• Published 27th Dec 2017
  • 5,830 Views, 104 Comments

My Little Pony - Equestria Boy - OliverSparkle

Shining and Cadence adopt a young alicorn colt that has no family

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Chapter 24

The morning sun began to rise in Ponyville. The beautiful light shined through the windows of the Ponyville Hospital. Fluttershy slowly opened her eyes and sat up on the edge of the hospital bed that she was sleeping in. After letting out a quiet yawn and a gentle stretch, she looked at her son who was sleeping soundly in his bed. Fluttershy was about to wake him, but she then decided to let him sleep until the nurse arrived. This gave Fluttershy the opportunity to think about something.

Tomorrow was Lightning's birthday, and she wanted to do something special for him. Lightning had told Fluttershy when his birthday was a few days after she adopted him, he also told her that he never celebrated his birthday. His father never cared about his son's birthday, the only thing that Lightning's father ever did on his birthday was yell at him and remind him that it was the day that Lightning had caused his mother's death. Just thinking about it made Fluttershy furious. However, her anger cooled as quickly as it came when she looked at her son sleeping peacefully.

Fluttershy wanted to do something special for Lightning, she wanted his birthday to be a day for him to remember. Fluttershy tried to think of something, and then let out a quiet gasp when she came up with the perfect idea. The more she thought about her idea made a smile grow on her face, she knew what she wanted to do for Lightning's birthday. But in order for it to happen, she had to talk to Twilight.

Fluttershy's thoughts were interrupted when the hospital room door opened and Nurse Redheat stepped inside. She saw Fluttershy sitting on the edge of the bed, and trotted up to her.

"Good morning, Fluttershy. Did you sleep okay last night?" Nurse Redheart asked kindly.

Fluttershy simply nodded her head in response.

Nurse Redheart smiled at Fluttershy and said, "That's good. I was just coming to wake Lightning up so I can give him some medicine ready for the guy you told me about last night. After that, you can take him home."

Fluttershy smiled before saying, "Okay Nurse Redheart, I'll wake him up for you."

Nurse Redheart nodded her head as Fluttershy trotted up to her sleeping son. She then gently nuzzled his cheek and kissed him on the forehead.

"Lightning, it's time to wake up, sweetheart."

Lightning opened his eyes and rubbed them with his hooves. He looked into his mother's loving blue eyes and smiled softly.

"Good morning Momma," Lightning said softly.

He tried to hug his mother, but he felt a surge of pain through his broken leg making him yelp in pain. Small tears formed in his eyes but Fluttershy gently brushed them away when Nurse Redheart came beside him.

"Don't try to move too much sweetheart," Nurse Redheart said to Lightning sweetly as Fluttershy held Lightning's hoof. "I'm going to give you some medicine to help your leg feel better. Once you take the medicine and a friend of your mother comes in to help heal your leg, you can go home."

Lightning nodded his head as Nurse Redheart then gave him a small blue pill and small cup of water. Lightning swallowed the pill then drank the water before handing the empty cup back to Nurse Redheart. The nurse gently smiled at Lightning before looking at Fluttershy.

"Okay Fluttershy, while the medicine kicks in, we can wait for your friend to come.”

Just as she said that, one of the doctors came into the room and said,

“Nurse, two guests have arrived to see Lightning.”

Nurse Redheart nodded her head, “Bring them in.”

The Doctor went out of the room and after four seconds, Oliver came into the room with Constantine allowing behind him.

“Is that the guy you told me about, Fluttershy?” Redheart asked curiosity.

Fluttershy nodded her head as a yes before walking over to Oliver and said,

“Thanks for doing this, Oliver. Are you sure this won’t hurt him?”

“Don’t you worry Flutters,” Oliver replied, “John won’t hurt the poor guy. The same thing happened to me once when I was young, and when John used that healing spell on my broken leg, I didn’t feel a thing from it.”

Constantine looked at Lightning as he looked at him back in curious.

“So this is Lightning Twister, eh?” asked Constantine.

“Yep, the son of Fluttershy and the one I talked about back in the school of Friendship,” answered Oliver.

Constantine nodded as he began to walk to the bed Lightning was in. As he got to the bed, he looked at Lightning for a few seconds before saying,

“Hello, Lightning.” John then sat down on a chair that was near the bed, “I’m John. Mind if I take a look at your broken leg?”

Lightning looked at his mother as she nodded her head saying he can trust Constantine. He then looked back at John as he responded with a nod to answer his question.

John then placed his hands near to each other as a dark golden sphere grasp appeared in between them. He whispered a spell in a different language in the first time as the bandage on Lightning’s broken leg began to glow. He then whispered the same spell two more times as he then closed his hands together and pulled them away as the grasp and the glow disappeared.

“There we go,” John said, “That should be all better now.”

Nurse Redheart walked over to the bed as she began to carefully remove the bandages off of Lightning’s hoof.

“There might be a little pain in your leg still kid,” Constantine explained, “But you should be able to walk still.”

Lightning nodded his head in understood as Nurse Redheart gave Fluttershy a bottle of the blue pills that Lightning took. She then let out a sigh before she explained and gave Fluttershy instructions.

"Lightning needs to take these pills for his leg for only three weeks. Give him one when he wakes up in the morning before breakfast and one before he goes to sleep after dinner."

Fluttershy listened to the Nurse's instructions as she held her son in her hoof.

"Okay Nurse Redheart, I promise I will do all of that," Fluttershy said in a promising tone of voice.

Nurse Redheart smiled before saying, "I'll go let the doctors know you’re ready to go.”

When Nurse Redheart left the room, Lightning let out a long and tired yawn, and Fluttershy smiled at him sadly. The poor colt haven’t gotten very much sleep last night. His broken leg was causing him too much pain. Fluttershy decided that it was best to take him home and put him down for a nap now that he has some medicine to help relieve some of the pain in his leg. She had also decided that after Lightning was situated and asleep, she can go talk to Twilight about her idea for Lightning's birthday. However she needed someone to watch Lightning while she was gone, but who?

Fluttershy's thoughts were soon cut short when Nurse Redheart entered a room telling her that she can go now. Without nothing else left to say, they all went to the entrance of the hospital.

Constantine and Oliver were the first ones to leave the hospital, and before Fluttershy and Lightning could leave as well, Fluttershy turned to look at Nurse Redheart with a smile and said, "Thank you so much or taking care of my little boy, Nurse Redheart."

Nurse Redheart returned the smile with one of her own and said, "You’re quite welcome, Fluttershy. I'm always happy to help." Nurse Redheart looked at Lightning and said, "You get well soon, Lightning."

Lightning softly smiled at the nurse and nodded his head.

With nothing left to be said, Fluttershy flew away from the hospital with her son in her forelegs. After a few minutes, Fluttershy arrived at her house. She opened the door and flew inside. Once inside, Lightning let out another long and tired yawn as he held onto his mother’s neck.

Fluttershy nuzzled her son before asking him, "Are you tired, sweetheart?"

Lightning nodded his head as he rubbed one of his eyes with his hoof.

Fluttershy gently held him close to her and said to him, "You didn't get much sleep last night, so how about you take a nap for a while?"

Lightning smiled and nodded his head before resting it on Fluttershy's neck.

Fluttershy took her son to his room and gently placed him in the bed. She gently placed the covers over him and nuzzled his cheek lovingly. Lightning's little eyes began to slowly close as Fluttershy gently stroked his head.

"Sweet dreams sweetheart," Fluttershy said to Lightning gently before he fell asleep.

Suddenly there was a knock on Fluttershy's door. Fluttershy gently kissed her son on the forehead and flew downstairs to see who was at the door. Fluttershy opened the door and saw Rainbow Dash floating in front of her and holding a book.

"Heya Flutters,” Rainbow said cheerfully. "I just wanted to see how Lightning was doing. Twilight and the others are wondering how he's doing too."

Fluttershy smiled at her longtime friend and said, "He's doing just fine, Rainbow. He didn't get much sleep last night so he's sleeping right now in his room. Oh where are my manners, please come in."

Rainbow chuckled at Fluttershy's politeness and flew inside her house. Fluttershy closed the door and looked at the beautiful cyan mare in front of her. Maybe Rainbow could watch Lightning While she went to talk to Twilight.

"Rainbow? Can you do something for me please?" Fluttershy asked.

Rainbow smiled at Fluttershy.

"Of course I can do something for you, Fluttershy. What do you need me to do?"

Fluttershy softly smiled at Rainbow before asking, "Can you watch Lightning for a little while? I need to talk to Twilight about a special surprise I want to do for Lightning's birthday tomorrow."

Rainbow just smiled and said, "Of course I can, Fluttershy. But, if you don't mind me asking, what is this special surprise?"

Fluttershy smiled and whispered into Rainbow's ear. As Rainbow listened, the smile on her face grew wider and wider.

"That's perfect Flutters, since you told the girls, Oliver and me that Lightning never celebrated his birthday, that would be the perfect way to have an awesome birthday. And I can even do my sonic rainboom after he blows out the candles on the cake."

Fluttershy gently smiled at Rainbow and said, "I'm sure he would love that, Rainbow."

Rainbow gave Fluttershy a proud smirk before Fluttershy started to make her way out of the door.

"Thank you for watching Lightning for me, Rainbow,” Fluttershy said kindly, “I'll be back in a little bit." She took to the sky and flew to Twilight’s castle.

Rainbow and Fluttershy waved at each other as Fluttershy disappeared towards Ponyville and Rainbow went into the cottage.

After a few minutes, Fluttershy arrived at Twilight's castle. She descended to the ground and knocked on the doors. One of the doors opened and revealed Twilight who smiled at Fluttershy.

"Hi Fluttershy, please come in," Twilight said politely before allowing her friend inside.

Fluttershy trotted inside the throne room with Twilight and saw the rest of her friends sitting on their thrones, while Sunset, Starlight and Oliver stood up since they don’t have thrones, and socializing with one another. When they saw Fluttershy, they immediately went up to her and smiled at her.

"Hi girls, hi Oliver," Fluttershy said kindly.

"Howdy Fluttershy," Applejack said while smiling.

“Hi Flutters,” said Sunset.

"Fluttershy, how's my darling little nephew?" Rarity asked worryingly.

"He's fine Rarity," Fluttershy said gently. "He's at home taking a nap right now. I asked Rainbow to watch him while I came over here." Fluttershy then looked at Twilight and said, "Twilight, I was wondering if you could do something for me."

Twilight smiled at Fluttershy and said, "Of course I can, what is it?"

Fluttershy let out a sigh before telling Twilight her idea.

"Well, Lightning's birthday is tomorrow, and I know he's never had a real birthday with friends and family that actually care about him. So I wanted to throw him a surprise birthday party, but I don't want to do it here. I was wondering, Twilight, if you could ask Princess Celestia if we can come to Canterlot and use the castle ballroom for Lightning's birthday, just like we did for yours."

Twilight nodded her head while smiling, "That sounds like a great idea, Fluttershy. Of course I'll ask Princess Celestia."

Twilight wrote Fluttershy's request on a scroll. She then called for Spike. After ten seconds, the baby dragon came into the throne room. Twilight smiled at him and asked him to send the letter. Spike smiled and nodded his head before taking the letter and using his magic fire to send the the letter to the princess. After a minute, Spike belched out a letter from the Princess. He showed the letter to Twilight and she then began to read the letter. When she finished reading it, she turned to Fluttershy and smiled at her.

"Good news, Fluttershy,” Twilight said happily, “The Princess said she’s going to let us use the ballroom tomorrow. She also wanted to ask you if Lightning could meet Princess Luna while he's at the castle."

Fluttershy smiled and said, "Of course she can. I'm sure Lightning would love to meet her."

Pinkie Pie was loving the idea as she bounced while giggling with glee before shouting, "I can bake Lightning a super duper delicious birthday cake!"

Fluttershy was smiling as her friends wanting to do something, but she had a very special gift in mind for Lightning and she needed Rarity's help to make it.

"Rarity?" Fluttershy asked softly.

"Yes darling?" Rarity responded.

Fluttershy whispered her idea of Lightning's gift and Rarity smiled.

"Of course I can do that, my dear,” Rarity said, “I'm sure my darling little nephew will love it.” Rarity putted her hoof to her chin. "Now I must think of something that I should give to him."

The rest of Fluttershy's friends brainstormed ideas for Lightning's birthday and gifts as well before Fluttershy looked out the window and gasped. The sun was already setting and she need to go home to take care of her son.

"Girls, Oliver, I need to go home," Fluttershy said gently, "Thank you so much for doing all these things for Lightning."

Fluttershy went towards her friends and hugged them. After she had hugged Twilight, she went to the throne room door and opened it.

"I'll see you all tomorrow," Fluttershy said happily before walking off while waving goodbye to them.

Fluttershy made her way home safely and entered the cottage. She saw Rainbow sitting on the couch with her legs crossed and was reading her book. Rainbow looked up from the book and smiled at her friend.

"Hey Flutters, how did everything go?" Rainbow asked curiously.

Fluttershy smiled at her friend and said, "Everything went great. How did things go over here?"

"Great," Rainbow said happily, "Lightning's still asleep. I've checked on him several times while you were gone, just to make sure he’s sleeping okay."

Fluttershy flew up to Rainbow and hugged her.

"Thank you for watching Lightning for me, Rainbow,” Fluttershy said happily, “You’re the best friend a mare could ask for." Rainbow returned the hug.

"No problem Fluttershy," Rainbow said gently, "But I better get home now, it's getting late."

Rainbow and Fluttershy said their goodbyes as Rainbow then left the cottage. Fluttershy closed the door and went upstairs to wake her son up. Fluttershy entered the room and smiled softly at the sleeping colt. She gently kissed his cheek making Lightning open his eyes.

"Hi Momma," He said as Fluttershy nuzzled him.

"Hi sweetheart, would you like some dinner?" Fluttershy asked sweetly.

Lightning felt his stomach grumble and nodded his head.

"Okay Sweetie, I'll be right back with some soup," Fluttershy said before going downstairs.

After a few minutes, Fluttershy returned to Lightning's room with a bowl of soup. She sat on the edge of the bed and scooped up a spoonful of soup and blew on it. When it was cool, Fluttershy brought the spoon to Lightning's mouth. Lightning ate the spoonful of soup while smiling at his mother. Once all the soup was gone, Fluttershy went downstairs and put the bowl in the sink before returning upstairs with a cup of water. Fluttershy opened the bottle of pills, that Nurse Redheart gave to her, and put one in Lightning's hoof. Lightning swallowed the pill and drank the water Fluttershy gave him.

After a few seconds, a flash of lightning and a loud boom of thunder sounded making Lightning yelp in terror. Fluttershy quickly hugged her son. Tears flowed down Lightning's face as Fluttershy softly hushed him and stroked his back with her hoof.

"Shhh...It's okay sweetheart, I'm here," Fluttershy said softly into Lightning's ear. "Would you like to sleep with me tonight?" Fluttershy asked sweetly.

Lightning sniffled and nodded his head.

"Okay sweetheart, let's go to my room," Fluttershy said gently.

Fluttershy very carefully cradled Lightning in her forelegs. She then flew to her room as another rumble of thunder sounded and a flash of lightning lit the night sky. Lightning whimpered and trembled in fear, but Fluttershy softly hushed to calm him down. Fluttershy then tucked Lightning into her bed and she laid down beside him. She placed a gentle wing over him as Lightning let out a small yawn and laid his head on the pillow. Fluttershy then softly sang Lightning to sleep.

After a few minutes, Lightning fell asleep and Fluttershy kissed him on the forehead.

"Goodnight my little one," Fluttershy whispered sweetly into Lightning's ear.

Fluttershy then fell asleep with her wing over Lightning. Lightning snuggled up against her chest and smiled in his sleep. The two then slept peacefully through the stormy night until the storm ended, and Princess Luna's beautiful moon blanketed them in a warm comforting glow.