• Published 8th Dec 2017
  • 4,360 Views, 256 Comments

My immortal phoenix. - Lieral

In a world where magic "apparently" don't exist, Twilight is a young and prodigious scientist struggling to leave her mark in history, but she never expected her new experiment to lead her to a new world apparently uninhabited... Apparently...

  • ...

Chapter 18- watchdog

The tic-tac of the clock seemed to be louder than the normal as Twilight groped the surrounding of her bed, searching for the heat she had just started to get used to, however she could not find it despite her attempts.

"Sunset?" Her voice almost was not capable of leaving her lips because of her state of slumbering. She lifted her head a little above her pillow and scanned her surroundings, but she could only see blur and shadows without her glasses.

Sating on the bed with a loud yawn she turned her gaze toward the other side of the bed, and just as she had already noticed there was no trace of her red-haired friend, which was really strange.

Stretching her arm toward the bedside table she was certain that she was going to find her glasses, and in fact, she did, but accidentally she made it fall from it.

Cursing a little she sat on the edge of the bed and took her glasses from the floor, cleaned it using the blanket and just after that she finally was capable to put it on her face.

The surroundings are just like it should be, the clock on the wall marks the hour with precision. "04:30?" She wandered with surprise. doesn't matter how do you look at it, it is far too late to be awake, and far too early to wake up, and even stranger was the fact of who was not there.

"Sunset never did it before..." She stood up and looked at the windows where she could see a heavy rain falling mercilessly on the outside.

"Please, just fifty minutes more..." Spike murmured in his slumbering.

"You're learning only the bad aspects, aren't you?" Twilight decided to let Spike behind and started to walk around her apartment searching for Sunset. She called her a few times but she never received an answer. "Where is she?" She stopped on the mirror room and looked at it intensively.

'Did she crossed the mirror?'

A feeling of panic begun to form inside her chest. If for some reason she decides to return to her own world... Is there anything she can do?

A small sound brought her attention toward the exit door, which for her surprise was wide open. "Oh, no," She walked toward the door and looked at the corridor not sure of what she should expect.

There was nothing there.

But there was a small part of her, maybe instinct or just some kind of crazy logic her brain had created on the last five seconds that was yelling. 'Upstairs!'

Is it a bad idea? Probably, but she decided to follow it anyway.

The many corridors always had given her a feeling of unease for a strange reason, so, she never actually left her apartment after midnight, and seeing it now she was sure she had done the right decision during all those years. The shadows almost seem to be moving by its own while she walks tremulously toward her objective, and only after several and several stairs (She REALLY hates stairs...) she reached her objective. On the last floor there's a single red door that led to the terrace and to her surprise it was open.

The sight she found there was at the same time pretty and alarming, she just was not capable to decide which emotion is going to win at the end.

The rain was way heavier than she first thought, and standing on the rain as an unmovable stone lies the one she had been searching. Sunset was just looking at the sky with blank eyes.

Now, what should she do? There is clearly something wrong, however, she was not sure what she could say to the other girl, or even to her heart that was giving its complaints after all those stairs... Sedentary people should not do this thing called climbing stairs, it is not natural.

"The sky is interesting, do you not agree?" Sunset said coldly as Twilight felt a heavy tension in the air.

"Yes," Somehow she managed to brought enough courage to say something. "It's full of mysteries."

"You have no idea..." Sunset answered.

"Sunset, is there something wrong?" Twilight gave some steps without paying attention to the rain. But the answer she got was way scarier than she had ever predicted. Sunset smiled... A smile full of sadness which the eyes of a human should not be able to support.

"You had read my diary, do you not?" Without expecting such question Twilight gave a step back with her heart racing even more than before.

"Y-Yes..." She answered looking down.

"Do you remember the last thing an equal had said to me?"


Sunset turned to face her seriously. "Twilight, did you read it or not?"

"O-Only the first few pages, then I left it behind and went after you," Twilight answered. Sunset seems to be surprised for a second and looked at the sky again.

"Well, I think it is better that way..." She stretched her hand toward the sky. "That sky... Is not that pretty..."

"Well, it's raining so..." Twilight tried to make a joke, but certainly, she understood it was not the right time to do so.

"That was not what I am talking about," Sunset let her arm fell again. "If I remember well, this is human's fault. Global warming and such things..."

"As much as I want to deny it, yes, it's true," Twilight answered.

"A sky so full... Full of madness, full of people, full of everything that matters and not," She turned to face Twilight again. She was not crying or anything, however, her eyes showed a depression so close to despair that it was hard to look. "Do you think... There is still space for me?"

Twilight's eyes widened with shock. How do you answer such a question? Is there a standard answer, because she would love to know! But it was not that easy, it never is, so she did the only thing she thought she could do. She walked toward her friend and hugged her.

"There will always have space for you!" She was sure Sunset would hug her back, but this did not happen.

"Even after what I did?"

"YOU HAVEN'T DONE A THING! Don't blame yourself for the other's mistakes!" She tightened her grip.

"I did, Twilight," Sunset moved Twilight away from her and looked into her eyes. "What I do not do back then... Still my fault. And this will never change."

"Sunset, what are you talking about?" Twilight could not help but ask, and to her surprise, Sunset smiled a little relieved.

"So you really do not read it... I think it is better that way," She faced the sky again "I was thinking of going back to my world today..." Twilight's eyes widened. "At least there I was going to be sure I can live forever with that guilty, but maybe... I can for once forget something purposely,"

"Will you go away?"

"No," She smiled again. "I think I will stay," She hugged Twilight again.

For some seconds that was everything... Everything happening and everything that actually matters. They stood on the heavy rain going back and back again as if they were in some kind of valse.

"Hey, Sunset, What is the last thing an equal had said to you before you meet me?" Twilight asked trembling a little, and it was not the rain's fault.

"She said... Get lost watchdog, there is nothing left for you to protect here..."