• Published 8th Dec 2017
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My immortal phoenix. - Lieral

In a world where magic "apparently" don't exist, Twilight is a young and prodigious scientist struggling to leave her mark in history, but she never expected her new experiment to lead her to a new world apparently uninhabited... Apparently...

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Chapter 28- A demon's melancholy

I throw a fruit toward the sky effortlessly, but it was more than enough to surpass even the top of the highest tree. What was the name of the fruit again? I honestly am not sure anymore, but I think it was ‘apple’ or something like that.

The apple fell from the sky with accelerating speed, so I cast a simple spell just to slow down its fall so it is not going to be destroyed by the force of gravity and the impact with my hand.

I took the apple just as effortlessly as I had thrown it before and took a bite. I am laid down comfy on top of a big exposed root just trying to spend some of my free time. The fountain is still shining with its weak green light brightening everything around us.

I gave a side glance at the monster sating down on top of another root from another tree on the other side of the fountain. All of his three heads are looking at me for around a whole hour now, but he had not said a single word.

“Do you not have anything else to do?” I asked as I took another bite on the apple. I am not sure I will receive an answer from that thing, and I honestly do not care.

“What about yourself?” He retorts.

“I asked first,” I rolled my eyes.

“And I asked second, so you answer first and I second,” He shrugged.

I finally turned my head toward him. “Do you seriously think this argument of yours is going to convince me?”

“Huh,” He looked at the sky. “I have nothing else to do in this empty world,”

“Was it that hard?” I grinned. “What are you, anyway?”

“What do you think I am?” He looked extremely uninterested but did not look away from the sky.

“The easy answer is a monster,” I shrugged without really mind if he is going to care. “And the hard hypothesis could me many things. But my best shot is that you are some kind of hallucination created by my brain so I can have someone to talk while I am here,”

“That is an interesting point of view,” Apparently he chuckles… Or the closest something like him can do to chuckling.

“And probably very accurate because it explains both why I cannot feel your presence and why unlike every monster that still lives in this world you are not running away from me,”

“You are very confident, are you not?” He somehow was a few meters closer to me. “Do you really believe there is not a single being that can stand against you?”

“Right now there is only one,” Another bite. “I have not heard of her for thousands of years. She ran away when she was ‘betrayed’… It is actually pathetic of her to having hopes in first place,” Now I am the one to shrug.

“Interesting,” He narrowed all of his six ruby eyes. “Does this have anything to do with those two graves?”

For a few seconds, I just stared the few amounts of the sky I can see amidst the high top of the tress without saying a word. Why am I talking with a hallucination anyway? Does it even matter at all? Probably not… That is why there is no point in staying quiet too, if he is here to listen to me then there is no reason for me not to talk, I am bored.

“Those graves belong to two women,” I put my arm bellow my head just like a pillow. “Their names were Celestia and Luna,” He kept staring me in silence, but now his eyes let clear he is listening. “Two princesses in their time,”

“You are not one to care about status,” He said. “What have they done that you dig a grave for them?” I never said I dig those. One more proof that he is just a figure from my mind.

“Their story started with Sunset to be honest,” I took a deep breath. If he wants me to talk, then he will have to hear the whole story. “A really long time ago my fame was unmatched in the human world. Legends were told about a monster, a demon that exists for the sole purpose of erasing humanity from the planet.

“And as a counterpart, legends were told about a mysterious witch that lives alone in the mountains that were so powerful she could match the demon’s power. And that witch was no other than Sunset Shimmer.

“To be fair, the legends were a little wrong. At that time her powers were definitely bigger than mine. I do not know why. Maybe it is because she was older than me? This is another thing I have to find out, but this is not the point now.

“Close to the said mountain there was a kingdom, the head of the resistance against the fearsome demon, and this kingdom was ruled by two sisters: Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. The realm was filled with mighty warriors versed in magic, but not a single one of them could match the fierce Princess of the night. She was a force to be recognized, I admit, but her raw power was only matched by her undying loyalty to her older sister.

“Celestia, on the other hand, was as talented in combat as her sister, but she always rather to be in front of the people than fighting. She was kind and wise, she kept everyone’s hope to live and survive bigger and bigger every day. But as a result, soon she was surpassed by her younger sister that worked in the shadows.

“And yet, somehow, they lived their lives fighting battles and battles against the demon and many greed kingdoms that had envy of their prosperity. But, of course, it took no much time for the demon to find such distinct kingdom and with its impossible power murdered almost everyone that lives there.

“The demon had not real interest in the kingdom or in the princesses, but it had an interest in where the kingdom rests. The demon was powerful, but it did not have the power to erase all humanity by itself yet, at least, not at once. So it searched for a single spot in the world where the magic was condensed enough to be absorbed.”

The monster turned one of his heads toward the fountain in silence.

“Not this one,” I sighed. “This fountain serves the same purpose, but the very magic can assume a form, and in this case, it assumed the form of water. It cannot be absorbed with its maximum pureness. And for maximum pureness the demon needed the purest magic.

“Sadly, the kingdom was just above the right spot. The demon slaughtered everyone that dares to stand against it, or at least that is what I thought at that time…

“The two princesses managed to escape. The older has so fatally wounded it had not how to survive, but her younger sister carried her almost dead body with her toward the mountains in hope to find a single place where she could heal her sister, but her wounds were also just as bad. Searching for a safe place she lost her conscience and fainted with her sword by her side.

“A woman was walking around the mountain in search of food or something like that. That woman was the so famous witch from the legends. She found the demi-diseased bodies and for a reason, I do not understand she felt sorry for them.

“The two women had many wounds, but the younger one could survive with a few herbs and the necessary cares, but the older one was a lost case. There was no healing magic that could save her from that state…

“Sunset, the witch, never learned a single healing spell anyway. She never needed one since she had something far more powerful running through her veins. She slowly approached her hand to the older sister’s head only to feel her wrist being pierced by a very sharp blade.

“Sunset was used to feel pain, more than anyone,” I frowned. “That instant she knew these two are just like every other human she ever had met. Cruel, merciless and evil, but she still did not killed them, like a fool she gave them the benefice of the doubt despite the fact they were just like every single human being on the face of this cursed planet,” I hit the ground with my right hand with anger. The impact literally caused an earthquake that was felt in miles and miles until where the eyes can see.

The monster ignored. “Who hit her with that sword?” He asked.

“The younger sister has lost her conscience, but as if living in a dream her loyalty to her sister makes her moves to protect what was dear to her even if this should not be possible. The wound was deep and the sword was still piercing through her arm so, of course, her blood was falling like a waterfall,”

“And what has she done?” The monster asked narrowing his eyes again. He probably already knows the answer.

“She used her blood,” The very air seems to be getting colder. “Using her open wound she shed her own blood upon the princess’s many open wounds mixing their blood.

“The princess of the day yelled in pain I think. All of her wounds sewing itself at the same time are not a good feeling, mainly for someone that never felt anything like this before. But, at least she survived. The witch took both Princesses to her home and in the meantime, they woke up.

“After the explanations, Celestia took quite liking to Sunset Shimmer. She asked for a place to stay for a while even if the younger sister was greatly against the idea and the witch said they could stay with her.

“Celestia felt pity for Sunset and decided it was up to herself to repair the mistakes of her kind against us… As if a single person can do this… Anyway, she basically adopts the witch. She teaches her how to read, cook, and sew and many other things. Sunset was enjoying this life,” I frowned. “But this happiness was not shared…

“The younger sister had no intention of being a friend of a monster and focused all her mind in her objective: To slaughter the demon as painfully and brutally as possible for what it has done with her sister.

“I thought she was at the verge of death too,” The monster commented. “Do you not think she wanted revenge for herself too?”

“That is exactly the interesting part. Apparently, she could not care less about herself, in any possible way. That was one more reason for her to stay with the witch. To learn magic from the strongest user. She ignored her own feelings of repulse and stood beside her sister as a watchdog.

“The time passed. A few months or almost a year, I am not sure anymore, and they stood together. For some reason, the younger sister changed her behavior with the witch after a while. I think she was trying to gain her confidence enough to learn the secret of her immortality, but honestly, it did not explain it all.

“She decided to get closer and closer to her, even trying to stay under the tutelage of the talented older sister for things she clearly hated. And almost every time she talked with Sunset she avoided eye contact and despite her dark skin anyone could see she was getting red. She teaches the witch how to use a sword but never dared to point a sword against her… Honestly, I do not understand humans.”

The monster closed his eyes and sighed once. “The woman was feeling, that is all,”

“Feeling what?” I asked.

“If I have to bet… Love. She acquired romantic feelings toward the witch,”

I blinked once. “What is this word? Love?”

He opened his eyes. “Basically, in the end, every small corner of humanity’s darkness came from this feeling, in a way or another,”

“Then it is definitely a disgusting feeling,” I frowned. Humanity has MUCH darkness, and if this feeling is the origin of all that then it is a feeling that should not exist in the first place. “May I continue?”

“Please, do,”

“Anyway, their peaceful time did not last long. The older sister was apparently getting some kind of disease. One that neither of them had never heard of. She got weaker every day. The younger sister stood by her side all the time trying to comfort her but all of them could see she was again walking toward the arms of death.

“One day, for no apparent reason, Luna called Sunset and said she had discovered what her sister has, but the only medicine was rare and exists in a real so distant that she would never be able to reach by herself in time to save her sister. Of course, like a fool, Sunset believed and went all by herself to search for the cure.

“Two days have passed. Days in which the younger sister stood by Celestia side watching her state getting worse than any human had ever been before, but she stood there with a smile on her face keeping her tears for herself.”

“That,” The monster decided to interrupt me. “Is love,”

“What?” I asked.

“Staying by her sister’s side despite the feeling of having her chest destroyed by inside with a smile on her face… There is no other word for that besides love,”

Does he hear what he said himself? He said the love was the very origin of darkness. How come this is the same feeling? I decided to ignore. I am searching too much logic in a hallucination.

“The night of the third day had finally come. And this is a day I remember really well. The younger sister closed her sister where she lives and stood in the rain with a sword in hands. She knew their time have finally come. The demon finally absorbed all the magic it needed and became the strongest creature that ever lived and went in search of the only one it knew that could withstand with me.

“And in the night of the third day Sunset returned with a very rare flower:

“I am back,” She said. “I am sorry it took so long, but I finally found it,”

The princess of the night took a deep breath. “Go away,”

“What? Why?” The witch asked.


Taken back by the situation Sunset did not understand. “What are you talking about Luna? I have the medicine you told me to find. Here, is this one, right?” She offered a beautiful blue flower.

Luna hit her hand with a slap taking the throwing the flower in the mud. She stomped the flower as hard as she could repeatedly. “I SAID FOR YOU TO GO AWAY,” Again she yelled.


“Celestia is dead,” The younger said with a calm voice.

“What?” Sunset did not expect that. “But…”

“I killed her last night,” Luna gave a step closer with the sword in hand. “And I hate you, so there is no reason for you to stay here,”

“Luna…” Whatever she was going to say was stopped by the sword that pierced through her chest. Luna kicked her and forcibly dragged her sword back with a strength no human being should have. Sunset rolled on the ground a few times and lifts half of her body. She looked at Luna with betrayal clear in her eyes. “Why…” Her eyes trembled and got watery, and not because of the rain.

“Get lost watchdog,” Luna turned her back from her. “There is nothing left for you to protect here,”

Sunset stared one of the only people she ever trusted for a few more seconds. Tears started to fall from her eyes slowly and repeatedly, but in the end, she stood up. Her wound was already healed, but all she did was to turn away from Luna too and walked away slowly. Faster. Faster. And then she teleports.

The princess of the night looked at the sky and let the rain fall on her tired face.

“I will never understand you,” I walked from behind the tree I was hiding. I was not in my standard form anymore, I was already transformed in my demon form. “Any of you,”

“So, you came, huh?” She asked.

I smiled. “I do not know what is in a humans head,” I gave a step closer and she finally assumed combat position. “But from where I stand… It seems you are crying,”

Without a word she attacked. Faster than the roaring lighting above she used the sword she had in hands to cut the rain and me too. I used magic on my hands and stopped her first strike. She was definitely crying.

It was the fiercest battle I ever had. Nothing could stand against us, the trees, the forest, the cities and even the mountains itself crumbled as we fought like demons. My superior magic should be enough to defeat her, but for some reason, it was not. In her rage, even my strongest magic was cut down by that sword and those blue and empty eyes.

It was not empty of feelings, but it was empty of humanity. She castes her humanity aside because she knew a human would never be able to defeat me.

No words were shared in this battle. She let her actions her magic and sword speak for her. And I was wondering what was going on. It was not possible, we fought once before and it was nothing like that. She was like a human trying to become a demon by imitating them. She cut me down many times; she ripped my arms, legs and even head. She obliterates my body, turned me to dust and stomped the ashes as I play with her with a smile on my face. Never in my whole life had I felt this feeling before…

The feeling of meeting someone that could actually kill me all by herself.

But in the end, there was no way where this would end differently. We fought for days and turned everything around us to dust and in the end, she died like a human.

I observed her body. She had survived the impossible for a human. She had been impaled many times and yet she stood up again and again. I needed to understand.

I brought her body toward where it all had started and searched for the older sister. I found her alive. Or as alive as possible.

Even I had to look more than once to understand. Her arms and legs had already rotten so much they are away from the rest of the body. Many holes could be seen in her body as if she was being burned from inside out, and yet she was still alive.

She called for her sister again and again, but she had no eyes anymore. I walked toward her and put a hand on her forehead to see her memories.

There I learned everything. Their story, their moments of solitude and the reasons. The last days explain it all. The reason they sent Sunset away is that they do not want her to see what was happening.

Sunset’s blood healed Celestia is true, but it was far worse than letting her die when she should have died. Putting Sunset’s blood inside of her was like putting magma in a fragile recipient. The blood was destroying, burning and rotting her body from inside out ever since the first day, and yet, it was also keeping her alive to feel the pain until the bitter end.

She always kept a smile on her face while enduring the impossible pain. In a way, she was also a monster, just like her sister. Luna had taken Celestia’s blood and put it inside her own body to gain the power to fight me. And even more importantly, she decided to all of Sunset's hate for herself just to keep her from knowing what she had done accidentally. She chooses to let every living human in this cursed planet to perish than making the witch hate herself even more.

For the first time in my life, I felt pity for a human. These two are something I had never seen in my long life.

I gave them a decent burial, but they were nothing more than exceptions. Every other human was just as worthless and cruel as they always had been before.

And in the end, I gave mankind the justice they so greatly deserved.

Author's Note:

Well, I think this is it, another big chapter explaining a long forgotten past.
I thought about making this one a monologue, but it did not take long for me to notice I cannot make a decent monologue with my actual knowledge in English.
That is the exact reason the "monster" is in this chapter. To be honest, he was just there to keep dialogue, so do not pay much attention to him.
Anyway, this was a really hard chapter to write, please comment on your thoughts and your doubts so I can answer them.
I wish everyone enjoys.