• Published 10th Dec 2017
  • 792 Views, 20 Comments

Lightning's Bizarre Adventure - Lightningflash101

What doesn't kill you, gives you a Stand. Especially if your in a new transfer student to Canterlot High.

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Chapter Nine: The Dragons Curse

Two hours ago

"Then prove it, to Dovahkiin!" Erros declared as his Stand dove to attack

The serpent opened its maw as I raced towards me. Its movements were quick. I barely had enough time to jump out of the serpent's path.

There was nothing I could really do to Erros until I learned his stand's ability. For now, the best I can do is dodge and defend. The best defense becomes a good offense when a chance is given.

As soon as I landed, however, Dovakkiin was already on its way to attack again. There wasn't enough time to dodge again. I can practically see it's sharp teeth as I rose my shield. The sudden force of the attack knocked me, back first, to the ground.

"Is that really all you can do?" Erros asked, "A shield? The fact that you defeated Mystery with such a weak Stand insults me more than it disappointed DIO!"

As Erros spoke, his Stand went for a third attack. I rolled away in time for the serpent to punch a hole into the floor.

"I told you already, don't underestimate me!" I shouted, standing up, "this shield is more then what I'm capable of."

"I doubt that," Erros said, his stand facing me once more, "its time I finish this. You're not worth play-"

Before Erros could finish his sentence, a burst of fire struck his stand from behind. The blast knocked it and him to the wall behind me. I followed my gaze on him as he crashed through a window.

"What?!" I gasped, "he was suddenly forced through a window. But how did-?"

"You know, a shield alone can't defeat a dragon." A female voice stated from behind

As I turned around, I saw Sunset standing in the doorway. Floating just next to her, an anthropomorphic alicorn with fire as its mane. It was wearing baggy pants and cloth the covered its chest, almost like an Egyptian goddess. Hooves replaced its feet. By the look of its pose (slightly turned sideways, left hand stretched outwards) Sunset's stand was responsible for saving me.

"Sunset?" I questioned, "What are you doing here?"

"Saving your sorry butt" she declared, "and it looks like I got here just in time"

"I could have handled it on my own" I stated, "but thanks."

"Anytime Flash," she said with a smile

I smiled as well. But as seen as the conflict ended, it restarted itself.

Out of nowhere, Erros' stand drove its teeth into my shoulder. The sudden pain caused me to scream out and fall to the ground. My vision going blurry... Dark... Red.

(Perspective switch)

Sunset watched as Dovakkiin bites down onto Lightning's shoulder. It must have snuck up on them while they were talking.

"Flash! No!" She shouted

"Yes!" Erros said, coming back inside through the broken window, "Now Dovakkiin's ability will take full effect! Not even you can stop it!"

"What did you do to him?" Sunset asked, Eclipse (her stand) readying to lose another ball of primal fire, "tell me before I burn you to a crisp!"

With a smirk, Erros called back his stand. Leaving Lightning unconscious on the floor.

"You see," errors started, "once my Dovakkiin sinks its jaw into someone, my victims start to transform. Within a few moments that pest will turn into a rampaging dragon. And once that happens, I'm going to sever its head and add it to my collection."

Erros began to laugh to himself. It was like he's done this before. Many times before.

Sunset gritted her teeth. She couldn't let that happen to her friend. Looking at lightning, she could already tell that he was changing. His skin changed from a soft yellow to a dark blue. He was almost twice his size as his clothing started to rip away, his hands turning into claws as well as his head starting to take a shape of a lizzerd.

"He'll die peacefully in his sleep." Erros stated, "It is always hard to find western dragons these days. They tend to be the most unpredictable."

"Over my dead body!" Sunset said

By a wave of her hand, Eclipse rushed out with fire shooting out of its hands. Erros dodged each blast as they made their way to him.

"Please, do you think your fire will hit me a second time?" Erros commented, taunting Sunset

"No," Sunset said, smirking, "I'm thinking that they'll trap you"

Before Erros could understand what she was talking about, the fireballs that Erros dodged began to wrap itself around him. Binding his legs and arms into place.

"Wh-what?!" Erros exclaimed, "how did you-"

"I can do just more than shoot fire," Sunset commented, "I can use the primal flame to what I seem fit. And now that I snared you, you're going to undo what you did to Flash."

"I'd rather die before doing that," Erros said through gritted teeth

"I was afraid you were going to say that." Sunset sighed

The Flame then lifted Erros off the ground, bringing him closer to Sunset. No matter how hard he tried, Dovakkiin couldn't reveal itself.

"Wh-What the hell!?" He said, struggling in the fires grip, "why won't dovakkiin show itself?!"

"That'll be me," sunset stated, clenching a fist, "my fire traps the stand of those I've caught. Not even your stand can break free"

Before Erros could any more questions, Sunset drove her fist to his chin. Using enough force to knock him out cold.

With the battle over, Sunset let out a sigh and looked at her friend again. Now, he had grown a pair of wings and a tail, already 10 times bigger than his normal self. A yellow underbelly had formed itself on the now fully transformed dragon. Fortunately for her, Lightning was still unconscious. But she couldn't tell for how long.

"I need to find a way to turn him back." She told herself, "maybe Rd can find someone in the resistance that can make this guy talk."

With that, she started out the house. Pulling Erros behind her with her stand, she grabbed her phone and started to text Rainbow Dash.


Author's Note:

Stand Name: Dovahkiin

Namesake: Elder Scrolls V- Skyrim

User: Erros

Stand Ability: Dragon's Curse

Power: B

Speed: A

Range: B

Durability: B

Precision: B

Potential: C

Description: the ability to transform someone/something into a mindless, rampaging dragon. This is done by the stand bitting the victims, much like a werewolf in western lore. The dragon's curse can be "cured" by the same stand that bestowed the curse. But it has to happen before midnight of the next day. Although the victim may be in human form again, they'll never be fully human. Certain characteristics will be permanently altered to be dragon-like. This could range to having dragon eyes to having scaly skin, serpents tongue, etc.

Stand name: Eclipse

Namesake: Pink Floyd

User: Sunset Shimmer

Power: A

Speed: D

Range: C

Durability: C

Precision: C

Potential: B

Description: the power to control the primal flame. This stand can shape, shoot and manipulate fire that once belonged to the titan Prometheus. If a stand user is snared by this flame, he/she is unable to call their stand out to defend themselves.