• Published 8th Dec 2017
  • 4,351 Views, 256 Comments

My immortal phoenix. - Lieral

In a world where magic "apparently" don't exist, Twilight is a young and prodigious scientist struggling to leave her mark in history, but she never expected her new experiment to lead her to a new world apparently uninhabited... Apparently...

  • ...

Chapter 33- Choices

Author's Note:

This one will be another short one, but I think we are getting really close to what most of you want to see.
I will probably update Pokemon Ultra Luna before updating this one (I think it is fair to make a chapter for each) but I will try to be back as soon as possible.
Anyway, please tell me what do you think of this chapter and what do you want for the next ones, I love to read your comments.

"Okay, Sunset," Spike said while intertwining his small paws in front of his eyes while standing on his back paws on top of a chair so he could rest his elbows on the table. "You know I love you. We may not have had the best of each other's first impressions, but I think it's expected when a dog meets an immortal girl from another world who has a hundred-meter monster as a pet, and frankly, I think we handle our differences very well,"

"That is very true," Sunset nodded... All the three of them.

"Glad we agreed. But you have to help me help you," He looked at her main friend with a patient expression. "And I would like you to start by telling me why the hell there are two small and pervert Sunset Shimmers beside you right now,"

"Are you sure you don't want to start with another question?" Sunset Shimmer asked with an awkward smile.

"Sunset. I'll only say that once ... If you make it difficult, I'll delete your Story of Seasons File with over three hundred hours of play AND your Monster Hunter one too, are we getting it?"

"YOU WOULDN'T DARE!" Both Sunset and the small Sunset that looked like her (not the devil one) yelled at the same time.

"Are you willing to pay to see?" Spike raised one of his eyebrows.

"Okay, okay, let's talk," The big one said with a sigh. "First of all, I am not sure of anything, okay?"

"But you have a theory," Spike nodded certainly of his affirmation. "I know you for some time now, and I have a decent idea about how brilliant you truly are, that's why I ask you to be frank with me. I know when you lie,"

"Right..." Sunset sighed again. Clearly her headache had yet to go away. "Do you remember when I talked with Octavia?"

"The girl I thought I knew all my life but that in the end, I discovered she is actually a demon from hell that you fought over a century ago because you tripped on a rock? I think I vaguely remember,"

"I actually tripped on a rock because I got lost while searching for a bathroom,"

"You ended up in hell on your way to the bathroom?" Spike could not help but ask.

"Thant is one way to put it," The demon Shimmer shrugged.

"We're changing the subject here," Spike shakes his head. "You still didn't say a thing about Octavia and these two pests,"

"WHAT DID YOU CALLED ME?" Both small Sunsets asked at the same time and Spike breathed his characteristic green flames toward them that created a shield around themselves and nullifies the attack and shot a beam of magic toward him that jumped out of the attack and from his chair that was destroyed.

"STOP! TWILIGHT IS GOING TO KILL US FOR BREAKING HER THINGS!" Sunset screamed as she created a small magic bubble around the two little creatures.

"She may try, but I think we both know she will not succeed," The demon one smirked. "We already tried a lot, remember?"

"That's not the point here," Spike walked toward them and sat down on the table. "Sunset, please, what were you saying?"

"I... Look, I think that when we talked she said some things that shambled my mind a little, okay? And given my magic nature this caused a physical manifestation in the form of an evil self and angel self," She looked at the two of them with her cheeks red because of the remembrance, but for some reason, both of them looked at her with shocked expressions. "Am I right?"

The two Sunsets stared at each other for a few seconds and suddenly burst into uncontrolled laughter. "Really? Is that what you think we are?" The demon one wiped away a tear of laughter from her eyes as the magic bubble disappeared.

"I think that this makes sense, but given their reaction, I think you're wrong," Spike sighed as he slowly shakes his head. "A good theory going to waste,"

"Oh, don't get us wrong," The small normal one crossed her arms and leaned herself against the air. "The first part is correct, but the second one was really stupid,"

"Wait," The real Sunset asked. "You two are not my good and bad side?"

"Definitely not," The small one dismissed the theory with a wave of her hand and then pointed her index toward Sunset. "You get us wrong little lady. I am not your 'good side' I am your new side. And this creepy abomination here is your old side, more specifically the manifestation of the part of you that lived side by side with Midnight before becoming 'the witch of the mountain' but after your small fight after she started murdering every human being on sight,"

"What did you call me rotten meat?"


"BUT THAT STILL DOESN'T ANSWER A THING?" Sunset punched the table. "And quite honestly I don't care what you are, but how do I get rid of you?"

"You started wrong then," The demon shrugged again. "This is the basis of the magic. You have to UNDERSTAND the beginning before anything else, right?" Sunset groaned.

"Okay, let's forget that part about you living with a murderer psychopathic (but we're talking about it later) and get back to what really matters," Spike looked back at Sunset. "What exactly did you two talked about?"

"We," Sunset looked at him trying to choose her words carefully. Quite frankly, why is talking about it so hard? That does not even make sense for her. "She talked about how she feels about Vinyl and how much it would hurt her to give up on her love, but that she was willing to,"

"And why we get at this point?" Spike asked.

"Because I think I understand her..." Sunset sighed closing her eyes and sat down. "And this let me confused,"

"What do you understand?" Spike asked without really knowing what to expect. "Wait," Suddenly his eyes widened as the realization hits him. "You understand how she feels about Vinyl?" His voice shakes a little. "You're in love too?"

"I don't know?" Sunset scratched the back of her head. "Am I? Does what I feel about Twilight qualifies as love?"

"ABOUT TWILIGHT?" Spike falls on his back.

"Who is annoyingly loud now?" The demon one asked.

"NOT NOW," Spike yelled at her. "Sunset, forget these two for a while, talk with me okay? We HAVE to discuss that,"

"I do not think I can, I mean, I do not even know what I am feeling right now, how can I put it in words?" She stood up and walked back and forth in front of the table. "I am so lost. I have seen so many movies about it, but I never really paid any attention to what exactly is to feel in love. And... I honestly don't know if I deserve her after all,"


"I think I know why this demon form is the one that represents the past me," She sighed. "Spike, I have done so much, so many horrible things. When I look back, when I look ahead, all I can see is..."

"Take your time," He walked until the edge of the table with worry clear on his eyes. "What can you see?"

"All I see is sadness," She lowered her head and closed her eyes. "I can see despair. I can see the sadness I have been through. I can see the sadness I caused to the others. I can see the families I destroyed, I can see the people I obliterated with my sheer power, I can see how in the end I will just be alone again and that scares me, okay?" Her voice was failing, however, if it is because of sadness or anger she was not aware. "I am scared. I am scared that this life that changed so much will have an end, and maybe I should just accelerate the process and go back to what I once was,"

Spike looked at his friend with empathy. "There's a lot going on in your head huh," He closed his eyes. "I honestly don't even know where to start. This conversation gave me so much information I just have to process," Like the fact you already tried to kill yourself as the old Sunset said. "But I trust in you,"

"You trust me?" Sunset asked turning to face him. "About what?"

"I trust you can decide. I don't know what you have to do to free us from these two, but I think that this confusion in your head is causing it. Love? Not love? Past? Future? Despair or sadness? There is so much in your head now that you just can't decide. We can live with these two for a while, but you cannot live like this, it is a torture," He put one of his paws on her arm.

Sunset looked at him for a few seconds and none of her small problems said anything. She closed her eyes. Maybe he is right. Maybe all she has to do is to decide. Did she want to live in the past? Did she want to think about the future? Did she love herself enough to love Twilight too? Does Twilight even feel the same way?

She does not know...

But she has to make a choice.