• Published 5th Jul 2017
  • 10,042 Views, 450 Comments

Sorry isn't Enough! - eragon13666

When you're thrown from you home, into a new world of unknown reasons, Sorry, isn't enough when your human.

  • ...

Birthday Boy!

Author's Note:


ugh I know this was a long time waiting and I'm sorry for all that waited this long!

few things, one this is edited off Grammarly i caved and decided to try it out so this is a first for me, so tell me how you think this works with it as my Editor. i promise next time you won't be waiting nearly 2 years for an update...man has it been that long! anyway, enjoy!

When I was younger, birthdays and other holidays of any type always made me happy, even more so when I got gifts from them. Easter, Halloween, Christmas, Birthdays, they were the ones I loved the most!

Easter, for the fact of finding eggs and others like goodies and just pigging early in the morning with a big Kinder Egg that we had up here in Canada that stayed around for a few months afterward.

Halloween, dressing up as monsters or other such creatures of movies, video games, or such. Going around asking for candy to then pig out later on as well.

Christmas, well, I don't need to explain that, but the idea of so many gifts from family members and just enjoying being with family. Birthdays being the same, but with the fact that the day would be all about me and such, yes it sounded selfish but we all thought of that at one point or another. But as I grew older...the the magic short of...left.

Easter was meh, Halloween I hated the fact of nowadays when I last did it I got more and more apples or other sugar-free stuff, Christmas my family mostly woke me up early in the morning and not the other way around how it use to be as a kid, and..my birthday all I wanted to be an Ice cream cake, and possible a new game or clothes and I was fine. It just...did not have the same charm as it did when I was younger. Birthdays being one of the main culprits in away.

I don't know...maybe it was the fact of many people I knew who had birthdays had friends come over and have a good time, yeah I had friends, but they didn't like the idea, and parties just sort of...left away with the charm. I never liked big parties anyway so maybe that's why it died when I was younger in a way.

But still, Pinkie Pie promised that the party would be small, we had a room in the castle already set up for such a party, but of course, I wasn't allowed to go to it, at least not yet until it was time for me to go in. She even got two guards of Twilight's to stand outside to make sure the 'nosey human' didn't see inside. It was fun really.

The ones invited were all of the girls I knew of, Applejack wasn't going to come at first until Applebloom showed interests in coming with her friends as well. From what I understood, AJ was fully against her going, but she later convinced her sister to let her go, as long as AJ came along as well. From what Pinkie told me, AJ was going to make sure her sister was fine. Other than that, the rest of the friends of ponies were coming as well, even Trixie and Starlight, which makes sense I mean...she lived in the castle. Sure I didn't talk to her at much but still wouldn't be fair. And seeing how Trixie was her friend, made sense for her to come as well.

Lyra and Bon Bon were also invited to come along, the two mares agreeing as they wanted to spend the first birthday of Equestria, and Bon Bon of course not only gave me the day off but the following day as well as a 'cool down'. She didn't know that Pinkie was throwing a 'small' party, but from what I understood, even small was crazy, to say the least.

Shadow was also invited to come along as well, as over the last couple of days we were getting along much more. I would spar with her and the recruits, she even joked that I should try and join the guards, military work paid well and would help if I wanted to possibly go to school or get another type of job. I declined, military work didn't seem like my type of work. Sure I left the sparing matches of her's with a few bruises, but so did she, from me.

The last one that surprised me was one named Diamond Tiara and her friend Silver Spoon. It seemed she was an ex-bully of the CMC and as well as cousin to Golden, and she wanted to come and give me a gift as a way of saying sorry...she knew what was going on, but was worried what her mother would say to her if she snitched the plans out to me. From what I understood, ever since she stopped being a bully and pushing people around because of her family wealth in Ponyville, she and her mother didn't get along, even more than before. Even her father, Filthy Rich, had no idea on this, but from what I was told, the gift she was giving me was from both her and her father, as a way of saying sorry. I could easily tell that one day, the father/daughter duo may leave the nasty mare, that would be a very dirty divorce I bet...

Still, with all this happened, there was one thing that stuck out to me, that it was Rarity, asking me for a favor, and also of a warning. It seemed every year there was a big sort of meet and show off, of the fashion world. Many designers like Rarity, would go to show off her works, ether drawings to show what she could do, or even come up with some of her clothing to sell them off to bidders. She asked if I would be willing to be a model of sorts, to show how well her suit could make anyone inner beauty come out course with me joking around, I had to poke fun at her for how she said it.

"Ya calling me ugly marshmallow?" I teased as she snorted a bit and blushed in embarrassment before answering quickly.

"Of..of course not darling!" she quickly responded with as she shook her head again and said. "It's just... well you are such a unique being, and showing off my clothing could boost my chances of being seen by others. Yes, I have contacts, but it's always good to expand and show others. And well...some nobles still think of you as a brute." She pointed out as she sighed and lowered her head. "This could show that you are not and..."

"It doesn't matter to me Rarity," I told her placing a hand on her shoulder as I smiled. "I don't care what some suck up snob whose nose is so far up in the air, they would drown if it rained!" she giggled at that as she looked up to me as I smiled. "But sure...I will be happy to help you out...but what's the other reason?" She was silent for a while, and I raised my eyebrow, ready to ask her again before she then said.

"Golden...is gonna be there."

I didn't say anything at first, as I just stared at her, I was half thinking of just saying no and going away before she said. "Just...just hear me out okay!" she said as she came over toward me a bit more closely as she said. "I've...Look, I've heard some rumors that she was spreading lies about you to the more higher-ups, my friend, Fancy Pants, you remember meeting him at the Gala with me?" I couldn't remember if I really did or not, but still, she went on to say. "Well, he has been telling me, that she been telling some of the higher up of Canterlot, even him and his wife that you never wanted her dream to go off as if making a sob story that you broke up with her because she didn't put out! The nerve of that mare!" she hissed softly under her breath. "It just...if you're there and she starts spreading her lies you can be there to give them your side of the story!"

In the end, I agreed to go, to help Rarity, I didn't care about Golden being there, but if what Rarity said was true, was that she was lying about how I never wanted her to get her dream off the ground... And I have been thinking about it.

Though Spike promised not to tell anyone of the video clip I have, or more so audio clip of what Golden said after she was found out, the dragon made good points to tell me that I was wrong with not going out with this. The main argument was that she could do it again, and he even went to as far as to say it would be my fault if she does this again. Sure he said sorry like a million times afterward, and the girls were wondering why he kept telling me sorry...but he was right.

I shouldn't have let Golden get away with what she did, in a way I was allowing her to do it all over again if she did it...when she did it. But at the same time, was it too late, I mean, they would wonder why I sat on this information for the longest time, and I know the media, would try and spin it like I'm the bad guy, they did it with Celestia, so who's to say they won't do it again. But thinking about it, I think I knew the real reason why I didn't out her right away, why I didn't want to deal with it all...I think I just didn't want to face her.

Golden was the first after my last girlfriend who I truly liked, and maybe that was the reason why I couldn't face her, the fact that I was fooled like everyone else and gave myself to her, I let myself be fooled because maybe, I thought this place was different. I guess I was worried that if I saw her again, that I didn't know what I would do, would I let my emotions get the better of me, would I make myself look like an ass...I didn't know.

Maybe I should've just showed the video to the world, and this would've been done and over with...

The past, however, was set, nothing would be changed what had happened, all I could do is move forward and go on with the choices I made; even if many thought of them as wrong, or bad. These would be the choices that show the world who am. Yes a bit overdramatic to say the least, but I guess when you been in the news for the first few weeks or month of being in this world, I guess I have that feeling of nearly waiting to be pounced on by the press...or maybe I am just overthinking shit again.

Ether way even with the whole Rarity thing, not much else happened coming up to the day of my birthday. A few things here and there, but not much worth mentioning at all.

Waking up, I knew that today was the day, I had gained another year on the clock of my life. But again it just meant I lived another year, a dark way of thinking but it was true. But now...now this birthday marked something else, next year will be a year and the next two years. Maybe my first birthday in Equestria will be good!

I left out of the room and was greeted by a pink blur of Pinkie Pie, before it stopped, and jogged backward while making a 'beep beep' noise. She stopped in front of my doorway, just as a few guards, a griffin and diamond dog, made their rounds. "Heya Brandy!" she cheered before hugging me tightly. "I wanted to be the first to wish you a very happy birthday, and the first birthday of many in Equestria!" she cheered before pulling out a noise marker and started to blow it, tickling my nose a bit. "Also, I'm still working on your party room, it's almost done so stay away from it kay?!" yelling at me as she poked me with her finger as all I could do was nod as I learned back. She giggled, jumped in the air, and made...I shit you not, the roadrunner 'beep beep!' noise and ran off as I just sort of leaned my head to the side and watched her go.

Some thought that Pinkie Pie was being a bit selfish with still wanting to throw me a party, mostly because she been trying to get me to have a party since after she realized that I would be staying in Ponyville. Course I only agreed to her doing the party in the first place because of Golden, and many were surprised that I was still going with it. I knew she made plans for a while, and of course, she had to downgrade because of how I always said I didn't like big parties. And even Lyra thought she was being all sad and deflated, (going on the hair here...I mean really, how can her mane just...deflate like that?) But it wasn't because that that I agreed to let her keep going with the party; it was because I promised her she could do it.

Sure it wasn't a whole 'I promise you can throw me a party' type deal, but I agreed and allowed her to do so. It wouldn't feel right that because of Golden, her plans would go down the drain, besides; I knew she wasn't just trying to guilt-trip me. From what I understood from others telling me, that wasn't Pinkie Pie style. So I decided at that moment to give her a chance, and though I wouldn't admit it to her right now...I was looking forward to it.

Since being brought to Equestria, I had to adapt to new ways, I had to understand that many didn't know what I was, and all they had to go on were rumors they heard in the paper or word of mouth, you be surprised how far news could go. And not only that, I tried things I never thought I would do again, manly dating! Sure it was a crash and burn, but I have to stop letting that get to me, I have to stop letting that one part define who I was. And even thinking of all of this, as strange as it was...made me think of Celestia and how I've been treating her.

I can't even say that I hate her anymore, hate is such a strong, and vile word, hate to me, is like saying you will never change your mind on someone. Believe me, I had every right to hate her, for taking me from my family and old life...but...am I justified now to hold onto that hate?

I kept thinking back to when I met Celestia at the Gala, and I found myself slightly cringing as I remembered how much of an utter dick I was...again I felt the need and, I felt it was justified with how I was talking to her but was it true? What's done is done, what's in the past, is in the past; though I have to wonder, will one day I will be able to forgive her truly? I knew one thing for now though...

"I need bloody coffee..."

"Happy Birthday!" The moment I came into the kitchen where I normally ate, seeing how the guards had their mess hall with their kitchen staff, Twilight, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, and whoever that came to visit that early in the morning or stayed the night used this as our eating are. The list of ponies I named off, even Shadow was there as well, greeted me with smiles on their faces as I smiled a bit at this.

"Thanks," I answered truthfully as I looked down at them as I walked on over, already Spike made a plate for me, filled with eggs, bacon, fried ham, and waffles along the side. "That's a big meal dude."

"Yeah well," he said chucking. "You're gonna need all the energy you can get to get through a Pinkie Party, small as it may be...it's still Pinkie Pie." The others seemed to nod at this as if it was common knowledge of what Pinkie Pie could do. I've heard the stories, but never truly witness it before. No really big parties have been around Ponyville. "So," Spike went onto say as the others sat down to enjoy their meals as well, pretty much the same, save for anything meat-related for the ponies. "How does it feel, to be a year older?" I stopped after taking a bit of the first bit of the meal Spike gave me, a bit piece of bacon; after swallowing, I gave my answer.

"Nothing has changed." I pointed out as I pointed the other slice of bacon at him. "I don't feel wiser, nor older, just another day."

"Hey!" Spike exclaimed as he pointed a clawed finger at me and frowned. "No being moody on your birthday, even more so now it's your first Equestria birthday!"

"Oh yes your highness," I said as I faked bowed to him as the others giggled. "Would his highness like anything else?"

"Oh shut up you!" he laughed as he came over and tried to punch me, as I grabbed his fist in my hand as we laughed it off, as good friends would. In a way...Spike was like a brother to me here, and it showed how much we were alike. "Just...try and enjoy yourself today eh?" he asked as I sighed softly after we moved our hands away, giving him a curt nod.

"Sure Spike, guess we will see what happens."

I was happy that he wasn't upset when something happened the day after I went to speak with Rarity. The deal or the favor I cashed in on, making its rounds, when she came the next day, to not see Twilight, or I...but see Spike. As I watched and listened from the other room, it was rather adorable hearing Spike trying not to yell out in glee of Rarity coming to ask him out on a date, Twilight was giving me a look from the other side of the room, leaving me to just shrug at her. After she did leave, was when Spike was cheering to himself, even fist-pumping, as I left to go to my room to work on a few things.

My idea still stood that I didn't want to live with Twilight forever, and I wanted my place where I could say it was mine. Course with no homes open for selling, Mayor Mare came up with the idea of me building my home, buying some land of course. With the money, I was getting from both working at Bon Bon's, and the Extra from the Princesses...that was no trouble, I could easily just buy the land, have some plans drawn up and I have a home. And with the fact of magic in place they claimed it wouldn't take all that long either. Still...I was looking through some paperwork I got to see where the land was. It would be a bit outside of Ponyville, and I wouldn't mind that, and not that far off from AJ's place...issues right there with how she acts around me. But as I was studying the prices and such...a knock came to the door. "Come in, "I called out leaning back in my chair, to see Spike walk in. I was about to tell him what was up but saw his slightly frown like face, as I was slightly worried. "Hey buddy," I started "What's up?"

"Cut the crap," he said rather forcefully. "You set that up back there didn't you?"

I slightly flinched when he said that, as I wondered, how did he know, how did he find out, or maybe he didn't know...bluffing to see if maybe it was all in his head? "I'm not sure what you are talking about bud I..."

"I've been trying for a long time to go on a date with Rarity," he cut me off as my raised finger slowly went down. "And after you go over to speak to her...she comes asking for a date, so again...you set this up, didn't you?" I sighed a bit after a moment. I knew by now he caught on, and I knew I would have to come clean.

"Yeah..." I admitted as I sighed again. "Look...she was upset about the whole Golden thing, and said she owed me...so I thought I...you know...push her a little bit toward you." He frowned at me a bit more as I went on. "Look, dude, I know you liked her for a long time and been trying to get her to date you for just as long...I just thought I...you know...push it a bit see where it goes?" I smiled sheepishly as he stared me down before he did something I didn't see coming. He came over and hugged me as I blinked and looked down as he said in a gleeful tone.

"Thank you!" he said before then turning and running off while chanting, 'I've got a date with Rarity!' over and over again.

Still don't know why he was mad at me, maybe because it wasn't because of him fully that he would be going on this date? But either way, at least he was happy.


After our meal of the morning was done and ready, Pinkie Pie rushing in, saying that everything was ready and that I had to have my eyes covered. So once a cloth that smelt of cotton candy, I was led through the castle to where the party was being held. When the blindfold was removed, the screams of 'surprised!' came roaring out as well as some party favors going off!

There were a few party related things here and there, a table that had a rather big cake, it looked almost four to five layers, (I would find out that this cake was rather small compared to what Pinkie usually does, this one being about...the size of a half a dinner table) from the dark and light colors, chocolate and vanilla seemed to be the theme of the cake, it looked amazing though, something you would see only at those high-end bakers...like Cake Boss or something. Streamers and Happy Birthday dotted the room, balloons all around, in a way it looked like a small get together to party and not over the top like I've seen pictures of. Looking around I could see everyone that came to the party, and one that was a rather big surprise to me.

Of course, the beings who were there were Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and Spike, as they came with me to this room, but there was Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, still wearing her trademark cape and hat. Shadow was there as well...and believe me, seeing her wearing that pointy party hat was rather funny, but I could see with her look...not to say a word, we may not hate each other, but I knew that mare could pack a punch., Lyra and Bon Bon were here as well, both mares standing next to each other, each holding on to a drink that looked like fruit Punch. Rarity, Fluttershy, the rest of Twilight friends, even Applejack herself, the one I was surprised to see here. Though she was leaning against the wall, her hat slightly down hiding her eyes, but seeing three others that were there, I could see why she was here. Her sister, Applebloom, Rarity's sister Sweetie Belle, and Rainbow Dash's somewhat adopted sister, (I say somewhat because not really but she looks up to the rainbow pony so much it's more of an inside joke) Scootaloo...but two other fillies I've never seen before.

Standing around the same size as the CMC group, around four feet or so, her coat was that of a bubble gum like color to me, her mane that of a deeper shade of pink or purple, and white in the middle of her two-tone mane. sat on her head was what looked like a crown, or a Tiara, and it took me a second to remember that this was Golden's cousin...Diamond Tiara, she looked almost...embarrassed or worried when my gaze turned to her, and the one beside her, seemly her best friend, a Grey color filly wearing large glasses along the ridge of her nose touched her shoulder. But why were they here? I guess I would have to ask later on. Still looking around it felt...weird but Good that this was going to happen, I even saw a table filled with gifts, possible from each person, as well as a table filled with food other than cake and sweets. "So, Whatcha think?" Looking over, I saw Pinkie Pie looking at me with wide eyes and a gleeful look. "I mean, it is all for you, Brandon, and though it isn't much it's what you wanted and..."

"It's perfect Pinkie...thanks," I stopped her as she only smiled all more as I smiled back. The way she smiled was almost like her head would split into two with how wide she was doing it, I mean really...how can any way smile that widely?

"Well then birthday boy!" she called out as she then flung her arms up, colorful paper raining from her sleeves."Let's have a party!"

After as such the party first started with Pinkie getting the cake lit up with the numbers of candles base on my age after she told me many times I needed to close my eyes make a wish and blew, I did so, blowing out the candles as everyone cheered out! With the caked slices to the shape of squares, and there is so much, I knew we would be having cake for at least another day afterward, I moved around to mingle, Pinkie didn't want the gifts to be given quite yet, as it still was early...and more so, Applebloom forgot her gift at home, leaving her to rush off to gather it. That was fine with me, there were some games I wanted to try out here at the party anyway. I mean you had your basic type of party games, hell she even had a dart game, the one you had to hit a balloon, as one could see there was something inside said balloons. Pinkie claiming that she had a way that not only would we be able to see who could pop the most, but the one we were seeing now, had something in them, she claims this was the big prize for everyone today.

A large bucket filled with apples, but I mean those are fun, and just other small games for everyone to enjoy, as well as some upbeat music, playing, not too loud, however.

Still, I went around and greeted everyone that came, Bon Bon, Lyra, everyone who was here or going to. Rainbow Dash claiming that she was more than surprised that I got Pinkie Pie to downsize a party, as I was always told, the pink pony just loved to make a party as big as possible, no matter what it was. And she would try to make a party for just about anything. Seemed at one point there was a kid who got a paper job, sending newspapers to doors and such, and she threw him, and I quote, 'happy first day passing out papers to everyone who paid for it 'party. Like I was told, she would find a way to make a party for the littlest thing. "I mean really," Rainbow Dash told me as she fixed her party hat a bit as she drank the punch. "This is a record, even for her!"

"Well I'm happy that she made it small," I told her as I smiled a bit, looking over a bit, I could see Spike and Rarity talking, possible about the time of their date, or just other stuff. "As I told her before, I'm not one for parties all that much, and really, this is fine for me."

"Yeah...but dude...how are you holding up?" I gave her a puzzling look, followed by a soft, 'hrm?' like noise. "I mean...with Golden and..."
"I'm fine really," I promised her and placed my hand along her shoulder, and playfully shoved her back. "It just...took a while for me to get out of my runt of it all. I don't need the Element of Loyalty hunting her down to get back at her."

"Not even with a good prank?" She questioned as I nodded, a small smile creeping along the edge of my lips. "Alright, dude...but if you ever need someone to hang out with, just holler will ya?"

"Sure Dash, sure."

Eating, gaming, and having a good time, it wasn't gifted time quite yet, seemly Shadow got me something and was waiting for it to come, so we still had time. Leaving me enough said time, to go and see why the filly Diamond was here.

She was chatting with Applebloom and her friends when Scootaloo greeted me with a wave and a 'hey'. Diamond seemed to almost jump and turned to face me, her eyes slightly cast down. "Hey Birthday Colt," Sweetie Belle spoke looking up at me. "How's it going?"

"Fine," I answered as I smiled at them. "Having fun?"

"Yeah!" Scootaloo said as she added. "We hope you like our gifts, we all worked on it...okay mostly Sweetie Belle, but it's from all of us all the same!" she exclaimed as if trying to explain herself that it was mostly the work of one person and that they are sharing the idea of giving it to me as a gift. It was a thoughtful idea, and it did bring a smile to my lips.

"You didn't have to," I pointed out but they shook their heads and beamed. Diamond was still looking away slightly, her left hand holding her right arm. I looked at her and then her friend. Silver Spoon if I remembered right. Raising an eyebrow before I then started to speak.

"Don't take this the wrong way," I said softly and knelt and said "but may I ask why you two are here? I mean," I then shrugged my shoulders. "The more the merrier I supposed but..."

"I wanted to say sorry," I blinked, hearing Diamond Tiara speak for the first time, my eyes turning to her as for the first time as well, gazed at me. There was this sort of...sorrow in her eyes or a look of guilt like she was caught doing something and now had to face up to it. "I'm sorry...for what Golden did to you."

This made me slightly raise my eyebrow a bit as I listened to her, not sure how to take what she said. Sure I guess with her being a family member of Golden and such, I guess she would feel embarrassed for what one of her family members did to me. However, I soon got a much better reason as to why she was saying sorry when she said the following. "My mom knew about this plan Golden had for a while," she said as I kept myself down to her level even when she would look at me herself. "They even made plans on what dated to go and do, what Golden should say and such...and I knew for the longest time as well...but I didn't say anything,"

"And why not?" Applebloom demanded, as her friends both elbowed her at the same time, as Diamond slightly flinched.

"Well...after me and my mom fought after I told her off one time...I guess our relationships have been rather strained. I spend more time with my dad now then her at times. See...mom has this sort of entitlement to her, we are happy here, but she doesn't want to be with the...common pony. She doesn't even like non-ponies living here at all! But lately...I guess I just wanted to have a relationship with my mom so I didn't say anything about this...I should've but..."

"Hey...hey," I placed a hand on her shoulder as she slowly looked up to me."Don't beat yourself up about this, I don't blame you, and it's not your fault either what happened, and don't try and say you could've said something," I interrupted her as she opened her muzzle before closing it again. "What happened, happened. There's no changing the past, and I firmly believe one day she will get her karma back ten folds for what she did. So don't lose any sleep about it alright?" I asked as I smiled and then softly petted her head, making sure not to tip her little crown she had seated on top of it. "You being here, and wanting to say sorry for what happened, that you didn't do, proves you're a better person then Golden or your mother...sometimes, as much as it may pains you...you have to learn to just give up. You said you've gotten closer to your dad?" when she nodded again I smiled. "Keep that, cause he proving how much he cares for you, kid."

After making double sure that she was fine, I left the five fillies alone but could see AJ in the background giving me the glare eyes, as I sighed and at last had enough. Making sure no one was watching, I went over to her, seeing her tensed up as if reading herself for something. But as I grew closer toward her I nudged my head out toward one of the exits of the room, she catches my move, and with clear confusion in her eyes, she followed along.

Once outside of the party room, hoping that at least they wouldn't notice us went until the last moment of chance, I gazed at her as we stood outside in the main hallway, just staring each other down. She was slightly taller then I was, it seemed the Earth ponies were either at my level or higher if mares, and with AJ family being farmers perhaps she got the tall genes from them, I knew her brother would tower over me, as he was big for a normal Stallion of an Earth Pony. Still...I knew not to piss off any of these ponies...unless truly needed. I still remember the firm handshake she gave me and the pain rocketed back to my brain and even my hand slightly throbbed from the reminder. It was something I didn't want to relive, and if she could use that much force in a handshake...my mind wondered what she could do for a punch! Still, after the silent stare down, I, at last, started to speak.

"We need to get this over with and get it over with now." I bluntly put it as she gazed at me with a bit of fire in her eyes."You haven't let up since the first time we met, if it's because I punched Celestia in the face, I can understand that, but the way you glare at me is like your waiting for me to punch anyone else at the drop of Bit."
"Are you?" Her heavy southern accent cutting the hallway air as I sighed heavily and rubbed my eyes. "If you're willing to punch the princess, one of the princesses of this land in the face, then what's to say you're willing to hit someone else?"

"Okay...for real...are you dense or just so blind by loyalty to your leader that you've become brain dead?" I asked seeing her jerk her head back and glare at me again. "No really, I need to know because that was a rather stupid ass reason. The reason I attacked her is within every realm of possible reasons to punch someone in the face!" When she tried to rebutted I cut her off pretty quickly with my hand slashing the air before us, I swear the air was so thick between us it could've been like a knife through butter. "Put yourself in my shoes...my position at the moment," I demanded as she only rolled her eyes, but crossed her arms and listened. "My race just found out something that could be used to look into another world, and it just so happened, to be gazing at you...you are sucked in and the portal closes behind you. And after demanding to know what happened, one of the big brains, the leaders of that area pretty much says 'sorry we can't send you home!'.

"So think of this for a moment, use that damn brain under that hat of yours. You just found out you will never see your friends, you will never see your family, your race your WOLRD! You are the only being in a world of humans and all they have to say is 'oops my bad' you're telling me, Applejack, bullhead of bullheads, the one who refused help from anyone else because your damn ego got in the way...that you wouldn't punch a single human. You can stand there in front of me and tell me straight to my face that you wouldn't even do that in a fit of sadness, anger, or any sort of emotion, that you would just stand there and take it?!"

The hallway grew still once more with the silent that covered the air, she soon only turned her head away, not gazing at me, but the anger in her eyes slowly soften but still held that edge to it. I only scuffed again, truly I didn't care what she thought of me, I just didn't want daggers thrown at me every time she saw me, disliking me I can understand, but thinking I'm a danger to everyone, because of the one action I took, that bugs me more than anything.

"You don't have to like me, and truthfully I don't like you all that much anyway myself, I could care less about you, and if you were hurt outside and people around I would walk by without a second glance. If alone, I would tell someone but I wouldn't go back to make sure if you're fine, wanna know why, because you're an asshole to me. Call it pity, call it childish, but you wanna treat me like I'm nothing, you'll get it right back. But let me make something clear." And I pointed my finger to her shoulder and pushed her back a bit, I could feel her shoulder tense like she was ready to attack, but didn't. "Don't you dare judge me for my reaction after I lost everything, and claim you wouldn't do what I did. I know how a family is dear to you. Whenever I talk to Applebloom or the other girls, they explain how much the Apple Family values friendship and family, so I know damn well what you would've done, and it wouldn't have been pretty I'm sure." I paused again, before taking a breath and turning to walk away. However, before entering the room again I looked back at her and said. "We don't have to talk, be friendly, or even point out that the other is in the area...all I ask, is that if you got nothing nice to say to me, then don't say it, and if you are gonna glare daggers at me, then, by all means, do so, but keep telling people, because I know you have, that I may attack anyone for no reason, and I'll be sure to tell everyone how you are close-minded to anything and that you think you're above everyone else."

I left her in the hallway alone, sighing as I close the door behind me that would lead out there, Twilight had come up and asked where I've been, told her I had to take a piss, and she smacked my head lightly because the kids were around and I should've said restroom like a mature adult. I may or may not have responded along the lines that I was a kid at heart and no mare will change me...and I may or may not have gotten smacked upside the head again, but hey least it got the five fillies to laugh. It was also good seeing Diamond smile even after the little talk we had, I hoped that it helped her, and I don't want her hating her mother,(as much as a bitch she is) I mean, every kid should have both parents...right?

Applejack came back into the room just before the gifts were going to be passed out, we both locked eyes for a moment, but all she did to me, was take the tip of her hat and tip it forward and go over toward her sister, I didn't know If she took what I said to heart, or if she even cared, I said what I had to say and that was all that mattered at this point. But seeing how I didn't see the death glares of her, or they were softened up at least...I guess we have gotten past that little thing. Still, it was gift time, and many just gave me random little gifts and such, clothing, or other knick-knacks that I don't think should be explained in here, however, the few that were interesting... were from a few.

Fluttershy didn't get me a gift but came up to me with an offer, one that somewhat stunned me as she explained it to me. "Everypony should have a pet one day, Brandon." She spoke with her hands along the front of her hips and held together. "I know it's not a gift...per say, but whenever you are ready, come on down to my home and I'll spend the day with you, finding the perfect little pet for you!" It was an amazing idea, more so all the pets she did have there...strange enough it seemed many were easier to handle. Like for one lizard, sure it's good to have a heat lamp with them, but they were much more... easy to handle. Like I don't know if it's just the girls, but their pets seem to understand them, and even respond...in their way I supposed.

"Thanks, Fluttershy," I responded as I was sitting at a table gifts that were already opened on one side and Pinkie being the one sliding them over to me. "I'll remember that, and I may be over soon if I'm allowed a pet here," as this was Twilight's castle so I would still need to ask after all.

The next's was Spike, and buy was he sure happy with what he got me, it was a big box, but before I could even open it he said "Before he does, I need everypony to promise NOT to tell anyone else that's in this room that he got this early kay?" he asked leaving everyone, myself included, confused. But we all agreed as I opened it up and looked down in surprise. A while back when I bought Spike that....ugh, Neightendo 64, I saw posters of the next big game coming soon, the Pony-station, and I was keeping my eyes on it mostly for a few games I remember being on it, there was one like Final Fantasy 7, but they called it Final Story 1, seemly the other ones weren't made yet, but it had the guy I thought was Cloud, as a Gryphon with the almost same big sword. Telling Spike about how there was a game like this in my world and I wanted to play it, but well I didn't wanna buy it right away, I was saving money for something else after all. Looking confused he smiled before saying. "Luna is into those games as well, and well, she just got an early version herself, when we last went up to Canterlot, I may have seen her playing it, you know...royalty can get stuff early...so I asked if she could help me get one for you!"

I was shocked, this wasn't supposed to come up for at least another four months and I had one in my hands. I had to cancel my order mostly because of the fact I didn't always want to follow the same way I was back home, buying games or game systems left to right and center. I was thinking of waiting for it to come out after seeing if it was the same or different, but I guess I no longer gotta wait! "I got some two-player games so we can play but it is just for you dude...sort of a thank you for the Ninghtendo 64!" I laughed loudly as we fist-bumped and shook hands, in a way, like a bro handshake as everyone else was surprised by the gift, something I would be trying out later that day.

Rainbow and Twilight sort of gave me gifts I had a feeling they would, Twilight an action-adventure book called Daring Do, sighed by the maker herself. (making Rainbow eye it as she wanted it) and the Skittle, she gave me some high-class Rum and also...a life pass to a Wonderbolt show?

"They are coming around here soon, and that's also a backstage pass for you to meet them!" she exclaimed, "You can thank Spitfire for forgetting that, she sort of owed me, but eh, I know you will love their shows man!"

"Thanks, Skittles!" I exclaimed as I did want to see one of their shows, and at least this was money not coming out of my pocket now, but still, I hoped they weren't coming soon, It seems so far my days would be packed with other things to work out on.

The others gave me their gifts, BonBon claimed it was my few days off, but that was fine by me, I had a feeling she didn't know what to get me at all so I used that as a way to say, 'happy birthday'. The CMC all worked together, (with the help of Rarity) my human size CMC cape, it looked more like a shoulder cape, but because I didn't have a Cutiemark, that made me an honorary member in their eyes, even after they had their own now. Diamond, well she gave me a necklace, it was a combo of the sun and moon, a balance of sort. The sun being it's bright yellow hue, and the moon it's dark bluish-black. I loved it right away and placed it around my neck as she came over and gave me one last hug.

Shadow gave me what I was greatly surprised of, a sword and shield! It was sort of basic but it had Twilight's Embalm on it, a six-point star at the guard part with wings pointed toward the blade as a sort of handguard. The shield was a plain silver-like, with a sturdy edge to it to make it harder, and again the mark on the center. "I thought with the idea of you always training, if you decided one day to join the guard, you need a weapon to start with." She pointed out as I looked up clasping the shield to my left arm. "And besides, Twilight got you whipped for being behaved, so it makes sense you carry her image!" we all shared a rather hearty laugh out of this as Twilight only rolled her eyes. Me holding it up, pictures being taken, games being played....it was a good day and in all...

I was happy it happened!

Comments ( 43 )

For some reason I read this story’s title as “Story isn’t enough”

i would have to agree with OP. Our human friend was used and abused emotionally by a mare looking to use him to further her image and then throw him away. Yet his anger is kicked up to an 11 at AJ for... giving him nasty glares? telling ponies he will punch them if they make him mad? you are writing the main character as someone that doesnt understand the severity of things that happen to him and is incapable of reacting appropriately.

Okay first, I think Grammerly BUTCHERED this chapter to all high hell and is not with the money.

With that said, I have to admit that his thoughts were all over the place. But I think I get what was wanted to be said though it.

I honestly think that even IF he had released the evidence against Golden at the time, it would have either been brushed under the rug or turned against him. To much Xenophobia among the Ponies for it to be taken seriously or strait at all.

As for his thinking about forgiving Celestia? I think he is realizing that his hate for her is starting to hurt him more than her. Now before you all start, there is a difference between forgiving and liking. He can forgive her, but that doesn’t mean he has to like or interact with her.

For Applejack, I think she is being a bit of an ass. He has done nothing past that one punch to anyone and all she is doing is making it hard for him to integrate. She can hate him all she wants, but she needs to stop spreading slander! I hope it comes back to bite her in the ass honestly, baseless slander has a way of doing that.

Far as Rarity goes, I think him forgiving her is a bit of a cop out. But then again from what I remember, the shit she did was so minor it kinda doesn’t even register.

Shadow is a bitch, but If it wasn’t for her Golden would have done much worse given time. Out of all the ponies that has hurt him, I think she is the lowest on the list and has done what she can to make up for it.

Honestly I am just happy to see another chapter! A Birthday Fuller chapter? Yes. But a chapter none the less.

Wow, a new update!!!

I was happy it happened!

And the next chapter everything explodes!!!!

But for real love the new chapter! Its been a while but i'm glad to see a new one... There was a few errors throughout the chapter but it was not unreadable.

I have to stop letting that one part define who I was. And even thinking of all of this, as strange as it was...made me think of Celestia and how I've been treating her.


I can't even say that I hate her anymore, hate is such a strong, and vile word, hate to me, is like saying you will never change your mind on someone. Believe me, I had every right to hate her, for taking me from my family and old life...but...am I justified now to hold onto that hate?


I kept thinking back to when I met Celestia at the Gala, and I found myself slightly cringing as I remembered how much of an utter dick I was...again I felt the need and, I felt it was justified with how I was talking to her but was it true? What's done is done, what's in the past, is in the past; though I have to wonder, will one day I will be able to forgive her truly? I knew one thing for now though...

If this o.c. son of a bitch forgives that royal sun horse, this will go in my (fuck this story) file.

I enjoyed this

Glad this is back.

Um, what the fuck? Is this chapter even real? Because this has to either be a fakeout or someonw has hijacked the author's account to make a chapter that shits on the whole story.

Well what would expect from a Over glorified hillbilly farm girl? Well she is a dirty commoner after all so that is to be expected and we'll It's not like evening try to hide there obvious xenophobia anyway and they often wonder why other races seem to have a rather Dim view on them

I enjoy that their is a new chapter of two goddamns years but it seems this story human has fallen into the Classic cliche trap in any mlp fanfic it's the human who gets turned into a little bitch and has to say sorry to the leader of an idiot race of farm animals who fucked up his life aka miss sunbutt who clearly didn't pay attention to the lession of not messing with Shit you don't understand

When you think of it every human in these types of mlp stories and up being well... a little bitch

its an out of season April fool joke

Welp......looks like I got to read this all over again cause I forgot what was going on with this story so thank you


Is the case of Applejack, it’s not Xenophobia, but fear. A thousand years of deification for one single being by a populace can lead to extreme hate if something or in this case someone hurts said being. Add on to that, said being is residing in the same area that her family lives in and that hate is amplified ten fold, more so when it involves a young sibling.

Am I justifying her actions? No. But I can also see it from her perspective, that makes all the difference in this case.

Is he kinda being a bitch? Yeah. But I have a feeling that it’s just a mask, he is playing the waiting game. Get in their good graces, earn their trust, get more freedom and then stab them in the back when they least expect it.

Always stab them in the back when they least expect it do whatever is needed to get back home

To clearifed a few things as I know many readers will also read the comment so I can easily say in one comment.

The chapter had to be rewritten many times over, computer crashes lost of work, and real life stuff and the fact it been nearly a year. I'm sorry if it not the same as one may remember this. And I don't mean to make this sound mean.

The MC acting small with the idea of not showing information was to show that he is still someone with flaws, yes he was a angry person, yes he punched Celestia in the face out of anger of losing eveeything. HOWEVERA he is not about to let it go. Screaming and yelling and giving death glares won't help him. Nor is ready to forgive or forget fully.

The AJ part was to show that people can be hypocritical when it come to what others do. "Oh I've would've acted different." Type mentality. There will still Be many more part soon of the MC giving his mind and I can't tell more or risk of spoilers.

I'm sorry that many don't like this chapter, but after nearly a year I wanted to get this out so I can go on to the next chapter.

With a flash drive for stories this type of things shouldn't happen again.

And the reason I am respondinf is because I always look on as learning moment what do people thing. Is it getting good, boring or do I need to go back and reread to try and keep my notes much more cleaner?

Again thank you everyone who enjoy reading my stories and hope to see more comments soon.


This story subverts it by the main character "not quite" apologising (more like finally coming to terms to the situation with Celestia offering more at a later time) and (most surprising) that five of the mane six accept that an apology isn't coming or even agree that the infraction was justified.

That said i feel this chapter feels forced. The MC isn't acting like himself. He was relatable to me but isn't in this chapter. Of course it's been two years since last update (even longer since starting) and shit happens, growth happens and people change. Expecting an author to keep a character mentally and emotionally grounded over that length of time is unreasonable.

That is why Starcraft 2 Raynor rubbed people the wrong way from Brood Wars. In preparation of Wings of Liberty coming out many replayed Starcraft to remember what had happened. It was jarring to see Raynor go from hateful decree of vengeance to the worn solemn man going out to save Karrigan. That is because for most it was only days (or even just hours) between Karrigan murdering Fenix when in reality it was four years for Raynor. I did not replay it so it was about eight years give or take.

In this fic we (in all likelihood) have the reverse happening. Our author is growing as a person but his characters are not. Well... they are... but it's jarring as it is sudden.

This two year hiatus was a great time for a timeskip

It just feels like Brandon isn't being himself, and is turning back on what's happened to go and think to himself he should forgive everyone for all that's happened, when I don't see any reason why he should. Diamond Tiara is the only one who can be said to be genuine, given she outright says "X is wrong, I wish to make amends." Aside from her bone of those who have done anything can really be forgiven. That doesn't mean he should hate them with a burning passion and try to hurt them, but its good reason to refuse to forgive them and not be their friends. You don't have to be cruel to do that.

Golden was in it from the beginning to abuse him, his own bodyguard outright hates him and is hostile, Pinkie refused ti take no for an answer and continually asked him until he said yes to force him to do what she wanted without regard to what he wants, and Celestia is the one responsible for his prescence in equestria. Celestia herself COULD have been forgiven if she was ernest and took proper blame for taking away his entire life, but refused to do so. She may have made an actual apology beyond "Sorry" a little bit back but its been months in-universe so its too late.

Also, did the chapter undergo an edit since its been posted?


Uh not to burst your bubble, but the relationship between him and his bodyguard kinda evened out some chapters ago. While they may not be BEST Friends, they also aren’t as hostile to each other anymore either.

While Pinkie did push for the Party, she also listened to him when he asked for a small party. She is the element of laughter and thus it’s in her very nature to try and cheer others up, I doubt even Brandon can fault her on that. If she was just trying to get her way, then she wouldn’t have even listened to him at all or gave in to any of his concessions.

I honestly think if it wasn’t for this party and her pushing then he would have done something he would regret later.

I don't see their relationship clearing up at all. She really has no logical reason whatsoever to hate him so much, and thusly she'd have to admit she's just flatout wrong before things get truly better, otherwise she's just deflecting the blame. Personally I still think they shoukd get rid of her for someone who actually wants to do the job well and doesn't wish harm on their own charge.

And with Pinkie it being a "small party" is just another excuse. Just because she didn't forcibly hold him a party doesn't mean irs okay, she still coerced him into saying yes. If she really wanted to make him happy she could have done so in other ways instead of spending so long badgering him.

No edit to the chapter.

The MC and guard have sort on gone past a bit of thier difference as said in a chapter She feel loyal to Celestia because of her past and that's why she was rather hostile toward our human here.

Celestia hasn't made any sort of saying sorry any more because there was a part when the MC is ready he can come and speak to her to air anything out. Though he is still angry that he isn't able to go home e isn't going to be a angry fucker for life. He stuck on a new world and as sad and giving up it sounds he has to deal with it.

The anger the MC has, sort of stem from RL moments that happened to me and the writing has change because of that. For many years I grew to hate someone for what they did to me and lately I've moved on, I've gone past that and perhaps that has stop the drive of making him angry.

To clearifed he has not forgiven Celestia yet. And the reason he hasn't done anything to Golden is trying to protray where already the news has twisted things around to paint him as bad, he doesn't want to be in the news anymore this is a guy that wants to live a somewhat normal life which you will see.

The next chapter will also explain more why he allowed pinkie to throw tr party in a more debt as he knows pinkie just wanted to help and he wanted even for a moment to forget about his Hardache.

The MC has a lot of growing to do and I was thinking long and hard before writing the chapter should I had done a massive 2 year time skip, but decided agaisnt it. There will be time skips of weeks or even a month or two but I don't want to Haven a story where years pass by without some sort of character growing.

So he isn't doing a sudden heel turn then? That greatly improves things then. Even so, I don't think he should ever forgive Celestia without some big gesture on her part to make amends. Pinkie he can just forget even if she is self-centered, unless she goes and keeps on continuing this course he can just not have her involved. And even if he hasn't done anything about Golden he should, at least to preemptively be ready for whatever she tries to screw with him.

With Shadow, I don't think she's really worth dealing with at all. She has her reasons, but they are just excuses for her behavior and their ones that don't work fir excusing her from anything. Her being deliberately hostile to her charge is just disobediance and disloyalty, and desbite her excuses she doesn't appear to have actually changed at all, hence why I think she should get thrown out. The only real reason for keeping her I can see it for the Princesses forcing Brandon to be friends with someone who hates him, which is just stupid on their part. Since she hasn't really seemd to qctually change from being a bitxh to not being q bitch, they should just get rid of her and give him a bodyguard who is both competent and nonmalicious.

As you are not the first one to say the guard should be gotten rid of, becaus she hostile to him. I like to point out as well. She hasn't for quite some time.

She help him catch Golden in what she was doing, if she truly was as hostile to him as she was at the start, she would've sat there watched and laughed when his heart was broken.

The reason she staying in the group is also the idea she is now working to be captain of the Ponville guard, as of now she hasn't really followed the MC around so ahe in a sense isn't charged with watching him (plus he has shown not to be jostle in Ponyville so there not need)

I wouldn't say that makes her good, likable or trustable. She's just doing her job, but even with that she's a bitch. Basically, with how far into being a bitch she went just getting a little better doesn't make her at all tolerable. Really she should just be given an ultimatum to change her tune COMPLETELY or be sacked from her position of bodyguard. Or just get rid of her rightout, because someonecfinally being held accountable woukd be cathartic.

Also in hindsight the theory of her being kept on as his bodyguard to force him to become friends with someone who hates him for no good reason makes sense, if it was Celestia who ordered it. Celestia isn't sorry and doesn't seem to think she did anything wrong, so she probably thinks by forcing Shadow and Brandon to be friends she can teach him q "Friendship Lesson" and get him to love her despite ruining his life.

When has sunbutt ever shown to be a rather complacent leader?

Actually, you remind me of a point that was never addressed for me.

Shadow is(or was) Captain of the Night Guard. Presumably under direct command of Princess Luna. A Luna that, if not agreeing with Brandon's actions, could understand WHY he reacted in such a way.

So why would a sympathetic Luna order her incredibly hostile Captain to watch Brandon?! It makes no fucking sense. Especially since she's a CAPTAIN. Captains don't get guard duty.

The idea was that he was a unknown being to them a sort of over prepared then under at this point they would know he not s threat

That just says Luna herself is a bitch. If she suspected him to be a threat then saddling him with someone who hates and antagonizes him would onlu motivate him to become a threat. Or in short, Luna also hates him for no reason.

I can understand letting go of hate, but ut feels like the story is trying to head in the opposite direction of the premise without any of the people who have done him wrong changing or showing genuine remorse. Not hating them is great, I just don't see any reason (at all) why they shoukd be liked, trusted, or forgiven.


You don't send a rape victim home with their rapist, or rapist's families/other supporters, if you can at all help it. So no, I am not buying it. About the best I can see is that Luna asked for volunteers, Shadow volunteered, but uttered no prejudiced against him. Even then, one would think that Twilight would mention to Luna that Shadow and Brandon are fighting so much.

Great, now I'm thinking that LUNA is the biggest bitch here.

Also, the confrontation between Brandon and Applejack was wholly unneeded.

Him ranting at Celestia and then Luna was fun and interesting, at least for us who read to many fics that go "Oh you stole me from my world and friends and family? COOL THANK YOU!". Going off on Twilight made sense, as she is shown to be EXTREMELY devoted to Celestia, so her reaction was interesting as well for the reader.

But you've rehashed the same fucking conversation with Shadow, and Golden, maybe Rarity, and now Applejack. I no longer care that he may have a point. I no longer care that he misses mama. I just want him to go rail at the captive audience that would be the presscorp, have that exact speech quoted and given out to every home on the planet.

One can only watch/read the same scene of "Guy uses clue by four. Target stands there dumbly." before they get bored.

There will be a point he will blow, just not yet.

At this point he just trying to live a normal life as he could.

The rehash was mostly for AJ was trying to point out she was being a major hypocrite with how he acted and how she been treated him.

With how Shadow acted and how thier relationship Is going I really can't say much on how she acted or what on the mind of Luna/Celestia for putting her or allowing her to stay as his bodyguard/writer.

I say these things not to try and anger any readers and I'm so happy that many are willing to comment back thier feelings ans thoughts but again this story started almost a year or so ago and some ideas were not as..polished as I like to think back on it now.

The MC story isn't done, and if you and any other still read on I hope you all enjoy it.



There will be a point he will blow, just not yet.

So it's going to keep being boring?

Honestly, that's all I can remember about Brandon. His anger that he spews to anyone around, and a rape accusation.

I don't want to read Brandon using the same fucking speech to browbeat Ember. Or Blueblood. Or Zecora. Or Chrysal-wait, that might actually be fun if she agrees wholeheartedly with him and convinces him that Luna is the same way, and they ride off underground to scheme.

Unless you mean that about Golden.

awesome chapter and i am vary happy to see you are back to putting words to paper.

This story is more realistic them most with humans in it where they immediately just roll over and accept the idiot ponies taking them away from their world.
And yeah this story as become rather dull. He'll have are human kill golden and her father and sisters and hell out the blame on blueblood or his jackass of a guard

If I was in his place I would have killed her and any near by guards and servants in a blind rage and I wouldn't feel any regret or remorse. Never take a man from his homeworld unless they want to earn mankind ire. We can be a very vengeful race when we have been wronged by someone.

Fairly good story so far and I do hope to see more of this soon. Keep up the awesome work!

I hope this story gets updated soon, on another note after rereading it I think the best Karma for Golden would to be taken for a ride by the Canterlot Nobility. After all it would probably be pretty humbling to realize that just because she can manipulate a few small town bumpkins doesn’t mean she’s a master at it. I would imagine Canterlot would be the capital of ponies playing with each other’s hearts. Getting a feeling of what it’s like on the other end, especially after being thrown out and run through the gutter would teach her a lesson. The best part is our hero wouldn’t have to do anything he would just have to let nature take it’s course.

is this story done ?

It's more dead then jazz music

Spike is the best and the most consistently written Character in this fic ( it's a shame that I can't ship him with the MC dude age) :moustache:
Also the MC has become a bland stereotypical human in Equestria. :facehoof:

I wholeheartedly agree with this. But to add onto this, also release the footage/audio for ponies to hear. That would be the cherry on top

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