• Published 10th Dec 2017
  • 792 Views, 20 Comments

Lightning's Bizarre Adventure - Lightningflash101

What doesn't kill you, gives you a Stand. Especially if your in a new transfer student to Canterlot High.

  • ...

Chapter 13: The Mirror's Image pt.2

"Why does my life suck so much right now?" I asked myself, placing my head on the mirror

"I don't know," my voice replied, a pair of claws gripping on my hear "But it's not gonna get any better!"

"What the-" I gasped before I was pulled inside and tossed to the wall like a rag doll. I felt the wind get knocked out of my longs upon impact. I just barely landed on the floor with my arms and knees. Gasping for breath, I look up to how and thrown me. My reflection is walking towards me with an evil smirk on his face.

"You seemed confused buddy," He said mockingly, "Didn't think your own reflection was going to attack you?"

He looked at his claws as I slowly stood up. I still wasn't able to catch my breath.

"W-who..." I gasped, "Are you?"

"I'm you." He quickly answered, looking at me through his claws, " The real you. Mabe by the Stand called Mirror's Edge. That's all I'm letting you know."

I was starting to catch my breath as we began circling each other. I could feel something cool run down my head. Possibly blood. I need to be careful with this guy. I need to get out of this fast.

"The real me?" I panted, "Im not buying it."

"I know what your thinking." He stated, "your worried about running out of time while fighting yourself. But do you wanna know the best part is?"

"It won't matter when I get out of here" we both said symostainiously.

Instantly, my image rushed towards me. His claws ready at strike. His speed was unreal, faster than me. I was able to raise my arms in defence.

Daggers of pain dug themselves into my arms as his claws gripped me. I gritted my teeth as MirrorShield slowly grew into assistance. Forcing the imposters grip to loosen of my arms. Once I was freed, I shoved the imposter away.

The fight between mirrors had started.

(Perspective change)

The mark on Sapphire mark guided her towards a wearhouse. As she got closer to the wear house, she noticed that the door to the left was wide open. She stopped in her tracks and took a deep breath.

"Here we go" she told herself, summoning her stand and began drawling, "this'll help the others find this place."

A diamand like symble flew off the pages of her stand. Planting itself onto the wall next to door frame. Aqua took another deep breath before walking inside.

Inside, she could see an old mirror on one side of the closed off room. On the opposite side of the room, there was claw marks along the wall. These marks seemed to make a message of some sort but the letters where reversed and illegible. Aqua stared at the wall for a moment, trying to read what was written. She then turned around to see if the mirror could help her read it.

Instead of just seeing her own reflection in the mirror, she saw two lighting's fighting each other. One holding the other by the neck on the wall farthest from the mirror. The one being held had blood coming from various cuts on his head and body. But when Sapphire look behind her, no one was there.

As she looked back at the mirror, she could see that the two lightning had noticed her. The one holding the other gave her a unsettling smile, releasing the other. As the other fell down to the ground weak, Aqua could see the message scratched onto the wall. It reads "dont touch the mirror".

"Sapphire!" The unharmed lightning said happily, "your just in time. You can help me get out of here."

"H-how are you in the mirror?" Sapphire questioned

"Dont listen to him..." The other lightning said weakly

"Its an enimy stand." The first one declared, his voice camler than it should of been "it pulled me in here before I knew it. You need to get me out of here."

"He's lying to you Sapphire!" The other shouted, shakingly standing up, "Run away!"

Aqua's confusion only grew as the two talked to her. She don't know who to trust. The first lightning stopped just next to her.

"He's trying to scare you Sapphire." he said, "If you don't get me out of here soon, I won't be able to-"


Before He could finish his sentence, a third lightning runs into the room. Threw the reflection, Aqua watches the new lightning tackles the first one. She could see that this lighting was wearing white gloves

(Perapective change)

Another me? But this one looks like he wants to help. But why? I need to know more.

"Sapphire!" The other Lightning shouted, "Your reflection will get him out. But what ever you do, don't touch that mirror. That's how the stand traps you.

"Why you little brat!" My reflection shouted, forcing the other Lightning off.

The other Lightning lands perfectly on his feet, sliding back about a meter.

Reflections... That's it! The stand of reflections!

Using what little strength i have left, i ran for Sapphire's reflection. She would have to throw me out of this place and back to reality. But this is my only chance.

"Your not getting away from me!" My reflection declared

I could hear his footsteps heading towards me.

This guy just doesn't gives up. I barely survived his first assalt. There's no way I'll survive another one.

"Remastered!" The other Lightning shouted

Looking back, I see that my reflection was being held by a cyber blue colored stand, its head has a mask over its mouth and nose. A pair of headphones that covers where its ears would be. These headphones have a spike coming out if both sides. Its eyes are completely orange. On its body, it wears a pilot's jacket with nothing underneath. A silver badge of its left shoulder reads "R" on it. It also wears a pair of jeans which has been rolled up to its knees, which reveals to wear a pair of knights boots. These boots seem to be connected to the stand itself with a green cyrcitboard design over it.

I was stunned, just who exactly is this guy.


Author's Note:

Stand name: Mirror's Edge

Namesake: Mirror's Edge (the game)

User: ?

Ability: Mirror Copy

Power - A+

Speed - B

Range - B

Durability - B

Precision - D

Potential - B

Description: The stand of reflections. It using its victims reflections agents them apon tuching any part of its reflective surface.

StandName: Remastered

User: ?

Ability: ?

Destructive Power: ?

Speed: ?

Range: ?

Durability: ?

Precision: ?

Developmental Potential: ?

Description: ?