• Published 8th Dec 2017
  • 4,360 Views, 256 Comments

My immortal phoenix. - Lieral

In a world where magic "apparently" don't exist, Twilight is a young and prodigious scientist struggling to leave her mark in history, but she never expected her new experiment to lead her to a new world apparently uninhabited... Apparently...

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Chapter 8- "Those feelings I wanted to forget."

Twilight did not even slow down as she traversed the portal leading to the other world. Spike came inside as soon as possible, but for the first time in its life the dog almost couldn't keep up with its owner as she ran through the ruins to the desert outside.

But when she got there she saw what she did not expected to see again.

The giant monster she learned to like and respect lay in the desert dunes obviously fainted in the best case.

Twilight approached it and tried to analyze the monster for any sign of what happened since the monster is always around she couldn't help but feel worried not only about the monster but with Sunset as well.

But to her surprise, there's no sign of bites, cuts or anything another monster she knew about could have done, but instead, after a few minutes of search, she found a mark on the desert's monster hard leather.

There's no doubt it is the mark of a fist.

Twilight turned her head to every direction, expecting to see Sunset as soon as possible and find a good explanation about what happened, after all, the only one that could have done it is the owner of the title of 'Master of this territory'. Or that's just what she wanted to believe.

Midnight Sparkle.

Theoretically, the girl that shared her last name would be able to do it too.

Twilight frowned. That would have been a horrible situation in every possible way. Her life would be in danger just by being close to that person, but instead of running away, she still ran toward the building she knew Sunset would be waiting for her.

She climbed the stairs of the abandoned building without even stopping to breath, and when the place she usually stays with Sunset came into view she could not help but let a small smile appear on her lips. She didn't know what exactly she will do when she encounters Sunset. Will she hug her? Explain what happened and still try to comfort her friend? Or simply enter that room and kiss that girl passionately?

'Wait, what? TWILIGHT SPARKLE, what in the world are you thinking?' She thought to herself with a heavy blush and entered the room where she is sure Sunset would be watching the desert from her usual window with the same blank expression as always. But Twilight's eyes widened with what she saw instead.

Sunset wasn't there.

The room was almost completely clean, that is, there were no books on any shelves or even on the floor, and the only sign that one day someone lived in that room was a piece of paper on the bed.

Surely torn from a book the paper had a very simple message.

'Sorry. Please, never come back here.'

With wide eyes Twilight immediately understood the reason for that message, this actually confirmes her theory about why Sunset gave her farewell not too long ago. but instead of obeying the order given she just gritted her teeth, and her conviction became clear in her eyes.

A bark caught her attention again that day.

She turned her gaze to the ground and saw Spike staring at the window fixedly.

She followed the eyes of the small dog and was surprised to see the Tatzwurn staring at her through the window. It definitely is not in it's best state, but its eyes gave her the message she just wanted to see.

"Do you know where Sunset is?" Twilight asked the monster with conviction clear in her voice.

The monster undoubtedly nodded.

"Good, take me to her NOW!" She ordered, and again the monster nodded.


“When… When the humans discovered the magic, how long it takes to the world… Well, end up like that?” Twilight asked.

'More than you could imagine.' That was the thought in Sunset's mind, but instead, she simply answered: "Who knows?"

“Is there… Any other humans… Besides you?”

'No' But instead of answering honestly she said: "Who knows?" At that time she was not sure why she did not answer that question honestly, but now with her memory back that is actually simple.

“Okay, and one last question…” Twilight took a deep breath before she asks. “Why do you save me?”

That was the first time she answered one of those questions honestly. "Who knows?"

Sunset closed her eyes and sighed heavily, she had been through a lot in this life, and that taught her lots of lessons, including, never messes up with the food chain. Uncountable were the times when she saw small creatures die in the clutches of the fittest to survive.

And yet, she protected Twilight from the Tatzwurn.

She did not regret it. The friendship she has made with that girl proved worth at every minute they shared. She truly enjoyed their conversations, be it about magic, monsters, pets or about how their worlds are so different.

Sunset's world always was somehow 'cold', when a child she was alone, and it did not change soon. But when Twilight 'shared' her world with her she felt that this new place seems better than anything she ever heard to the point where her entire being needed to struggle with her own desire to follow the girl across that mirror, but she was actually hiding the truth.

As long as Twilight is with her, her chest felt calm, and when Twilight is away her entire day resumed in waiting for the girl to arrive. Honestly, her feelings were a true mess, and she simply did not understand what is that stupid pain in her chest. And that brings the question: Was it REALLY worth it?

Yes, it was.

A strange sound caught her attention. Opening her eyes she analyzed the place she was in.

In the middle of enormous trees, she is sat in a root of a particularly large tree, where she could even lie down comfortably. Near her, a fountain that was obviously the origin of most of the lives nearby is just reflecting the moonlight.

"I did not notice it is so late," Sunset said with an empty smile. "But more importantly, when did you tamed the Tatzwurn bellow my nose without me noticing it?" She said and turned her gaze to the steps that were approaching without hesitate.

'She is angry... She is really angry!' Sunset could easily tell. Twilight approached without a single word.

30 distance feet.

"You know, This is really a good place, I thought about bringing you here more than once," Sunset said.

20 distance feet.

"Maybe you could use a bottle and take a small sample of that water. I am sure you will find some good... What is the word? Oh, I remember! Data from it!"

When Twilight was 10 distance feet away Sunset slightly frowned.

"Why... Why did you have to come here..." Twilight closed the final distance between them and hugged Sunset with all the strength she still had after hours mounted on the gigantic monster. Sunset closed her eyes and felt the comfy warmth of the embrace before she finishes her phrases. "And remember me of those feelings I so desperately wanted to forget."

"Because you're a friend I never want to forget!" Twilight answered observing the mass of red and golden hair that was so close to her eyes.

"Even if I'm going to end up forgetting you someday?" Sunset asked back, but Twilight simply tightened her hug.

"Mainly because of that!" Twilight answered.

"Why?" Sunset asked, with her arms trembling she was not sure if she should hug back or not.

"Because you deserve a place to be happy!" Twilight said.

At that time something inside Sunset broke down, her eyes opened and immediately got watery, her arms hugged Twilight without her brain giving the command. "You... Do not know it... You do not know me as well as you think..." With tears falling she still said it.

"I know enough of you..."

"You do not know what you are talking about..." Sunset said without pushing Twilight away.

"I've read your diary." She said.

Sunset's eyes widened to its max as the shock of that revelation hit her like a thunder. "Then... Why are you here now? Why you did not run away or tried to kill me as everyone else?" She asked.

"Because I want to be!" Twilight answered. "Because I want to be with a friend that I care about!" Her voice did not show any sign of a lie.

Between sobs, Sunset tried to say something. "I used to think... that if being alive can be defined as 'not being death'... Then life can not exist without death... Then, what am I? Far from life and from death... People always said my entire existence was a sin,"

Twilight waited for her friend to breath and finish her phrase.

"Hey, Twilight..." Sunset asked her last question. "Is it okay... For me to live?"

"You dummy... Of course, it is!" Twilight answered and closed her eyes. She used her hand to brush Sunset's hair while the older girl cries in her arms and she fought with her own urge to cry.

Spike observed the duo from the distance, the small dog knew something was wrong with that hidden book bellow Sunset's bed. But it just did not know what exactly, but Twilight definitely found out what it is.

Turning its head around he saw a small gleam coming from the strange fountain, and with curiosity, he walked toward it to investigate.

Just when he was close enough he noticed that it wasn't something inside the fountain that is shinning, but instead the entire fountain seems to shine with a silver and green magical light.

Spike gave one last step before he tripped and fell inside the fountain.

A splash caught the attention of the hugging duo, making Sunset immediately enter in battle stance and hide Twilight behind her, and just like Sunset, Twilight searched around for any sign of Spike, but when she didn't found any her brain instantly understood what happened.

"SPIKE!" She yelled and begun her run to the fountain, but suddenly Sunset disappeared from her side and a second and bigger splash could be heard as she dives into the water of the deep fountain.

Twilight reached the fountain quickly and she knelled searching for any life signs, and luckily she did not wait long before Sunset emerges with Spike in her arms.

"Everything is fine!" She said and climbed back to the ground. "But I think we should take care of him... We do not know what could happen if he swallows too much of the water..."

Without even waiting for Sunset to give her permission Twilight took Spike from her arms and hugged it tightly.

"Spike, are you okay? Oh gosh, are you hurt? Talk with me!" She said fast.

"I could answer if you let me breathe again!" Spike said.

Both Twilight's and Sunset's eyes widened as they stare the small dog.

"Humm, Twilight... Is it common for the animals in your world to start talking?" Sunset asked and took her wet hair away from her eyes.

"Humm... No! definitely not! Spike, how in the world are you talking?" She asked and put the dog down.

"Phew, is good to finally breathe again. And I don't know, more importantly, I don't know why I couldn't before, it's so easy!" Spike answered proudly.

Twilight turned to Sunset with her expression still frozen in surprise, but unlike her Sunset was way calmer now.

"If this is not normal in your world, then its obviously the fountain's fault." She answered and sat down with her legs crossed.

"Fountain? Are you saying this fountain is..." Twilight asked pointing to the fountain.

"Exactly! The origin of all this world's problems." Sunset answered calmly.

"That's one way to put it... But more importantly... SPIKE, DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA OF HOW AMAZING THIS IS?" She asked so loudly that both Sunset and Spike tried to protect their ears.

"Is she always like this when excited?" Sunset asked.

"It's better for you to start to get used to it now," Spike answered carefreely. "But let's put things straight here, I don't want you to study with those saws and drills you use with your crazy scientist's study!"

"Give me a break, I used it only once or twice!" Twilight answered with her checks a bit redder.

"You used those thirty-seven times only what I counted!" Spike answered and Twilight's face became instantly red as Sunset started laughing really hard.

"I guess I could get used to it!" Sunset said and wiped away a single tear of laughter.

"So you can come with me!" Twilight said and approached her face toward Sunset.

"What?" Sunset asked back surprised.

"I wanted to ask it later, but I will ask now... Sunset Shimmer, do you want to live with me in my world?" Twilight sat straightening herself and asked politely. Spike sat in her lap and stared Sunset waiting for her answer.

"That's..." Sunset held her own hair behind her ear and looked away from the two pairs of 'puppy eyes' staring at her. "That was too sudden, I do not know what to answer..."

"All you need to do is say you're coming with us!" Twilight pressed her even further.

Sunset did not answer. Instead Twilight couldn't even see her eyes behind the hair that fell on her face.

"In your world... There is a lot of people living there..." Sunset said and Twilight instantly froze.

"Yes, there is!" She answers cautiously.

"Can... Can you promise me... That they... Are not going to hurt me... Again?" Sunset asked.

The temperature of the place was greatly diminished, and not even Spike dared to say a word.

"Usually... That's not something I could say, my world is not some kind of paradise, it also has some really bad people..." Twilight said and Sunset turned her face away. "But I promise you, this time I will protect you!"

Sunset instantly turned her gaze to Twilight. There is no doubt that she is stronger than her in every possible way, but the confidence that Twilight put into those words were enough to make Sunset wonder about that.

Twilight waited for what seems to be an eternity for her answer, and as soon as Sunset opened her mouth she froze up again.

"Do you want to ride the Tatzwurm or do you want me to teleport all of us back?" Sunset asked as she got up and cleaned her clothes.

"Of course I... Wait, what?" Twilight asked and stood up so fast that Spike rolled from her lap straight to the ground.

"Hey, be more gentle next time!" He complained.

"Wait for what? I said I am going with you!" Sunset simply answered.

"That' not what I... Wait you're coming with us? No, more importantly, teleport?" Twilight said all of that while her brain is just trying to work about all those news.

"Yes, teleport. You do not think I came here walking, did you?" Sunset asked with a playful smile. "I mean, I would say that the Tatzwurn took hours to bring you here, and I do not think this is a nice trip."

"But... But teleport? YOU'RE SAYING YOU CAN TELEPORT?" Twilight asked with her eyes widening more than they ever did before.

"You did not think I was just strong and immortal, did you?" Sunset asked holding back her giggle.

Twilight's mouth fell.


Twilight's mouth fell even more as she stared the huge desert in front of her. Sure, Sunset has said what she was going to do, but Twilight's brain still did not totally believe in her. But now here she is, thousands of miles away from where she was after just a single second.

"Okay, I must say, this was amazing!" Spike commented.

Twilight was also staring at Sunset Shimmer, but not just because she was pretty or impressively strong, she had learned both of those facts long ago. But instead, she was staring at the extra pair of ears on her head (It's hard to say if it is felline or equine.), her hair that suddenly grew in a ponytail and at those two damn orange angel WINGS.

"What? Is there something wrong?" Sunset asked and stared at herself searching for any sign of something being wrong.

"Please, when we got there let me make a few tests with you!" Twilight asked with her eyes shining.

"SAY NO! That's what she usually says before she uses that saw!" Spike said and looked at Twilight with a prankster grin.

"I'm starting to think it was better when you couldn't talk!" Twilight answered showing her tongue.

But the two stopped with their small teasing and turned their faces to Sunset that was staring the desert around already back to normal at the Tetzwurn's side.

"I saw this landscape for so long... That it loses most of its beauty for me. But just now I can see how beautiful it is at night." She said petting the monster's leather. "I guess... You're the master of this territory now partner!"

The monster howled really loudly as if it want every creature to learn their places bellow itself. And then it turned to Twilight and gave a small nod just before it started to slide across the desert's sand as the biggest snake that ever existed.

Twilight observed the monster going away for a while before she turned to the building that is now hiding the magic mirror.

"Shall we go?" She asked and held out her hand for Sunset to take it.

"Will I ever see this place again?" Sunset asked face down.

"I can let the portal opened, that way you can come here to visit!" Twilight said while thinking about how hard should be to leave the entire world you lived for so long.

Sunset turned and hold Twilight's hand tightly. After breathing deeply she finally managed to say.

"I am ready," She said and the three of them entered the building.

Author's Note:

I hate blackouts now! After almost 2000 words written without interruptions (and without saving too, because the writer is an idiot!) a stupid 10 seconds blackout make me loses everything!
Anyway, I wish you all enjoy that chapter.