• Published 27th Dec 2017
  • 5,830 Views, 104 Comments

My Little Pony - Equestria Boy - OliverSparkle

Shining and Cadence adopt a young alicorn colt that has no family

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Chapter 10

Twilight, Spike, the girls and Oliver continued their walk towards Twilight’s castle as they walked along the path, they were now entering the center of Ponyville, as they got closer, it didn’t take them too long to reach the castle since the portal was in the middle of the Ponyville Park that was quite close to the castle.

They were now entering the center of Ponyville, as they got closer, Oliver saw what appeared to be a gigantic crystal tree-like castle, it was shiny, had two balconies, a flag, and it had a giant star like statue on the top and behind this weird tree was some kind of a pond or lake with beautiful waterfalls.

Oliver looked at the castle in amazed as he never saw a castle like that before.

“Aunt Twilight,” he began, “Your castle, looks so cool, and shiny too!”

Twilight giggled before saying, “Wait till you see the inside of it, sweetie.”

She opened the castle doors with her magic and walked inside with her new nephew, Spike and the girls following behind her.

Oliver was now double amazed as he saw the inside of the castle, it was so shiny, crystal style and has many rooms like any big castle or mansion would have.

After looking around the castle, Twilight walked Oliver to his room so he can place his things so he doesn’t have to carry them the whole day.

Once they reached to the door of Oliver’s new room, Twilight opened it with her magic and letted her nephew to go and place his things in his new room.

After a couple of minutes of placing Oliver’s things away in his new room, the two went back to the girls and Spike who were waiting in the throne room for them and Twilight then said,

“Alright girls, oh, and boys.” Oliver and Spike snickered at that pit before Twilight continued, “Now that Oliver’s finish unpacking in his new room, who’s ready to go out for dinner?”

The girls and Spike all nodded as a yes, as Pinkie nodded very quickly since she’s hyper after all, but Oliver looked at his aunt in confusion.

“You lot, are going out for dinner tonight?”

“Mmhmm,” Twilight answered, “Me, Spike and the girls do this every Friday as a special treat to our favourite restaurant in Ponyville. But we also want you to come along as well.”

“Me?” He said, “You want me to come with you?”

“Of course darling,” Rarity said as she trotted to him, “We want you to have the best first visit to Ponyville in your life. Besides, you’ll love our favourite restaurant.”

Sunset Shimmer then walked towards Oliver as she gently placed her right hoof around Oliver’s neck before saying, “So, what do you say? Wanna come with us?”

Oliver thought about it, he couldn’t have Vincent to flip for it cos he’s not with him. But his aunt and her friends are so nice to him, he figured it would be best to actually go out for dinner with them.

So he smiled at the girls and said, “I’d like to come.”

They all smiled as they were glad he agreed to come with them for dinner in their favourite restaurant. So with nothing else left to say, they all walked out of the castle and headed towards the girls and Spike’s favourite restaurant in Ponyville.

But as they walked out of the castle, none of them notice a racist pony with an evil grin behind the castle was spying on them. Neighsay’s horn was glowing as he was collecting information about Oliver by magically reading his mind of his past. His horn then stopped glowing as he then said, “That’s all I needed to know.”

He then magically teleported away while letting out an evil chuckle as it echoed across Ponyville but nopony heard it.

It began to get a little dark outside since it was about to be nighttime soon, but the girls, Oliver and Spike manage to reach the restaurant they were going to for dinner.

“Well,” began Starlight Glimmer, “Here it is, Oliver. Our favourite restaurant in Ponyville. The Friendship Telstar. We named after helping the ponies out to make this.”

Oliver looked at the restaurant in amazed, it was colourful with pics of the mane six’s cutie marks since they’re the wielders of the Elements of Harmony.

“Come on you two!” Sunset called out to them, “We’re about to go in!”

The two start to catch up with them as they went inside the restaurant. Inside the restaurant, there was a music stage, a view of the streets of Ponyville, thousands of tables filled with ponies eating their meals, the kitchen was on the left side with lots of good smelling dishes and nearly by the doors was a stand with a well smart dressed brown pony with black mane and tail standing behind it.

“Good evening, Princess Twilight Sparkle,” He said in a kind way, “And how many are with you tonight then?”

“Just me, my friends, Spike and my new nephew.”

The pony nodded before saying, “Of course, Princess. Follow me to your table.”

The pony led them to a table with ten chairs and was eight tables away from the stage, they all each took a seat. Oliver sat next to Twilight, Rainbow sat next to Applejack, Rarity sat next to Fluttershy, Pinkie sat next to Spike and Sunset sat next to Starlight.

“The waiter will be here to take your orders soon,” the pony said.

“Thank you,” Twilight said before the pony walked back to the stand so the ponies and dragon can look at the menus to decide what to have.

After five minutes of deciding what to have, the waiter came to them.

“Hello ponies, may I take your order?” She asked happily.

“Yes please,” Said Twilight, “I’ll have the spaghetti with unsweetened iced tea please.”

“I’ll have the same drink as hers with an omelette please,” Rarity said.

“I'll have a Dr. Hopper with an omelette,” Said Rainbow.

“I'll have a spaghetti with a root beer please,” Pinkie said.

“Ah'll have an roasted daffodil sub with a strawberry lemonade,” Applejack Said.

“I'll have a Marite with a salad please,” Said Fluttershy.

“I’ll have the same food drink as Twilight,” Sunset Said.

“Same,” Said Starlight after that.

“And what about you two boys?” she asked kindly after writing the girls’ orders.

“I’ll have a medium pizza with extra gems and a drink of water please,” Spike Said.

“Same, but with a large pizza with extra cheese please,” Said Oliver since he was the last one to order.

After writing down the two boys’ orders on her notepad, she then said, “Alrighty, I’ll be right back with your orders.” She then walked off.

A couple of minutes later while the girls, Oliver and Spike were talking to each other, the lights suddenly went out, and a sudden spotlight flashed down on the stage at the front end of the room, a curtain parted and out came a stallion with a microphone.

“Good evening everypony,” He said through the microphone, “And welcome to another Friday night, as you all know by now my name is Braeburn from Appleloosa, and tonight, as always, we are going to see if anypony knows some good song music.” Everyone in the restaurant then applauded and cheered.

“Who’s Braeburn?” Asked Oliver in confusion. He then felt a tap on his shoulder which was done by Applejack.

“Oliver, another reason why we come here every Friday, is because of him.”

“But why him though?”

Applejack Just chuckled before answering again, “He’s my cousin that’s why.”



Suddenly two more spotlights shined down on stage, "Okay music light, choose which pony to sing to us tonight." Braeburn said, the two extra spotlights started roaming around the restaurant until they stopped on Oliver.

"You, come on down here."

Oliver had never really sang on stage before his life, this was his first time doing it, plus he does have a song he enjoys singing a lot. He then felt butterflies in his stomach as he walked up towards the stage everypony in the restaurant applauded, including Twilight and her friends.

“Welcome to tonight's Friday music, dude,” Said Braeburn to Oliver kindly.


“So what’s your name?”

“I’m Oliver Sparkle.”

“So nice to meet you, Oliver. First time here in Ponyville?”

“Sure is.”

“Do you have a song you would like to sing to us?”

“Well, I do have one song I enjoy singing all the time.”

"Well let's hear it." Braeburn said applauding with everypony in the restaurant.

Oliver cleared his throat as he began to sing the song he always enjoy singing towards to the crowd.

(All rights go to DA Games)

After singing the crowd all cheered and applauded as Oliver then took a bow and went to his table.

“Woooo!!!!” Rainbow Dash shouted with joy, “Oliver, that was so awesome!”

“Yeah, when you learn that song?” Applejack asked.

“Well, when John was teaching me how to do magic, I kind of sang this song while learning and I just enjoy singing while learning,” replied Oliver.

“Well you did great out there sweetie,” Twilight said gently wrapping her right hoof around Oliver’s shoulder, “You should be proud of yourself as we’re proud of you.”

“Thanks Twilight,” Oliver Said happily.

Just then the waiter came back with their meals, along with other waiters helping her carry their meals. As they lay out the meals, they all began to eat.

Meanwhile at Canterlot, inside the prison cells, the two child abuse orphanage owners Mr and Mrs Warlock were in their prison cell, feeling feed up and angry as Mr Warlock walked back and forth while Mrs Warlock was sitting on the bottom bed of the double decker bed.

“Ugh!” Shouted Mr Warlock angrily, “It’s been seven months since we’ve been here and I’m getting feed up of being here!”

“Me too,” agreed Mrs Warlock, “Oh how I wish I could get my hooves on that brat! He deserves punishment after what he did to us!”

Just then a voice appeared, “That’s right. You two don’t deserve this.”

Mr and Mrs Warlock looked around to find whose voice was it.

“Who said that?” Asked Mrs Warlock.

But the voice didn’t answer, just continued to speak, “How would you two like be out of prison right now, and give it a chance to get revenge on that alicorn brat that brought you here?”

Mr and Mrs Warlock were in shock after hearing that, how did this strange voice know about the alicorn brat that ran away from them months ago.

“Who, who are you?” Asked Mr Warlock as both him and his wife looked out of their cell.

The pony that said all those things came out from the darkness to reveal Chancellor Neighsay who had an evil grin on his face. “I am Chancellor Neighsay, the head chancellor of the EEA.”

“And how do you know about that alicorn brat?” Mrs Warlock asked.

“I’ve been spying on him after bumping into him today,” he replied, “And he became part of my plan to shut down Twilight’s School of Friendship once and for all. But I need help from you two.”

The two looked at each other in confusion before turning back to Neighsay as he walked slowly to their cell.

“Look,” he began again, “You two want revenge, I want revenge. We can work together and have revenge together. And if Twilight refuses to shut down her school, you can take the alicorn away and give him all the punishment you want to give him without having his adopted-parents getting in your way.”

He then slowly slided his head through the prison bars and his evil grin got bigger and bigger. “Interested?”

Mr and Mrs Warlock both now have evil grins on their faces as they nodded as a yes.

“Yeah,” Said Mr Warlock, “We are.”