• Published 8th Dec 2017
  • 4,360 Views, 256 Comments

My immortal phoenix. - Lieral

In a world where magic "apparently" don't exist, Twilight is a young and prodigious scientist struggling to leave her mark in history, but she never expected her new experiment to lead her to a new world apparently uninhabited... Apparently...

  • ...

Chapter 36- Heat

Author's Note:

This is just a small chapter telling what happened after the last chapter. I hope you likes it (Or at least do not hate it).

Anyway, good reading, leave a comment and enjoy.

“Ugh,” Twilight groaned. She opened her eyes slowly and blinked a few times looking at the ceiling with her blurry vision. “Cold,” She murmured and covered herself with the blanket.

“Ugh,” A voice at her left caught her attention and she turned to look at the origin. She had difficulty defining the contours of the person beside her, but the answer was more than obvious given the last months. “Cold,” Sunset murmured and hugged herself.

Twilight could not keep looking at her bareback and covered her with the blanket. She slowly stood up and stretched herself with another groan. Her original plan was to sleep until late, but her organism’s desire for coffee spoke louder than her laziness. She looked around with her eyes narrowed, trying to find the slightest sign of her glasses.

She staggered around the room with her arms outstretched trying not to wake anyone. She checked the table, the wardrobe, and the nightstand, but in neither case did she find what she wanted. She turned to look at Sunset and said. “Lucky you do not need glasses,” Spike rolled over on the floor sleepy and barked twice softly. Beside him seemed to be something black and familiar.

She crawled over and nearly slipped into a blouse tossed to the floor, why there is a blouse on the floor she has absolutely no idea, but she ignored it and continued on her way until she finally got her glasses. "Much better," She blinked a few times finally seeing again.

The day had barely dawned and the curtain prevented the dim light from entering, Sunset slept like an angel, and Spike was a little less unworthy with his four paws in the air and his tongue sticking out.

Her belly growled and she decided it was a good time to go to make breakfast. She staggered to the exit of the room dizzily and yawned. Why in the world she is so tired after a night of sleep she had no idea.

She left the room scratching her still sleepy head. As she was near the couch toward the kitchen she heard a small series of lively knocking on the door that caught her attention. “Twilight, it’s me Cadence,”

“I am here too,” Shining Armor said but it was honestly more out of obligation than for any other reason.

"I'm going," Twilight walked to the door slowly with a small part of her brain wondering why they were there in the first place.

"Good morning," Cadence greeted as soon as she opened the door with a big and lively smile. "How’s my favorite girl?"

“Sleepy,” She answered with another yawn.

"Good morning little sister," Shining Armor said as if trying to avoid looking at her. "I hope we're not interrupting anything,"

"Why the question?" She questioned doubtfully. "It's too early, I didn't even make coffee yet," She let them in and closed the door. “I will make it now, can you two wait?” She sneezed and needed to hold her glasses so it won’t fall.

“I dunno,” Cadence grinned at her. "We can wait, but are you sure you have no other priorities?"

"You're as discreet as a tractor," Shining sighed, holding his own forehead with his left hand.

“What are you talking about?”

"Well my dear Twilight, I admit I'm not the best at being discreet when it's not in my best interest, but as it seems you both work the same way, let me ask you, aren't you cold?" Cadence rolled her eyes.

"Well, actually I am, why do you ask?" Twilight asked doubtfully.

"My goodness," Cadence facepalmed. "And I thought your brother was slow. Twilight, my dear, have you looked at yourself today?"

"What?" Twilight asked and looked at herself. Nothing looked wrong, there was no mark on her body, so no experiment went wrong and hurt her. The bra straps were off her arms but it was not even close to falling off, sure, her orange panties were not the same as always, but she had no idea what the hell was wron…

Reality slowly hit her and her eyes widened slowly. Her sleeping brain apparently took a long time to restart, and now that it woke up she finally understood what was going on. “AAAAHHHHH!" She gave a little scream and tried to cover herself with her arms, but it was not even close enough to hide her almost naked body. Her face heated so much it was smoking. “DON’T LOOK! I’M SORRY,”

"Please Twilight, don't be sorry," Cadence took her hand and slowly guided her over to the couch and sat her there. Twilight used one pillow to hide her thighs and hugged another. “But surely you have to give us something,"

"What?" Twilight asked trying to make the brain work, clearly, something wasn't quite right.

“Details!” Cadence smiled like a kid. “I want every single detail, what happened last night? How was it? I take care of you for so long, you owe me that,”

"I-I," Twilight used the pillow she was hugging to hide her face. "I do not remember anything!"

“Calm down Twily,” Shining also sat by her side and put a hand on her back which startled the girl a little. "We're not sure about anything," he said as he glared at Cadence. "But we can try to remember if you want. Or perhaps someone could help us, Where's Sunset and Spike?"

“Morning,” A new voice caught the attention of everyone in the room. "I heard a scream. Are you alright Twilight?" Sunset asked scratching her head with her left eye still closed and the right one not much better. Instead of answering everyone stared at her with open mouths (Cadence also smiled) and without saying a thing. "What happened?"

Twilight stared at her in silence for a few seconds with her mouth open in shock, her cheeks gradually reddening and she hugged the pillow tightly. Cadence turned to look at her, grinning from ear to ear. "Oh, you damn lucky one. Now I really want the details,"

"What are you talking about?" Sunset asked.

"Well Sunset," Shining Armor clasped his fingertips as if trying to maintain patience. "I think the question that would sum it all up is: When did you two decide to change your underwear?"

"Huh?" Sunset looked at her own body and saw herself half-naked, but instead of having a panic attack like Twilight, she just assumed a thoughtful expression. "I think it was between two and a half or three in the morning,"

"I love this girl!" Cadence burst out laughing and Twilight finally hid her face in the pillow.

"Honesty is the soul of business," Shining Armor folded his arms and nodded whistling. "At least that I can say,"

"Getting back to what matters..." Cadence turned to look at Twilight.

"Is the coffee ready?" Sunset interrupted her.

"Is this really what matters to you?" Cadence had to ask.

"I've been naked before," Sunset said as if it were simple and Twilight wanted from the bottom of her heart to merge with the couch. "But I'd rather do it with coffee,"

"You ... Do you know what happened last night?" Twilight lifted his head from the pillow with visible effort.

"After you confessed to me?"

"Oh, was that you? I thought it would have been Sunset taking the initiative," Shining Armor sat on the arm of the couch.

"Yeah, we know this is in the blood of the family," Cadence rolled his eyes. "How about telling the night after this amazing fact that I had no idea what had happened?"

"Wait, is that why you wanted to come here so early?" Shining asked. “How did you managed to get this information?”

"Getting back to it," Sunset interrupted. "After all that, we came back home and I had prepared a dinner for you. And at dinner there were also a couple of bottles of wine ... Maybe more,"

"Okay, I think we all know where this is going to end," Shining Armor shrugged and took out his wallet while Cadence smiled like a child at Christmas. "Here, is it worth your 150 bits, happy?" He handed Cadence a money bill which she happily took as a prize.

"WHAT?" Twilight shouted in exasperation. “You two bet on this?”

"And after we started drinking, we decided to do something different to celebrate,"

"FINALLY THE DETAILS!" Cadence clapped her hands.

"And we decided to play Monopoly with Spike,"

"Wait, what?" Cadence's smile faded from her face while both Shining Armor and Twilight looked at her in surprise.

"Yeah, we got a little upset with the drink and in the end we went to play monopoly, and when I noticed Spike was in a kind of world empire, then we both refused to lose and wagered our clothes to go back to the game ... Incredibly we turned around, but Spike had no clothes to bet on and we fell asleep, "Sunset finished the story with a nod.

"But ... I- What ?? But ..." For some reason Cadence's brain seemed to have shorted out as Shining Armor smiled and took back the money he had given her with two fingers.

"I think this belongs to me. But I think it's missing a little ..."

Cadence took a note just as he had given it to her and handed it to him with extreme ill will and a toast grimace. "Damn that slowness of the family. I can't prove it, but I bet your mother confessed to her father, not the other way around,"

"Hey, it's not my fault if I like to do things at my own pace," Twilight crossed his arms. "And frankly, breaking up after a drunkenness seems to me rough and lazy," She paused and continued blushing. "And if I don't feel everything right away, and don't remember later, what's the point?"

"This is my girl," Sunset hugged her from behind to everyone's surprise. Twilight could feel her girlfriend's skin very well against hers, and the heat she was feeling definitely didn't diminish. "Now how about that coffee?"

Again Twilight felt the heat rise.