• Published 10th Dec 2017
  • 792 Views, 20 Comments

Lightning's Bizarre Adventure - Lightningflash101

What doesn't kill you, gives you a Stand. Especially if your in a new transfer student to Canterlot High.

  • ...

Chapter Five: A Shift in Time

"No buts!" Ruby said, "If you killed my Dad, then you would have completely altered the time stream and killed me in the process. Not to mention starting a paradox!"

Secret stood there, silent as that fact hit her. One that I wasn't prepared for.

"D-dad?!" I exclaimed, "What are you talking about?!"

The two girls froze in place for a moment. But then Rose let out a sigh before walking towards me. She seemed calm but nervous at the same time.

"I'm... Not sure how to explain it," she started, rubbing the back of her head, "I guess I can say that Secret and I are from the future... And your my father"

This couldn't be true, could it? Two time travelers from the future and one of them declares that I'm her father. It's hard for even me to believe. There couldn't be anyway.

"I-i... B-but how is that-?" I stammered, in a complete loss for words

"It's a long story dad," she said, "one that I cant tell you now. Can you take us to the base?"

"Wh-what base?" I questioned, "I don't have any base."

Rose's eyes widen a bit as I spoke. She seemed like she didn't believe what I told her. Then she raised her arm and looked onto a high-tech watch that wasn't there earlier. Where did she pull that out from? Then her look disbelieve turned into anger.

"No no NO!" she shouted, "We were supposed to be in the year 2020! Stupid watch!"

"Is... Something wrong Rose?" I asked, cocking my head slightly

"Can you tell me what year my friend and I are in...?" she sighed, frustrated

"2017." I replied, confused, "Why?"

She let out another sigh, facepalming herself. As if she was blaming herself for the situation she's in.

"Listen, dad-" she started

"Don't call me dad." I interrupted, "Just call me Flash, alright?"

"My Stand, Judgement Day, sent me and my friend to this time by accident." she continued, disregarding what I told her, "We were hoping to arrive at a time where you are more experienced with MirrorShield. But now that were here, your the best we got. Look, we don't have time for questions. Take us to your house"

"But I-"I started to protest

"We're not taking no for an answer, dad."

Rudy's glare was intimidating. Almost as if she was giving me a death stare that held a ton of backbone to it. Like she was planning on beating me to a pulp if I didn't agree.

"...alright, alright" I sighed, "But you can't tell anyone else that you're from the future. Neither of you."

They agreed to my terms.

I had to stop by a McDonald's for some food and send a message to my mother. All the previous fighting with Secrets stand had brought an appetite that had to be dealt with now.

Rose and Secret (who removed her Hood to show some surprising display of hair that seemed like a true hair artist would make) seemed to never have any fast food before in their life. Their continued questioning about it forced me to get them some as well. Making my order, six Dubble McSpicy's with sides of fries and medium drinks. More money then I wanted to spend on fast food. But I guess it's worth teaching them about it.

"So why do they call it a 'Dubble McSpicy'?" Secret asked as we found a spot to sit at in the establishment

"I think its better for you to see for yourself" I replied

The Dubble McSpicy is just like a normal one but instead, it stacked two spicy chicken patties like a McDubble and have jalapeƱos between them. Its been a personal favorite for those who are McSpicy fans like myself. And if Ruby took spicy food like I did, then she might like this as much as I do.

When we were situated and had our food, we dove right in. Although secret looked like she was breathing fire after her first bite. Rose and I weren't fazed as we both looked at each other in confusion.

By the time we got home, it was past noon. I could already hear my mom scolding me in the near future for not being home sooner. I can't blame her. I was almost shot dead on the first day in town. I just need to suck it up and get whats coming.

With a swift motion, I opened the door and offered the girls to go in first. They laughed to themselves as they walked in. I followed behind, closing the door behind me.

"I'm home!" I called out, "sorry that we're late. We got caught up with something."

There wasn't any response in the house. In fact, the entire house was silent. Something wasn't right here. Noon was always mom's lunch break. She always goes here for lunch, or visit me at the hospital for lunch. I already sent her a message about me being home now. So where could she be?

"Mom?" I called out once more, starting around the inside

There are still so many boxed that needed to be unpacked. I was surprised that all of her pictures where still in the piles boxed in the main part of the house. We've only managed to unpack the tv and the old Wii we've had since I was a kid in the living room. With a mouth, I would have expected for something to be different.

The girls must have been looking around the house as well because after a moment Ruby had called me to them. But when I reached them in the kitchen, they didn't seem happy with what they needed to say.

"What is it?" I demanded, "Did you find anything? Tell me!"

Ruby and Secret looked at each other for a moment before showing a card to me.

This card held a picture of a strange stone mask. This mask bore a pair of fangs and a bloodred gemstone in the middle of its forehead.

"I think I know what happened to your mom," Ruby stated


Author's Note:

If the Double McSpicy is a thing, I do not claim ownership of it. I just really like spicy food.

Stand Name: Judgement Day

Namesake: Dragonforce- Reaching into Infinity

User: Ruby Wind (future)

Stand Ability: Temporal Awareness

Power - B

Speed - C

Range - C

Durability - A

Precision - D

Potential - B

Appearance: This stand holds the appearance of a highly advanced watch of the future. This watch simply looks like an armband. But when activated, holograms appear from the circular centerpiece.
Description: The power to sense and become aware of any alteration to the time-stream. The Stand does this by showing these alterations through holograms. Then, if the user wished, the Stand will send them back in time to fix the alterations. However, The user will be sent back to a time before the alteration. This also happens when the user wishes to go to a certain time. By mear hours for over 10 years. When the user wishes to go forward in time after going back, the user will be sent to the time when they left.