking hand to claw with a minotaur lady as they were just passing through while I waited.

Going back to the original question...what was crossing this unknown dates’ mind to make her want to go on a date with me?

"Sorry that I'm late!"

I turned my head to look behind me as I stood up, my eyes blinking a few times as I gazed at I guessed would be the one who was to be my date for the night.

Her coat was that of pure snow white while her mane was curly and bouncy and having the shimmer of gold, with some of the locks having a white line going through them like a second color, much like how Twilight mane had a few shades of purple. Her tail was also curled in the same fashion with the same white line through a few of them.

Her deep Green eyes reminded me of freshly grass hills, as her eye shadowing and lashes seemed to just make them...pop against the white fur.

As I took her in, I noticed that she was wearing a black dress that had its side open to allow her legs to move freely; hoofshoes that were black too, with what looked to be diamond-dusted ties along the front.

She held a purse in her hand--only for her to drape it along the chair as she moved over to take a seat...and I couldn’t help but watch as she sat down and smiled at me. As for me? I only blinked and sat down again, my throat feeling so dry that I needed to swallow a few times.

The hell was with her that made me feel like that. I mean...yeah, back home I was considered a furry--few photos on my computer would tell you as such--but no one...no human ever made me feel at a loss for words...and no! It wasn't 'love at first sight'! I don't believe in that bullshit!

She sat down as she also smiled at me--showing a bit of sheepish embarrassment mixed with something I couldn’t describe…

Was she playing me a bit with this show?

"Again, sorry I'm late," she wasn't, at least from what I could tell. "I was doing some last moment freshening up, and I just lost track of the time!" She explained as she held her hand out to me as I held my hand out, surprised that she shook my hand as if this was a job interview. "A pleasure to meet you...Brandon right?"

"Uh, yeah." It didn't surprise me that she knew my name, maybe Rarity or another third party information told her. "Sorry...but I don't know your name."

"Well, I'm not on the news for hitting the very being that raises the sun. Now am I?" she asked in a teasing fashion before tittering at my expense, while I rubbed the back of my head. "Golden Facade," she answered placing her hand along her chest. "Again, a pleasure to meet you face to face...I was almost thinking you wouldn't want to agree to this little dinner date."

"I'm wondering on why would you want to date me." I asked as she checked through the menu before her, as I already did and I already knew what I wanted. "I mean, the fact that...I'm different is one, and the other...you already know."

"The fact you are a being no one in this world ever met or seen...you could say is a big reason why I wanted to." She kept leafing through the menu as she added, “that fact alone makes you so interesting to other mares to know, you know?” At this point she lowered her menu and raised an eyebrow as she looked at me before teasing me with this line. "I could even say it makes you very...desirable.”

I swallowed thickly again as what she said echoed within my head, and hid a cough as the waiter came in.

Before I could even say anything to the waiter, Golden ordered a large wine bottle--even moving to her purse and tipping the waiter--while saying something to him that I didn't catch as he nodded and left off. "So...will you be getting something from the meat section, my gryphon friends tells me the steak is amazing here." She still keeping her eyes on me, tilted her head the side in a cute way. "You do eat meat...yes?"

I just looked at her, wondering and trying to think what she was trying to do. Was she trying to see if I ate meat so that she would run away as quickly as her slender legs could take her...no, she claimed that she had a gryphon friend so many…

"I do...yes but I can just ordered a salad or something." I offered as I looked over at her...and while at it kept trying to keep my composure as I kept my eyes on hers without deviating my sight downwards. All of this while trying to not look like a fool to her.

"Why?" She asked as she tilted her head to the other side. ‘Oh god my heart.’, only for her eyebrow to rise again as if I asked a rather silly question. "Oh! I see," she said smirking at me--as if she had found some delicious carrot and didn’t want to share. "Thinking I'm too soft to handle someone eating meat? Don't worry about it--order what you want! It's on me anyway."

I tried to say after that, that I could help out with the payment, but she kept on refusing whenever I said so by telling me that here the custom was, that if someone wanted to do the date or asked, they should pay for it anyway. She also claimed that she had more than enough Bits to handle the bill.

The drinks soon came, as they first gave us a small glass to test. For me it was rather sweet, but it was still good wine. Giving us the bottle, she used her magic to pour us a glass each as we got to talking.

As we talked about a diversity of subjects, I realized something: Golden was more interested in my world, where I came from and just me in general. The way she gazed at me...the back of her hands folded under her chin as she just took everything in was… flattering to say the least.

As I brought my phone with me, I showed her the basic of how it worked--keeping the photos away. It was the first date after all, so there was no sense in showing a lot from the start. It still was a sort of weird feeling, meeting beings who had no idea what a phone was, and me trying to explain it to one of those aforementioned beings.

The only short way I could explain it...was by saying it was like...talking to someone in the same room, around any part of the world. The thought of such a thing amazed her to no end.

"What about you?" I asked after we place the order, she got a pasta dish, and me the meat she recommended, she more so made the order for me. "What do you do that made you and Rarity know one another?"

She ate a bit of the breadstick provided by us as I waited for my answer. After she swallowed she spoke up. "I'm sort of starting into the world of fashion myself." She then went on with her story. "I met her on one of her trips in Los Pegasus, she loved the dress I was wearing and asked me where I got it. I told her I just put it together, and we got to talking. See, my family, we mine gold, gems, pretty much anything that's shiny and sellable if you know what I mean." She said chuckling softly as she took another small sip.

"I was working under my father as a sort of accountant. Making sure everyone was paid, no one was ripping us off, and finding shops or buyers with the best price." She sighed softly as she thought for a moment, then went on with her story. "It took a lot of convincing to my father to get me to leave to come here. See, we are the type of family where we all stick together. My grandparents lived with us, as well as my mother and father, along with my three older sisters. Each of which have their own gem stores to sell our product. I was thought to be another member of the family who would follow the family legacy but well...clothing is where I love, also making amazing deals."

She chuckled again as she said. "Rarity decided to take me under her wing to sort of...merge our ideas into one until I can get myself off my feet, you know. Get my name out there to the world, so I can bench off without someone name holding me up. I'm still amazed that one of the Elements wielders is helping me!"

I could only nod as our food came. The smell was amazing, a side of potatoes as well, baked with sour cream along the top, it just looked so good. We ate, talked some more and for once in a long time...I was enjoying myself. Maybe a bit pushy when she thought I should get the meat, or even wanting to pay for everything. But other than that...I liked her. I felt at ease when I spoke to her, as she told me more of her family and even her flaws. Her dreams of being big in the fashion world, and like Rarity possible move up to Canterlot to be a sort of noble mare in the eyes of the snooty ponies.

When she started to ask me of my past or how I felt about being here, if I didn't feel like answering anything. Fortunately, she didn't push for it--but understood that what I was feeling, or the feeling of never meeting my family again--so she just dropped the subject.

As we talked, she at times reached over to softly hold my hand and rub the top with her thumb. It still felt strange...that the ponies here, as they were the only race I dealt with up to now, were so...easy with expressing the want of making sure someone was fine. Normally something like this would only happen with family, very close friends, or a lover. And yet she...she looked like she was for real making sure I was fine. It was a feeling I hadn't felt in a long time. And yeah, Spike and the others like Twilight express their want to make sure I was fine, but this just felt...different.

When we were done, the bill paid and we both left tips, we got up and left out together, walking as we just talked. The sky was already darkening as the moon rose into place…and I made a joke, saying that I couldn't and wouldn't believe that someone could lower and raise the moon, and she just laughed at that. "It is a far different world than that you are used to." She pointed out. "So many the impossible...is possible?"

"I suppose you are right." I said smiling a bit as she giggled while we kept on going.

We soon came to her home--a one floor building, with the same colour scheme as everything else in this world of talking mythical creatures. Once there, she stopped at the front door and reached for her purse and dug out a key and went to unlock it before turning to look at me.

"I did have a good time tonight, Brandon." She spoke as she smiled sweetly at me. "And I'm hoping we can do it again. I already know where you live, crystal castle being kinda hard to miss!" she teased pointing behind me as I laughed and rubbed the back of my head.

"Yeah I supposed it is...not my taste though, I'm more of a simple home then a big ass castle!"

"Perhaps," she said "But I'm sure a lot of mares would love a stallion who lived in a castle."

"Not really mine," I pointed out as she nodded.

"So true." She said as she placed her hand along the door handle to open the door. "I-I just want you to know...a part of me wanting to do this was that you are rather...unique so to speak. The only...human?" when I nodded she went on. "The only human in the world, don't take it as, as my friend would say, 'looking at you like a slab of meat', but I was...interested to see how you ticked."

"Oh?" I asked, as I had a small idea that this may have been the reason, but at least she was being truthful about it.

"Yeah," she answered with a curt nod. "Just know, that I did enjoy myself, and I do hope we can do this again, maybe in a few days?" I smiled as I thought about it and then spoke closing my eyes and rubbing my head again.

"Well you know where I live, so if you want to come over to talk so we can make plans I'm sure we can..." I stopped as I felt her place a small kiss along my cheek, causing me to open my eyes at that and blink a few times. She only smiled and winked, turning and walking inside; the click of the door echoing in the night.

Whoa...did that...did she…

I shook my head as I turned and walked away, my hands dug into my pocket as I would at times look back at her home, still walking.

I...really couldn’t wait for our next date.