• Published 8th Dec 2017
  • 4,360 Views, 256 Comments

My immortal phoenix. - Lieral

In a world where magic "apparently" don't exist, Twilight is a young and prodigious scientist struggling to leave her mark in history, but she never expected her new experiment to lead her to a new world apparently uninhabited... Apparently...

  • ...

Chapter 25- Pinkie Sense.

Author's Note:

Well, here we are.
There's more than a year since I started this fic and I finally managed to reach the chapter number 25. And what better way to celebrate than making it both an important part of the story AND a reference to one of the most iconic chapters of all MLP serie?

During all her life Sunset Shimmer had experienced the feeling of dying many and many times, probably too many to count, however, thousands of years have passed since she had almost died so many different times in such a small amount of time. Now, laying on the dirty with so many different wounds while being observed by the curious (and almost with pity) eyes of a giant crocodile (That is carrying a smaller and toothless crocodile on top of his head) and two other girls all she could do was to observed the sky and wondered when did it all started... And it started with two words.

"Pinkie Sense?" She asked the question that sealed her fate.

"EYEP," Pinkie Pie answered with an enormous smile. "That's the name!"

"Sure..." Sunset massages her temples with her fingers. "And what exactly it does again? "

"Basically, a lot of different things happens with my body that means a lot of different things that supposedly predicts the future,"

"Of course it does," Sunset said ironically. "Can you give me a sample, please?" A sigh escaped her lips taking with it a small trail of vapor.

There is weak snow falling from the sky that was creating piles and piles of a white natural blanket on the streets that was perfect for the many children playing snowball war and makes the temperature actually really gradable for someone like her.

"I can give you plenty, but you're sure you don't want anything? The cakes here are just the best of the best!" Pinkie Pie apparently ignored the obvious disbelief present in the voice of the red-haired girl.

The Sugar Cube Corner is definitely a famous place around. There are at least thirty tables occupying the pavement and all of them are filled with people, mostly in groups of 2, 3 or 4, and all of that without counting the inside of the establishment.

"I am fine," Sunset answered fast. She hadn't brought much money with her.

"Okie Dokie Lokie," Apparently, Pinkie Pie,'s mood haven't changed even a little since the last day when they first met. "Well, a good sample is: when my hair shakes it means something will fall, and..."

"And are you sure the wind has nothing to do with it?" Now sarcasm fills Sunset's voice.

"Of course not, silly," Pinkie Pie waved her hand with a giggle. "There's a clear difference! Anyway, another thing that happens is when I feel my shoulder aching a little, then that means something dangerous is going to happen,"

"People says that the cold is horrible to the bones," Sunset shrugged and inclined her chair as a woman with blue skin and a red hair that somehow remembers an ice cream passed behind her carrying a plate filled with cakes and others orders. "But do not let me interrupt you, please continue,"

"Sure, sometimes a bunch of different things happens with my body in a small amount of time, I call them combos, for sample: Ear shaking then knees shaking then eyes blinking means that a beautiful rainbow will soon appear,"

"A rainbow?" More sarcasm fills the air.

"EYEP!" Suddenly something caught Sunset's eyes. A not very discreet movement in Pinkie's hair despite the total lack of wind and even less magic in the air. "Oh, OH!"

"What?" Sunset asked exasperated.

Suddenly, a white and cold ball made of snow hit Her face destroying the already small point of balance of the chair, making the red-haired girl fall with her back on the pavement. She cleaned her face and stared the sky for a few seconds.

"Oh my goodness," The blue woman approached clearly worried. "Are you alright? There's a bunch of children playing around here, I think one of then hit you,"

"Worry not..." Sunset lift half of her body almost hitting the plate the blue woman was holding just in time to see Pinkie's hair shaking again. This ignited a flame inside of her. There was no magic at all, and yet, that coincidence happened almost as if combined. She pointed a finger at Pinkie Pie. "This means nothing you hear me? This was just an accident!"

"What means nothing?" As soon as the woman asked a snowball hit her on the back of her head unbalancing the plate of desserts that fell right on Sunset's face... Again...

"Hum, do you want something to clean your face?" Pinkie Pie asked innocently and the flame inside os Sunset grew stronger.

Walking on an open park was a really welcome change for Sunset. Of course, her new world has many advantages over her old one. She did not have to hunt for rotten food anymore. Now, candies and culinary are the best way to spend some time (Even if she still had not tried to cook by herself yet). More books than she is able to count, the internet and other general technologies are almost like presents from heaven and even being surrounded by humans is not a problem anymore.

But she misses nature. She misses the fresh air of a forest, the scent of a peaceful lake and the sound of a wild and free animal. That is how she lived during most of her life after all. But there is something that was making simply impossible for her to enjoy her surroundings.

“Why can’t you see this makes no sense?” She barely could keep herself from yelling, actually, she did not even notice she changed the way she usually speaks.

“And why can’t you just accept it?” Pinkie Pie was bouncing happily by her new friend’s side with her never-ending smile strong as always. “Frankly, you can do magic, so why it’s so hard for you to see that there’s not much difference?”

“THERE IS MUCH DIFFERENCE!” The fire inside Sunset Shimmer was like an enraged volcano, and she even forgot she never said she can use magic to Pinkie Pie at all? “Magic is an art! It makes what you want to happen at certain circumstances happen. It takes study and practice for a long time to learn how to use the magic that lies deep within you and in the very world you’re in! While your ‘Pinkie sense’ is just as true as alligators in the sewer,”

“You would be surprised with the things we can find in the sewer,” Pinkie Pie answered matter-of-factually much for Sunset’s frustration.

“The sewer is not the main point here!” She stomped hard.

“Then it’s about cupcakes?” Pinkie Pie stopped bouncing for time enough to ask.

“Why the main point would be about cupcakes? We don’t even talk about it!” Sunset retort.

“Because I love cupcakes,”

“Of course you do,” The red-haired decided to take a deep breath. “Anyway, where are we going?”


“Nowhere ?”

“EYEP,” Pinkie smiled. “Just having a nice walk in the park Saturday afternoon with my new friend. I thought you would like,”

The answer was not one Sunset was waiting. Could it be that she knew how much she was missing it? Was it from her ‘Pinkie sense’? She instantly shook her head. There is no way something that does not even exist is the cause, it was just a lucky shot.

“Well… Thank you, I am enjoying it so far,” She avoided eye contact.

“That’s great,” Pinkie was clearly happy she guessed the right way to please the red-haired “Now, all we have to do is to… Oh Oh!” Suddenly her hair started shaking furiously. “Well, looks like something’s going to fall, we better…”

“NO!” Sunset stopped as fast as the flames inside her reignited itself clouding even the thankfulness she was feeling a second ago. “I’m going to wait exactly here,” She crossed her arms and stomped hard.

“Hum, Sunset…”

“NO, I don’t want to hear another phrase about this subject!” Her iron will apparently be just as strong as herself.

“What about a word?” Pinkie asked as she lifts a single finger.

“Ugh,” The red-haired face-palmed. “Fine, just. A. Single. Word!” Each word was followed by a strong stomp. Quite frankly, Sunset had no idea how come Pinkie Pie can piss her off so easily. She is so much older and experienced that it should be easy for her to ignore a simple pink-haired girl with overwhelming energy, right?

She stomped one last time, but this time she felt whatever she had been onto giving way, and the next thing she knew was that she was being dragged by the force of gravity. She fell only for a few seconds until she hit the bottom. A small amount of water fills the place until her midsection even as she is sating. The place is really big, but what really caught her attention as she breathed was the really rotten scent.

Suddenly, from the place she fell from four meters above Pinkie’s head appeared as she muttered a single word :


Sunset’s temple started to tremble dangerously… Until a strong breath caught her attention as it literally messed all her hair. She turned her attention toward the origin just to see two golden eyes staring her furiously, a giant mouth with ridiculously big teeth and green scales of a giant crocodile just waiting to have a decent meal. And all that Sunset could think was: “You’re not an alligator!”

“It’s time to change my approach,” Sunset murmured as she hid most of her body behind the corner of a house. She also masks her presence and emotions even if she doubts if it will be necessary. Honestly, she can feel anyone’s presence in miles and miles of distance, which was something that took her attention. She had not lied to Twilight when she said Pinkie Pie has the same kind of presence as Twilight herself, but only now she noticed that those two’s presence are very different from most people, actually, the number of people with similar ‘auras’ in all city of Ponyville is no more than 10 at best…

But even if Pinkie Pie is really different from most people she simply is not using magic to use the said Pinkie sense. Or at least she is not feeling it.

That is the reason why she did a complicated spell so she can feel exactly what the pink-haired girl is feeling… Only physically, of course, she would not dare to try to feel what Pinkie is feeling and thinking since she was pretty sure it would give her permanent collateral damage.

“Oh, hello, Matilda,” Pinkie’s voice caught her attention again. “Your birthday is in three days, right?” She was talking with an older woman not far away.

“My, Pinkie Pie, how come you remember so easily?” She asked.

“I just like to see my friends happy,” Pinkie smiled even more sweetly. “That’s why I already purchased your perfect present,” She said with confidence.

“Coming from you I’m sure it is really perfect…” Without warning Pinkie’s hair shook again and much for Sunset’s pleasure her hair mimics it. She concentrated all her mind and body in what she is feeling and just as she had first thought there was not a single trace of magic. “Oh, is that your Pinkie sense?” Matilda asked worriedly. “What does that mean?”

“Nothing big, but we better find somewhere covered just in case,” Pinkie giggled and for no apparent reason she had said a little louder than necessary.

“I’m just after you,” The older woman followed her.

In a way, Sunset was very impressed. Somehow, it seems like everyone in town already is familiar with her Pinkie sense and believes it blindly. “OUCH!” A sudden headache hit her as soon as a pot of flower hit her too after probably have been accidentally pushed from a window.

She cleaned the dirty on her face and right shoulder and took a deep breath. A coincidence. That is just a coincidence and… Is her left shoulder aching? The pot has not hit her shoulder, so it means it must be what Pinkie is feeling. But what did she said it was? Oh yeah, it means danger! “Wait…”

“WATCH OUT!” Someone yelled as something flew passing upon her head toward a basket at the door of a store. That something was probably a mini bomb since it exploded and sent everything in the basket flying away totally out of control, which for some reason included a knife that pierced through Sunset’s right shoulder.

She stared it blankly for a few seconds and breathed deeply before taking the knife away from her shoulder that immediately stopped sending pain… Score for the undesired immortality… But her left shoulder is still aching…

Again a hot flow of wind messed her hair from behind. She turned around just to see a familiar pair of golden eyes staring her with a clear desire for revenge inside of it, and the many marks of fists on its green scales are a clear sign of why. “So… How’s the family?”

The crocodile opened his mouth.

Sunset sighed for what she feels is the 1000° time this Saturday. A missing arrow flew from a group of three girls had just gone far too high to hit the target and found its way to hit her waist… Just a few seconds after Pinkie’s shoulder started to ache.

She grabbed the arrow and took it off herself. Thankfully her jacket is capable to hide her already very red shirt.

Putting her hand inside the pockets of her jacket she walked slowly toward where Pinkie Pie is going while wondering where could the crocodile (She decided to call him Jeff) is. After the 7° attack he suddenly disappeared, she is almost getting worried with the little guy.

The sky is already dark with not so many stars visible, and she started wondering where the pink-haired girl is going this time. She never had seen such a changeable behavior and vast knowledge in so many different subjects and mainly such an amazing amount of energy.

In a single afternoon she had helped to paint a house, teach how to play a piano, sell the piano, order and receive a huge amount of fireworks, make an entire party (with the help of a freaking cannon), act as an auctioneer, helped a rainbow-haired girl to train, purchased a dress from Rarity, solve three different conflicts around town, helped charity and stopped a runaway tiger… While dealing with her Pinkie sense that was “telling” her that everything around is a deadly weapon, which, much for Sunset’s frustration had been proved right until now.

A construction area was getting closer with every step. Why is Pinkie Pie coming here? It is out of the business hour, so all workers are probably already gone by now. A demolition ball is hanging a few meters above the ground totally unnoticed to the occasional pedestrian.

A sound caught her attention. Looks like there is a last person doing an extra job here. A girl with golden hair falling upon her right shoulder in a pretty plait as she carries a sandbag on her left one. Her face is definitely pretty even if it is a little hard to say if she has freckles or her face is just dirty.

Pinkie Pie went straight toward that girl. Sunset narrowed her eyes. Pinkie’s stomach is in a terrible turmoil which makes Sunset wonder what does that means? It is the first time she has that feeling… At least from Pinkie’s perspective since for some reason, Sunset herself have this feeling every now and then when Twilight is around… Strange, does that mean she has a sense too? NO! There is no Pinkie sense to start, so, of course, there is no ‘Sunset sense’ either.

“Guess who’s here,” As soon as the blonde girl put the sandbag down Pinkie Pie covered her eyes.

“Pinkie,” The girl instantly answered.

“That’s right,” Pinkie giggled. “What you’re doing here Applejack?” She put both her hands behind her as if hiding a present and… Wait, Applejack?

Something clearly appeared in Sunset’s mind. That is definitely the name of one of Twilight’s closest friends.

“Ah’m givin’ a hand to my cousin that works here,” Applejack answered while cleaning her forehead. “And what ya doin’ here?”

“I’m talking with you of course,” Pinkie answered as Sunset rolled her eyes.

“Of course,” Applejack smiled tiredly. “Ah mean why ya’re here? And what have ya done all day?”

“Oh, I’ve been letting Sunset follow me all day to study me,” Pinkie giggled.

“Hum… Who’s Sunset?”

“JUST WAIT A MINUTE!” Sunset yelled and walked toward the pair stomping really hard. “YOU KNEW ALL ALONG?”

“Of course I do, but for some reason, my Pinkie sense was crazy today and it seems that something was attracting danger today,”

“YOU’RE TELLING ME?” Sunset yelled as the many holes in her shirt acts more than enough as proof.

“Let’s calm down here,” Applejack intervene. “Mah name’s Applejack, who are ya?”

Sunset took a deep breath. “My name is Sunset Shimmer,”

“Nice to meet ya,” Applejack took her hat off. “Now, how do ya two met?”

“Twilight introduced us!” Pinkie answered bouncing in place.

“Ya’ve seen Twilight? Nice! She’s getting a little hard to talk lately, how’s she doin’?” Applejack smiled.

“She’s fine and asked if I could give you a message. She said she’s going to make a Christmas party and asked if I could invite you if I see you before her,” Pinki answered. “Rainbow is already invited,”

“What ‘bout Rarity and Fluttershy?”

“Twilight’s going to invite them tomorrow,”

“Nice,” Applejack seems really happy about it for a second until she saw something a little strange. “Hum… Is that a crocodile?”

Both Pinkie Pie and Sunset turned in time to see the already very familiar giant crocodile approaching with a smaller and toothless crocodile on the top of his head.

“Look at that,” Sunset said surprised. “He does have a family,”

“Ya’all know that giant crocodile?” Applejack asked.

“More or less, you see…” Both Pinkie’s and Sunset’s hair started to shake at the same time. “WATCH OUT!”

Pinkie Pie yelled and tackled Applejack down a few meters away from where they were a second ago, and after that, the very demolition ball fell from its standing place smashing Sunset Shimmer down.

“SUNSET,” Applejack stood up fast. Of course, she met the girl just a minute ago, but it is just natural to be worried.

“Wait for me Applejack,” Pinkie Pie stopped the girl from running. “Let’s calm down,”

“CALM DOWN?” As soon as she finished her question the very demolition ball trembled for a few seconds and after that, it rolled aside as a peach collared arm was effortlessly moved the giant ball aside.

Applejack and Pinkie Pie approached her followed by the crocodile and his son while watching her with almost pity eyes.

Sunset, on the other hand, was staring the starry sky with blank eyes. Her body is a constant reminder of all her day. Her day full of different wounds made by knives, crocodile, explosions, arrows, crocodiles and… Pinkie Pie.

She sighed again while gathering all her will power to say? “I give up,”

“What?” Applejack asked.

“I followed you around all day trying to understand, trying to find a way to explain, be it magic, science or anything,” “She lifts half of her body. “But all this nonsense somehow makes sense. Not a single time her Pinkie sense missed a shot,”

“You mean… You belie it now?” Pinkie asked.

“… Yes,” Swallowing all her pride Sunset answered.

“Oh, sugar cube,” Applejack offered her hand. “Ya don’t have to understand everything. Ah thought Twilight would have warned ya ‘bout trying to understand Pinkie,”

“I know. I think I should hear my own advi… Wait, what?” Sunset suddenly noticed. “What do you mean she should have warned me?”

Sunset Shimmer literally kicked the door of Twilight’s apartment making it open furiously and at once. Inside, she saw Twilight sating on her couch playing with that Video Game (Which she still have to play) with Spike at her right, Cadence by her left and Shining Armor watching the gameplay from behind the couch. But she ignored almost all of them except one. “YOU!” She pointed a finger toward Twilight. “You knew all along!”

“What?” Cadence asked confused. Twilight, on the other hand, was smiling mischievously.

“What could you be talking about?” She clearly mocked the red-haired and resumed her game.

“You know very well,” Sunset’s rage was obviously preventing her to catch up the sarcasm. “You knew what was going to happen as soon as I left this morning, didn’t you?”

“Please, Sunset,” Twilight rolled her eyes and for some reason an owl land on her shoulder. “No one can exactly predict what is going to happen around Pinkie Pie,”

“But you knew what was going to happen with me for trying to understand her Pinkie sense, didn’t you? And what’s that bird doing here?”

“Hum… I think I have a better question…” Shining Armor slowly lifts his hand.

“Of course I knew. I’ve been there before AND I told you to don’t even try yesterday,”

“Hum… Girls,” Cadence tried to lift her hand too.

“And answering your other question this is Owloscious! Cadence and Shining Armor gave me as an earlier Christmas present. Isn’t he amazing?” Twilight proudly answered.

“He’s pretty cool, bu…”

Before she finishes her phrase, both Cadence and Shining Armor yelled. “CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO US WHY THERE’S AN ALLIGATOR AT THE DOOR?” Finally, Twilight noticed the wild beast and jumped onto her couch.

“Jeff is not an alligator, he’s a crocodile,” Now Sunset rolled her eyes.

After a few seconds, Spike was the only one brave enough to open his mouth. “Hum… Who’s going to ask?”