• Published 8th Dec 2017
  • 4,360 Views, 256 Comments

My immortal phoenix. - Lieral

In a world where magic "apparently" don't exist, Twilight is a young and prodigious scientist struggling to leave her mark in history, but she never expected her new experiment to lead her to a new world apparently uninhabited... Apparently...

  • ...

Chapter 19- Masterpiece

Twilight tried to hide a yawn with one of her hands. It does not matter if you are a boy, a girl, or even an all mighty and immortal being, staying awake past the 4:00 will always make you feel uncomfortable in the morning.

Sure, she does not needed to, however, she was in a really bad spot at the time.

"ATCHOO!" She sneezed strongly. "I think I'm going to get a cold again..."

"Well, That's something we don't want, right?" A feminine voice took Twilight's attention.

"Cadence?" After recognizing the voice she instinctively asked surprised and turned to see the older woman with the same old smile she always held when speaking to her and looked at her expecting to see this same expression mirrored on her old babysitter's face, but what she saw was a serious expression. So serious she stopped smiling and assumed a scared face. "D-Did something happens? Why you're so serious?"

"Because we have to talk..." She answered coldly and scanned her surroundings. "But I rather do this where we can have some privacy,"

"What, are you going to kill me?" Twilight asked joking and half expecting to see Cadence's expression soften, however that was not what happened. "Seriously, what happened?"

"Well, I think there's more you had been hiding from us," Cadence said searching something on her purse.

"You're still mad I haven't talked about Sunset?" Twilight asked surprised, it's not like Cadence to stay mad with something so small. "I told you guys I had no idea how I was going to explain all that!"

Cadence grinned her teeth, an act that was even more evident thanks to her red lipstick, which despite giving her a much more adult air, also made it slightly more frightening. "I think you know this is not I am talking about,"

"Huh?" Twilight was not sure what to answer. This situation is anything but common. "Listen, do we really have to talk about it now? I'm kinda late to the job,"

"It's not like you to be late," Cadence took her eyes from her purse and looked at Twilight surprised, but she kept fidgeting her purse.

"Y-yeah, but I had to deal with a small situation this night," Twilight answered scratching the back of her neck.

"Well, I think you'll have to be even later," Cadence finally managed to take something and brought it up. Twilight's eyes widened in pure horror as she identified the really old and black book she was holding. "Because we REALLY have to talk this time!"

"W-why? WHY DO YOU HAVE THAT?" Twilight yelled without even noticing, but Cadence did not even seen to be worried about that.

"Well, do you have time now?" She asked. This time Twilight was the one looking around. Most people walking on the street had stopped and are staring her surprised. She held Cadence's hand and walked fast dragging the other woman to an empty alley. "Do you think we're safe to talk here?"

Twilight breathed deeply twice, each time with her arm following her old comforting movements. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled like that. But that's not why we're here, so tell me: why do you have that thing?"

"Well, you did such a good job trying to hide it from me I knew I had to see what secrets laid inside this little thing. And how big do you think was my surprise when I started to read this small masterpiece?" Cadence asked with a slightly playful tone, which is a good sign.

"Masterpiece?" Twilight asked surprised. "What part of this was a masterpiece?"

"Well, why don't we ask that immortal friend of yours?"

This time Twilight was the one grinning her teeth. "After everything you have just read you will still talk about her like that?"

"What? I can't talk about this marking characteristic?" Cadence said it shrugging, but when she saw Twilight's expression she assumed a more solemn one. "Okay, I overreacted this time. But that doesn't change the fact you hid a lot of information from us, your own family!"

"And what should have I done?" Twilight stepped ahead once, her hand was on top of her chest while she looked at Cadence's eyes desperately. Maybe this time it is not a rhetoric question and she really wants to know the answer. "Let her stay in that world alone for another century?"

"Twilight, I haven't said anything like that," Cadence put a hand on Twilight's shoulder and looked into her eyes with a gentle smile. That sight alone was enough to make Twilight a little calmer now. "I just don't wanted you to keep secrets from us! Even more a secret like that! Do you have any idea what could have happened when your mother brought her to go shopping?"

"Yeah, I was worried that she might be too scared to do anything, but it all went pretty well in the end,"

"Scared? That girl?" Cadence seemed to be surprised by this phrase, something Twilight could not understand. After reading just a few first pages one might be able to understand. "You're kidding, right?"

"Why would I play with something like that?" Now Twilight was truly surprised.

"Twilight... Could it be..." Cadence gave a step forward. "Don't tell me you haven't actually read it?"

"Well, I did... The first few pages..." She said scratching the back of her head nervously.

"Seriously? Its the same thing as you having a whole portion of French fries and you eat only one!" Cadence said without stopping moving the hand with the diary.

"That's not a metaphor I would have used..."

"The THING is: you have to care with that girl," Cadence gave the diary back. "I hate to say something like that from a friend, but you're more important to me than her so I'll say anyway: She IS dangerous Twilight, its better for you to be prepared for anything,"

"Why are you saying that?" Twilight took the diary, and for the first time since she had read the first few pages, she was tempted to read it again and finish what she had started. "It's not like you at all!"

Cadence sighed and put both hands on Twilight's shoulders. "I don't like saying all that either, but we're not sure if she's stable or not,"

"She would never attack me!" Twilight almost yelled, but thankfully they were alone.

"I'm just worried Twilight," Cadence tightened her grip. "She's not only powerful, but she's also completely unaware of how people are in this world. And after what Luna did... I would not be surprised if she's still mad with humanity, and mark my words: If only half of what is saying it is true, then she's more than capable to wipe out the entire population of Ponyville without breaking a sweat!"

"What?" Twilight's eyes widened. "Wipe out the population? LUNA? Why would Vice-Principal Luna have anything with Sunset?"

"Of course it's not OUR Luna, Twilight" Cadence rolled her eyes and let go of the younger girl's shoulders. "So she never mentioned she met Luna and Celestia?"

"Now that you mentioned it, she talked about Celestia once, and when I asked she said she don't want to talk about it,"

"Well, I'm not surprised," Cadence sighed again this time a little heavier than before. "I don't think she will never be able to forget such betrayal..."

"B-Betrayal?" Now Twilight's legs were having a problem holding her body without shaking. Everything in this conversation had been so confused. Sunset and dangerous, Luna and betrayal, words that she never thought she would have used in the same sentence had just proved that exist. "I don't get it. There must be a mistake,"

"I don't think there is," Cadence's tone was dark and low. "The humanity is not human without their mistakes, and Sunset's world is just a proof of what we might be."

Twilight turned her gaze to the black book in her hands. She has no idea of what is happening. She is barely aware of Sunset's mysterious past. She is shaking without knowing what to do. But she could know... She can understand... All she has to do is to read a book, right?

She felt a warm touch on her hand. Cadence was looking into her eyes with nothing more than complacency. "I know you want to know. But this is not the time, Twilight. Your feelings are too involved, and you always lost your head when we're talking about your friends,"

"W-What should I do?" Twilight was at the verge of tears, her eyes are painfully red and Cadence knew far too well how hard that indecision must be for her.

"Show her that there's another way," She tightened her grip. "Now that you started you have to continue! Show her that there are still other people that will care for her... And that we will never call her a watchdog or anything like that."

"Get lost watchdog... There is nothing left for you to protect here..." Twilight unconsciously murmured. "Is Luna the one that said it?"

"This is not important now," Cadence as getting more and more cautious with her words. She knew far too well how obsessed Twilight can be with something, and she might have given the diary back, but it was not what she wanted, she just did it because it would be wrong to burn that thing without talking to Sunset. "What is important is that you and your friends might be exactly what she needs... Friends!"

Twilight took her eyes from the diary painfully slowly. "Is this going to help her?"

"More than you think..." She let go of Twilight's hand. "We're close to Christmas, maybe you should make a party and she will have a bit of fun!"

"But she never met any of the girls... Except for Rarity,"

"Well, Then THERE'S where you enter! Show them what is a truly good time, girl!"

Author's Note:

To all those reading this I ask... How do you still support me?
I mean, the last time I post a chapter was 24th Oct, and it took me from 12th Apr to 28th Sep to finish a single arc...
Meanwhile, a dozen writers had also posted dozens of more chapters... It must be really hard to wait for me.
So, I'm sorry... Seriously...
But please, don't give up on this fic, I promise I will try to be a little more... Punctual?
P.S: I am also working with two crossover story and that's giving me some headache...