• Published 8th Dec 2017
  • 4,361 Views, 256 Comments

My immortal phoenix. - Lieral

In a world where magic "apparently" don't exist, Twilight is a young and prodigious scientist struggling to leave her mark in history, but she never expected her new experiment to lead her to a new world apparently uninhabited... Apparently...

  • ...

Chapter 34- Pinguim

"Okay Sunset, take a breath," Sunset whispered to herself and took a long breath just like she had just told herself to do. "You fought monsters, demons and mythological creatures on a daily basis for thousands of years, you can do this,"

"I am not so confident," Spike sighed as the two creatures floating close to his head nodded their agree. He had seen Twilight Sparkle doing the exact same thing for a few months now, and he was pretty sure this one will be just as troublesome to deal as the former was. "Look Sunset, you have nothing to worry about. Twilight is incredible. She will definitely understand your feelings,"

"Understanding is one thing, reciprocity is another completely different one," Sunset ignores him And walked from one extremity of the kitchen to the other repeatedly. "I don't want her to just understand that I like her in a romantic way, I want her to like me back," She sighed and facepalmed. "Maybe I should ask Rarity about it, she seems knowledgeable on the subject,"

"I'm not so sure," Spike said with a sigh. If she talks with Rarity there is a great possibility that the fashionista will have a mental breakdown and in a spurt of the moment she will tell Twilight everything about it. And as much as Spike would love to see this mess over at once he knew there is a right way to do it. "But you had a good idea here," He turned to look at the small demon at his side. "What would you do?"

"Me?" The demon smirked. "I thought you never would ask," She slowly floated to the right shoulder of the red-haired and stood there talking right beside her ear. "Look, this is what you are going to do: When she crosses that door... Throw her on the floor and kneel on top of her sweet body, look into her confused eyes and strip her clothes slowly and sensual, then hold her naked wrists and... Why you are opening the Windows with your magic?"

Instead of answering Sunset punched the demon so hard and fast that her arm ignited the oxygen in the air creating a small and focalised explosion that sent the demon flying out of the windows and even breaking the barrier of the sound while flying toward the horizon like a falling star.

"If you haven't done it... I would," Spike nodded in approval.

"Of course you would," The remaining small sunset also floated closer to the main one. "She is a barbarian, a ruffian. She have no idea how to really get to a girl's pantie... I mean heart,"

Both Spike and Sunset looked at her distrustful. "And what is your plan?"

"That's simple darling. When she crosses that door gently hold her hand, watches her cute expression becoming confused and without a word carry her to your bed. Then savagely throw her on top of it, take off her shirt with your teeth if necessary, kiss her neck while feeling the soft and wonderful purple skin between your fingers, take moans of pleasure out of her lips and use your hand to grab her soft b..." She did not managed to say anything else before Sunset punched her even stronger than she had punched the demon and watched her disappearing into the horizon.

"..." Spike looked at the only survivor Sunset that was blushing as if there was no tomorrow. "I'm starting to wonder If I should let you date her or not. I have a really good idea what you want now, and it is not family friendly,"

"That's not true," Sunset sighed and held her forehead with her left hand. "They are just parts of me. A creature, whatever it is, is more than past OR present. We are made of many parts, these parts gain experiences and complete each other creating a whole. I would be lying if I say I have no sexual interest in her body and mind. But I admire her for who she is. I don't want our friendship become simply a matter of bed. I want her to trust me as her friend, I want her to know she can trust me and that I will always will be there for her... Emphasising the always,"

"I know these two are not who you are, I just wanted to change the mood a little," Spike waited for her to sit and put a paw on her arm. "But what you said is amazing. Perfect to start,"

Sunset smirked. "Thanks I guess,"

"You're welcome," Spike Sat down too. He observed the door with obviously fake interest and sighed. "You know, maybe we're rushing things a little, you barely know what you feel yourself, and maybe you should wait for this idea to mature,’

“Definitely not," Sunset stood up abruptly with a look of strange determination. "Listen here. I may have the emotional intellect of a penguin and it took me over 9 months to figure out what I felt and what I should do, but I'm definitely not the kind of girl who just waits for things to work out on their own. If I want something I'll go after her personally. My life may be eternal, but it doesn't mean that I have all the time in the world to spend,"

"Well, despite the odd comparison, I think it's a good thing (intentional or not). Penguins are known to fall deeply in love with their partners, and although sometimes they are up to 2,500 kilometers apart, they always come back to each other. And did you know that the Emperor Penguin can reach 1.4 meters in height? "

Sunset stared at Spike for a few seconds blinking a few times. "In parts: No, I didn't know about their romantic life, so the comparison was terrible because I have no idea what to do yet. Second, that's very interesting. Third: Why did his height become a relevant part of the your argument? "

"I just found it interesting," Spike replied in a low voice sounding slightly uncomfortable and even catchy. "Think about it. You go to Antarctica wanting to see little tuxedo birds, and when you get there you will find a tuxedo bird over half your size with extremely solid bone size, which is very unusual for a bird, and that can strike with massive wings up to eight times a second! That’s awesome!”

"Okay, I'll have to agree with you on this one. I'll take us to Antarctica any day. But can we go back to our initial problem?"

There is something strange going on here.

Few times have Twilight decided to listen to her instincts rather than her considerably above-average brain, but on those few occasions she has been absolutely correct.

The way Sunset was acting was disconcerting. She was definitely nervous about something, and she was pretty sure Spike knows what was going on, but the odds of him telling her are slim, he forged a very strong brotherhood with the otherworldly girl.

But that is what her brain was saying. What really matters is the tightness of her chest, the cold sweat on the back of her neck, the eagerness to enter her own apartment and the stomach that had decided to learn to how to dance Tango.

Eyep, Something is very wrong.

But she could not be away forever, could she?

After a long conversation she finally discovered that luckily nothing was wrong with Spike, Fluttershy assured her very well. Cadence is busy with her pregnancy and is doing some exams accompanied by Twilight Velvet while Night Light works and Shining Armor patrols. Her friends also seem busy today. Eyep, something wants her to come home today.

She stood in front of the apartment door thoughtfully. There is a reason why she was so afraid to come home.

She was just tired of little games. She has been trying to be a good friend and to court Sunset for months and nothing has happened. She did not have the guts to say anything and the redhead was definitely not able to see her thrusts either.

And she was absolutely fucking tired of that.

She brought her hand to her chest and took a deep breath to calm down. A large part of her had decided to get it over with, but the rest of her was horrified at the very idea.

She knocked on the door three times and then heard someone approaching, and not long after that the object of her desires opened the door.

Definitely something is wrong.

Sunset opened the door gently. She was wearing a slightly different outfit and smelled of flowers as if she expected to go somewhere fancy.

And most importantly, her expression was one of iron determination.

That was the final drop.

Twilight had no idea why that expression was present in her best friend, but that expression was exactly what she wanted to be wearing. How long has it been since she found out how she felt? Months? Certainly. And now she just comes in with that look so… so… Powerful, untamed and just plain wild.

Not fair.

“Hello Twilight,” Sunset kindly greeted her, her red dress that Rarity had made was stunning, but for the first time Twilight ignored it completely. "How was today?" She smoothed her hair behind her ear.

"I talked to Fluttershy. She said Spike is fine, nothing wrong with him since he developed magic," Twilight replied with a strangely neutral expression and a simple, unmodulated tone of voice.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds. Both could see that something was going on in the other's head, but right now it does not matter.

"We need to talk," Sunset was the first to break the uncomfortable silence.

“Indeed we need,” Twilight put the bag in the apartment but did not enter.

"Would you mind going to the terrace?" Sunset asked, but her voice left little room for discussion.

“After you,” She stepped back as Sunset took the lead.

They lived on one of the top floors of the building, but there were still a few floors of stairs to climb. No words were exchanged between them, and soon the silence began to feel uncomfortable again.

Arriving on the top floor Sunset opened the door and let Twilight pass. She breathed in the night air again. It was not pure or natural, but it was much nicer than the recycled air she so often had to breathe during the most ... questionable experiments.

Sunset followed her too and looked up at the sky. Miraculously the sky was not cloudy and you could see some stars in the sky. The wind was blowing hard enough, and Sunset's dress billowed.

She walked a few more steps and turned to face Twilight that was already a few feet away. Her hair was loose unlike the bun she wore at work, and the unique colors of her hair flew like majestic waves.

"So," Twilight was the first to speak this time. "I think something happened today, don't you?"

"We weren't very discreet from what it seems," Sunset grinned. "Not surprisingly. I'm not very experienced at dealing with secrets and the like,"

"That's good," Twilight also managed to smile. "Lying is not the best of ways, even if sometimes necessary,"

After that they faced each other again in silence.

"You agreed we needed to talk," Obviously now Sunset was trying to postpone the subject. "Would you like to start?"

Twilight took a deep breath. Her hands were shaking, her breathing was racing, and her heart seemed to burst. She had already thought of many daunting possibilities for this scenario, but now was something else entirely. Simple, ordinary, but also trapped, terrifying. “Okay then,”

“Sunset Shimmer,” She looked at her in the eyes at distance. All her instincts told her to run and hide and let the moment die, but instead she let her cheeks burn, clenched her fists and said the simplest and most complicated words of her life. “I love you from the bottom of my heart, with all my mind and soul. Do you want to be my girlfriend?”

Author's Note:

Okay, before any of you kill me, let me say this is just the beginning of this scene, the starting point, maybe just something to spread a little the drama. The next scen will be ENTIRELY in this scenario.

I know many of you might be disappointed or furious due to how I finished this chapter, but it is because I want to work this scene at once, all of it. No interruption this time, no more little games.

Anyway, I wish you liked this chapter, everything seems to be dragging us to this moment, and I think now is a better time than never for you to leave a suggestion, or just tell me what do you think of this chapter, I really enjoy reading the comments.