• Published 27th Dec 2017
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My Little Pony - Equestria Boy - OliverSparkle

Shining and Cadence adopt a young alicorn colt that has no family

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Chapter 14

“Mr and Mrs Warlock,” Celestia began to speak, “You two are under arrest for child abuse, kidnapped Oliver and tried to kill him.”

“But But But what about Neighsay?!” Mr Warlock asked.

“He has turned over a new leaf and will fix the trouble he caused. He doesn’t need to be arrest after what he said and tried to help Oliver escape.”

Celestia and Luna used their magic to teleport them back to their prison cells as Ink Bendy walked towards them and then placed his hands on the ground as the ink around covered his entire body and faded away to reveal Oliver in his pony form again.

Oliver rubbed some of the Ink off him as Rainbow Dash flew towards him with the most excited and happiness face she could ever make.

“THAT WAS SO AWESOME!!” She shouted excitedly, “I mean when Mr Warlock grabbed you by the neck and you couldn’t do anything to stop Mrs Warlock doing a dangerous spell on you and then you transformed into an inky creature and you were all ‘let’s see how you feel being treated like trash!” and then threw them towards Celestia so she and Luna can return them to their cells!” She then took a deep breath after speaking that much before asking, “How can you transform into that inky form anyway?”

“That was Ink Bendy, my Ink demon counterpart,” explained Oliver, “I’m half Ink demon and half pony.”

Twilight, Spike, the girls and Neighsay all listened to what Oliver was saying.

“After figuring out why my horn often draining ink when I was young, me and John both realise that I was born differently before I was at that orphanage. I can only transform into Ink Bendy when I say those words that John helped me to say when Mr Warlock grabbed my neck. And the reason why I didn’t tell you all this, was because I didn’t wanna scare anypony about it or use it for the wrong times and reasons, and get pick on for having ink draining out of my horn like I was some kind of ink pot for writers.”

He then looked down to the ground in shame for not telling his aunt and new friends about it. Twilight was the first to notice the sadness from him and went towards him to place a hoof on his shoulder in comfort.

“Oh honey,” said Twilight as Oliver then looked at her. “If you’re worried that we would be mad at you for not telling us about you being half Ink demon and half pony in the first place. Well we’re not. We understand why you didn’t wanna tell us about it when we first met.”

“Yeah kid,” Rainbow said as she flew towards the two, “We all get worried about what reactions we’ll get if we tell somepony what we’ve been hiding from them even when we first met, but there’s no reason to be too afraid to tell us your little secret.”

Pinkie bounced over to Oliver and whispered into his ear,

“Yeah, even Rainbow has a little secret of her own, which is that, she’s in love with Soarin, one of the WonderBolts.”

Rainbow blushed in embarrassment after hearing what Pinkie just said as Oliver and the others giggled even Constantine.

“Pinkie! Don’t embarrass me in front of everypony! Wait, how did you know my secret?”

“Oh just a lucky guess,” she said before giggling.

That was when Rainbow flew to Pinkie’s face with an angry grin as she knew what Pinkie meant by that.

“We're gonna have a talk about this when we get back.”

“Come on you lot,” said Constantine opening up a magical portal with his magic, “Let’s go back to Twilight’s castle. I’m sure Shining, Cadence and Flurry Heart are still waiting for us to returning with Oliver.”

They all nodded in agreement before they went through the portal one at a time as the portal then closed behind them.

Meanwhile back in Twilight’s castle, Flurry Heart and her parents were still in the throne room waiting for the girls, Spike, Constantine and the sisters to return home with Oliver safe and sound. Flurry Heart was still whimpering in Cadence’s hooves as she misses her big brother a lot.

“Oh don’t worry, Flurry Heart,” Said Cadence as she started to nuzzle her baby daughter in comfort, “I’m sure they’ll be back with your brother soon. I promise.”

And just after saying that, a portal opened in front of the doors as the mane eight, Spike, the sisters, Constantine, Oliver and Neighsay came out from it as the portal then closes behind them.

Flurry Heart saw Oliver and her whimpering suddenly turned into laughter as she was happy to see her big brother again and reached her hooves out to him wanting to give him a hug. Oliver then saw her little sister reaching out to him, he let out a smile as he walked over to her.

When he got to the throne Cadence was sitting in, Flurry Heart jumped out of her mother’s hooves and jumped onto Oliver giving him a big hug as he did the same to her.

Oliver hold Flurry Heart in his hooves before saying, “It’s good to see you again, Flurry Heart. I really did miss you after what happened.”

Flurry Heart kissed Oliver on the nose before Shining and Cadence walked towards them and joined the hug as Cadence nuzzled Oliver’s cheek.

“Oh Oliver,” Said Cadence as tears of joy began to roll down her faces, “I’m so glad you’re safe, we were so worried about you.” She then gave him a motherly kiss on the cheek before continuing the hug.

Then Shining and Cadence saw Neighsay near Celestia as they began to grow an angry look on their faces, broke the hug and went towards them as Cadence said, “As for you, child kidnapper!”

Neighsay grew a scared look on his face as the married couple got near him, he knew something like this might happen once they’ve returned to Twilight’s castle with Oliver safe and sound.

“Uh uh, can we talk about this?” Neighsay asked as he began to shake.

“After kidnapping our son?! No!” Answered Shining with a furious look on his face. “But now that you’re here, I’m literally gonna give you a piece of my mind!”

Shining raised his right hoof up as he was about to punch Neighsay in the face, but as he was about to strike, the voice of his son was heard.

“Dad! Wait!”

Shining placed his hoof down and looked at his son with Flurry Heart on his back, hiding behind Oliver’s head, probably because of Neighsay.

“Please! It’s not what you think. He may have kidnapped me, but he then turned over a new leaf and rescued me from The Warlocks with Aunt Twilight and the others.”

Shining and Cadence looked at each other confusedly before looking at Neighsay who had finally stopped shaking in fear.

“Is it true, Neighsay?” Shining asked confused and nicely but also seriously, “Is our son telling the truth about you helping him escape from The Warlocks after breaking them out kidnapping Oliver with them?”

Neighsay slowly nodded before answering,

“Yes, it’s true. I thought that if I kidnapped the boy, Twilight would have to shut down her school once and for all.” He looked down in shame before continuing,

“But after seeing how The Warlocks treated him, it reminded me how I treated those creatures that Twilight let into her school even after saving me from Cozy Glow’s chains. So I decided to turn over a new leaf and helped him escape, and I am, sorry for kidnapping your son.”

Shining and Cadence looked at each other again before nodding in agreement of something and turning to face Neighsay once more.

“Neighsay,” Cadence said, “You may have kidnapped our son. But you have also saved him from those horrible orphanage owners and decided to no longer have hatred over other creatures in Equestria. We forgive you.”

Neighsay looked at the married couple as he grew a smile on his face again since they actually forgive him as Twilight walked towards him.

“See, I told you Friendship always wins.”

“And I’m glad I decided to join it after everything I’ve done in the past.”

“And again,” Oliver began to question once more about the school, “What’s this school of Aunt Twilight’s you lot keep on mentioning? Nopony told me you lot run a school.”

The mane eight and Spike looked at each other as they realise they’ve never mention about the school of Friendship to him, but then they all smiled as they looked at Oliver and Twilight began to answer his question.

“Yes we do run a school, the school we run is called, The School of Friendship.”

“Oh, so you teach friendship at that school then.”

“That’s right Sugarcube,” Said Applejack as she wrapped a hoof around him, “We teach Friendship to everypony big and small, even different creatures.”

“Wow!” Oliver said in amazed.

“You’re so right Wow!” Pinkie jumped in, “We have six students in our school who saved the magic and the school from an evil filly named Cozy Glow, we’ll explain about her some other time, but as for the six students there’s a pony, a griffon, a yak, a dragon, a Changeling and a hippogriff who is also a seapony, we’ll explain about that some other time as well.”

“Oh that sounds really cool to teach Friendship to other creatures in Equestria,” Said Oliver.

“And while we were walking back to my castle after meeting you,” Twilight said as she walked towards her nephew, “We’ve been thinking about having you as another teacher to teach Friendship at our school.”

Oliver went into shock mode after hearing what his aunt just said, “Really?”

“Of course,” Said Sunset, “I’ve started teaching at the school of Friendship four months ago, and I’ve got use to teaching at school after being at a school myself. And I’ve been teaching students about villains can turn back to good again, it’s been good well than I thought it would.”

Rainbow flew towards before saying, “Well, what do you said bud?” She then gave him a gentle elbow punch, “Wanna join our school and teach Friendship to others?”

Oliver was thinking about it for a couple of seconds before answering,

“Well, there is one lesson I hope you wouldn’t mind me teaching.”